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Cathi • 11 years ago

Hi Hillary! Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous family you have. Your daughters are precious!! I’m late! I’m stopping by from the UBP13. I hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.

Erica Layne • 11 years ago

Hi Hillary! I'm excited to find you because I can tell from your intro that we like a lot of the same things (our kids, husbands, journaling, baking, books, photography...)! I'm following in a reader and checking out your pinterest boards too!

Hillary • 11 years ago

SO excited to get to know you! Thanks for stopping by!

Nicky • 11 years ago

Visiting from the UBP and stopping for a minute to link up and say HI!



Hillary • 11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by!

Andrea • 11 years ago

I would use the gift card to put towards the macro lens I have been eyeing on Amazon :)
Following you on Instagram now as blessedwithboys0830. Love your blog!

Hillary • 11 years ago

I love my macro lenses! Awesome choice!

Carrie • 11 years ago

Stopping by from the UBP...

I would use the gift card for actually completely some of the projects I've pinned on Pinterest. :-)

Hillary • 11 years ago

perfect use for gift cards ;) I'd do the same!

WeeMasonMan's Mom • 11 years ago

Following you on Instagram as weemasonsmom

WeeMasonMan's Mom • 11 years ago

With an Amazon gift card, I'd probably buy knee and wrist guards to keep me safe on my new rollerblades LOL

WeeMasonMan's Mom • 11 years ago

I am SOOOO glad that my kiddo is out of the dog bowl stage. I still don't trust him with the cat's water fountain though LOL

Hillary • 11 years ago

Count yourself lucky! <3 My little one seems to be far more interested in the things she shouldn't be ;)

Jen Riley • 11 years ago

Hi there! Visiting from UBP. I'll be back!

Hillary • 11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by!

Jamie • 11 years ago

Welcome to the Party. =)

Hillary • 11 years ago

thank you!

coffeelovinmom • 11 years ago

I'm glad to not be the only one whose yoga pants haven't seen yoga. Also my husband tells me I have to get rid of some mugs before I get anymore. Your girls are the sweetest! Hope you enjoy the party!

Hillary • 11 years ago

Wonder if they ever will see the sport of yoga ;) My mug buying has become a secret--perhaps that's an issue?

Kat • 11 years ago

We're due with a second little girl this May - that means ours will be 2 years apart as well - I am so excited to find another blogger with 2 girls so I can have a sneak preview of what's ahead :)

Hillary • 11 years ago

Congratulations! Eisley was a surprise, but sisters close in age has been SO fun!

Laurieann Thorpe • 11 years ago

Call me old fashioned but I'd buy books with an Amazon gift card. They still sell those there - right? Found you through the party but think I'll be sticking around through feedly. Nice to meet you!

Hillary • 11 years ago

Thanks for stopping by - I look forward to getting to know you! Books are a serious habit of mine...despite the small amount of time I have to read.

Steph Hightree • 11 years ago

Hi there! I was just trying to figure out the a while back how I found your blog and I bet it was from the Blog Hop you did before because I am also a fellow hopper! Stopping by to say hi and to say that I would probably buy myself something from Amazon if I won your prize. Which btw, is so thoughtful to donate! :-) I have been so busy with life that I just realized that most of my clothes don't fit me anymore (I recently lost 39lbs) so I should probably get me some yoga pants that don't fall off anymore! ;-) I just started following you on Instagram as well, @Steph8084. Have a great weekend!

Hillary • 11 years ago

AWESOME on the weight loss!! Yay, you! That's interesting that you have found me that way - I wish I had more time to join in on the blog parties more often..maybe I need to make the time - I have met some amazing people through blogging!

Poekitten • 11 years ago

And I'm now following you on instagram. I'm Poekitten on there too:)

Poekitten • 11 years ago

If I won the gift card, I'd buy cute clothes for Munchkin. I just can't resist!

Poekitten • 11 years ago

Your girls are adorable. I'm hoping I'll be able to get my munchkin to pose someday. Right now she frowns at me whenever I take a picture, which is several times a day:)

I'm following and looking forward to reading more:)

Hillary • 11 years ago

We get lots of frowny photos too - sometimes they're more fun (and more real!) Thanks for stopping by - can't wait to get to know you more!

Cornstarch? That's one confession I haven't heard before. I found you from UBP 2013.

Guest • 11 years ago
Hillary • 11 years ago

thanks for stopping by! Look forward to hearing from you more!