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Pitchguest • 8 years ago

Alternative title: Why walking down a narrow alley with hundred dollar bills glued to your forehead at 2 AM is not asking for it.

Why not locking your car in a neighbourhood with a high crime rate, especially car theft, is not asking for it.

Why leaving your wallet in plain sight in a crowded area, like an airport, is not asking for it.




Vanadise • 8 years ago

I fail to see how engaging in any amount of risky behaviour somehow shifts the blame away from the actual criminals?

Smazeli • 8 years ago

It doesn't.

Ormond Otvos • 8 years ago

It doesn't excuse criminal behavior, but it sure doesn't speak to the Darwin side of dangerous behavior.

Mork • 8 years ago

It doesn't, but walking alone in a bad neighborhood after midnight is sure making things easier for them.

Darth Folwart • 8 years ago

It means you're fucking mentally deficient if you walk into a well known dangerous area and think they shouldn't fuck you up because it is bad. It used to be that women didn't travel alone for this very reason.

The dumb empowered women didn't think about that aspect of equality did they? They can't make evil illegal and expect it to work. So what? They label all men as evil? What? They want all men behind bars because at worst 10% of them might rape them? No. Women, be smart, accept the fact that you are physically weaker than men and mentally fucking deficient in problem solving and critical thinking. Nobody would think less of you for finally accepting reality, quite the opposite.

Fuck man, it's too bad being gay ISN'T a choice. As rough as it has been for some homosexuals, at the end of the day at least you come home to someone that isn't hell bent willfully or not (don't know) on destroying civilization as we know it.

Vanadise • 8 years ago

On one hand, it's staggering that you think women are weak and bad at critical thinking but are hell bent on destroying civilization. At least your sexism is relatively equal-opportunity, since you apparently think as many as 10% of men cannot control themselves and are potential rapists. I hope you let any potential girlfriend read that comment so she knows what she's getting into.

On the other hand, dude, this article is three months old. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.

Darth Folwart • 8 years ago

So 3 months makes an issue no longer relevant? Lay off the Twitter. If it were well over a year you'd have somewhat of point. This is case in point. I didn't say 10% of men, I said at worst. In reality it's much less than that. Either way, labeling all men potential rapists is the same as labeling all women as rationally deficient feral animals. There are a number of women, perhaps 10% (maybe more, maybe a lot less) that can reason, think critically, engage in healthy debate and develop well informed opinions. These are the minority, like rapists.

The real shame in this is that many are willfully ignorant and get by with it. It's as much their own fault as it is societies as a whole after a certain age. Don't get me wrong here. There are plenty of men that are just as bad. Easily half of them. These are the flock. The flock is meant to form their own individual fantasy narrative opinions, they are meant to follow. Simply look around you and see the truth for what it is, equality is a lie. If that doesn't convince you, then your head is buried in the sand.

Rational minded critical thinking people are as far beyond the irrational people as they are beyond apes. They are feral. When they get involved in politics, opinions and debates it becomes a selfish circus of irrational emotional drivel. Emotion plays an important role motivations toward an end, but they rarely if ever should be the reason for doing or the end goal. Irrational people have a purpose too, it's just not at this level. If they want in, then they need to do some internal work first.

Darth Folwart • 8 years ago

Also, I'm not a sexist. I'm a realist.

Albert Cornelius Doyle • 8 years ago

Alternative Title: Why wont you bitches do what I tell you to? Pitchguest doesn't like people who don't like rape. It hurts his rapist feefees. Poor Pitchguest. Let us hope he never has a wife or daughters. Or becomes a Catholic priest. Cuz becoming an altar boy is just like waving a Rolex at a broke junkie, right, Mr. Rapey McRape?

Smazeli • 8 years ago

Why is GamerGate being described as "notoriously violent"? There hasn't been a single case, anywhere, of anyone from GamerGate committing a single act of violence.

No, mean tweets are not acts of violence.

Guest • 8 years ago
Smazeli • 8 years ago

This is an informative, factual post. It would be nice if your other posts here were as good.

Guest • 8 years ago
Smazeli • 8 years ago

Being civil is always an option, especially when it comes to people who's only crime is having a different opinion than you. I assure you, your conduct will matter more in changing minds than any list of facts or citations you can present.

Guest • 8 years ago
Smazeli • 8 years ago

That's a pretty uncompromising stance coming from someone who claims they aren't a SJW. Maybe you shouldn't project beliefs onto people whom you haven't even tried listening to.

Darth Folwart • 8 years ago

That's another problem with people these days. Where did the idea come from that people are entitled to their own opinions? People that are not thoroughly informed on any given issue are in no way entitled to an opinion about it. Not everything under the sun is subjective, yet apparently everyone is entitled to their opinion on anything. To fuck they are, and anybody with an ill informed opinion about anything ought to have their teeth knocked in or be thrown in the stockades until it sinks through their thick god damned skulls. These ill informed people cause real damage and are a real obstruction to the progress and freedom of western society.

emhanf • 8 years ago

The bigger issue I take with the description is they specifically gender GamerGate as "certain men."

The difficulty of describing rape culture coincides with the difficulty of describing GamerGate. In order for Kate Harding and Sady Doyle to patiently attempts to explain the problem, they're also going to have to listen to me patiently attempt to explain why gendering an entire group of people in such a fashion is problematic.

People can certainly disagree with GamerGate, they can call it a "shitty movement" and condemn it for its ideas. What I'm not comfortable with is their erasure of the minority population of the movement and misgendering the transgender population in GamerGate as "certain men."

They shouldn't just change a person's gender identity because they disagree with them about an internet hashtag. People are quite simply people, and deserve respect. They aren't asking to be disrespected because they disagree with you about video games on the internet.

Guest • 8 years ago
Guest • 8 years ago
Smazeli • 8 years ago

Maybe you should stick to criticizing people's ideas and actions, rather than their physical appearance. Maybe??

Smazeli • 8 years ago

That's a pretty gross thing to say. I don't think you'll be welcome here.

AtrusHB • 8 years ago

It's sad that hurin is choosing to act in this manner. I cannot speak for others, but hurin's behavior is not represenative of the majority of Gamergate supporters I have interacted with.

chewinchawingum • 8 years ago

Oddly enough, hurin's behaviour is exactly what I have come to expect from Gaters on twitter and reddit and in comment sections everywhere.

Jimmly Russla • 8 years ago

Likewise, violence, blacklisting, rape apologia and pedophelia is what I have come to expect from anti gamers.

AtrusHB • 8 years ago

Maybe you shouldn't paint a large group of people with the same brush, seeing as how that is what has been done to us. Also, if you're going to troll, pick a name that isn't clearly a variation of "russled jimmies."

AtrusHB • 8 years ago

I hope you accept my apology on their behalf. I've flagged hurin's comments because they are not productive and only serve to stir the pot.

chewinchawingum • 8 years ago

You don't need to apologize for hurin, but thank you.

Smazeli • 8 years ago

Sadly it's a necessary thing, as people will often screencap people like hurin and blame a collective for it, while calling for GamerGate members to be collectively identified, rounded up, and arrested.

But hurin's comments are vitriolic and offensive. They don't belong.

Mork • 8 years ago

Never mind.

FairisFair • 8 years ago

Rape culture? Is it like the same culture that gays have every time they hold hands in public, the same culture blacks have walking through a white neighborhood, or white through a black neighborhood, or a Muslim in any neighborhood. What makes yours any more critical or important then anyone else's ? If anyone is to blame it's your sister who exploit their bodies, to make a gain. Tight pants, low cut tops, pants pulled up into their crotches and their butts hanging out. You want to use it for you advantage and then call foul when men get it in their minds that, that's what you want.

Albert Cornelius Doyle • 8 years ago

So wait -- something bad somewhere means nobody can ever point out something else bad anywhere else. Fine logic there. I guess anti-Semitism means racism is okay then. If anyone is to blame it's braindead misogynist assholes making false equivalencies in order to defend their own insecurities and hatred of women.

FairisFair • 8 years ago

So wait. My point is why is she blaming men for abortions? That was the subject at hand wasn't it? You were doing great until you had to stoop to vulgarities. It show a lack of thought process. Also shows you get flustered very easily. Unable to think of logical argument, you resort third grade name calling. You need some time out. You threw in some very impressive words but not enough to balance out your childish rant. BTW my wife might disagree with the hating women part.

Guncriminal . • 8 years ago

"[some unfunny joke] directly reinforces and continues the violent oppression of half of humanity."

"notoriously violent folks behind GamerGate"
You keep using the word "violent", but I don't think you know what it means.

Carlie Jonases • 8 years ago

I do agree that rape culture within women has got out of hand. But I have a few things to say.
1.) There are many domestic abuse cases within men that go unheard and are sometimes ruled within the community as "silly". This later causing men to deal with severe anxiety, because they feel that they are not "man enough" to deal with a situation. Why should a male rape crime be called silly, where as a female rape crime is something that is completely wrong?
2.) If a women wears something that is completely revealing than she is at more at risk of be sexual abused. Just as if a man was wearing a shirt of a female portraying her self in an unjust matter, than he is more likely to be "spit on". There will always be offensive clothing or ways to wear clothing, but it is that persons choose if he/she wants to wear that clothing. This is similar to morals within our society, although you will not go to jail for not following them, You could be looked down on.

V. M. Varga • 8 years ago

Kate Harding is Andrea Dworkin reincarnated.

BartSkipner • 8 years ago

Going outside to smoke puts you in immediate danger?

Ormond Otvos • 8 years ago

Of lung cancer, yes. Otherwise, very dependent on lighting, neighborhood, vegetation, etc.

susannunes • 8 years ago

Doyle needs to get her facts straight about the Polanski case. He did serve time, you jackass. The judge violated the law by wanting to change the rules AFTER the sentence had been carried out. THAT is why he left the country. If you weren't such a piss-poor excuse for a researcher, you would know that. It is in Samantha Geimer's book, and she ought to know.

The rest of the piece is okay, but I won't stand there and read a bunch of inaccurate bullshit about a long-ago case.

Darth Folwart • 8 years ago

As a man I would not walk down some dark alleys in some cities without the very real possibility of being raoed, robbed and or stabbed, shot or beaten. These naive fear mongering women are more part of rape culture than rapists. Fear is not real. It is insane to fear something that may not ever happen to you. The percieved risk is dark greater than the actual risk, especially if one goes above and beyond to take preventative measures. If one tempts fate and makes a willful choice to do something that greatly increases the chances, that doesn't mean we have a rape culture. It means we have evil corrupt people in the world doing things that should land their heads on an end of a pike.

Hear this well ladies. At this point I am still willing to put a bullet in the back of the head of rapists or snap some necks if I happen along the same alley in time to prevent or stop an assault, but if you continue to vilify and demonize the good men willing to protect you against a common threat and enemy, then you will lose the only allies that keep some semblance of balance.

You want to see rape culture? Keep it up. Wait until good men both civilian and law enforcement stop protecting you because you took all of their hod given, constitution given rights away. Most won't rape you, but nothing will stop tjose that want to. Are you still going to dress like skanks and talk shit then? No. You will be begging and pleading for law and order, but it will fall on deaf ears. In a generation or two when the neutral men die off women will be property. Is that what you want?

You always have to push the boundaries to get more, more and more, don't you? Nothing is ever good enough. One day you'll ask and get the last morsel and that one morsel more will ensure your demise, our demise. Yes, our. When shit goes south it won't just be women suffering. It'll be everyone. Sometimes, you daft cows, less os more. This is why men need to lead and women need to follow. It's biology. This is why men need to be allowed to kill other men in the case that some female pandering, irrational or self serving men get into leadership.

3 square meals a day in prison is starting to sound like a fair trade for making some heads start rolling, fuck knows nobody would get the hint and take the country back as a group from these knobs. All for one and one for me. This society is fucked, and I'll be damned if I go down along side 5he average pathetic freedom entitled moron. You aren't fucking free, western culture is insane, and if you aren't willing to fight for freedom you don't deserve it. (And I don't mean join the military to fight some rich old fucks wars, I mean curb stomp the rich old fucks when they start their greedy more, more, more feminine minded bullspiss)