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Karolyn • 10 years ago

Everything I've read says that regular honey is not a good antibiotic/wound dressing, but Manuka honey is I have used it, and it does work. I know I was told years ago that eating local honey is good for allergies. Also, I recently read that the honey sold in most grocery stores is not real honey. So don't buy commercial honey; buy local! Of course, if the bees keep getting killed off, we won't have anything to eat, never mind honey.


Elvis Presley • 10 years ago

Remember 70% of store purchased honey is actually "High Fructose Corn Syrup from China, smuggled in through India." Real Honey can Cure Sugar diabetes, but Corn Syrup will cause it.

Doctor Mom • 10 years ago

Please emphasize that honey must be "raw". It must not have been heated!
That is why most grocery store honey is ineffective. Heat destroys the enzyme (glucose hydrogenase) that releases the slow, steady stream of hydrogen peroxide. Manuka honey is good, but has been shipped from around the world. Local honey is best IF you can speak with the producer and be certain it has not been heated. Purchase from Farmers' Markets and talk with the vendors or read the label and call the company to be certain it has not been heated.
Store up a LOT of raw honey for possible coming collapse. It will not go bad over many years. If it crystalizes, it is still good, but may be very gently warmed in warm water to dissolve the crystals, if you wish. And if you can obtain raw honey in glass bottles, this is optimal.

Bill • 10 years ago

Good advice, Mom,
Honey and lime juice in hot water is good for colds and sore throats.
Although, I have not had a cold in 20 years

guest • 10 years ago

I add hot water to this mixture plus a shot of scotch or brandy.
Excellent hot toddy for colds and sore throat.
Have used it for years!
Plus, just a teaspoon of cider vinegar chased down by water settles my heartburn in a jiffy. Never take pills anymore. What a money saver.

Bill • 10 years ago

Hi Guest,
I used to use whiskey to do the same thing years ago when I got colds.
The apple cidar vinegar is very powerful stuff. Dr Jonathan Wright always said that it was lack of hydrochloric stomach acid that caused heartburn and not too much. As we get older, we lose our ability to produce stomach acid which relates to our absorption of nutrients.
Just take how many decade old you are and you have lost that much percentage of stomach acid. If you are 60 years old, you have lost 60% of your stomach acid. It is directly related to hip fractures because you have lost your ability to absorb nutrients in you bones
Give it a try. Buy hydrochloric acid with betain enzymes. It is cheap and offers a lot of benefits
My wife and I go to an anti-aging clinic and have our blood tested for hormones and other things every six months. I read an article about the benefits of taking organic sulpher due to it being depleted in the soil. We started taking it and all of our levels of everything were increased. The doctor determined that the sulphur also helped our absorption.

5live5 • 10 years ago

Bill, not disputing your post as I know for certain it works but I had heartburn at 20. Used to get it all the time. I love hot foods and can't eat them now. Then when I was about 27 I didn't have heartburn for a few years. I changed nothing in my diet. now I only get it occasionally. also, at 50 I fell out of a tree I was trimming from a distance of 12 feet onto the ground. They insisted on taking me to the hospital but found no breaks. I DID have the most beautiful red, green, yellow, and purple hip for about a month!

5live5 • 10 years ago

if you drink a FEW, even if it doesn't cure it, at least you don't care as much! Just joking!

JC • 10 years ago

Honey and vinegar use will stop heart burn and acid reflux. I Have had to take the purple pill since I started using 1teaspoon honey table spoon of Vinegar in a glass of water I mix warm . I do not take thing. When I started I drank this every night. now I will drank it just once in a while. I can verify that this works I do it my self

YourNameHere • 10 years ago

Wow, I thought Peggy Layton would write an article like this.

But the writer forgot to add one important thing assuming it is genuine honey in the first place. Is make sure it is UNHEATED. And it says so on the label. If not contact the maker and find out.

They can heat it to a certain level and still call it raw.