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Demosthenes • 5 years ago

The article misses a major reason retail shops won’t lease at Trump Tower. It’s Trump. Everyone knows he’s a cheat and a liar. He stiffs contractors and vendors. He’s as popular in Chicago as the Ebola virus. Most Chicagoans won’t step foot into any property owned by Don the Con and his family of grifters. I know this well. I live in Streeterville. I walk by his sad property a lot. It’s empty. Who wants to be seen there?

katzi44 • 5 years ago

Funny that it's only in Chicago that Trump can't rent the space. No problem in New York and his buildings command huge rents. Your personal hatred for the man is very unbecoming.

Demosthenes • 5 years ago

Funny how 8 buildings in NY took off his toxic name because he was hurting business. Funny how occupancy is down at all Trump hotels (other than the emolument properties people stay at to bribe him). Funny how the condominium real estate values at his Chicago property have plummeted.

Unless he’s being bribed, Trump is toxic.

Finance Guy For Money • 5 years ago

Trump is trying to have his cake and eat it too by claiming that the retail isn't worth anything for taxes while claiming that it's still worth a lot of money for collateral.

IluvsTrumpf • 5 years ago

not true - the high end retailers near Trump Tower on 5th Ave are livid over the lost revenue due to barricades and other security measures. The Tower was modern in the 1980s, it's badly dated now. Business at the Trump Soho took such a nosedive, his name is off the building. Aside from all this, he's a total fraud and an awful person. Thanks for handing him our nuclear codes.

hdtex • 5 years ago

EIGHT Trump developments in New York City have REMOVED the Trump name from the building out of shame, disgust, and property values.

abb3w • 5 years ago

In the New York area, space is at such a premium (and locals are so jaded) that people are willing to rent space in a radioactive superfund site.

hdtex • 5 years ago
Reed Monte • 5 years ago

Everything this leach and his family touches dies.

theresa perry • 5 years ago

Reed!!: You must have read Rick Wilson's book, "Everything Trump Touches Dies"!

Reed Monte • 5 years ago

Nope, just a universal truth but I’ll definitely check it out.

Sman88 • 5 years ago

Why am I not crying for this asshole and his family? Guess I'll never know

theresa perry • 5 years ago

And you are NOT alone!

Hammering Hank • 5 years ago

The Conman Traitor Trump never ceases to amaze me with his lies, half truths; and false disclosures.

Hopefully this POS will be 6 feet under soon.

Guest • 5 years ago
IluvsTrumpf • 5 years ago

all this was on display during the campaign. his speeches were all platitudes and generalities - everything would be "the best", but NO words on HOW. Yet he "won" anyway.

theresa perry • 5 years ago

That is because his sheepel want to believe his hype. They even admit that some of the stuff he says is bull crap, but they don't care. sad.

Blysse • 5 years ago

I think we should propose a law that any real estate that remains unleased for 10+ yrs automatically defaults to the city's/country's stock of housing for homeless people, especially for new construction. In situations like this, it's clear that the developers were not listening to the customer base and they shouldn't have the right to hold property on the back shelf in perpetuity when there's such a terrible homeless problem.

Jerome Morley Larson Sr. • 5 years ago

Bad design, bad design, bad design — classic case of ignore the site inside and out — when you are up at street level, you cant even see the water is there, you have to go up to go dowh with the entrances designed to say “keep out” — what a difference if there was central atrium tumnbling down to the water and riising up to the sky so that the false perspectivee sucks you into the water — and maybe the way down is a huge staircase like the Spanish Steps in Rome, with escalators like Trump Tower in NYC and trees and flowers and offshoots that form balconies with cafes and restaurants and bars all tumbling down like an ever-widening waterfall to finally end at the riverwalk — oh yeah, hotel and office lobbies open off this cour d’honeur — the actual sq ft is cut in half but the rent is doubled because of the huge foot traffic as a must see tourist attraction — DUH!

DR.FUNK • 5 years ago

Too bad about the weather.Because just looking at it... I'd say your only hope for any real foot traffic might come from water taxi customers. Maybe a big Equinox and a bunch of nutrition / medspa joints? Probably already being done elsewhere to better foot traffic. Punt.

JameKT • 5 years ago

If you need a storefront Chicago is not the place. Chicago weather kills your walking traffic 4-6 months of the year, if this was LA it might have a shot.

Bob Donaldson • 5 years ago

But its not. Trump shoud have figured that out before he bought it.

theresa perry • 5 years ago

But remember. "I'm a stable genius." "I'm the best businessman". "I went to the best schools."

DavidBehar • 5 years ago

Democratic constituents have flourished under Trump. His re-election in 2020 will be a blowout.

I encourage Democrats to keep up their hate speech. Please, keep up their nitpicking hate speech. Real Americans hate them.

End of Life Ritual • 5 years ago

I was just there and followed the signs down the stairs to see these shops. I assumed they were empty because all the vendors fled after Trump's candidacy. Looks like I was wrong - they were never there to begin with.

It's just as the author says: kind of uncomfortable getting down there, isolated. My thought is that offices would be the best bet. But it's not really near Michigan Avenue at all. Charging Michigan Avenue rents is ridiculous.

Arthur Conrad • 5 years ago

But they added that brokers are now in “advanced negotiations” with a tenant that could take 67,700 square feet, or about 96 percent of the deck space.

With a newly created LLC, no doubt.

Tj Bridges • 5 years ago

So you've got one floor of retail that isn't doing anything, but he's writing off all that "loss" when they sit empty? (With 99 stories of condo/hotel space?)
All the time Chicago is going into the toilet from the Lefty politico's?
I think he's got this pretty well figured out... And most of you don't get the game~

hdtex • 5 years ago
theresa perry • 5 years ago

BS! Downtown Chicago is going like gangbusters. Tourism Rocks, and building is continuous! You must be like Trump, and never come to Chicago. Too bad.

Smoking is cool! • 5 years ago

Trump does certain things well but has never understood retail. In some buildings he has put his name where merchant signage belongs, for instance. And Trump Tower retail is really really crappy for such a good location.

Stanley Lord • 5 years ago

HA, were the Russians involved?
Media's reputation is not so hot right now.

asqusmod • 5 years ago

Yeah, jackass, in a way they were. It was funded by Deutsche Bank, which recently was fined $630 million for involvement in a Russian money-laundering scheme.

Guest • 5 years ago
Darren Davis • 5 years ago

Who are these “howling mobs”? They must be the millions of worthless Obamamanian government supported non-working individuals ( possessing a lot of free time for ransacking) who see their economic free ride possibly fading away. The traitors are actually the embedded and entitled Democratic Socialists in Washington. Why work when Democrats will take tax $ from working people and financially support your lazy ass? Damn right .... Trump is gonna drain that swamp!

Demosthenes • 5 years ago

Your comment is exhibit number one why Trump cultists are dumb.

Hammering Hank • 5 years ago

Hey Double D for dumb.

Socialists like Traitor Trump giving US farmers $12 billion of taxpayer $ for his fucked up trade war?


Or how about the FACT that MAJORITY of US tax revenue for entitlements goes to RED states? Are you a dumb ass redneck hillbilly? Sounds like it.

Being ignorant & uneducated is no way to go through life.

hdtex • 5 years ago