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Terika • 11 years ago

Pandering PROGstitutes - that is your Democrat Party.
Keep voting for them, Useless IDIOTS.

canucksam • 11 years ago

Anything that comes out of Illinois doesn't surprise me. I hope Quinn gets a good tongue lashing from his parish priest and his Bishop (is he even a practicing Catholic?) and then excommunicated.

LibWatcher • 11 years ago

It would be my guess that, since all 13 million Illinoisians "abhor" violence (including all those in Chicago???????) those damaging the Islamic mosques must be sneaking in from surrounding states to do this dirty work. Where does this government get all of this disinformation? And who does he sleep with at night to be doing all these favors for the minions of Beelzebub?

mathis1689 • 11 years ago

He may be Catholic but he is not Christian despite any claims to the contrary. No true Christian would ever pray to any other god except Jesus no matter how politically correct it might be to do it.

billy2 • 11 years ago


fliteking • 11 years ago

I think the only people that would be surprised by this are liberals.

This would garner little more than a head shake from a Conservative, we know democrats are POS's

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

This POS should be excommunicated because their is NO common ground between Catholicism and Islam...or between Islam and anything else!

Shermer • 11 years ago

Well, he was praying to the same god as the muslims were, so shouldn't that be okay?

Besides, my muslim neighbour used to wish me a merry Christmas, so I guess that makes it even?

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

The first of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me". That goes along with the scripture in Exodus 23:13 which says "...make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth". That there should be not even the mention of other gods would preclude praying to them, the latter seeming to be even a worse offense. That your neighbor would wish you Merry Christmas can be viewed in numerous ways, but since muslims do not believe in Jesus Christ (they have a Jesus but he is not the Son of the Living God (Jehovah)), I would interpret that as being in line with one of the tenets of islam in that everything is permissible if it furthers the goals of islam (the eradication of every other religion worldwide).

Shermer • 11 years ago

Muslims do not worship another god, it's your god. They don't have "a Jesus", it's your Jesus. Jews don't beleieve everything you believe about Jesus, but you're happy to enlist their support for your "Judeo-Christian values".
Perhaps my neighbour was just being friendly - some Muslims are like that.

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

I take it that you have never read the Qu'ran because you don't know the first thing about what you're saying. The god of the muslims does NOT have a son named Jesus (as does the God of the Christians) who died on a cross to pay the debt for sin. The muslim's god is not Jehovah so He is NOT the same god that Christians worship. The Jesus that muslims believe in is supposed to come and declare that He didn't really die on a cross and that He wasn't resurrected from the dead. The muslim's Jesus is supposed to come and lead in the utter destruction of the Jews. So, once again, this is NOT, NOT, NOT the same Jesus of which Christians believe!!!!! Some Jews do believe what Christians believe about Jesus, but in this ONE thing ONLY you are correct in that most Jews don't believe what Christians believe about Jesus and are still looking for their Messiah, not realizing that He has already come.

Shermer • 11 years ago

I don't think it's your place to be telling other religions what they do and don't believe. It sounds like the muslim and jewish Jesus seem to be very similar (excpet for the killing all the jews part - and don't christians need that to happen?) Perhaps you might like to think about embracing their viewpoint. You know, just to keep things consistent?

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

Can you not even interpret a normal sentence correctly? I'm not telling other religions what they do and don't believe, I'm telling YOU by responding to your erroneous statements because YOU were telling ME what Christians and Muslims believe while being completely WRONG by saying that we have and believe in the same God and Jesus. The Jesus of the Christians and the Jesus of the Muslims are NOTHING ALIKE!! Now you say that the Christians need the Jews to be killed--wrong AGAIN! Where do you get your information?

Don'tBeThatGuy • 11 years ago

Muslims believe in Christ and also that he was crucified; they don't believe he was the son of God (Allah).

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

Muslims acknowledge an historical figure named Jesus (Christ), they acknowledge Him as a teacher and a good man, but He is not the same Jesus of the Christians. You validated that point when you stated that they don't believe He was the son of God--Jehovah, NOT Allah.

milmac • 11 years ago

The only day that is Holy is the Sabbath. I don't know of any professor who has scheduled or given tests on the Sabbath. Let those of a different religion celebrate as they like but don't levy a testing burden on our educators. If a student wants to miss a test because of religious celebrations, then they must take responsibility for their actions and suffer any consequences. I can understand giving make-up tests for the ill, but for celebrations!!! Ridiculous.

alan g • 11 years ago

Mildred, what about Rosh Hoshonah and Yum Kippur. If you were really religious there are many Holidays sanctioned by God himself.

Cheyenne • 11 years ago

Quinn is a total idiot, and only represents the corrupt Chicago machine and union thugs in Illinois. They have bankrupted the state, they just won't admit it. Downstate prays he joins his predecessors, SOON!

cae973 • 11 years ago

Tolerance does not mean acceptance of evil. Quinn is doomed to hell for taking part in the worship of a false god..he has broken one of the 10 commandments and has disgraced all catholics by his sacriledge! He is a Judas betraying Jesus and the American people!

Abiathar • 11 years ago

What is it about these governors pandering with Islamist in state government? TN governor, Pilot Oil Haslim, has appointed an Islamist Sheriah Compliance Finance Specialist to a top economic post in the state and has enstalled a "Muslim Advisory Council" to help educate state Home Land Security agents and local public school administrations on Islamic customs, culture and social issues. Tennesseans check out billhislam.com to see what your RINO is doing to your state.

flyfisher90 • 11 years ago

ex Catholic prays to Allah? Can't be both!

GATOR007 • 11 years ago

The fact that our politically correct government officials cannot even learn a simple lesson by watching the news on a daily basis is ridiculus! If they cannot see the riots, killings and in many areas the complete takeover of sections of cities by these islamist that is happening in France and England and many other countries in Europe where they allowed in islamic refugees out of the goodness of their hearts, only to have their heart cut out by these same islamist...They should be made to live right in the middle of these islamic "Hoods"!! They might learn somthing about islam the hard way! I do not say that we should not allow a muslim to pray to whatever devil they want, just that we as a people should not be represented by such gullible idiots that believe there are such things as "moderate muslims" the phrase itself is a oxymoron! They are now crucifying Christians in the middle of the street in Egypt while the police stand by and watch! Lets remember that the "brotherhood" is in charge there now!! In a perfect scenario folks We are in for a lot of work to fix this Country, in the worst case we could all be nailed to a tree!! All I can be sure of is that I personally will help fill up any vacancies at "Motel Hell" before they nail me to a tree!!

Brenda • 11 years ago

With all the hue and cry against christians and the constant use of every method to decry the "seperation" of state and relegion it is amazing that the ACLU is not all over the Governor about the same issues. The fact that a Governor would pray publicaly to Allah, advocate special privileges to Muslim students is a clear violation of our Constitution in setting up a situtation where state sponsored religion can exist.

LHTwist • 11 years ago

The government doesn't belong in school but people will continue giving up the freedoms as long as they think they're getting their way. This and other laws like it will eventually come back to bite us in the arse.

Roger_T73 • 11 years ago

iswlam is not a religion, it is a cult of violence.

DogWithoutSlippers • 11 years ago

This Apostate needs to be stoned!

Terika • 11 years ago

Wonder if his priest is that buddy of,Soros/Obama, Wallis. Google him - he's one of the Social Justice plants that have infiltrated our religious institutions. Religion is just their tax-free way to community organize within the churches, etc. Part of the commie plan, donchaknow. Jeremiah Wright & Pfleger are other examples. They get tax-free status, donations, grants...all kinds of goodies, mostly paid for by...yep...us! They're to religion what Bill Ayers is to education!!! Oh, and what Obama is to America!

Take em all out by the roots - beginning Nov 6, 2012.

Robert Gulliford • 11 years ago

They Worship The Same Idol. I Would Urge You To Watch This When You Have Time. EXCELLENT......http://youtu.be/A1lul2nEyIU

Piltdown911 • 11 years ago

Why not? They worship the same god.

tiredofthecrap • 11 years ago

Setting aside one's [personal] religious convictions for the moment and looking strictly at the beliefs of the respective religions (Catholicism [a Christian religion] and Islam), the answer is "No, they don't worship the same 'god'!" Allah has no son named Jesus and is NOT the triune God (God the Father (Jehovah), God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) of Judeo-Christian belief. Jehovah's "chosen" people were the Jews. Allah's "chosen" people are bent on complete genocide of the Jews. No, they're NOT the same god!

Piltdown911 • 11 years ago

Actually the esoteric Catholic trinity is Father, Mother,
Son. It is also a Mystery Babylon / Greek and Roman religion with
"Christian" names attached to the same gods, but instead of the god
of _____ they have a patron saint. Take the Easter celebration that was
instituted by the Catholic church for example, it is not the day of the resurrection
of Christ, instead it is honoring the resurrection of the god, Tammuz, who was
brought back from the dead (underworld) by his wife/mother, Ishtar (after whom
the festival was named). As Ishtar (who is called “Queen of Heaven” by the
Babylonians and others) was actually pronounced “Easter” in most Semitic
dialects, it could be said that the holiday here is Easter. The Babylonian celebration
includes coloring eggs as a symbol of new life as well as rabbits being the symbol
of fertility in this spring celebration. Unfortunately the vast majority of
protestant churches celebrate it as well, however it was brought to Christendom
by the Pope at the time. Christmas is another example of a Catholic/pagan
holiday along with many more paganistic examples from Catholicism. A Woman
Rides the Beast by Dave Hunt is a well-documented look into the Catholic Church,
worth a look.

My point is this, the Catholic Church with all of its
infused paganism and its Mary (queen of heaven) worship does not worship the
true Christian God, therefore Islam and Catholicism DO worship the same god. In
fact evidence supports that the Catholic church helped start Islam to clear the
fundamentalist Christians out of the Middle East.

Fr. John+ • 11 years ago

Pardon me for saying so, but THERE is one abortion the Catholic Church should have permitted.

Sweet Lady Mary • 11 years ago

Excommunicate this nut!

1teapartyme2009 • 11 years ago

blasphemer!!!!!!! Remember the 1st. Commandment states....I am the lord thy GOO thou shalt have no other gods before me [paraphrased] They ought to excommunicate him from the church, no wonder our country is headded in the toilet

Solidspine • 11 years ago

That is obscene, he should apologize and resign, what is wrong with the fool

bluealiendevil • 11 years ago

Does he realize he DENOUNCED God?