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Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

Can we stop with the penis-shaming? I'm serious. I'm a feminist who believes we spend way too much time thinking about big dicks. Dicks are beautiful and perfect no matter what shape or size. All genitalia are beautiful. All people are beautiful. If a guy wants to think his best friend is a million miles long, let him! There's nothing wrong with that.

Also, big eggrolls do NOT make sex better. I'm not saying "size doesn't matter, wink wink" because I'm damn tired of hearing that phrase and it's clearly not working. So I'll put it in other ways. Big microphones don't make more noise. Large sausages don't taste any better. Hefty wing dang doodles don't fiddle my coochie any prettier.

If you've got a small dick, you better be fucking proud of it and stop complaining to your partners when they probably really don't care and still love you more than a million bucks. :)

SuperWonderBat • 9 years ago

Another feminist here. THIS. So much this.

slothnostache • 9 years ago

"So I'll put it in other ways."
That's what I said.

Seriously, though, great comments in this post from you.

DiscoPirate • 9 years ago

Amen. And with that, I'd like to add a message from xkcd:


Guest • 9 years ago

I don't need my penis to make a lady moan, if ya know what I mean... :P

Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

Absolutely! There's also way more to sex than the whole penis-to-vagina dance.

Stu_Por • 9 years ago

Penis-to-armpit polka.

Guest • 9 years ago

Foreplay is the best part!

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

I'll wait for the feminists to decry this post as sexist... Oh wait, it's about men. Fair game!

DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

Pssssst. If someone is sexist, they're automatically not a feminist. Feminism is equal rights and expectations for both men and women. Sexism against men is misandry.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

Pssssst... The very term feminist is sexist, especially when coupled with one of the current popular and vocal forms of feminism which actively appeals for a misandric society.

If they are truly for equal rights, it means fighting against sexism that goes against women AND men. Why not use a term better suited to that quest... like "gender egalitarian" or something similar.

Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

Well, there's a few things here. First, sexism against men isn't always misandry, just as sexism against women isn't always misogyny. Sexism can be accidental or trivial or silly. Misogyny and misandry are often rooted in a deeper contempt for one or the other binary gender identities. (This is also a response to "DAT... errrr...")

The term "feminist" may be sexist, and I agree that we should start moving towards a more gender inclusive term (not just women, not just men and women, but all people including non-binary gendered folk), but for now we are stuck with "feminist" for one big reason, and that is this: a lot of the sexism that men and women face today comes from the general contempt our society has for things that are "feminine." For example, small penises. "Masculinity" is associated with largeness, presence, muscle, power. Small dicks don't really evoke that, kind of like vaginas. So while it is sexist against men to say that having a small penis is bad, that sexism is rooted ultimately in a hatred of the smaller, weaker things.

Take another example. It is sexist against men to say that they shouldn't dress in jewelry and dresses and dance around provacatively. Just look at the comments on the pop singer Azis's videos - they are almost all putting him down for being "too girly," or "too gay." This is sexist against Azis, a male-identified person, but that sexism is, again, rooted in a fear of men being too womanly. In Azis's case, it is his femininity that is being put down, not his masculinity.

You'll probably point out that people are sexist against men for non-feminine-rooted reasons, such as saying that "men are too violent" or "sex-obsessed." These microaggressions do hurt, and they should stop. They are harmful generalizations about men. BUT the reason they do not have the same impact as sexist attitudes against women is that men still hold the most power in the world, and it is often regardless (or because) of their violent or sexual natures. Power is everything, and women have very little on a global scale.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

That was another well thought out post... thank you! I may not agree in whole with everything you said, but I can certainly see the validity of your points. :)

Guest • 9 years ago
slothnostache • 9 years ago

I've been guilty of those thoughts. I don't know how to get to the point where that doesn't come to mind at all, but at least for now I can avoid sharing those thoughts with others.

Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

You know, that's another really insidious side of society that comes out in bad places like youtube comments. Frankly, I'm tired of it all. I think we should all start moving towards a society that accepts you for whoever the fuck you are and however you want to look, and doesn't make assumptions or "reads" of your appearance. It's damn tiring.

In other news, I highly recommend no-shave November. Give it a try this year and see what you think. :)

Guest • 9 years ago
Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

I gathered you were at least female-bodied from your comments, like myself! You are in some ways lucky, then. I'm brown, so I have a lot to shave. No-shave November was life-changing for me. :P

DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

I agree that it should be renamed, but the movement itself is anti-sexism on both fronts. Ultimately what it is named is irrelevant; their intentions and methods are enough to convince me.

ProbablyToast • 9 years ago

I mean, they're called gloveboxes but I've never seen anyone put specifically gloves in them. I think people should be able to get over an inaccurate name.

Fountain of Youth • 9 years ago

Okay here's an analogy:

There are two children playing, a boy and a girl. The boy has 3 toys and the girl has 1. You give the girl 2 more toys to make it equal, but the boy cries and complains saying that if you give her 2 more toys, he should get 2 more toys.

Feminism is about believing that women are people too and should be considered equal. Sure people can be sexist towards men, but at least they have rights that aren't being taken away from then by old republican conservatives. It's called feminism because it majorly supports women, not men because men don't really need that much supporting.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

I understand your analogy, but I believe it is a poor one (though the message does come through)... First, it is using children as its basis, when children are not generally rational to begin with. I know the point can be expanded upon and presented with adults, but then I still don't see it. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, because it probably most certainly does... It's just difficult to see it that way because I don't think like that.

Your second paragraph smacks of smugness and sexism, but again, maybe it's just because I don't think that way... To quote:

"Sure people can be sexist towards men, but at least they have rights
that aren't being taken away from them by old republican conservatives."

See? You are basically saying that sexism against men is less of an issue, less important. You are saying that because males have something good, that their other experiences can't be bad. Besides, while you can make a compelling argument that male privilege does it exist, I think that throughout the course of history that while men have had more "power", you'd find that division of real power is along the lines of the wealthy and the poor.

"It's called feminism because it majorly supports women, not men because men don't really need that much supporting."

Feminism is about all about equality, but majorly supports women... I just don't see how a movement with a goal of gender equality can achieve that goal while "majorly supporting" one side of the problem, or almost singularly addressing the concerns of one group of people.

EDIT: When I say "I don't think that way / like that", I mean that I don't view women as inherently inferior (sexually dimorphic differences aside obviously)

Fountain of Youth • 9 years ago

I'm sorry if I came of as smug and sexist. It's just that as a pro-choice person, I feel that if you don't want an abortion, don't get one, and it's immoral to force someone to carry a baby that they don't want. (Which is being decided by republican conservatives)

Some people don't think of women as people. Why is it that the worst thing you can call a man is a girl?

I agree that everyone should be equal, but as of now, women need supporting more than men. That doesn't mean that men's problems are not important, it just means that they have less problems.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

No worries, I don't think you were doing it intentionally, it just came across that way.

I am pro choice as well, and also feel that abortion should be legal. I would say that blaming current proposed abortion legislation solely on Republican men is a bad idea, because there are female Republicans (and Democrats for that matter) that support the legislation as well. My only concern with abortion is parental rights, for both sexes. If a man (or woman) doesn't want a child (after conception), things like child support and parental rights get fishy. In the end, I don't think a woman should ever be forced to carry a pregnancy to term... I just can't think of an option that satisfies all parties.

I know that some people don't think of women as people, and it is disgusting. As for calling a man a girl being the worst insult... It depends on context I suppose. If we are playing sports, and someone says I run like a girl, or hit like a girl, it is insulting because women are generally the weaker sex when it comes to strength and things like that (and that insult would be calling me weak). That is part of the sexual dimorphism of our species, the average man will be stronger than the average woman. If I am expressing my emotions and someone tries to insult me by calling me a girl, fuck them. I don't see that as an insult, everyone should be able to express emotions in my opinion.

As an aside, you mention that being called a girl is considered the worst insult for a man. Doesn't this also mean that women should stop telling men to "man up" or "be a real man", or other similar things?

Guest • 9 years ago
Fountain of Youth • 9 years ago

Men's problems are not of less concern, they just have less problems.

Guest • 9 years ago
Fountain of Youth • 9 years ago

See the thing is that I'm trying to say something and it comes out wrong and then people get mad at me and I feel bad but I don't know how to put everything in the right way and yeah and stuff... We all have problems and we all get laughed at and some people are sexist and racist, but we should all just be nice and understanding and be friends.

Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

Amen to that! Ultimately what this all seems to come down to is a contest over who has it worse. I think we should all just agree that we have it pretty bad in some ways and pretty great in other ways and move on. :)

SuperWonderBat • 9 years ago

Because believing that women are equal to men requires us to work towards raising women to men's level. You don't balance the scales by adding the same weight to both sides. Women are oppressed, not men, thus feminism. Also feminism and egalitarianism are the same thing; feminism is just specifically regarding the sex portion of believing all people are equal.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

I'm not even going to explain how this entire post is fucking retarded.

Go be misandric somewhere else.

SuperWonderBat • 9 years ago

exactly right! Nicely said!

Guest • 9 years ago
DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

Just call them Misandrists. Boom. Done

Guest • 9 years ago
DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

Well then correct them and point out to everyone else the error of their ways.

Guest • 9 years ago
DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

THEN POINT THAT OUT. Hey look guys, this person is showing their misandry. Look it up if you don't believe me. Feminism doesn't support this douchebag. Let them feed you ammunition to use against them and their claims of feminism.

Also, my sympathies. I hope you don't have a phobia of insects.

Guest • 9 years ago
DAT... errrr... • 9 years ago

Dude (dudette?) I know, I have a phobia of insects and arachnids :/ I lived in Georgia for two years, which is festering with wasps and spiders. I hope you have a less... infested location

Molly Zhen • 9 years ago

See my post below. This is sexist. Against men. Dammit.

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

That was well thought out and presented. Kudos!

SuperWonderBat • 9 years ago

Men are oppressed now? Shit. I missed that. I am liberated! Dobbetter is a free woman!

drubacca117 • 9 years ago

Yeah... I never said that... Go troll somewhere else, and take your misandric bullshit with you.

Guest • 9 years ago
Fountain of Youth • 9 years ago

But the thing is that everyone opresses everyone in a different way. I support people and stuff... I think that no one wants to be the hated minority, and that's why "feminists" try to bring themselves on top. Sorry if I seemed bad and stuff before

Just Me • 9 years ago

I miss the days when phones weren't tablets.
I want my phone to fit in my pocket. Which is apparently half the size of men's pockets. So there's a reason Apple is run by men.

...Also, reason number 10000001 Kim Possible is awesome: Cargo pants.

Guest • 9 years ago
Just Me • 9 years ago

Chill out a bit.

I work in tech. I get how it works. I'm not accusing anyone of sexism, but there are things that men overlook when it comes to products for women. Like the badge at my workplace. Fine if I'm wearing a skirt or pants, but it I ever want to wear a dress there is not a single natural way to clip this badge on. Again, not a result of sexism so much as a result of my workplace being mostly male. It's just not something that ever even occurred to them.
In this case, guys generally have larger hands and pockets (stupid market) then women, so it's going to take a larger phone for the guys to become inconvenienced by the size. Not sexism, just the result of a mainly male production team. And they are mainly male. The entire workforce has a 80/20 percent gender makeup.

And even though there are choices in the market, I am allowed to bemoan a trend. It's true that there are a few phones with smaller sizes, but there is a smaller selection and since they are produced less often, they more often have outdated specs.
I'm not the only one concerned about this:


Franky • 9 years ago

"FaceTime is even better now with my 5.5 inches"