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pnordman • 11 years ago

Wow, scary! That's how the encroachment starts, how the camel gets its nose into the tent, etc. Just ask those countries now regretting "political correctness". Sorry, but this smacks of future domination to me. They have told us they want to make us a Muslim nation, so we can't plead ignorance. We have been warned. When the president honors Ramadan but not our Christian traditions, take notice!

swamprat1937 • 11 years ago

You are so right - scary scary scary. Obama, the Muslim, will take over - we will all become Muslims or we will die. I have taken notice. He will NOT get me!

Sharron • 11 years ago

This poor soul does not realize that ignorance is no excuse when you stand before God and answer for your transgressions!

Dr. DePepe ✅ 🔨 • 11 years ago

Time to pack up and leave.

Dajjal • 11 years ago

I dissent. Ramadan celebrates the commencement of the revelation of the Qur'an. Eid il-Fitur celebrates the end of the month of fasting. By endorsing and joining the festivities, the Governor endorsed everything in the Qur'an including the verses of hatred, execration and perpetual genocidal terrorism.

I direct doubters & deniers to Surah al-Baqarah 2:85 which strictly prohibits selectivity. The Qur'an & Islam are a bundled package deal: all or nothing. By endorsing any part of it you you endorse the whole bag of excrement.

The takbir, by declaring "Allah is greater" denies the central tenets of Christianity and Judaism. By joining in its recitation, the Governor blasphemed and cursed his Christian and Jewish constituents.

The compulsory prayers include recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha which reminds Allah why he wants to burn us. In effect, it curses us.

Find the full text of the Salat and get it translated. Did it include "Only Allah has the right to be worshiped." or words to that effect? Did it include recitation of 2:161, 2:286, 3:147 or 29:30?

No elected official should ever recite any prayer in Arabic, Farsi or Pashtun if he does not understand exactly what he is asking for. Those who pray for our defeat, knowingly or unwittingly should be removed from office immediately.

Guest • 11 years ago
swamprat1937 • 11 years ago

Nasty nasty nasty

Susan Daniels • 11 years ago

What a jerk. He has no clue what he is doing.

Ahmed • 11 years ago

Now, now, now, dear he is at least trying, and that's a big leap forward.

swamprat1937 • 11 years ago

Trying what, dear? Trying to take over the country with all that Muslim crap. He can leap backwards into hell as far as I am concerned.

Osman • 11 years ago

I see no harm here. Well done to Governor Quinn connecting with his constituents. I am Muslim, and my best friend is Christian. He came to my wedding, and joined in the Islamic prayers, just as my wife and I join him and his family in Church at Easter and Christmas. Forget this nonsense about conversion whether he realizes it or not, and no need for this to be interpreted beyond what it is...
mutual respect and understanding between people.

John Toth • 11 years ago

TRUE. That is how it SHOULD be.
However, a large percentage (26%, I red in Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book: Nomad, chapter: Muslims in America, I believe) of young American Muslims believe in radicalism... and the Koran supports them... and the silence of Muslims as well.
I might not be correct, but in Islam 'silence' means agreement.
26% converted into number of Muslims, is a large number... Isn't it?

Dajjal • 11 years ago

Caution: "radicalism" & "extremism" are fraudulent shibboleths. What Allah and Moe said and what Moe did are neither extreme nor radical, they are the standard which every Muslim must measure up to. Read Surah Al-Anfal & At-Taubah in the light of Sahih Bukhari {Khan} Books 52, 53 & 59. Those texts define and exemplify normative Islam.

swamprat1937 • 11 years ago

What does the Holy Bible say?

Ahmed • 11 years ago

@John Toth. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an Apostate, she will say anything to stay alive. The problem with these people is they will betray anybody, because once they have crossed the Rubicon, there is NO TURNING BACK.

Dajjal • 11 years ago

3:28 and several other ayat explicitly prohibit equal and inferior relationships between Muslims & Kuffar. Muslims must be superior as per 9:33. If your best friend is Christian, the time has come for you to convert; accept Jesus as your savior and throw off Allah's yoke of slavery forever.

If you have participated in Easter and Christmas services, you are an apostate, subject to execution. You seem to be a MINO, why remain one?

Osman • 11 years ago

So you consider Christians (i.e. followers of Hasrat Isa (Jesus) as Kuffar (i.e. disbelievers)? I have many close friends, of all faiths, colours and creeds, and have grown up in a predominantly non-muslim country. My participation is purely out of respect for my friends culture, and not because I follow his specific beliefs.

Ahmed • 11 years ago

Beware! You are going to get caught in that Apostate Ashraf's Net. You may need to re-examine your values and priorities. Wrong relationships and participation may weaken one's Iman.

surjit kaila • 11 years ago

Osaman. " I am muslim ,and my best friend is Christian....." You can't be a true muslim, because your Allah forbids you to be friend of Jews and Christians. From your Quran Sura 5:51 " O'believers take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends or a protectors ,for they are are friends and protectors of one another, whoever of you seeks their friendship and supports them shall become one of their number. Allah does NOT guide the wrong doers" ..Also see www.compassdirect.org How you muslims treat Christians in your muslim countries....." He came to my wedding and joined the Islamic prayers, " Tell us if you told him that he is being fed Halal food? " just as my wife and I join him and his family in Church at Easter and Christmas." You are lying which is called 'al-taqiyya' .When muslims promote their religion by lying, which you are doing here. Google or go to wikipedia and search ''al-taqiyya'' also see www.thereligionofpeace.com Tell us Osaman how many muslim go to Churchs or Tample to say prayers with other faiths.? Quran is full of hate towards Jews and Christians. www.faithfreedom.org

Osman • 11 years ago

Yet Allah allows us to eat meat as prepared by Jews! My friend has no problem eating Halal food, and respects our reason for our food being prepared as we do, and for example, our not eating pork. I do not know how many Muslims visit other Churches or Temples. I take responsibility for my actions, not that of others, and this is between Allah and I - so I ask that you please do not judge me for you do not know me. I ask you to reconsider, and do not misinterpret hate towards Jews & Christians - does Allah's word not preach tolerance between People of the Book. Do we all not believe in Adam, Noah, Moses, etc. Why look for differences and thus promote racism and discrimination, when we are also blessed with commonality going back through the entire history of all our religions?

thomasaltman • 11 years ago

While at the Christian Church, did you pray in the name of Jesus? In the Catholic church did you genuflect? In the Jewish Temple did you wear a prayer shawl and a head covering? Say the Hail Mary? Repeat the Aposltil's Creed?

Osman • 11 years ago

No Sir, I did not pray in the name of Jesus or undertake any of the acts you suggested. I am a firm believer that there is one God, Allah, and Prophet Mohammed is his Messenger. I do, however, respect that there is a link between our religions, such as Prophet Isa (Jesus) was also a Messenger of Allah, and thus I respect my fellow man (my friends) for their belief in One God, and the teachings of our common Messengers, Allah's prophets.

righthearted • 11 years ago

You cannot truly believe Jesus (the One you call "Prophet Isa" was a prophet, because by definition, a scriptural prophet cannot lie or prophesy anything that is not true. Jesus said that He is the Son of God, and was crucified, arose from the dead, and ascended back to heaven to save us from our sins. All of this was His spoken testimony as well as fulfilled prophecy of many others in our Holy Bible, God's Word. If you truly believe that Jesus was a "prophet," then you must believe what He said and did was true. Since you do not believe in his death and resurrection, all your words about him are false...al-taqiyya...perhaps so that we Christians might not be so suspicious of your other provable beliefs in your Quran?? No, Osman, I see no link between our religions...our God is a God of great love, grace, and mercy...not the Allah who demands killing and war. Our God loves men and women equally and does not command men to beat their women or treat them in an inhumane manner...unlike your Allah who demands stoning and rape of your women and other unspeakable cruelties. Our God offers hope and life through His precious Son Jesus Christ...your Allah promises darkness and punishment. I'm sorry that your religion knows only hate and misery...ours knows love and joy. We pray for your people, that you might come to know the love, forgiveness, and joy we know through faith in Jesus.

Ahmed • 11 years ago

Lee Bailey, you are entitled to your opinions but I must correct you when you said "
unlike your Allah who demands stoning and rape of your women and other unspeakable cruelties" The punishment for the crimes of fornication and adultery is by stoning, this is same as under Law of Moses which Jesus came to confirm and follow. But where is the injunction under which Allah demands Rape? This is a Great Lie against the Lord of the Worlds.

And please don't be too confident about your scriptures because your own Christian Scholars are discovering major problems with them. For example, in the St. James Version of the Bible the word "Begotten" is included, but in the Revised Version this was removed because it is an 'extrapolation'. Similarly, the last so many verses of the Gospel of Mark were 'added-on', because these could not be found in the earliest codexes. So not only the belief but also the whole edifice of Christianity is shaky. Please read: "The Christian Conspiracy" by Dr. David L. Moore.

deltamary • 11 years ago

I see harm- Your last sentence is baffling- Man cannot change hearts, only the true G-D can do that.

Annie 45 • 11 years ago

Govs. Quinn and Christie would've made a good
vaudeville team called The Ignoramuses!

Ahmed • 11 years ago

You are just jealous because you were not invited.