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hegesias • 11 years ago

The fact that The Dick Cheney is not locked up in an orange jumpsuit is symbolic of everything that has happened since Cheney/Bush was elected present, including foreign and domestic policy under Obama. Cheney was the first and only VP to have his own office at the CIA. With what we now know about 9/11, the Able Danger/ Alec Station fiasco, "Curveball," and WMDs, I think it is reasonable to suspect that Cheney played a roll, not only in the Iraq intelligence "failure," but also in 9/11 itself. The phony "war on terror" is just a euphemism for the Project for the New American Century, and Obama knows it, too, which is why he has now nominated the right-hand man of this entire CIA/PNAC conspiracy to head the CIA.

Denise Comstock • 11 years ago

Obama has been a nice boy to the neocons, holding none of them accountable and in fact has continued where they left off.

D.a. Hamilton • 11 years ago

I think that is because right and left all work for the same group, and its not the American public.

Roberta Simone • 11 years ago

"Nearly a decade after the start of the unconscionable Iraq War, the American people are entitled to know more about the deceit of its key leaders and the national security decision-making process."

Even if the deceit was proven, the person releasing this information would be the one punished and not the perpe-traitors (e.g., Bradley Manning, Julian Assange or John Kiriakou, etc.).

Best • 11 years ago

The press, broadly and enthusiastically, complicit in this, as usual, especially papers like the Washington Post. Frankly, have no time for newspapers save horoscopes and comics as the entire front sections are just f'in packed with over-the-wire non-news mostly about how the U.S. has some more uprisings in the far reaches of Empire that must be quelled... Yellow journalism since at least the Spanish American war. remember the Maine? The Lusitania? Niger yellow cake?

sibbaldflats • 11 years ago

Crime does pay and does succeed. The fruits of the Iraq deception can be found in the near-total apathy greeting torture, drones, more war, extra-judicial assassinations, the evisceration of civil rights and full-throttle militarization. Catastrophic government depravity is the new normal. Ho-hum.
Rummy, Dick, George and Condi embark on book tours. Whistleblowers are jailed and tortured. It's the great capitulation.
That apathy is magnified by the knowledge nobody can alter this trajectory. Their votes mean nothing in the face of the corporate/security state regime who benefit from the lies.
Regardless of the truth, here in Canada, our neocon government is intent on deporting those who refused to go along with the war crimes and honourably departed their failed state. The crimes have even succeeded in infecting my country.

Randy • 11 years ago

You left out Perle and Wolfowitz.

Roberta Simone • 11 years ago

"Nearly a decade after the start of the unconscionable Iraq War, the American people are entitled to know more about the deceit of its key leaders and the national security decision-making process."

Even if the deception was proven, the only person/s that would be punished would be the one/s to release the information (e.g., Bradley Manning, Julian Assange or John Kiriakou, etc.) and not the perpe-traitors.

Guest • 11 years ago

Fear is the great motivator. But it is not the Fear that is being promoted that we should Fear. It is the ulterior motives of those utilizing that Fear to motivate, that are to be Feared! E.g., as with the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice WMDs, "Mushroom Cloud" crapola, Lies that led us into the Iraq war with its subsequent loss of thousands of Lives and Maimings of our Military! Lies that these people should never be forgiven for!
Tom Nass, 5th Marine Division - WWII

Bruce • 11 years ago

It Wasn't $OLD; but Despotically PROSECUTED as should be it's Agressive-WAR CRIMINAL Conductors.

Segmentedsky • 11 years ago

So, when do the war crimes trial start?

Savange • 11 years ago

Hans Blix the main U.N. inspector and Mohamed El Baradi the head of the IAEA said PRE-WAR that there are no WMDs and that our intelligence was fabricated and that Saddam DID NOT have the capacity to start a Nuclear weapons program. I was reading this yet it seems our leaders were not.

henst123 • 11 years ago

Iraqi inspectors compiled an enormous detailed inventory of weapons, one that stood up to scrutiny--as Powell's ridiculous metal tubes did not. Representative of what was the most clownish and despicable administration in US history.

Randy • 11 years ago

Our leaders thought Saddam was as crooked as they were. They figured if they invaded Iraq, they were bound to find some hidden WMD's.

Jim • 11 years ago

I can't wait to talk to George Bush about a few things at the Yale reunion.

pathman25 • 11 years ago

Please report back. I'd love to hear about it.

tiredoftea • 11 years ago

Throwing mud at WAPO over its support of the W administration's pathology is cheap, easy and irrelevant. The only question left is when these war criminals will be prosecuted. Only then will the truth come out about this shameful episode in our history.

dannyc • 11 years ago

It's not too hard to figure out where the Banks and Obama's DOJ learned how to misrepresent lies and deceit as mere errors in judgement, and to master the truly neat trick of changing the law by breaking it.

henst123 • 11 years ago

Few who heard Powell's speech were convinced. The millions around the world who took to the streets to protest the inevitable invasion were drowned out by propaganda, and our population of halfwits hauled out '60's rhetoric about loving or leaving and "Freedom Fries." The complicit and lazy media were happy to focus on military action and the state of the "Green Zone," which kept them busy until it was time to move on (abetted by John McCain's senile babble about "the surge," now a matter of orthodoxy) and accept a permanent state of war. (What do we hear about Afghanistan, now a shadowy endeavor?) I'm just waiting to hear from Judith Miller.

Joseph_Ryan • 11 years ago

The ultimate "decider" who took us to war after 2001 was, of course, Geroge Bush. And if you take a look at the paintings he's been doing in retirement, you can't help but recognize a strangely immature and empty personality. I know a lot of people who paint or make ceramics but never have I met one who painted pictures of himself alone in the shower and bathtub. If anyone - and I mean anyone - shared such works with me, I would think there was something very odd going on. And the fact that this one man made decisions - based on utterly transparent lies- that cost hundreds of thousands of lives makes me think that the whole US government is no more than a madhouse. Look at Clinton, who seems such a statesman now, molesting a childish girl who brought him pizza. If I knew men like Bush and Clinton, I would make sure they never got close to children - but instead they were treated as virtual monarchs. Given these kind of precedents, God only knows what kind of bizarre individual the charming Mr. Obama really is. (Those "Terror Tuesday" meetings might be a clue)

Daniel No • 11 years ago

Even more will continue to be revealed about the Bush administration's methods for creating consent to the war than this. It's already clear how strong right-wing lobbyists were as an influence (http://empiricalmag.blogspo..., but certainly more press co-conspirators will be stepping forward soon.

Mellissa • 11 years ago

Yet even this article ignores the true hard proof. Google "Oil for Irak" for this.

Invading Iraq had nothing to do with “Weapons of Mass
Destruction” (WMDs). One of President Bush's more outrageous lies is that he
did not deceive the American people to justify the invasion of Iraq. "We
were fooled by bad intelligence" is the excuse accepted by most
Americans. They cannot recall that in 2003, as U.S. forces prepared to invade
Iraq, President Bush demanded that Saddam Hussein permit UN inspectors
"free and unfettered access" to search Iraq for WMDs. Saddam Hussein
surprised everyone by agreeing, and UN inspectors were allowed to roam Iraq at
will and check all the locations that Colin Powell had recently told the UN
Assembly were actively producing illegal weapons.

After several weeks, the dozens of UN inspector teams had found nothing, and
the dirty, rusty conditions of the suspect sites showed nothing had been made
there for years. The Bush administration insisted they had other proof that
WMDs were in Iraq. Chief UN inspector Hans Blix publicly stated that if they
would send him a clue, he would have UN teams inspect the next day. Iraq even
proposed that U.S. military officers join the UN inspectors. As a result,
President Bush had perfect intelligence that Iraq had no WMDs. The US military
had complete freedom to fly anywhere in Iraq to observe activity. UN
inspectors were on the ground to check any suspect site, and were permitted to
stay in Iraq as long as they liked to pursue new leads.

This confirmed what General Hussein Kamel, Iraq's weapons chief who defected
from the regime in 1995, told UN inspectors and the CIA, that Iraq had
destroyed its entire stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and banned

pathman25 • 11 years ago

It's called "Manufacturing consent." There was a little book about it by well known intellectual.

D.a. Hamilton • 11 years ago

Really says a lot to the whole world when its well known that the Bush administration lied, and there are many documents and witnesses with the proof , but the US gov refuse to take any action against them. It would tell the world that we police our own if they prosecuted those responsible, even the past President. But our gov has chosen to all but ignore it , acting as if it didn't happen and everything is fine, which only makes the rest of the world think even less of the US gov than they did before.