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And liked on facebook. Could use serious help with double unders
To get double unders like a pro!
Pick me! I need to work on my double unders as i suck on them! The RPM rope looks like the bets rope for me to get better! and - i'm a huge fan of The Rx Review... I would love to have this rope in my collection of cool Crossfit items!
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I want to crack the 250 unbroken double unders and currently my rope burns my shoulders out too fast
I cannot do more than 2 double unders in a row and I'm so bad at it I bruise my knees and whip myself! I'm sure a RPM speed rope would help me master them.
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Been using the gyms that are available and have been
trying to get efficient with some worn out ropes. Definitely with the
RPM rope I would no doubt become very good at doing double unders and
eventually being able to do triple unders. It won't bother me to get
more whipped, smacked, and hurt with the new RPM rope. Would want to use to improve my endurance, efficiency, and help me feel bad ass!
I wanna try the RPM rope because i've never mastered triple unders before. If any rope is gonna make it possible, i'm guesssing it would be this one! plus it looks pretty stylish and sleek!
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My gym has two jump ropes - both too short. I'd share mine. And I'd show off my sweet jump rope skills.
Liked, Followed and Followed! I've been working with a heavy rope recently and I'd love to use something faster!
Hi Issac,
Congratulations! We are selecting you as one of our lucky three winners!
Can you send your details to john@therxreview.com.
Need a faster rope than the one I currently have, hopefully this one will end on my bag =P
My current rope broke so instead of repairing or buying that same one, I would love to give some serious time to this one
Hoping I can add the Rx Review RPM rope to my WOD bag!
Hi Dwayne,
Congratulations! We are selecting you as one of our lucky three winners!
Can you send your details to john@therxreview.com.
Awesome, thanks! Just sent you an email!
Thanks Dwayne.
Got your email fine and will be in touch soon about the rope.
Liked, followed, and followed. I would love to give these a shot, they look like a top quality product, superior to plastic models!
I really really need one - I'm terrible at double unders (only just managed my first - by accident!), the ropes at our box are old and knackered and I keep having complete sense of humour failures whenever DUs come up! Please help me master them and learn to love them!
Thought my current rope was good, tried one of these the other day and they're on a whole new level though! Really need one of these so I can start stringing triple unders together!!!
I have used my friends RPM rope and it was so fast and smooth, I need one in my life :)
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RPM Ropes are like butter! - Andy
A slick rope that gives you confidence when it is in your hands. When double unders come up in the WOD, you have a smile to yourself, knowing that when they roll around you have the RPM Speed rope, a cheeky advantage!!
Liked on facebook, twitter and instagram!! Get on board!
DU suck for sure. A good rope goes a long way!
Not only am I horrible at DUs and want to be an expert at them, I also can never seem to find a rope at my xfit gym that works for me. I always seem to get stuck with the ones that have a broken swivel, permanent kinks in the rope, or half a handle. To have my own excellent speed rope that I can practice with all the time and become consistently good would be amazing! I also followed on FB, Twitter, and Instagram.
I want to try the rpm speed rope, because I am absolutely horrible at double unders, I mean I SUCK at them. Perhaps this is finally the ticket to me not making a fool of myself at my box !
Please help
Yours truly
Lots of Singles and shin marks
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I want this to help with DUs.
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I'm new to the speed rope world - but after watching that video I wanna try the rope! Still not that great at double unders but the rope looks real slick and fast to use!
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I like my R1 from rogue. but the barrings keep rusting out. Plus I'm 6'7'' so finding a good rope is little hard. I had but the R1 then buy the replacement 11 foot cable because at the time they didn't sell the 11 foot cable with handles. I would love to try the RPM rope sense my handles are rusted out yet again. I need new rope any way.
Followed, liked, followed. I'd like to get a double under for once...
Followed on Facebook and Instagram. I don't own an RPM rope currently, but would like to shave time off my DU's with the fastest rope on the market. The quality and craftsmanship of the RPM Speed Rope looks unmatched by the other speed ropes available.
My last speed rope broke a couple of months ago, and my double unders have been brutal ever since. You'd be saving my shins with an RPM rope!
I love ropes long rope short rope bit my favorite is jump rope. This speedy jump rope would make me the happiest gal in town.
Hopefully this rope will also make you better at spelling and punctuation.
#2 and 3 done. I havent tried rpm yet, but would LOVE a chance to shave some time off my double under wods!
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I saw this video of Shane Windsor breaking the world record a few weeks ago. The rope looks awesome to use in the video and the review i read on this site was pretty positive. Keen to try one out!