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Fireman649 • 11 years ago

I am suspect of the claims of Majeed Hussein that he was beaten during the protest, It should be noted that he Hussein reported his supposed beating to the corrupt PPP/C, why not the Police? maybe because he had no injuries or they were self inflicted.

But note, that the visit will be reported to the police by the corrupt PPP/C, well because of that it was good that the visit was being recorded,so the video footage will be available to counter any and all the lies that will come from Hussein and the corrupt PPP/C.

GroundZero • 11 years ago

Is this man PROPERTY of the PPP? Why is it so wrong for another human (AFC or otherwise) to reach out in sympathy with the victim?
What has Guyana become when sympathy is twisted into something so nasty. Good grief PPP, you don't own your supporters or Mr. Ramsaroop. In fact if you would all replace your hatred for anyone not PPP with a pinky's worth of Mr. Ramsaroop's sympathy, Guyana would be a better place.

vim • 11 years ago

Is this for real - the PPP asking for protection of their senior members? Where has the PPP's militarism gone? The PPP has slowly been going to the dogs since Donald Ramotar became General Secretary.

Chris_ric • 11 years ago

The ppp is getting fat and lazy on the people's food and money. That's what it is.

john b singh • 11 years ago

PPP playing the victim and terribly i must say.

They are saying persons did not find out about luncheon's statement till 6:30 Soon they will say luncheon said this the next day.

they went 2 the daags when jaggie went to the op

Kyattman • 11 years ago

Mr Ramsaroop presence was a few days late. He should have been at the public road calming down the thieves, thugs and and rioters. Many bloggers here were encouraging this behaviour of backwardness. A behaviour that went out of control, same like Linden. When people of influence act irresponsible, they MUST be held accountable. In the past, if we examine our History, many PPP supporters were locked up for questionable reasons. Should the people who cause mayhem in our society today, not put to cool off too?
Why should they not?

dezetante • 11 years ago

The Prominent Presumptuous Pirates are simply AFRAID of the AFC....they will do any and everything to TARNISH those who are Aggressively Fighting Corruption

john b singh • 11 years ago

Lets see if Rumel and NCN will cover this 24/7

Breaking News: Embattled businessman and Former Roger Khan Associate Ricardo Rodrigues has been executed in a hail of gunfire at the GMRSC sports club. Just last week Rodrigues turned himself into police after a wanted bulletin was issued for him in connection with a major arms and ammo bust.

The President,as Commander in Chief should have ordered the Guyana Defence Force to get to Agricola and assist the beleagered Police.

kyatty - did time nah lang time

Pamparoosh • 11 years ago

It is more like encouraging savagery. Same thing at Linden.

Guest • 11 years ago

desperate ppp/c regime ...
hhhmmm ... purpose misuse of commiserate ...

the pee pee pee will say and do anything to gain political mileage

Chris_ric • 11 years ago

Kyattman, I would never condone robbery. However, you are preaching to the wrong congregation. The thieves, thugs and oppressors congregate at freedom house, O. P. and the ministers' offices. When are you going to advocate that they be held accountable and put behind bars to cool off? After all, they are the ones causing the most damage to the country.

Guest • 11 years ago

Tell that to children who were robbed and had bags and food taken from them at Agricola.Sicko.

john b singh • 11 years ago

i heard the thugs even robbed a dead man true?

Guest • 11 years ago

Those things do not bother people like u who think different.

Kyattman • 11 years ago

The damage done to the country was done before by the corrupt PNC and now by its PNCite supporters. They burn Linden, you need to make a donation, sah.
Phil Bynoe should put in jail, all dem looters, arsonists, thieves and lawbreakers who extort money from the motorists they stranded.

Emile_Mervin • 11 years ago

You should have been going into government offices and buildings discouraging the officials from stealing state funds and resources for personal gain.

Guest • 11 years ago

boogahs ... ah what happen to yur erly marnin rants ... chillin eh ...

john b singh • 11 years ago

Hussein, according to the PPP, had reported on Friday that he was severely beaten by thugs during Thursday’s unrest on the East Bank. The PPP has blamed the opposition, particularly the AFC, for what transpired.

This man is a PPP recipient of welfare at freedump house. Can anyone in the independent media verify any beatings that took place in agricola? no. The answer is a big fat no.

The PPP is manufacturing info daily. Nada balls had to interrupt his rum shop session and run over to NCN to pretend that the world was ending in agricola. YES?

Cant you folks even lie properly?

csingh • 11 years ago

Oh pleeeease ... Gerhard Ramsaroop is a florist. The man sells flowers. He is as intimidating as a thorn on a rosebush ... lol .

Patriot • 11 years ago

At least he aint tief no bike yet.

john b singh • 11 years ago

ahahahaha ROTFL how would you miss this chap Gerhard?

How would he hide?

Napaloo Toanseed • 11 years ago

I knew you would not be posting my comment even though everything I've written is in all the other papers.
You guys puzzle me with your inconsistencies .

john b singh • 11 years ago

guh and complain to chranicle and parvatie gonna help you out.

john b singh • 11 years ago

No seed who are de real terrrorrrrrrorrrrrisstttss

APNU MP Vanessa Kissoon on the witness standAPNU parliamentarian Vanessa Kissoon on Monday said she was shot at by a police officer who had earlier told the Linden Commission of Inquiry that he had not used his weapon on July 18 when three protesters were killed at the mining town.Relating the events to the Commission she stated that after the police opened fire with tear smoke she escorted several elderly women away from the scene and on returning to the scene she saw a police officer fleeing.According to Kissoon, the crowd was shouting that he had just shot a man. She added that the officer, who she identified as “Stanton” ran past her and then turned and shot in her direction. The MP told the commissioners that the officer was using a handgun.Assistant Superintendent Walter Stanton had testified on October 4 that he was in the vicinity of the Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge which protesters had occupied when the shootings occurred.According to Stanton, who stated he was armed with a concealed 9mm pistol, he was standing behind the TSU ranks who were facing the large crowd at the bridge while a smaller group of persons was also behind the riot squad."I heard the crowd behind start shouting kill de officer, he standing alone," Stanton said and indicated that it was to him they were referring.

patricia • 11 years ago

exactly...sn do not promote free press, because they do not post my comments either...especially when i'm speaking the truth about the opposition.

Travis • 11 years ago

Chronicle and NCN does promote "free press", place your blogs there.

Patriot • 11 years ago

Write sense then.

Guest • 11 years ago
Guest • 11 years ago

They will get one very soon.Keep checking there.

Chris_ric • 11 years ago

Then wait for it. I wouldn't know what the chronic lie has since I never read it. I simply refuse to follow trash.

Guest • 11 years ago

Your opinion is not relevant.

Chris_ric • 11 years ago

Patricia SN will not post your comments unless you learn proper grammar.
As one who supports and defends the government, with all the evidence of its wrong-doing, you would not know the truth even if it jumped up and bit you in the face.
Now, there you have it.

English Moderator • 11 years ago

Chris_ric,,,Who are you??The English Moderator..You have a good eye for detail but not for content..You are a person who will continuously argue whether the glass is half full or half empty..

Dr.Evil • 11 years ago

yall now waking up to reality of politics????
most politicians are frends..buddy buddy who gat the likes of cack eye bozo cussin out people they dont know here on sn free media....if if he is a ppp member and supporter did ppp stopped he from taking blows??? hell no....did pnc stopped haslyn paris from tecking blows in pnc compound..heck no.....now yal know why i dont vote but yet cack eye bozo does deh hey cussin and pimping for votes for afc daily....

King Akbar • 11 years ago

Dr you lil hard on dem boys.You like dem ole time head masta.

patricia • 11 years ago

exactly...the pnc/afc bloggers are dumb my friend! they know nothing about politics...they don't realize they are being used, by the same parties that they love...these parties are in bed together...

Patriot • 11 years ago

You know about polititricks....hahahahahaha. The PPP really rub off on you.

john b singh • 11 years ago

Naughty AFC we have to put them in detention.

john b singh • 11 years ago

The PPP said it is also “encouraging all law abiding citizens and civil society organizations to speak out” against what it said was a terror campaign by the AFC.

This is a very bad AFc they are engaged in a TERROR CAMPAIGN can you believe it patty cakes? ROTFL hahhahahaa

Dawne • 11 years ago

Since when have they been so concerned about Agricola?

john b singh • 11 years ago

since when the PPP care about people?

How come they were not finding persons in linden?

The Truth • 11 years ago

Here we go again the blaming game, instead of accepting that they have made mistakes. It was this same PPP Government that was on the street with the WPA saying that they will do better. Well if this is better then; then my people God help us.All last week the PPP blaming Nigle now it is Gerhard Ramsaroop, if they are looking for for some one to blame they should look in the mirror.

OBSERVER • 11 years ago

Ms The Truth...Gerhard Ramsaroop is a chip off the old block - his wonderful late father Boyo Ramsaroop. Gerhard and other former Queens College students, would get together irrespective of political affiliation....but Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, a former QC boy, is usually the only absentee, as he is afraid of what his PPP (dictator) comrades will say and do should he inter-act with his former school friends who are not PPP members. There are times when one should be able to inter-act with others of differing political affiliation - or NO political affiliation - like OBSERVER, for example.

john b singh • 11 years ago

The PPP has dedicated NCN to covering this charade all day long the people here are enjoying the comedy via romel and friends

OBSERVER • 11 years ago

I was sickened to my stomach when I read that PPP Press Release about the humain visit by Mr Gerhard Ramsaroop to the home of this FRIEND and former political colleague. But the PPP is so good at turning around a good and kind deed and make it something bad. For example, in the same way that they have taken "NIS" (National Insurance Scheme) and turned it around and made NIS, SIN..

Karate Dog • 11 years ago

Good Morning my brother, hope all is well. Horns are not popping out a me forrid yet!.....smile.
Now yuh na tink Brother Hussein had enough torment from the people who engineered the mayhem. Why rub salt, is it desert after a meal? What's with video taping the man's home. This is an offence, it violates privacy.
Political figure, for obvious reasons cannot be seen at a residence for whatever reasons, especially a beating by thugs in a Democratic country, after a hard day of honest work.
Is Mr Ramsaroop so naive and stupid? Does he not know that people will read between the lines? Are these the politicians who we will put our trust in to rule a country?
No sir Mr Ramsaroop, you skrewed up big time.