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Constitution101 • 11 years ago

The Tea Party is a sentiment Mr. Perlmutter. It's ideals come from the Founders of this nation. Colorado Watchdog has exposed your cash cow. You progressives won't stop until you've run this nation into the ground with your wasteful ideas that don't work. How many companies have gone bankrupt in the energy industry despite taxpayer money propping them up until they go out of business? Here is one link that shares some of them: http://blog.heritage.org/20...

Teddi • 11 years ago


Here is the left's "constitution" at work. The perfect poster child for the policies of the left and Obama is Detroit.

Nearly Half Property Owners In Detroit Failed To Pay Their Property Taxes Last Year


Democratic government, unions (especially public sector unions) and the left have combined to OBLITERATE [as in nuclear bomb] a once great American manufacturing mecca with their leftist “utopia” tsunami of failed BS !


richard • 11 years ago

The government shouldn't be subsidizing any energy companies. If a company can't stand on their own, or get their own private investors, then they shouldn't be in business.

Flushing money down the toilet does is the same thing as investing in solar energy companies.

Guest • 11 years ago

Money laundering since 1977 in my book. Instead of laundering cash they use our tax dollars. A front company, similar to a strip club or a liquor store, but we get nothing for our money.

Guest • 11 years ago

At least a strip club is honest money and puts people to work and makes a profit.

This crap is worthless. It's like tits on a bull.

JustB • 11 years ago

I whole heartedly support single mothers, One dollar at a time.

Independent Tom • 11 years ago

If Obama voters act like hookers they should be treated like hookers.

mikeymike61 • 11 years ago

you are making hookers sound bad

Marty Faulkenberry • 11 years ago

At least hookers work for their money.........oblamer voters: NOT!

banger377 • 11 years ago

They ARE hookers.

Vidkun Lauritz Jonssøn • 11 years ago

Hookers provide a service. Obama voters provide nothing but an endless spew of BS.

Guest • 11 years ago

hopefully ur not supporting the 500 pound african welfare sows? cause one of those lap dances could_accidentally_kill_you...

Bill Powell • 11 years ago

'Tits on a bull' cost us nothing. This ain't that.

Guest • 11 years ago

Have you ever tried to sell a bull with tits? Trust me, compared to a regular bull, its gonna cost ya.

8644 • 11 years ago

The view is nice as well...

Hammond Egger • 11 years ago


Give them 2 choices: Either open up this facility to public scrutiny, or shut it down. Why should the citizens treat politicians as our masters, rather than our servants?

Guest • 11 years ago
Guest • 11 years ago


Guest • 11 years ago

you disgust me. President Obama has saved this country from the Bush destruction.

tim stevens • 11 years ago

Right...............have another glass of Kool Aid idiot. Can you say $16,000,000,000,000 in debt?

William Svoboda • 11 years ago

On this day in 2008 the national debt was 9.4 Trillion dollars and that was from the beginning of this nation. Today we are at 16.5 Trillion dollars, 6.1 Trillion is owned totally by President Obama. Those are the numbers from the CBO look it up.if needed. Before the right starts to dance, every state in this nation is in debt some worse than others, NY is the worse with 27% debt to GDP, Kentucky is at 25% debt to GDP and California is at 20% Debt to GDP. There is enough blame to go around. We had best figure this out, we don't need promises we need someone who has a clue on economics, has a clue on budgeting. The US Government has too many sacred cows and many of these sacred cows need to be slaughtered. Many agencies dating back to FDR are still in business today, many of FDR programs are still growing. However they are no longer the FDR program he first started we have improved on them and added more and more money we don't have. Our Financial problems have their origins in 1900, right after the Spanish American War. Since that war ended the U.S. Government has grown by the power of 10.

Kevin Kain • 11 years ago

NY, Democrat ran. California, Democrat ran. KY, Democrat ran. Do you see a pattern here? Probably not, because you cant educate a Dumbocrat.

Barryfromkenya • 11 years ago

What happened to Kentucky? I had no idea.

ShadowGovernmentSeenHere • 11 years ago

They're simply looking to get a rise out of people.


This is more abuse of taxpayers and our labor.


According to IRS website...

1. Federal tax law BEGINS with the Internal Revenue Code (26 USC)

2. Federal tax Regulations (26 CFR) --PICK UP where the Internal Revenue Code leaves off

3. The Service is bound by the REGULATIONS, Internal Revenue Manual,


Note, According to IRS... Income tax law is in REGULATIONS, and most importantly, IRS must follow and obey REGULATIONS.

- - TAX LAW (as they said, pick up Regulations):

Exempt income, defined – 26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii)
Legal defintion, codified, i.e. there's only one.

Income that is not – 26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(iii)
List of taxable income. BINGO!

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, Govt Printing Office.

According to U.S. Income tax law, MOST income is exempt (i.e. not taxable), while very little income is not exempt (i.e. taxable).

Of course, criminals will often say, I didn't do it. So, Naturally, the government perps say Sec. 861 is frivolous, yet there we see it, actually written in law, in black and white, ... by who else, but more government perps.

Arrest the perps ... before the next fraudulent taxpayer bailout, which will go to insurance companies, and of course, accompanying executive pay bonuses they'll get from YOUR money and hard labor.

MrWell • 11 years ago

Raygun tripled the national debt, the Bushes incurred 4-5 trillion for unpaid wars with tax cuts for the wealthy, Cheney stole 2 trillion from the pentagon after orchestrating the 9/11 attacks on our soil and Repugs verily support the Plutocrats on Wall Street and elsewhere to the detriment of the 99% of this country-are you evil or just an unrepentant scumbag?

S schmedly • 11 years ago

OMG you are serious. Please say you are kidding. Bush spent poorly I agree but this guy is out of control. Showing no leadership but still campaigns. The king has NO cloths- for real.
Please look at the facts. No president has ever been re elected with the unemployment rate at 8 percent. He was and is a community activist and should have been a preacher but NOT a president. Our system is broken and we needed a leader with skills to craft our way out. But we are left with Barry and smilin Joe. Wow...

SacSig • 11 years ago

You are absolutely correct - Obama is the Campaigner in Chief - he has literally never stopped campaigning, because he doesn't know how to LEAD. He only knows how to whip up his base.

ShadowGovernmentSeenHere • 11 years ago

and read a teleprompter

Vidkun Lauritz Jonssøn • 11 years ago

Obama shows no leadership because he knows nothing about leadership. He cannot recognize it, he cannot describe it, and he cannot provide it. He is nothing but a professional schit disturber. That's it. He's a trained community organizer, which has nothing in common with a leader. Leaders understand that the best interests of the organization are more important than the petty interests of a single person or sub-group. Community organizers, on the other hand, ALWAYS place the interests of the sub-group above the interests of the organization.

UpstateNY • 11 years ago

Remember that O has NEVER had a real job. But now he is a multi-millionaire.
Proof: The mega mansion under construction in Hawaii.

aubreyfarmer • 11 years ago

I would always put the Constitution first. Sometimes what the government needs it gets but the rights of the individual shall not be infringed. Pretty soon we aren't going to have any rights. The government is not going to tell you that you have lost a right, that right will just be ignored by the government. We no longer have a right to privacy. The Utah Data Collection Center, DHS, NSA and the rest of the spooks are listening and recording our telephone, e-mail, and any other electronic communications. What goes next? Freedom of speech? Freedom of assembly? Man we are in deep do do. "If tyranny and oppression ever come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." James Madison

Vidkun Lauritz Jonssøn • 11 years ago

People on both sides of the political fence cheer when some new law that limits a freedom they want to see limited is proposed. If they don't like guns, they love anti-gun laws. If they don't like a someone smoking pot, they love anti-pot legislation. The arguments used are generally the same, too. "Guns are dangerous, therefore, I want them restricted." "Pot is bad, therefore, I want it restricted."

What really needs to happen is that people need to understand that freedom means someone has the right to do something we don't agree with, so long as no one else is hurt by it. If Americans could learn to respect freedom and private property, we'd all be better off.

ShadowGovernmentSeenHere • 11 years ago

They aren't serious, our taxes pay for this garbage

Kevin Kain • 11 years ago

Yes he was the winner in a district with 145% voter turnout. How does one get 145% turnout?

h0nestabe • 11 years ago

Watching Republicans and Democrats go round and round arguing over who sucks worse is such a sight to see. Bush was equally as incompetent as Obama is now. Both spent like drunken sailors while perpetuating more war, more big guvment, more BS! Just opposite sides of the same damn failed coin. Americans are suckers!

Doa74656 • 11 years ago

Fine but what are YOU doing to help fix the problem? The TEA Party isn't interested in assigning blame we go after republican and democrat We just want the problem solved

Kingcruiser • 11 years ago

Actually, neither President "spends" tax dollars, Congress does. The difference is that Bush asked for cuts, Obama asks for more spending. That's the difference between a Republican and a Democrat. Generally speaking, Republicans ask for military spending as authorized by the Constitution and Democrats ask for spending never meant to be at the Federal Level: Welfare, School, Energy, etc... and the other difference; the Democrats OPENLY spread taxdollars to their supporters and OPENLY get paid in return. Used to be call CORRUPTION. Have Republicans done that? Sure, but they usually get caught and fried by the news media which is the ROLE of a FREE PRESS. The difference is the "news" media is now a branch of the Democratic party and REFUSES to report the CORRUPTION of the Democratic party; President or Congress...

Guest • 11 years ago

if people stop buying newspapers, they will fold within a year and Obama will not get his lying word out..

steamer5 • 11 years ago

Hey, watch that drunken sailor crap. Even they know to stop spending when they are broke.

Mark Wellman • 11 years ago

That is a freakin lie. Shame on you.

HenryD • 11 years ago

wouldn't even have made a good preacher, lies tooooooo much

Amy Epps • 11 years ago

Destruction is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know what you consider destruction, but unsustainable debt and selling that debt to other countries that do not have our best interests in mind is a sure path to destruction. Using a sledge hammer (Affordable Health Care Act) to crack an egg (getting people the health care they need) isn't smart. We are on the path of destruction for good health care for most to a path of poor health care for everyone. But I digress.
Obviously this organization and its work didn't begin under Obama or Bush - sounds like it started under Carter (1977). But the current administration took it to a whole new level of waste. What everyone needs to do is to step back and look at the big picture. Instead of being able to provide more food around the world (beginning at home) we took a substance meant for food (corn) and began turning it into a much less efficient fuel for vehicles. Think about that. Why on earth are we doing something so stupid? And it costs an enormous amount of money vs. the return for fuel efficiency and consumption that our children and grandchildren will be over-burdened to pay back. Not to mention the unintended consequences - ethanol destroys certain parts of engines (gaskets and other materials) so that we are more quickly creating waste (broken down parts and machines) that will be piling up in landfills. I will also put $20 on the table right now (as a bet) that we find out sometime in the (probably not distant future) that ethanol causes "global cooling" or dirties water sources, or causes cancer at a higher rate, or...whatever the next cause is.

banger377 • 11 years ago

Amy! Save your breath. Norm is incapable of understanding logic. Oldwhiteguy is closer to the truth, LIBS are born with a lobotomy. anonymousconservativeDOTcom has the explanation and the solution to all this

aubreyfarmer • 11 years ago

You would think that a GMO corn with the Bt pesticide built right in would have a little higher octane rating. I mean after all if it makes an insects stomach explode.....

ShadowGovernmentSeenHere • 11 years ago

This isn't whats really going on.

Cathy • 11 years ago

Please watch Dr. Ben Carson's speech given a couple weeks ago. You can find it on YouTube. What he purposes would help this country.

SacSig • 11 years ago

Now the left claims Dr. Carson is a racist uncle Tom - I guess any black man that succeeds in something other than sports or music is a racist.....Dr. Carson is something this country needs more of - a brilliant, true success story that isn't afraid to speak the truth!

cupera1 • 11 years ago

HE found out that going off the liberal/progressive plantation you will get the same treatment as any other escaping black slave. You will be hounded and lynched by the DNC masters. This time they will use word processors instead of ropes.

doodad69 • 11 years ago

Really norm? 8 million fewer jobs, a contracting economy, millions more on food stamps, millions more on "disability" after their unemployment ran out, $7 trillion more in debt with nothing to show for it, and you retardedly claim Ostalin has "saved" this country??? He "saved" if from prosperity, you idiot! You Ostalinphiles are the disgusting ones, you sissy.

Bush gave us 5% economic growth and we were screeching about $140 billion budget deficits (as well we should have!), PLUS we had statistical full employment up until the 'Rats took over Congress. That's when schit went down hill. Bush warned in 2007 "elections have consequences!" and he gave the 'Rat Congress everything they asked for. That was his parting shot to the country that was bullied into hating him. Now we have the worst and the dumbest president EVER that we're bullied into loving! Not me, but you go ahead and jack off to your Ostalin posters, you fruit bat. You leftards will be the first casualties of the Ostalin Revolution, stupid.