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Wartface • 11 years ago

Undecided... Are you kidding me?

Use my notes... All are accurate, and most are out of his own mouth.

Obama lied

OWEbama lied about " My Green energy plan will create 5 million new jobs"
OWEbama lied about "No more wiretapping of citizens."
OWEbama lied about "We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil."
OWEbama lied about "Then you’ve got their(GOP)which is dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance."
OWEbama lied about " this not being a planned terrorist attack."
OWEbama lied about about not raising taxes on those making less than $250,000...
OWEbama lied about changing immigration laws in 1st year after election...
OWEbama lied about his association with Rev Wright...
OWEbama lied about "Mr. Ayers as a "guy who lives in my neighborhood,” but “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis."
OWEbama lied about Guantanamo being closed in his first year...
OWEbama lied about "I will walk the picket line with you if your right to bargain is challenged"...
OWEbama lied about " no more wire tapping of citizens"...
OWEbama lied about " I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps"...
OWEbama lied about " I've done more to protect Israel's security than any President ever"...
 OWEbama lied about "fence between US and Mexico is nearly complete"...
OWEbama lied about Obama met highly qualified out of work teacher Robert Baroz. He wasn’t out of work and Obama never met him.
OWEbama lied about GOP Responsible for Obama Jobs Bill Not Passing -
Dems Rejected Jobs Bill
OWEbama lied about "the Rich don't pay their fair share" 
OWEbama lied about "The health care bill will not increase the deficit by one dime"...
OWObama lied about "If you like the health care plan you have you can keep it"
OWEbama lied about “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
OWEbama lied about "denies healthcare is a new tax on all Americans"...
OWEbama lied about "We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil."
OWEbama lied about "if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed"...
OWEbama lied about "Doctors choose amputation because they get better compensation. Greedy Doctors taking out tonsils for more money."
OWEbama lied about "The Health Care Package will pay for itself"...
OWEbama lied about "Republicans don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas — not one."
 OWEbama lied about "Obama says he’ll save average family $8,000 in gas".
OWEbama lied about "I am immediately instituting PayGo “Pay as you go”.
OWEbama lied about the Trillion Dollar “Shovel Ready” bill.
OWEbama lied about "We began by passing a Recovery Act that has already saved or created over 150,000 jobs.” – caught cooking the books and now changed to ‘jobs supported’ versus ‘created/saved’
OWEbama lied about "Number one, we inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit. … That wasn’t me.” – Congress, under Democratic control in 2007 and 2008, controlled the purse strings that led to the deficit Obama inherited.Obama supported the emergency bailout package in Bush’s final months — a package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger.
OWEbama lied about "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." 
OWEbama lied about "I will Cut the Deficit in Half by end of my first term"...
OWEbama lied about "Health Care deals will be covered on C-span"...
OWEbama lied about "As President I will recognize the Armenian Genocide"...
OWEbama lied about "Recovery Act will save or create jobs"...
OWEbama lied about "Unemployment rate will be 8.5% without stimulus"...
OWEbama lied about "No Earmarks in the $787 Billion Stimulus"...
OWEbama told the TRUTH "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care plan"...
OWEbama lied about "Mr. Ayers as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” but “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis".
OWEbama lied about "Minimum Wage will increase to $9.50/hr”...
OWEbama lied about "Ann Dunham spent the months before her death in 1995 fighting with insurance companies that sought to deny her the coverage she needed to pay for treatment".
OWEbama lied about "Didn’t know Jeremiah Wright was Radical"...
OWEbama lied about "Would have the most transparent administration in History"...
OWEbama lied about "We will go through our federal budget – page by page, line by line – eliminating those programs we don’t need, and insisting that those we do operate in a sensible cost-effective way"...
OWEbama lied about "I have visited all 57 states"...
OWEbama lied about "I’ll get rid of earmarks”...
OWEbama lied about "When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it".
OWEbama lied about "My father served in World War II"...
OWEbama lied about "I'll have the troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2009"...
OWEbama lied about "Seniors Making less than 50,000 will not have to pay taxes"...
OWEbama lied about "Would not vote for any bill supporting troop funding without a firm withdrawal commitment from the Bush Administration"...
OWEbama lied about "I don’t Have Lobbyists"...
OWEbama lied about "My Wife Didn’t Mean What She Said About Pride In Country"...
OWEbama lied about "Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity"...
OWEbama lied about "I Barely Know Rezko"...
OWEbama lied about "My Church Is Like Any Other Christian Church"...
OWEbama lied about "you didn't build that"...
OWEbama lied about "the people down in New Orleans... They don't care as much about. Meaning our government, our people.
OWEbama lied about "I will not sign a plan that will add one dime to our deficit -either now or in the future.
Owebama lied about " if you like your plan you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
OWEbama lied about being normal... He eats dog meat! 
OWEbama lied about job loses " I'm not going to make any excuses".
OWEbama lied about being open for discussion "When it comes to discussion on the budget, the President is determined to reply to any ideas with the same dishonest rhetoric. Instead of talking about issues and fact, he will villainize any plan different from his."
OWEbama lied about " President Obama does not have an “all of the Above” energy strategy. He said so himself, under his plans electricity costs would  “skyrocket”. He is beginning to get what he wants."
OWEbama lied about " if I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin" he had no info on the case. Let's have a beer summit!
OWEbama caught on hot mike..."Yesterday President Obama was caught on mic saying “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility” in a negotiation with the Russian government regarding  our missile defense systems."
OWEbama lied about "Ezra Levant is the host of the Canada’s Sun News, and provides us with a great glance into what the Keystone debate is like on the northern side of the border. Canada is a strong country that is developing their natural resources in ways that will benefit their economy. The past four years have been understandably frustrating for them. Obama’s lies and weak leadership has affected them as well. The President claims that the area in which the pipeline would pass over is a pristine protected aquifer, but if you look at the map showed in the clip you can see that excuse is weak, and dishonest. The clip presents some well researched points,and is very enlightening."
OWEbama lied about " he would save the average family $8,000 in gas.
OWEbama lied about "I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration”
OWEbama lied about "Romney and Ryan will gut pell grants for low-income college students."
OWEbama lied  "My budget will cut the deficit by $4 Trillion over 10 years."
OWEbama lied about "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven’t resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it."
OWEbama lied about "Mitt Romney would deny gay people the right to adopt children."
OWEbama lied about "Reform will also rein in the abuse and excess that nearly brought down our financial system. It will finally bring transparency to the kinds of complex, risky transactions that helped trigger the financial crisis."
OWEbama lied about "Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
OWEbama lied about "this is not a tax"... UPDATE: The supreme Court has now ruled the mandate to be a tax because the mandate would be unconstitutional.
OWEbama lied about "Now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you can be harassed."
OWEbama lied about "The Health Care Package will pay for itself."
OWEbama lied about "Republicans don’t have a single idea that’s different from George Bush’s ideas — not one."
OWEbama lied about "Number one, we inherited a $1.3 trillion deficit. … That wasn’t me.” – Congress, under Democratic control in 2007 and 2008, controlled the purse strings that led to the deficit Obama inherited.Obama supported the emergency bailout package in Bush’s final months — a package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger."

Here is why I am going to vote for Mr Romney...
1) He has no old friends from the 60's that were terrorist that blew up Goverment buildings.
2) He has no friends, family, employees or preachers in his life that are sworn Communist.
3) He has never hung a bulb on a christmas tree that had Mao's likeness on it.
4) He has no friends, family or former aquaintances that were or are member's of La Raza.
5) He has no friends, family or church affiliation that believes Social Justice is superior to individual responsibility.
6) He actually goes to church... Ever seen Obama take his wife and kids to a real church?
7) He will never bow down to a man wearing a diaper on his head!
8) He will not appoint a racist as Attorney General. His attorney general will actually prosecute whites and blacks fairly.
9) He understands how to do due diligence before investing in a company that is already bankrupt.
10) He knows that Big Government IS the problem, NOT the answer to our problems.
Seems pretty cut and dry to me...

Obama’s Failures:
Hawaii is in Asia
Passing on the keystone pipeline.
Touts a Green Energy Company as exemplary that fails a year later.
Using the Gulf Oil Spill to promote Green Energy – instead of cleaning it up.
Thinking the Tea Party is a passing fad – or that they are racists.
Pulling out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces.
Trying to re-write history through speeches – with inaccurate information (i.e. Statue of Liberty)
Getting a Nobel Prize for being the most ineffective President in the history of the United States, though some say it was for his pigment.
Putting all legislation on the Internet for five days before it comes to a vote.
Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits.
Giving a collection of DVDs to the British PM.
Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism.
Promising to close Gitmo — failing to do so.
Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016.
Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his various Czar positions and then watching them scurry for cover when Beck begins to call them out, forcing them to resign.
Government races for NJ, VA and the Senate Seat in Mass.
The midterm elections, which Obama himself called a shellacking.
Prediction that stimulus would ensure that unemployment doesn’t exceed 8%.
Bowing to just about everybody.
Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens to increase the population of voters for Democrat elections.
He said, I have visited 57 states. Now there is just 1 left to visit.
Obama to Medvedev…give me space I will have more flexibility after my election.ot someone that promotes same sex marriages"...

This is Carter/Reagan all over again. The same horrible economy. The same economically ignorant fool in the White House bringing misery to Americans. The same economic collapse under the weight of socialist, pro union, soak the rich, demonize the business owners, policies.  

I predict the same result on election day. Mitt Romney in a landslide.

And If I'm wrong- God help the United States of America.

Wmn04Ken07 • 11 years ago

Awesome. Let's see if you can't get a representative or senator to read them into the congressioal record. I am praying that God will help us in this very serious time of need.

mardec • 11 years ago

I'm with you, man. I'm not a regular churchgoer, but I'm praying to God every day really hard to save this country and help Romney win!

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

You should consider hunting for a church in your neighborhood. I got away from the Church in my 30's and 40's. Felt a pull to get back right about three years ago. It's changing our lives! And we SO look forward to attending and getting involved otherwise step by step.

Romlie/Lyin2012 • 11 years ago

Obama kicked ass! Romney stuck his chin out on Benghazi and Obama knocked him down. . Romney was vague about his tax plan and Obama knocked him down. Romney was stumbling on the question of equal pay and Obama slapped him. Romney stuck his chin out on the 47% and Obama knocked him OUT. Solid win for the President. Romney looked like a petulant child - interrupting and stuttering - and Obama made him look foolish.

Wartface • 11 years ago

Hmmm... I see you have 15 negative votes and NO positive votes. 15 to nothing... Now tell again who won that debate. None of what Owebama said passed the fact check sites. He doesn't even try to tell the truth. Romney embarrassed both Owebama and Crowly. The Demoquacks can't even win when they fix it with the moderator... How funny is that.

This is the death blow...
1) He has no old friends from the 60's that were terrorist that blew up Goverment buildings.
2) He has no friends, family, employees or preachers in his life that are sworn Communist.
3) He has never hung a bulb on a christmas tree that had Mao's likeness on it.
4) He has no friends, family or former aquaintances that were or are member's of La Raza.
5) He has no friends, family or church affiliation that believes Social Justice is superior to individual responsibility.
6) He actually goes to church... Ever seen Obama take his wife and kids to a real church?
7) He will never bow down to a man wearing a diaper on his head!
8) He will not appoint a racist as Attorney General. His attorney general will actually prosecute whites and blacks fairly.
9) He understands how to do due diligence before investing in a company that is already bankrupt.
10) He knows that Big Government IS the problem, NOT the answer to our problems.

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

Ooops...thanks for the reminder...after adding a quick comment, I forgot to give a down vote!! I'm #32!

Guest • 11 years ago

No, No....We're talking about the debate.....Not the Fairy Dust Democratic talking points here....Grab your Obama Phone and call home.

Ted Paine • 11 years ago

you're using the SAME post on other related topics here under a different handle. Please read ''wartface'' post above and let it sink in. It must be a sinking feeling to know that your man(?) obozo is about to take the shellacking of a life time and with it-progressiveism is going back into a box. I'm not happy about that one point-I want to see it eradicated from this Country entirely once and for all. Maybe you'd all be happier in Mexico or Europe - just leave.

TeaBagTheTakers • 11 years ago

Your funny! Your opinion is accepted and I'M making a mental note to reply to you on this blog after the election!

Guest • 11 years ago
Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

So you're coming out?

libertarian1234 • 11 years ago

When the situation reaches critical mass.....and it will......don't answer that knock on your door.

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

SQUIRREL!! (Hmmm maybe we should change that to "BINDER!)

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

Wow. Up to 4 for and 52 against. Truth does poorly here. Surprise! Well no, not really...

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

Hopefully God will answer us...in what 19 days...as Oblamer continues to slip...loved the Electoral College numbers today.

Guest • 11 years ago

Excellent, thank you! I too think it will be a very big win for Romney on Nov. 6 - big enough that there won't be any challenges or recounts.
I agree with The Great One and I was disappointed in Charles's take on the debate. That said, I still respect his intellect and opinions greatly and am glad he is also pulling for Mitt to win in 19 days.

In_the_OC • 11 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Is it not so weird that those wanting to re-elect Obama close their eyes and ears to ALL of this PROOF you have offered? Sheer stupidity, is it not?

Wartface • 11 years ago

I can't figure it out... It shows repetitive lies work!

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

I saw lots of accusations but no PROOF.

IMPEACH BOBO NOW !!! • 11 years ago

Great list & very true too, I just can't wait for President BOBO to have to do the WALK OF SHAME off the White House property in Jan. 2013 !!!!! People should not forget either that this country started down a bad road the day the FLEEBAGGER LIBTARDS took over the Congress in Jan. 2007 !!! Remember this too people, Bush told these same FLEEBAGGERS in Congress to do something about Freddie & Fannie in mid 2007, what did the FLEEBAGGERS do, NOTHING as usual !!!!!

This handed Bush the worst housing market collapse in American history, hence our bad economy !!! Now guess who was in the Senate at this time & also voted NO on doing anything about Freddie & Fannie with his FLEEBAGGER LIBTARD CR00K FRIENDS, DING ! DING ! DING ! thats right BOBO himself !!!! The next time you hear BOBO say I inherited a bad economy from Bush just remember, YES technically this is true but it was because of BOBO & his FLEEBAGGER BAND OF THIEVES for their DERELICTION OF DUTY to do something about Freddie & Fannie !!!!!!!!

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

January 21st is going to be like CHRISTMAS morning!! Watching Moochelle kick Oblamer in the butt all the way up the steps of the chopper that takes them OUTTA DC. Wow...that just felt good to type...try it!! It took away some stress! OUTTA DC...OUTTA DC...OUTTA DC!!!

Wartface • 11 years ago

Yes, yes, yes... OWEbama's walk of shame to the helicopter will be a great day for anyone that loves liberty, freedom and our Constitution!

Here is ABSOLUTE PROOF of what (IMPEACH BOBO) is saying about Bush warning The Demoquack's in Congress repeatedly since 2001 that Fannie and Freddie were a potential threat to our economy. Alan Greenspan testified the same message on this video. The Demoquack's always rejected those warnings by voting no on party lines.

Check out this video on YouTube:


Guest • 11 years ago

Great post!

Wartface • 11 years ago

Thanks... Just my fight against communism.

Guest • 11 years ago

Keep posting it !! There is plenty of space. It does not matter if its long. People should save it to their computer and post it everywhere. Thank you.

Ruthie3 • 11 years ago

Can i copy and paste to send to neighbors w/yard signs for Obama?

Wartface • 11 years ago

Yes, yes, yes... This is for public use. It was a lot of work but... I'm just doing my duty for our great country. Post it on lefty sites. It drives them stark raving mad!

Notice that no one questions the facts... Even the lefties know it's all true.

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

Yeah, b.s. does tend to annoy...

Wartface • 11 years ago

By the way... There is no such thing as a Progressive republican.

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

We are rare, but I did recently meet another one.

Wartface • 11 years ago

The Progressive ideology is what gave us all of the social engineering programs that were intended to make life better for the poor and less fortunate and society in general... The rich just had to pay their fair share.

Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter and BHO... All progressives with (all but Carter) had the legislative trifecta of their party having a super majority control of congress gave us these failed programs that never did what they were intended to do. Here of the list of programs they said would make America better.

The 16th Amendment that after 138 years allowed congress to collect a tax on a man/woman's labor. It allowed congress to take a dollar bill every time it made a profit.

The created a need for the IRS.

They gave our banking system to a privately owned corporation called the Federal Reserve. That agreement passed by the Demoquacks and signed by Woodrow Wilson stipulated that NO ONE in government including Congress, the president or even the SEC has the authority to audit their books or... Knows who owns that corporation.

They gave us Social Security. They never open the lock box savings account that FDR promised in his campaign to get the bill passed. There is No, Zero, zilch savings account for it. Those benefits are paid by current deductions from payroll checks, the general fund of the treasury of which 42% is borrowed from China. They stoled all those funs. Gone! They gave us the Big Bird Channel.

They gave us Medicare, Medicaid too. Actually these programs are just Amendments to the Social Security Act. Same thing on money. No lock box, no trust fund. Just IOU's that authorizes them to spend the money on anything they want.

Welfare or as it was originally known... "War on Poverty". Here we are 47 years down the road having spent $16,000,000,000,000 and... Poverty is higher today than ever before. This was kind of white guilt saying sorry to the black community for slavery. But LBJ really screwed them good on this. He stipulated that to get the free money you had to be a SINGLE mother. He also stipulated that the more babies you have, the more free money you gets. What happened was that black men would plant their seed and split. They wanted to get that free money! To understand the devastation that caused in the black community you have to know that after slavery and all through the KKK and Jim Crow days in the south 80% of black families were 2 parent households. Now 47 years of LBJ's poor written welfare bill the 2 parent black family is down to 21%. Take a look at Obama's home town where did all that community organizing... Young black kids murdering other young black kids. More have died there than in Afganistan. Rham (dead fish) emanuel should call in the national guard now! But... He will wait until after the election.

They gave us the Community Reivestment Act... That was he seed for the mortgage crisis that was the direct cause of our current financial crisis that we passed on to the world economy. How stupid can you be to through legislation force the banking system to loan money to poor people that had no way in hell of paying it back. Then to double down the Congress allowed variable rate mortgages that were no more than ticking time bombs.

Now OWEbama has given us the Affordable Care Act... That is UNAFFORABLE! He stoled money from Medicare, that is already bankrupt to make his crazy government run system work. He said you can keep you doctor or insurance company you have now. That's a lie. He said each family would save $2,500 a year with his new program. However the price went UP by $2,500 a year. That a $5,000 lie.

Ya see my friend... When the Progressives say "We are here to help" the poor and needy, they screw the world!

That ideology and republican... Don't belong in the same sentence let alone being a believable Moniker for a political position. Come on now!

Ted Paine • 11 years ago

the TRUTH tends to really annoy progressives, marxist, socialists, communists, democrats...but I repeat myself....

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

I can only speak for myself and truth annoys me far less than you.

Take Back Our Media • 11 years ago

We're on the same page, i.e., AmericaORObama.com

Wartface • 11 years ago

I looked at you site... You are a great American!

Take Back Our Media • 11 years ago

The 4000 military heros in Iraq and the 2000 in Afganistan and the millions more that have fought to create and sustain America are great Americans, I am just a schmo that lives in debt to them.

Comprehensive, too much so for most. I decided I was not going to wake up November 7th with regrets. Wish others felt the same. A thousand "AmericaORObama.com" signs across America would make a difference.

All the best.

BajaBert • 11 years ago

You've said it all. Thank you so very much. It is the best posting I've read on any blog I've read this entire campaign!

Wartface • 11 years ago

Thanks... Use it all you want to fight against socialism/fascism/communism... Obama!

Romlie/Lyin2012 • 11 years ago

Here's just a snmall list of Romlies lies. I got over 500 more if you want them.

1. At an impromptu event in South Carolina yesterday, Romney said on Medicare policy, "Our plan [has] no change for current seniors and those 55 and older."

That's plainly false. Romney's plan eliminates all new benefits for seniors under the Affordable Care Act, which necessarily means higher prescription drug costs for seniors, and more expensive preventive care.

2. At the same event, Romney argued, "Under the president's plan, [Medicare] goes bankrupt... Under the plan I propose, it is solvent."

That's the exact opposite of reality. Obama's policy strengthens Medicare's finances, and under Romney's plan, the system would be closer to insolvency faster.

3. In Chillicothe, Ohio, Romney said that under Obama, "We've got lower economic growth."

Actually, we got higher economic growth.

4. In the same speech, Romney said that under Obama, "We've got higher unemployment."

Actually, we got lower unemployment.

5. He went on to say the annual budget deficit has hit the $1 trillion mark under Obama for the "first time the history of our country."

Not true. The first time in the history of our country that the deficit hit $1 trillion was George W. Bush's last year in office, when the annual shortfall was $1.3 trillion.

6. Romney added that Obama promised "he'd get the unemployment down to under 5.6 percent today if we pass that $1 trillion stimulus package."

That's actually two falsehoods wrapped as one. For one thing, the stimulus wasn't $1 trillion (Romney's off by over $200 billion, and that's real money). For another, that's not what Obama promised.

7. Romney added, "You see unlike President Obama, I won't raise taxes on small business."

Obama has repeatedly cut taxes on small businesses -- by some counts, 18 times -- and if given a second term, his tax plan would have no effect on 97% of small businesses.

8. In an interview with Fortune magazine, Romney said the president's stimulus measures "have not put Americans back to work."

Yes they have.

9. In the same interview, Romney said he would create jobs by "taking advantage of America's energy resources, particularly natural gas, as well as coal, oil, nuclear, solar, and wind."

Much of this is contradicted by Romney's own agenda. He opposes the wind production tax credit, no matter how many jobs it costs the nation, and has vowed to cut off investments in renewable energy programs (Romney has said wind and solar do not constitute "real energy.")

10. Romney went on to say, "A nation which is a highly productive nation as we are benefits by trade with others... The Obama administration has negotiated no new [trade] agreements."

Did Romney not hear about the trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and South Korea?

11. Romney added, "We have to cut the deficit and get America on track to a balanced budget in order to convince investors that America is a good place to invest long term.... The president has done virtually nothing other than to propose a series of tax increases."

Actually, Obama proposed a massive, $4 trillion "grand bargain," most of which was made up of spending cuts. Congressional Republicans turned it down anyway.

12. Romney also said, "We're at a 30-year low in new business startups."

Still not true.

13. Romney went on to say, "I indicated as I announced my tax plan that the key principles included the following. First, that high-income people would continue to pay the same share of the tax burden that they do today."

At a minimum, this is ridiculously misleading. Under Romney's plan, high-income people would get an enormous tax break.

14. Romney added, "Obamacare is a tax. It's been so determined by the Supreme Court, and it falls predominantly on the middle class."

He's referring to an individual mandate that would apply to 1% of the population. And if President Obama's health care policy "raised taxes on the middle class," then Mitt Romney raised taxes on the middle class.

15. Romney also said, "President Obama raises taxes on the middle class. I will under no circumstances raise taxes on the middle class."

There's overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

16. Romney went on to say, "I will follow a model similar to Simpson-Bowles."

No he won't.

17. Romney also said, "I believe infrastructure is going to see very substantial investments over the coming decade."

He may believe that, but he's also endorsed a budget plan that drastically curtails infrastructure investments.

18. Romney argued, "I believe that you're going to see us having created 12 million new jobs."

If we do nothing, we're on track to create 12 million new American jobs over the next four years anyway.

19. In a televised ad, Romney said Obama "cut $716 billion dollars from Medicare ... to pay for Obamacare."

Oh, please.

20. The ad goes on to say, in reference to seniors, "So now the money you paid for your guaranteed healthcare is going to a massive new government program that's not for you."

That's plainly false. Under the Affordable Care Act, seniors pay less for prescription medication and preventive care -- meaning the policy is "for" them, too.

21. At a campaign stop in Ohio, Romney said under Obama we're not "adding jobs in the coal industry" and not "producing more coal."

Romney's lying. In reality, we're adding jobs in the coal industry and producing more coal.

22. Romney said this week that Paul Ryan reached out to Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to "co-lead a piece of legislation that makes sure we can save Medicare."

According to Ron Wyden, that's ridiculously untrue.

23. In another attack ad this week, Romney once again accused Obama of "quietly ending work requirements" in the welfare law."

He's still blatantly lying.

24. In Beallsville, Ohio, Romney argued, "President said he'd cut the deficit in half. He's doubled it."

Maybe Romney doesn't know what "double" means. The deficit on Obama's first day was $1.3 trillion. Last year, it was also $1.3 trillion. This year, it's projected to be $1.1 trillion. When he says the president "more than doubled" the deficit, as he has many times, Romney's lying.

25. In the same speech, Romney added that Obama has "raided that [Medicare] trust fund."

Obama has strengthened the Medicare trust fund.

26. Romney went on to call the Affordable Care Act an "unproven federal government takeover to health care."

There is no universe in which this makes sense -- "Obamacare" relies on private insurers, not a government takeover. (Also, it's not "unproven" -- the policy works quite well in, ahem, Massachusetts.)

27. Romney also said, "My number four [goal] is to stop spending massively more than we take in to get America on track to have a balanced budget. And I'll do it."

No you won't.

Romney says his plan "can't be scored," but independent budget analysts have found his agenda would make the deficit bigger, not smaller, and add trillions to the national debt.

28. Romney went on to say, "Seventy-five percent of small businesses in this country surveyed by the Chamber of Commerce said that Obamacare makes it less likely for them to hire people."

The "survey" is a joke. The Chamber, a pro-Republican lobbying institution heavily invested in helping Romney, put up an unscientific online survey. Treating this as a legitimate poll of businesses is fundamentally dishonest.

29. Romney also said, "I'm going to put work back into welfare."

Work hasn't been taken out of welfare.

30. Romney went on to say, "[Obama] said if you have a business, you didn't build that. Someone else did that."

That's not even close to what the president said.

31. At an event in St. Augustine, Florida, Romney said the president "won't want to remind people of Greece because that's where he's taking our country if we don't get off the road we're on."

That's painfully untrue.

32. In the same speech Romney said of the president, "He said he'd measure progress also by whether people were able to have a good job that kept them in their home and paid their mortgage. Well, 8.5 million homes foreclosed, a record level, is not success, Mr. President."

Putting aside how dishonest it is for Romney to blame the housing crash on the president, let's also not forget that Romney intends to deliberately avoid any efforts to curtail foreclosures.

33. Romney added, "I'm going to take every government program and apply this test: Is this program so critical it's worth borrowing money from China to pay for it? And if it's not, we'll get rid of it."

This continues to be misleading. The implication here is that U.S. debt is financed by the Chinese, but this isn't true -- China only holds about 8% of the nation's debt.

Wartface • 11 years ago

Hmmm... I see your post has 16 negative votes and No, Zero, Zilch positive votes. I think no one believes your rant.

Notice mine has 126 positive votes and 3 negative votes. That tells me that people seem to believe and trust what I posted.

You need to fact check your claims before you post it and embarrass yourself so badly.

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

In other words, you're ANOTHER one of these idiot FRWNJs that has decided that popularity equals truth. Brilliant. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Wartface • 11 years ago

Funny how you put words in my mouth and sit in front of your computer, probably in your mothers basement... And laugh your ass off. Get a life!

TeaBagTheTakers • 11 years ago

You do realize everyone has been exposed to the left wing lies and do not go for them anymore! The polls show this trend!
CNN's, (Communist Network News) small market ratings is just a small sample of how smart America is becoming!
Comrade, your living in the wrong country!

Michael Dickson • 11 years ago

Jeez, man, what a superlative comment. You get a dozen gold stars for this.

Wartface • 11 years ago

Is that like... 24 carrot gold? At $1,800 an ounce that would be great!

PVMan1 • 11 years ago

Wow. We should grab a beer!

Wartface • 11 years ago

Grab a beer... Is thatthe same as buying a beer and drinking it? Sorry I don't drink. I prefer to live life sober.

Progressive Republican • 11 years ago

Your list would be more impressive without the lies and repetitions. Just sayin'...

Wartface • 11 years ago

Please point them out... I will remove anything from the list you can prove to be inaccurate.