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ArtBrennan • 11 years ago

Manning stands head and shoulders over his oppressors. Obama should be ashamed of himself for persecuting and prosecuting this courageous young man of conscience.

paularae • 11 years ago

The U.S. government is using Manning as an example of what will happen to all whistleblowers and especially they are using him as a way to justify their next step....which is to arrest Julian Assange for espionage. The fact that so many people can see thru this plot doesn't seem to effect this rogue government one bit nor does it deter them from their course!

Sandy818 • 11 years ago

It truly is disgraceful what is happening to Pvt. Manning. As the article states, more than anything, the release of these documents and videos caused diplomatic embarrassment. If the US cannot take the embarrassment, then they should stop all the so-called "diplomacy" they are shoving down the throats of governments and people worldwide. Stop the killing, and bring all our military men and women home now. If the mercenary people want to stay, or are wanted to stay, let them do it on their own dime, NOT MINE!! Free Bradly Manning! Now! He has suffered enough at the hands of his own government.

wlawlor • 11 years ago

The Bush crime family since the murder of JFK by the govt of the U.S. know one thing, perpetual war for resources, read Russ Baker's book on these criminals. Oh, Poppy, still don't remember where you were on Nov.22,1963? His dirty CIA connections mark him a war criminal like his retard wanker of a son.

jimmyjgee • 11 years ago

Where was Poppy Bush on Nov. 22, 1963?

cruz_ctrl • 11 years ago

in Dallas, Texas

dccph • 11 years ago

Where are the international monitors of this so-called trial? At the very least I would expect human rights groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to be following these legal developments and issuing statements in real time, before Manning's conviction becomes a foregone conclusion.

Bradley Manning is the textbook definition of a "prisoner of conscience," if not an outright political prisoner. The human rights community needs to be engaged on this issue before it is too late. History will not judge these groups favorably if they continue to remain silent as this travesty of justice unfolds.

johndwyer • 11 years ago

Justice left the earth a long while ago and hasn't been seen (except in her heavenly constellation) since. Moreover, unless Mr. Manning is gifted with a backbone substantially stronger than his former Commander in Chief as well as with an unassailable intellect, what has already been done to him will render him a babbling non-person.

I will forever revere him for taking a principled stand for Truth against the whole world. Julian Assange, likewise, is a man deserving of the highest esteem from fearless believers in the humaneness of humankind. All we need to stop the bombs is to know who, what, where, when and why. People the world over, all 7 billion of us, are basically good. We need to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in order to act upon that goodness.

Wuppertal • 11 years ago

Can you imagine some day in the future an America where statues of Manning and Assange are erected on the National Mall in Washington? What a wonderful world it would be.

future4the • 11 years ago

Statues usually mean someone is dead. I'd rather have them alive walking around, talking the good talk. Or maybe you mean a really long time in the future, in which case there won't be any such thing as a nation state much less a national mall.

sallysense • 11 years ago

recently gave bradley manning some more support...

by donating to his defense fund via bradleymanning(dot)org...

(and to j assange's defense fund via wikileaks site too)...

WhichWaldenPond • 11 years ago

Good idea.

wlawlor • 11 years ago

Hallelujah, brother ..as soon as we know the truth of 911 this entire War on the world will be exposed and Wanker and Cheney will face the gallows.

frigate • 11 years ago

"Free and responsible government by popular consent just can't exist without an informed public."

Bill Moyers

"The quest for homeland security is heading ... toward the quasi-militarization of everyday life ... If danger might lurk anywhere, maybe everything must be protected and policed."

William Greider

"The U.S. record of war crimes has been, from the nineteenth century to the present, a largely invisible one, with no government, no political leaders, no military officials, no lower-level operatives held accountable for criminal actions... Anyone challenging this mythology is quickly marginalized, branded a traitor or Communist or terrorist or simply a lunatic beyond the pale of reasonable discussion."

Carl Boggs

"Somebody's paying the corporations that destroyed Iraq and the corporations that are rebuilding it. They're getting paid by the American taxpayer in both cases. So we pay them to destroy the country, and then we pay them to rebuild it. Those are gifts from U.S. taxpayer to U.S. corporations..."

Noam Chomsky

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Joseph Goebbels, German Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945

redhorsebleu • 11 years ago

Vietnam veterans learned long ago that military justice is to justice as military music is to music. If the person being tried is an enlisted member then according to the prevailing wisdom the question is just how guilty is that person. The military doesn't think in terms of guilt or innocence, just degrees of guilt. Manning is a hero, he has balls. The militray is simply using him as an example. Eddie Slovic was the example for WWII vets. So much for the Uniform Code of Military Justice, another usless document declaring the rule of law.

JohnShade • 11 years ago

Well Eddie Slovik was guilty of the crimes of which he was accused. He admitted to it in writing and was given the chance 4 times to tear up his desertion notice and refused. He expected clemency and was shocked when it was not granted. In short, he was expecting to be court marshalled and then imprisoned like so many others had been. I think this is not the same thing as BM who did what he did out of conscience. Slovik was a deserter and Manning is a prisoner of conscience. I do not think the same thing applies.

julea bacall • 11 years ago

I cannot accept this in America and still call US a great Nation.

wlawlor • 11 years ago

the only ones standing for trial should be Wanker, Cheney, Condasleaza,Powell, Rove,Wolfy et al.Pitchforks anyone?

galen066 • 11 years ago

Don't forget Obama for ordering this farce in the first place.

Tio Zapata • 11 years ago

Throw in the mass murderer in chief; who blows up babies, children and women !

ctrl-z • 11 years ago

This is only a trial in the same sense that throwing him into lake and finding him innocent if he drowns could be considered a trial.

Precedent for the Bradley Manning Trial:


Cassandra • 11 years ago

Obama and Panetta seem to have learned a few things from Stalin and Vyshinsky.

Guest • 11 years ago

As well as from Reagan, Bush I and II, and Clinton.

billyevans • 11 years ago

Too bad we can not get a cell for the White House leakers as well.

Mark Thomason • 11 years ago

"Bradley Manning's lawyer charges that the US government is deliberately attempting to prevent Bradley Manning from receiving a fair trial"

Well, yeah. Duhh. That's what every prosecution is. Who are you kidding?

Obedient Servant • 11 years ago

I was about to write almost exactly what you wrote; thanks for saving me the trouble.

It's a painfully clear illustration of the dominant "Normal" paradigm manufactured by a society and culture's overclass to keep credulous and unreflective citizens enthralled in passive obedient submission or resignation.

Call it The Matrix, the Hologram (per Joe Bageant), "social fantasy" (R.D. Laing), or good old "maya".

Thus, an attorney representing a pre-condemned political prisoner must publicly proclaim that an imperial, authoritarian Hollow-State government does not engage in an honest, good-faith pursuit of justice, but is effectively staging a show trial to give his client's conviction and draconian punishment the color of due process and law.

Any thinking, experienced grown-up ought to understand that this is the rule, SOP.

But the attorney, desperately jumping up and waving his arms to clear a brief and transitory window in the swirling wall of illusion, must present this bitter but mundane truth as if it were a scandalous or sensational exception-- something out of the ordinary, and appalling, reprehensible, and intolerable to boot.

Within the Matrix, Hologram, etc., parties must strive to present the commonplace as "news" in hopes of shocking an indoctrinated and habituated public out of its collective trance long enough to generate a "buzz" of outraged dissent.

The traditional metaphor for the lonely and alienated truth-teller is "a voice crying in the wilderness"; nowadays it's the voice crying amidst the babbling multitude.

Guest • 11 years ago

Talk about OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. Congress, White House and the previous administration, and the entire US government deserve to be impeached and convicted for setting up a kangaroo court system.

polarbear4 • 11 years ago

Godspeed, Bradley, Godspeed.

rtdrury • 11 years ago

Merkan elites have wet dreams about pitting their gargantuan godzilla against powerless individuals.

Dragon • 11 years ago

Manning's dah Man

jimmyjgee • 11 years ago

Is Oncix a person, or let me guess, a private corporation?

You have two choices:

1) Oppenheimer Conservative Inv N (ONCIX)

2) the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive


My money is on number 2.

USCLOSEUP • 11 years ago

This is the destiny of all who tell the truth about US policy.
take care :)

jeanine4truth • 11 years ago

Hmmm, the Pentagon brass LYING---I'm shocked---NOT! Pentagon brass have historically been a bunch of lying, misogynistic, treasonous sob's who want to trample whats left of the Bill of Rights. Manning has absolutely no chance of a fair trial. Furthermore, he HAS been TORTURED by the bastards in the Pentagon, keeping him in solitary 23 of 24 hours. The real traitors are the JOINT CHIEFS.

julea bacall • 11 years ago

With so many of us feeling as we do, why is this still happening? Can we send all our comments to Obama or someone. They are so definitely wrong to do this. No question, no doubt.

genedebs • 11 years ago

As I've said before, the guilty verdict is already in the envelope, just waiting for the conclusion of the sham trial.