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JWales • 11 years ago

The US military needs to understand right now that the enemy is the political group and it's voters that are ruining this nation's economy and social fabric...the current administration is the enemy, that's where the US military should be focused.

nomonkeydreams • 11 years ago

Exactly what passed through my mind while reading the article. I would love to see the Army water board O'Bama, Holder and Napolitano and ask them who they are working for!

Questor3000 • 11 years ago

Even that piece of chada OBAMA deserves a fair trial.

nomonkeydreams • 11 years ago

I agree but after they water board him!

Average Joe • 11 years ago

And then A swift hanging in the public squar

DJPEsq • 11 years ago

7 Days in May

rataezo • 11 years ago

This is racial and yes, I am pulling the race card because thats the real problem some people have with the POTUS and you know it. McCain is born in Panama and he gets a free pass. Obama is born in Hawaii and hes questioned?

MeezaThinkin • 11 years ago

Obama's questioned because he is a pathological narcissist liar.

EviLibertarian • 11 years ago

Unarmed leftist fools will draw at straws on this topic. They actually think a spoiled, lazy, worthless, America hating POSOTUS that would just assume spit in their face than look at them, will have our troops take orders from him in a revolution? Obama wouldn't even brandish a fire arm much less lead men into battle.

lopagus1 • 11 years ago

hey, dummy...mccain presented his birth certificate. he was born in the panama canal zone in 1936, then a soverign u.s territory. that makes him a u.s citizen. the whole flap with obama is his immediate relatives claim he was born in kenya, including his grandmoher. in any event, when i was a g.i back in the 80"s we practiced all the timer for a scenario like this, and it was called m.o.u.t (military operations in urban terrain). no g.i would fire upon an american citizen, and commanders are hopefully smart enough no to give this order. if this does happen, then it's all over and america will fall apart...let's hope it dosen't come to that-god bless america.

dennissinclair • 11 years ago

Plus McCain was born of two US citizens. Provable US citizens.

KCallahan • 11 years ago

I seem to recall a little place called Kent State University. Ohio National Guard fired on students who were protesting. That is military firing on Americans on American soil. It happened and Obama would order it in a heartbeat because he hates Americans since he is not really an American at heart no matter where he was or was not born. His formative years were not in the United States, but overseas. His mentors were communists, socialists, atheists and marxists who were all anti-American. Those are the facts like it or not.

PhilJourdan • 11 years ago

National Guard. A bunch of under trained Vietnam Dodging kids. There was no order to fire, it was a sad collision of bad decisions.

I have no doubt that some in the military would follow Obama's orders. But I also have no doubt that many would not. If Obama wants a civil war, all he has to do is marshal the military against civilians, and order them to shoot.

ResonanceDefined • 7 years ago

He already has.

rs1123 • 11 years ago

If it happens I suggest they turn their troops away from 'we the people'...

Marshall Gothard • 10 years ago

its happened plenty of times before it'll happen again sadly

Bulldognumba10 • 11 years ago

McCain had parents that were in the military and We had a presence in Panama at the time. Obama was NOT born in Hawaii, he attended school in the US as a foreign exchange student and has hidden all his records, smoked MJ and embibed in cocaine and most of all screwed this Country that most of US love to a place WE may not be able to recover! Racial, My Butt, Now you are pissing me off!

Glenn Eric Johnson • 9 years ago

what's wrong with smoking weed?

NCRelite • 11 years ago

Obama had his birthplace listed as Kenya in a literary brochure, his autobiography is full of lies, and the guy is a pathological liar. The left was kicking and screaming the whole time Bush was in office, and they put up their guy, Barack Hussein Obama, a hardcore socialist who sympathizes with our enemies. WTF????

xmaniac • 11 years ago

Why can't white people disagree with President Obama without being racists? There are plenty of black people that I would be happy to vote for as President.
McCain was born in the Canal Zone. This was US territory until 1999.

Questor3000 • 11 years ago

Because, the cry of the left is to discredit dissent. When you can't attack the position you attack the author.

Semore Truth • 10 years ago

McCain would be a puppet of the same handlers as Obama. If not worse, if thats possible,

rs1123 • 11 years ago

This is not racial. Put up a black conservative and I (and the Tea Party) will vote for him (or her) in a heartbeat in preference to the most lily-white liberal you have. So much for your 'racial' cr@pola.

1787LIVES • 11 years ago

true, there are plenty of men and women who I respect for their intelligence and accomplishments who are black that I support for these positions. If you put them on the ballot, you will NOT see the liberals vote for them...they will ostrasize and tear them down as fast as they can. I doubt other blacks would vote for a conservative black candidate...there has to be the hate the U.S.A. element to it for that to happen and guys like Mr. West love America so they can never be the candidate of black liberals.

rataezo • 11 years ago

I wanted Powell to run.

rataezo • 11 years ago

Maybe you aren't but I hear some nasty things on. If you support Romney because you don't like Obama's policy's, I can respect that. Its just the haters that don't like his skin color I got a problem with and you know they are out there.

WesMar856 • 10 years ago

So, what are you saying? You are accusing people you don't even know of hating!! What's up with that? Sounds like you have a little hate going there yourself.

rataezo • 10 years ago

I guess I am but you know its true. Its deep rooted racism, are you one of them?

dougloss • 11 years ago

Is "racism!" really the only thing you leftists can come up with anymore? You know, the rest of the country just rolls their eyes and laughs at you when you so predictably make that claim, every damned time.

Sunju • 11 years ago

You realize just about every nay sayer in this comments section is being racist, right? To be honest, anyone that thinks it matters where a presidential candidate was born in this matter is a fool. Being a "purebred" American doesn't mean anything and it doesn't bind anyone to act in the best interest of the country or to even hold the political views that they claim to.

Obama, at least, has made some progress with the utterly broken economy that Bush left behind. His administration has tried to bring in some of the best aspects of socialism, such as a form of health care that will actually be available to the millions of people who can't afford health insurance, which is amazing and necessary. Letting citizens suffer horrendously or forcing them to put themselves into tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt is an atrocity. Besides, Mitt is all kinds of soulless and creepy. His views on rape alone show he's either a psycho or is being forced by his financial support to act like one. Obama is far from ideal, but with such poor choices available he's the best bet.

America used to be one hell of a country, but the long series of sleazy, corrupt, greedy presidents and their corporate run administrations have ruined an entire nation. The rest of the country can do whatever they want, but the rest of the world is laughing at the U.S.

Kirby Harris • 8 years ago

This is a joke right? Obama is one of those corporate owned presidents...lol

Scott Hutcherson • 11 years ago

The problem with lying is that people don't believe you. So quit lying. McCain was investigated extensively about the circumstances of his Panamanian birth. On the other hand, except for World Net Daily, who in government or the press ever asked one question about Obama's birth, passports, elementary education, high school education, college education, work history, social relationships, theological upbringing, or any other aspect of his life prior to his nomination? Uh, that would be: no one. How's this for racism: if the establishment Republicans and the GOP party had not stood around with their hands in their pockets when Herman Cain was being obliterated by the press, he would be on his way to the nomination and he would have shellaced Obama in the general election. This country is yearning for a conservative President again. It's pretty condemning that someone like Romney looks good compared to the current administration.

Fred Welfare • 10 years ago

The Supreme Court ruled on Obama's birth!

rataezo • 11 years ago

Who questioned it!!!!!!!! FOX NEWS and right wing radio couldn't stop talking about. How do we know McCain wasn't born off base? Also, FOX NEWS is part of the main stream media.

cusfo • 11 years ago

No, McCain got a Constitution pass. Father a natural born citizen serving in the military and that is what is required.

Semore Truth • 10 years ago

I guess being insane makes no difference.

guy joslin • 11 years ago

don't even try to compare the two...take your head out of ur butt and think for a change.

rataezo • 11 years ago

Do you think Obama was born in the USA?

Snitch_in_Time • 11 years ago

Obama himself claimed to be born in Kenya in his biography given to his publisher.

rataezo • 10 years ago

And if he was, he still qualifys to be president. You can thank Ted Cruz for that because according to him, Cruz can run because his mother is a US citizen. Thanks Cruz.

Snitch_in_Time • 10 years ago

Likely he lied to get foreign aid and special priveleges given to foreign students which would make him an unindicted felon. Hence all the secrecy on the left and misdirection fro so-called birthers.

So why did Caligula claim to be Kenyan in his publisher's bio for more than a decade? (I think it another one of his many serial pathological lies for personal gain.) Until you answer that question cogently, there is nothing more to discuss.

rataezo • 10 years ago

To make it look like he was from a foreign country, it makes him standout. Kind of like when a white person says they got Native American blood or a Filipino claims to be of Spanish not Filipino origin. It doesn't matter anymore because if Cruz can run than it don't matter where Obama was born. Again, thanks Ted Cruz. Obviosusly you don't like Obama or you wouldn't be knit picking everything he does.

Snitch_in_Time • 10 years ago

Of course, his lies for personal gain are all justifiable, at least in your tortured mind. (Yes you are a hypocrite.)

So, if my objections to his bloodthirsty cultural Marxism, his megalomaniacal narcissism, his serial pathological lying, and his scorched earth potical philosophy were, as you say, "nits" you might have a point.

But they aren't and you don't.

So with the signature mental incompetence afflicting a run-of-the-mill leftist, you demonstrate for all to see that you cannot reason nor analyze your way out of a paper sack.

rataezo • 10 years ago

Well written. Please don't tell me you think Palin would make a good president.

Snitch_in_Time • 10 years ago

Compared to Calugula and his idiot sidekick Biden, a rusty orange juice can would make a good president.

Palin would make an excellent president if for no other reason than to watch hate addled Democrats like you plunge into the depths of psychotic dispare and utter derangement. The thought of your case of Palin Derangement Syndrome going asymptotic would have entertainment value on par with a campy grade B zombie flick.

rataezo • 10 years ago

You are making it up, you don't believe that. Palin seems like a nice lady but comes off as a dingbat and is so entertaining to watch.

Snitch_in_Time • 10 years ago

You and I have different definitions of "dingbat". The moonbat women the Crime Syndicate formey known as the Democrat Party all remind me of the opening scene of Macbeth. When it comes to really evil women who are wicked, wanton, and stupid none can compare with Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Fluck, Watertorture Schlutz, et. al.

Guest • 10 years ago
rataezo • 10 years ago

Thank you for the correction.

TampaTom • 11 years ago

Dear Rat, Go back to the thrilling days of yesterday (2008 election) and you'll find McCain WAS 'vetted and passed. oh! bummer!! was passed and NOT 'vetted. What race best describes you?