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Marcus • 5 years ago

As an American, I have to say our foreign policy is horrible. Any and all friendships between Russia, China, Europe and anyo9ne else to oppose American bullying and constant warmaking should be supported.

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Not all Americans are Bad...but your Government sucks...mine too...

ROME2,0 • 5 years ago

If you look - you will see the Governments are now International bankers, Loan sharks, Mafia- That is EU and Most the West: The System of Corporate/banker rule

The only hope is we go regionalism, for humanity a full stop to being consumers, and death dealers to the next generation

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Exactly...I spoke with a Jewish Man today....He told me an interesting story about the Whore of Babylon...Nebuchadnezzar and a lot more...He knew exactly how things are these days... Awareness is the Elites Biggest Threat...In the End we are all Human Beings Good, Bad & Evil...It is the Head of the Snake...the Ruling Elite Who have sold their Souls to the Devil for More Profit...Once they are gone perhaps Humanity can make a Leap forward...We’ll have to, if we want to give the kids of today a chance to grow up and have kids themselves....

First take away their Financial Means...turn the Banksters into Beggars....

commonsenseadvocate • 5 years ago

Kind of like in the movie Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

The Governments are now "Anti-Fascist" ??
Fascist = The government is a Corporation..
Anti-Fascist = The Corporations are the government ..

7fpscott7 • 5 years ago

please do not include the mafia in your list of mass murdering international imperialists...the mafia would never dream of blowing up a building, let alone a city or nation, in order to murder someone it wanted to get rid of..compared to national and international moral scum, the mafia is a humanitarian NGO.

Haut • 5 years ago
Nod • 5 years ago

A globalist entity in its entirety.

Sound of Silence 🗿🗿 • 5 years ago

Absolute truth! Most of this species will never realize this fact and gonna pay heavily for it

ROME2,0 • 5 years ago

Pay, will they already dead, they just do not know it

Sound of Silence 🗿🗿 • 5 years ago

That's what I meant! There's no bigger price than death itself.

Nod • 5 years ago

Our only hope is to end inequality with technology. There is no point to money when goods and services are created by technology at the cost of free energy.

Once inequality is controlled, so will the planetary damage be controlled.

therevolutionwas • 5 years ago

"The only hope" in my opinion is sound money that is out of the hands of any government. Gold, silver. If we do not use their fiat money we will be fine.

Nod • 5 years ago

So why would you want to be a slave to money and its resultant inequality, when it is unnecessary?

Because you are simple ? Or greedy ? Or what ?

What "you hope" isn't good enough, provide some logic and reason if you want to be taken seriously.

Once again, what is the point to money when goods and services are done by technology at the cost of energy. This is our immediate and near and far future. Soon there will be unemployment greater than the great depression, due to technological improvements. How does a system of inequality work, when people no longer have the work in order to survive ?

Do we give them welfare, like the globalist rich want to do to all of us under agenda 21?

Just so a few of us can pretend that hoarding resources is "normal" and sane ? As the greed and envy for more destroy this rock we live on.

therevolutionwas • 5 years ago

When you boil it down to its essence, money is my labor. I labor to exchange for things I need. If my labor makes for inequality, tough sh!t. It's necessary that I labor to make money....what part is "unnecessary"?

Nod • 5 years ago

We dont wont need your labor . That is the point.

We have two choices, use technology to free us, or allow the rich to use inequality to enslave us totally with technology, like is happening now.


"For example, a Bruegel analysis found that “54% of EU jobs [are] at risk of computerization.”[4] Using European data, they argue that job losses are likely to be significant and people should prepare for large-scale disruption.

Meanwhile, Oxford University researchers Carl Frey and Michael Osborne claim that technology will transform many sectors of life. They studied 702 occupational groupings and found that “47 percent of U.S. workers have a high probability of seeing their jobs automated over the next 20 years.”[5]

A McKinsey Global Institute analysis of 750 jobs concluded that “45% of paid activities could be automated using ‘currently demonstrated technologies’ and . . . 60% of occupations could have 30% or more of their processes automated.”[6] A more recent McKinsey report, “Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained,” found that 30 percent of “work activities” could be automated by 2030 and up to 375 million workers worldwide could be affected by emerging technologies.[7]

Researchers at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) focused on “tasks” as opposed to “jobs” and found fewer job losses. Using task-related data from 32 OECD countries, they estimated that 14 percent of jobs are highly automatable and another 32 have a significant risk of automation. Although their job loss estimates are below those of other experts, they concluded that “low qualified workers are likely to bear the brunt of the adjustment costs as the automatibility of their jobs is higher compared to highly qualified workers.”[8] "


And then come the replicators... IT is happening. We dont need inequality or money in order to exist socio-economically. In fact, we will do better without.

" people should prepare for large-scale disruption "

This made me LOL. How does one prepare for a demotion from the lower economic class or middle class, into the poverty stricken class. :P

Globalists are intent on imposing a top down controlled fascist state, and calling it as socialism. Technology is gonna be very helpful to them.

Nod • 5 years ago

" To be sure, technological progress has always displaced workers. But it also has created new opportunities for human employment, at an even a faster rate. This time, things may be very different – especially as the Internet of Things takes the human factor out of so many transactions and decisions. The “Second Economy” (the term used by economist Brian Arthur to describe the portion of the economy where computers transact business only with other computers) is upon us. It is, quite simply, the virtual economy, and one of its main byproducts is the replacement of workers with intelligent machines powered by sophisticated code. This booming Second Economy is brimming with optimistic entrepreneurs, and already spawning a new generation of billionaires. In fact, the booming Second Economy will probably drive much of the economic growth in the coming decades.

And here is the even more sobering news: Arthur speculates that in a little more than ten years, 2025, this Second Economy may be as large as the original “first” economy was in 1995 – about $7.6 trillion. If the Second Economy does achieve that rate of growth, it will be replacing the work of approximately 100 million workers. To put that number in perspective, the current total employed civilian labor force today is 146 million. A sizeable fraction of those replaced jobs will be made up by new ones in the Second Economy. But not all of them. Left behind may be as many as 40 million citizens of no economic value in the U.S alone. The dislocations will be profound.

Suppose, today, that the robots and smart machines of the Second Economy are only capable of doing the work of a person of average intelligence – that is, an IQ of 100. Imagine that the technology in those machines continues to improve at the current rate. Suppose further that this rate of technological progress raises the IQ of these machines by 1.5 points per year. By 2025 these machines will have an IQ greater than 90% of the U.S. population. That 15 point increase in IQ over ten years would put another 50 million jobs within reach of smart machines.

Impossible? In fact, the vanguard of those 115-point IQ machines is already here. In certain applications, the minds of highly educated MD’s are no longer needed. In 2013, the FDA approved Johnson & Johnson’s Sedasys machine, which delivers propofol to sedate patients without the need for an anesthesiologist. An emerging field in radiology is computer-aided diagnosis (CADx). And a recent study published by the Royal Society showed that computers performed more consistently in identifying radiolucency (the appearance of dark images) than radiologists almost by a factor of ten.

Politicians, economists, and scientists might debate these particular estimates, but to do so is to miss the larger point. Machine intelligence is already having a major effect on the value of work – and for major segments of the population, human value is now being set by the cost of equivalent machine intelligence. "


Alexander Seredin • 5 years ago

Mostly theyy love to hateanyone whho is not a Yank

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

Hate is part of the Divide & Conquer-Strategy... Hate is always used by the Elites to set us up against eachother...to Create Wars....Hate eats the Heart & the Soul...It Destroys Nations...Hatred towards one another made us blind for the True Enemy for many Centuries ..

Pantpurlais • 5 years ago

To hate means to dislike intensely. I think it is okay to intensely dislike the hatred-mongers, those who manufacture hate (and fear) between people for their own nefarious ends.

Hasbara Hunter • 5 years ago

I’d like to describe my feelings towards the Ruling Elite more like a Calm Primal Anger deep down inside...

Pantpurlais • 5 years ago

My intense dislike can be described as such. :)

Guest • 5 years ago
christianblood • 5 years ago

Then they should wake up and take their country back from the satanic military industrial complex mafia that is running it!

Zampan0 • 5 years ago

How should we go about taking our goverment back? It seems that it would be hard to do.

skinner15 • 5 years ago

Stop voting for Israeli citizens standing for office in the US would be a start.

Zampan0 • 5 years ago

All of the people in, or running for Congress have sworn an oath to Israel. Have any other ideas?

skinner15 • 5 years ago

Stop voting for them.

Vote for people who are not dual citizens, and who do not swear oaths to foreign nations.

Nod • 5 years ago

stop voting dimwits. period. You only affirm your status as mindless slave when you do so.

“Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.”

Gilens, M., & Page, B. I. (2014). Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens. Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592714001595


And here is why

"Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile... Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws....Usury once in control will wreck the nation."
William Lyon MacKenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada

Ulricht • 5 years ago

Kill them.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver • 5 years ago

Not a good idea buddy but not too far off.

Zampan0 • 5 years ago

They have serious protection. How would one go about killing them? It would seem to be a suicide mission.

Ulricht • 5 years ago

Jet powered drone swarm. Easy tech freely available.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver • 5 years ago

No, stop voting altogether, the system will collapse; turn your back to the Beast and it dies.

skinner15 • 5 years ago

They would just tell you the elections were a great success anyway.

The MSM have been doing that for years.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver • 5 years ago

True but most people will know then and maybe take matters out of their hands.

christianblood • 5 years ago

Fight for it!

Ulricht • 5 years ago

Name one?

Dan Kuhn • 5 years ago


89 members of the Congress and Senate in the USA are duel citizens of the USA ansd Israel. Enough for you_ They are all named in this article.

skinner15 • 5 years ago

Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Popeye, Olive, and the cast of Cheers!

Hostage (Raptar) Driver • 5 years ago

I'm not stupid and somewhat decent.

Le Rusé • 5 years ago

Quote:As an American, I have to say our foreign policy is horrible..
Are you certain, that it is American Policies ??

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

US imperialism has been around a long time. There are brainwashed people who think it’s the Jews fault for inventing American imperialism. That is nonsense.

HerrinSchadenfreude • 5 years ago

No they didn't invent it but since we entered WWI to cover their end of the deal for the Balfour Declaration with Britain they've been a major force behind it. And to be blunt, only the brainwashed would still be denying it.

Nod • 5 years ago

deny what ? Only a fool blames Jews for our socio- economic paradigm. So tired of soft wimpy Americans whining how the Jews did it, while they sit and get a$$ raped by their own rich, and their own corrupted socio economic paradigm..

"but since we entered WWI to cover their end of the deal for the Balfour Declaration with Britain they've been a major force behind it."

This is opinionated and ridiculous bunk. Globalists made that agreement, not Americans. Not the British. Not the puppets.

And that agreement gave the globalist a forward operating base in the biggest remaining oil patch on the planet. And it created the divide and conquer mentality. The brainwashing that has clearly over taken your ability to reason.

It has nothing to do with American imperialism. It has everything to do with the reality that the so called American imperialism is a globalist financier conspiracy, not American. Americans, are the gun toting muscle, that with the infinite money supply gifted to them by the bankers through the petro dollar.

And we see what they do to countries who try to end the petro dollar don't we. They invade, assassinate, and financially terrorize them.

Iran, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Russia and China all see/saw that the petro dollar, is the real source of American power. Not the Jews who are the same kind of mind washed fools that most of the west are. To purpose.

Logic and reason.

Bill Spence • 5 years ago

Well it is obvious that Jewish elites have made a deal with the imperialists—-you support Israel and we will support imperialism. Some of the Jews were in the Soviet union and did not support imperialism. The majority of Jews are not part of the elite, in fact they are exploited by the elite.

Historically Jewish elites have always placed themselves in the service of a powerful ruling sponsor-the Ottoman empire or the Polish monarchy or the Shah of Iran. They always sell their services. That is well known.

Sound of Silence 🗿🗿 • 5 years ago

Yes! It hans't been about the Torah or Judaism at all. Many Jewish organizations have come forward and denounced the zionist occupation of the Palestinian homeland and refuted to be involved with the zionist s**m.

My folks have been with many practicing Jews during the former's strategic trips and they all got along very well and nobody blamed anyone over anything. The deemed Jewish associates told them it's their misfortune to be born in an apartheid zionist occupation over somebody else's ancestral homeland.

AOL • 5 years ago

Religion is so very divisive!

Hyman Griebowitz • 5 years ago

You need to watch knowmorenews on youtube. You wouldn't make childish statements like that.