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k962 • 11 years ago

Geithner has enough trouble doing his own taxes!
This will go nowhere!

DavidT • 11 years ago

No one from the Dems will do anything about anything. Hussein Obama wants Iran to have them. Unfortunately Israel will do what it needs to do alone.

Iran Nation! • 11 years ago

I havn't seen any evidence of this? Only thing they are good at is attack Palestinian children and civilians.

rick8686 • 11 years ago

Iran murdered how many of it's own citizens that wanted real democracy? TOO MANY.
The only vote that counted in Irans elections, was that dirty stinking goat herder Ali Khameneis. Your country is a joke, if it were'nt for your export of terrorist scum.
May God kill you all really soon. YAHWEH, not this allah fella that you morons are always yabbering about. The Koran is the book of lies.

moshepipic • 11 years ago

The article should read:
"O-bummer & H.Clinton have been accused of assisting Chinese company to sell serveillance & US computer equipment to the Iranians."

snag • 11 years ago

Another fallout of bending to Jewish lobby - Why don't we just sell our gizmos to whomever it wants instead of to some and letting others to make a profits of our inventions making us look like a fools ,...

David Dahl • 11 years ago

The only losers here are American companies who are not allowed to do business with Iran. If Boeing were allowed to sell passenger planes to Iran, the resulting orders would create at least 3000 direct/indirect high paying jobs in the USA for Americans.

rick8686 • 11 years ago

With freinds like China who needs enemies?
Strip them of their favoured nation trade staus.

Rene Martin • 11 years ago

Where there is a buyer with money, there will always be a seller. China does not accept the US unilateral sanctions, and neither does a huge majority of the rest of the world. The US imposed sanctions hurt the US more than they hurt Iran.

Guest • 11 years ago

Are you sure or are you just hoping? And can you tell the difference?

I love it when pompous soothsayers like you always invoke the use of the concept of the "world" as in the world does not like this or that, etc. Which world are you flapping your jaw about? The world of fictitious facts spinning around inside your empty mind, or the world of phony moral equivalency that the world of idiots like you who laboriously and tediously try to convince other idiots just like you to also believe in?

The sanctions are neither unilateral as they are sanctioned by the UNCS nor are they ineffective in moving Iran towards increasingly desperate measures such as offering big discounts for oil hungry countries like China, whose leadership are no one's friends, so there is no big surprise in that.

As far as these last minute sanctions ultimately working in preventing an Iranian nuclear bomb, well that is indeed doubtful, as extraterrestrial Muslim pride has no boundaries and will never submit to any western pressure especially after it has a nuclear weapon that it can lob anywhich way that it pleases them at any time of the day or in the dark of the night when flying carpets and horses seem to function best.

In the mean time this phony game of grade A sanctioned sanctions will proceed until it is replaced by a greater and corporeal game of massive death dealing that more than likely will have no boundaries either.

So you can keep rolling the spinning marbles around inside your skull for a while longer, believing that it is your mind in perfect working order.

snag • 11 years ago

Dude nobody likes or respect you and don't give a damm about your by proxy imposed sanctions to start with so why don't you save your breath ,...
Have a good day ,...