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taxpayer22 • 5 years ago

Adam Schiff was spending time together in Aspen with Glenn Simpson of GPS Fusion, who wrote the fake and discredited Dossier, even though Simpson was testifying before Schiff. Per John Solomon.

Proves Collusion

Never forget schiffty was George’s son in law

The Left Behind Minds • 5 years ago

I think his sister was married to soreass' son, but family never the less...

NeoKong • 5 years ago

Resigning ain't good enough.
He broke the law.
He deliberately lied to Congress and to the Nation.
He slandered the POTUS.
He tried to intimidate witnesses.

He tried to incite civil unrest.
He tampered with an investigation.
He colluded with witnesses.
He suborned perjury from Michael Cohen.

Guest • 5 years ago
NeoKong • 5 years ago

The only award he deserves is a hemp necktie.

Wasao わさお • 5 years ago

Will Killary call in the Arkancide reaper to do the deed?

jennifer monti • 5 years ago


Patty We❤️Trump • 5 years ago

Jason Chaffetz Says Republicans Should Target Adam Schiff’s Security Clearance.

soldierI • 5 years ago

An that would remove him from holding any INTEL position in congress. The only position left for him wil be Congressional Grill Master Cook.

The Left Behind Minds • 5 years ago

Oooh, yes!

MkKS • 5 years ago

Most Congressmen do not have Top Secret or higher security clearances, do they? Who is responsible for deciding who in Congress is eligible? If the Speaker wants to name a new member to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, does s/he order Congressional staff investigators to perform the necessary background checks, and then s/he or they issue a security clearance, or does an Executive Department like DOS, DOD or FBI have to do this? Would POTUS have the authority to order a revocation, a down-rating, or at least a review for a Congressman who leaks or otherwise mishandles classified info?

icueverywhere • 5 years ago

We need more of this in your face response from the Republican Party..Awesome...!

Whitehorse • 5 years ago

Adam Schiff continues to believe the sun revolves around the earth and the earth is also flat. He also continues to believe he is sane.

planeboy • 5 years ago

Right on the flat earthers page it states they have chapters around the globe!
I kid you not...

Legion • 5 years ago

They are huge on YouTube .. it's so pathetic that in this day an age, in an era dubbed the "information age" we have such people being taken seriously by so many.

Les Deplorables • 5 years ago

Whitehorse - I like to say that “someone who is ______ (insane, dumb, incompetent, . . . fill in the blanks) and knows that he is ______ , is only halfway ______ but someone who is ______ and doesn’t know it, he is completely ______ !"

Pencil-neck is the latter.

cardog777 • 5 years ago

ya ill bet the idiot probably thinks theres 57 states

Wasao わさお • 5 years ago

That person must love Heinz 57 Sauce.

It's a sad state of affairs that half the country still supports Democrats.

1noodle • 5 years ago

I'm not convinced that's true. Almost every "democrat" we know , is planning on voting for Trump in 2020. And these are people who were appalled that we voted for him in 2016.

pb2 • 5 years ago

Many wouldn't vote dim if it wouldn't be for the promise of free stuff.

That's the thing. We are getting more and more people needing assistance to cope with the high cost of living driven up by all the people getting assistance. People will vote for a criminal if they believe they will get help with their bills. Student loans have put most young people in debt up to their eyeballs.

CrossfireHurricane • 5 years ago

Pelosi has to be worried. Her world is crumbling .

Rocky4 • 5 years ago

Comatose Pelosi isn't aware of anything going outside her eyelids.

deskjock • 5 years ago

republican members of the intel committee need to play the tape of lying schiff colluding with what he thought was a ukranian offical giving him info on naked pictures of Trump.

CrossfireHurricane • 5 years ago

Stupid Schiff.

Grady9787 • 5 years ago

The Schiff report has certain similarities to the Empty Suit that used to occupy the WH

Patty We❤️Trump • 5 years ago

Imagine if Republicans had bought and paid for a salacious dossier.

Spied on a Democratic candidate.

Abused the FISA system and wasted over $35Million Plus on a 2 year witch hunt into Hillary Clinton with no evidence.

The media would destroy us,

But if Democrats do it they're seen as patriots.

Just with what is happening at our border proves they are NOT patriots

Bruce • 5 years ago

Really they are paying for the crisis at the border.

The Left Behind Minds • 5 years ago

The sad fact is, Republicans could have done it with 0bama, and it would have been credible...

Sea Bass • 5 years ago

Adam Schatt deserves all the ridicule this fine nation can muster!

USMCDanang1966 • 5 years ago

I love it, Schiff is a caricature of himself!

lfdale • 5 years ago

keep the pressure on ole chicken shiff, everyday - every single day call this guy out for what he is a - LIAR & LEAKER

TradeBait • 5 years ago

Only a Tennessee resident would probably know this - but these two guys are full throttle, take no crap, conservative patriots. They will stir the pot and trash talk the leftists out of existence given the opportunity. Watch for much more from them because they will be re-elected for as long as they want to serve.

Guest • 5 years ago
Devilindetails • 5 years ago

AOC just had stroke.

Attila_the_hun • 5 years ago

They should do the prank phone call Schiff got from Russian pranksters

The Left Behind Minds • 5 years ago

Trump is so awesome he's even teaching the GOP some relentless...

Watching Rush on Hannity


CassandraSmoke • 5 years ago

Score one for the GOP!
Too funny!

James Ryan • 5 years ago

The only morons that push the Russia hoax more than "Pencil Neck" are employed by CNN. Is that a coincidence?

DeportIlhanOmar • 5 years ago

So glad conservatives found their gonads and are fighting back against the corrupt libtards.

juliette • 5 years ago

Our true warrior is POTUS Trump. If not for him, the Rino contingent would be quaking in their shoes. However, grateful forthe Honorable: Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham and others who are finally standing up.

DeportIlhanOmar • 5 years ago

Absolutely, the President gave us our voices back! Love Love Love the way he bites back.

Andrew • 5 years ago

They are using Trumps backbone.

DeportIlhanOmar • 5 years ago

Yes, he has woke the sleeping giant. Thank God for this President.

MkKS • 5 years ago

Great to see the Republicans do a comedy skit! Alinsky's ridicule, with a mirthful touch.

ralphie_the_buffalo • 5 years ago

the sad thing is that the commies have NO sense of humor and are psychologically deranged and therefore extremely dangerous