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Swordfish • 12 years ago

It is this kind of that forces people to take the law into their own hands. No nation should be subjected to this crass, unbridled and shameless arrogance. The president is operating as if he has a monopoly on ideas. No doubt that is fine with his devotees. However, Mr. Jagdeo needs to know that some of us have and use our God-given brain. We don't need him and his comrades to tell us how to think. One other thing, democracy does not end with free elections. It also includes a whole host of other freedoms which, I'm afraid, it has to be said, do not exist in Guyana.

Dr.Evil • 12 years ago

good...nat till after elections....great......
leh dem halla and bawl dem guts out till after election....

Carifta • 12 years ago

Yah Right!! I can proudly say that after 16 years we dust off a bill and then put it on the shelf. Well it is on the shelf, literally, where that bill belong, where there is the continue to reference broadcast when it should be the all incompassing mass media and or multi media. But those who have the resources should just go ahead and establish Internet radio stations etc until they get their broadcast radio licenses.

Morgan35 • 12 years ago

This guy should be ashamed to speak. Guess he doesn't mind putting his foot in his mouth everytime.

"Dusted off"....and no TANGIBLE explanation as to WHY it was shelved for 16 years!!!

And surprise, surprise! Let's wait to see if we get re-elected, and we'll tie those radio licence applications in piles of red tape to delay and frustrate the "opposition" radio.

Progress, progress, PeePeePee style.

Joe • 12 years ago

Who needs Radio Licenses these days. Use streaming video and broadcast over the internet. Piggy back off of  an internet broadcast station in the USA. My good friend Brian Thornhill has a streaming broadcast radio station up and running. Look him up on Facebook. Broadcast you message as a guest speaker.

The group Anonymous is dedicated to fighting for the peoples right to freedom of speech and freedom of information on the internet. Forget about the negative press they are being given by the Western Spin Media. They are not crooks and criminals, they are the peoples' champions.

Anonymous is not a group it is an idea. Check out their video message to the people of the world and decide and think for yourself my friends.


dezetante • 12 years ago

Great as usual Joe.....where were you all the time?

Joe • 12 years ago

GuyaneseStarfish, not only can you stream you can try streaking also. lol

GuyaneseStarfish • 12 years ago

can i stream in my car??????????

Bands • 12 years ago

WOW! This is amazing, 16 years to pass a bill and after the bill is pass it is highjack by jagdeo.

All the opposition parties should be protesting ALL the forign donors including Norway to stop giving any AID to Guyana until after the election.

Bishm • 12 years ago

that is exactly what Norway has decided NO funds until after the elections. the others donors should follow suit.

Guest • 12 years ago

Just like the gun license few will be chosen 

Guest • 12 years ago

bisrama ... elected dictataship .... at wuk ... az burnham .... smiles wryly ...

nor will dere b eny afta ...

dezetante • 12 years ago

Ahmad man seahhe bin put sum cont-tainers pon a praperty dat is suppose to belong to the nation of Guyana, Would you Mr. President be Honerable onough to VIEW and REVIEW those containers and let the populance honestly know of your findings? 

Devon Dublin • 12 years ago

By not granting licenses before elections is also advantageous.

Bishm • 12 years ago

Burnham must be having the last laugh while turning in his grave.