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patriotpix • 8 years ago

I just heard this poem recited in the movie, In Her Shoes. It was read by a sister ... to her sister the bride ... at the beginning of the wedding ... so lovely and moving.

Shelly Nunes • 8 years ago

While the movie was sweet and the timing of the poem felt a little contrived (just before the vows - um), it too took my breath away, so much so I rewound a couple of times just to listen - again and again - to its beauty. I thought of my Nana, who I had always "carried your heart" - who past, but now that torch passed to my sweet baby girl, "I carry your heart" now and forever

nitrat • 8 years ago

I think this may be the only poem in the world that I like.
I heard it recited in a movie several years ago and I nearly fell out of my chair. It took my breath away.
It will go out of my mind for months and months, then come back in and I will find it a various websites and read it and see the minor variations in how the lines are printed/displayed, trying to find the one true way cummings wanted it printed.
I love this poem.

Anjanette Ryan-Wilkes • 7 years ago

Mickey Donovan told his son this poem on the great series, Ray Donovan. I had to look it up. It is beautiful...

keats27 • 7 years ago

I took one of those facebook tests. I'm a John Keats aficionado, and had not read this poem before so had high hopes.
What I did not hope for was sappy sentiment, paradox and hyperbole's hyperbole. With the exception of some clever
line breaks, this was one massive disappointment. What Coleridge is to Eliot, this poem is to poetry.

PoetryAce.com • 7 years ago

What a wonderful review, Emily. Your passionate response to the poem gives it so much more meaning.

My review isn't nearly as well written as yours! But check out my reading-- and let me know what you think.
