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WASP • 10 years ago

Maybe it is time to begin taxing churches, and it's employees.

doza • 10 years ago

Amnesty means liberal control forever. Liberal control means the first thing to go is the Catholic church. It is suicide by stupidity.

bull57 • 10 years ago

The Catholic Church has been a founding member of the NWO cause. I have been reading a lot lately, good or bad I don't know, but the church always seems to be involved. This goes all the way back to "The Knights Templar". We all should be very afraid as the only thing stopping the NWO is the US and our guns! Obama's homeland security army will nullify that before long!!!

Sharpshooter • 10 years ago

Let's be honest, they're looking for more fresh little altar boys!

2egypt • 10 years ago

And who is going to support and feed these illegals once they get amnesty? The Catholic church?? That's why i don't give them money anymore...charity begins at home...we don't need free loaders...we are overcrowded and the bishops wants more in? Maybe it's because they lost a lot of members due to all the priests pedophile. Think these mexicans will give to the church? They'll take more than anything.

Bundoker • 10 years ago

Where were these goody-goody-two-shoe guys the past 20 years when 226,000 annual family immigration limits were too high? Some of those still waiting waiting for a US visa number are relatives of US citizens ... including Mexican siblings. Where is the fairness in that?

Poodleguy • 10 years ago

Sure, the Catholic church wants amnesty for Mexican illegals who just happen to be 99% Catholic. You see, once they can live in America & gain employment, they will be making more $$, so their contributions to the church will be increased exponentially! Always follow the $$!!! The deceased (thankfully!) philanderer Teddy "Get 'em drunk & drown 'em" Kennedy got out of a couple of his marriages by having the Catholic church declare them null & void...............I have always wondered just how much it cost him.

felix1999 • 10 years ago

As a Protestant, I have Catholic friends that I truly love. It appears the Catholic church is split on this. There are LIBERAL Catholics and CONSERVATIVE Catholics. The LIBERALS want amnesty. The Catholic church at large wants it to INCREASE THEIR BASE. Many legal Americans that are Catholic are fleeing to Protestant churches or simply don't care one way of the other - cafeteria style Catholics are also thriving. In short they are NO longer united. Hispanics are typically Catholic so the Catholic church WANTS them to keep Catholicism alive. The conservative Catholics are AGAINST amnesty. The PROSPEROUS Catholics are too since they KNOW BETTER - they are better informed. It is the "working poor" Catholic and less informed and "devoted" Catholic that WANTS amnesty. So it is a mixed bag with different motivations.

Kaitty • 10 years ago

The Catholics apostatized from Jesus' teachings. Read the Bible! Pray for them to see the light. They are unwilling to learn in order to save their souls. God help them to learn.

Poodleguy • 10 years ago

Likewise, I have nothing against Catholics, it is Catholicism I despise...........

Washington22 • 10 years ago

I have a bad feeling that the Catholic bishops are pushing for amnesty to ensure growth in their church..............and that is sad beyond words. We all know that Hispanics are traditionally Catholic. It is a shameful business for them to take on and so transparent.

felix1999 • 10 years ago

You are exactly right, Washington22!

It's job security with a base to SUPPORT the clergy. It's really that simple.

Hispanic Catholics are typically very devoted and question nothing the church says whereas legal America Catholics DO question things - cafeteria style Catholic - and see the DANGER in this and recognize the HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT we already have etc... The more accomplished conservative Catholic will NOT want amnesty.

Washington22 • 10 years ago

I'll bet lots of us agree on this..............more Mexicans sitting in the pews on Sunday mornings. I'd like to hear the voices of those more conservative Catholics that you speak of................

collinspa • 10 years ago

The clergy is upset about people leaving the church.This is a good example why.the bishops are driving the people away with this kind of reasoning. We are willing to support the poor but why should we support those who should not even be here.They broke the law.The priests should tell the bishops the are wrong and will cause more resentment.

felix1999 • 10 years ago

Even within Catholic schools the FEW Hispanics that are there are subtly being shunned by the European Catholics there....

bull57 • 10 years ago

Well, they can go to he££ too. Stay in your church and stay out of our business!

Chris Dennis • 10 years ago

Your comment is BULL. Don't be so harsh.

bull57 • 10 years ago

Say what you will. My comment to not too harsh. I believe the Catholic Church has been corrupted by evil for many century's. of course we have to be destroyed as it is written before It can be proven. Believe what you will and I will believe as I will!!!

Sharpshooter • 10 years ago

All the Bishops see is "fresh meat". What a disgusting entity. Like a much larger version of NAMBLA!

Vern Smith • 10 years ago

On that day, I will give out whatever is required to do so in the bulletin, but I will not preach on this subject at all!! There must be border security before any other considerations are up for debate. Just because the US Bishops support a particular political point of view does not influence greatly Catholic opinion as the good folks have their own strong opinions on this subject as well. I love my church, but there strong differences of opinion on this matter because a country that cannot control or regulate it's own borders is going under as a nation. May God raise up for us in His mercy another Ronald Reagan to restore the greatness of this beloved country.

Patricia McGehee • 10 years ago

I don't belleve this.

Kaitty • 10 years ago

All the bishops see is the money coming in from the new catholic worshipers. More children to teach their apostasy to.

Washington22 • 10 years ago

I may lean toward you views, but I would never put it that way.

Guest • 10 years ago

well, the bishops would only know about someone else taking care of them - the roman catholic church takes care of them - so naturally they would be of the mind that the gov't should take care of everyone including illegals... so naturally they aren't thinking of the laws of the land or the constitution... so dems, where's the crowd that screams about separation of church and state??? yeah...

Guest • 10 years ago
felix1999 • 10 years ago

Catholicism wraps itself around the CULTURE so people can still practice Santeria and still be Catholic. They don't require them to STOP Santeria - it's more of a cultural thing.

stpatwanabe • 10 years ago

Gods Law Is The Law Of Compassion. Our Law Our Oath Of Citizenship says "You Must Renounce allegiance to other countries and become American" and follow her ally. thats why they can't follow amnesty. reOpen Ellis Island and make One entrance as our anscesters did!

Barbaracvm • 10 years ago

The illegals are not coming to the US to become citizens. They to get what money they can and send home.

Washington22 • 10 years ago

What you say is TRUE and they are now coming without any intention of blending into America. They want to keep separate, retain their language, and worst of all their culture. Their culture ..........I don't have time to go into the nuances of it, but if you lived in Southern Ca for a week, drove around and shopped in stores with them, you'd see. If you come to America it should be to assimilate...............They are obstinate in their ways, are demanding and pushy and are arrogant. They feel we took their land from them and that they have a right to be here. It's very annoying.................

stpatwanabe • 10 years ago

We All We The People Know That! I Want The Liberal Bishops To Wake Up And Realize That! The Liberal Bishops Ruin The Catholic Church! they talk about the Left's social Justice from communism, not the true social justice of actually caring for the fellow man the way God Does! We Can Not allow Illegals In it just grows the demoncrat party and grows government. they have nothing to offer our country and We Do Not Need Anything From Any Other Country..we don't need to import anything America Has All The Resources We Need, from oil to meat etc

Washington22 • 10 years ago

Another case for "They are wrong, we are right"

Stopthemadness • 10 years ago

Leviticus 19:33-35 is about the stranger who "resides" or "dwells" with a person. RCC, that means they have been welcomed in, not stolen their way in illegally!!

Factory_Hag • 10 years ago

Right! it's the verse (among some from Matthew) that we have always used to try to convince people to be nicer to all the LEGAL immigrants over the years.

Seamus Knott • 10 years ago

Love God and your neighbor as yourself. Isn't that the New Testament in a nutshell? "Upon this rock I will build My church..." I'm with the bishops on this one. Catholic haters need to examine their consciences.

stpatwanabe • 10 years ago

no not the lib catholic bishops,the liberal bishops ruin the church and our country. we don't need illegal immigrants let them come in legally the way our ancestors did. illegals just use and abuse US for their purpose not america's best interest!...and especially not under king hussein who is creating the islam caliphate. all hussein-obama will do is enslave the illegals for his SS.forfreestuff

Septemberswhisper • 10 years ago

It would be nice if they ( the illegal's) felt this way. If they had any love for us or our country, they would not illegally invade our country, nor ignore our laws and use us for their own selfish wants and needs. Nor would they protest in our streets and burn our flags. They need to go home and reunite with their families, and all their other loved ones.

centermass1 • 10 years ago

For Catholics and non-Catholics who really want to know how the Catholic Church SHOULD act...check out http://www.churchmilitant.tv/
Its a great site that calls out the B.S. of the Church...even all the pedophile/homo priests.

mperkins2 • 10 years ago

The Catholic Church knows that most of the illegals coming in from Mexico are Catholic. Just like the democrats think more immigrants mean more voters for them. More Catholics, more money in their coffers.

Que Dub • 10 years ago

Catholics at Notre Dame covered the Crosses there for " barry " to speak there!!!! THAT WAS WRONG !!!! They denied Jesus Christ !!!!

Washington22 • 10 years ago

I keep thinking about that, too. It was a disgrace. The Church sinned, plain and simple. I think they lost parishioners that day.........They lost all credibility.

centermass1 • 10 years ago

Yes they did...and as a Catholic it really pissed me off.

Que Dub • 10 years ago

WHO in the H3LLL is going to pay for their welfare, food stamps, gas cards, section 8 , and all the crime they bring????? WE already pay $535 BILLION$$$$$$$$ for the illegals here now !!!!!!

grannylake • 10 years ago

The Catholic Bishops have good intentions but are using the wrong language.
Everyone in America wants a solution to the illegal immigration problem. But for the best interests of everyone living in America the first step in Immigration Reform must be a secure border. Then the plan for illegal aliens living in the US can be implemented.

Washington22 • 10 years ago

common sense doesn't work with these greedy monsters, granny.

Que Dub • 10 years ago

WE already have immigration laws , but the damm liberals WILL NOT ENFORCE THEM , instead they sue the states that do enforce the laws!!!
AND the border continues to be WIDE OPEN to the world , the word is out !!!!,

FREE money here !!!!!

centermass1 • 10 years ago

It is the "smoke of Satan" that has entered the Church that drives their intentions.

MA_Ed • 10 years ago

Since when does the RCC true Biblical principles? I mean Really.

Guest • 10 years ago

The churches are very motivated. Many , many millions more Christians to fill their coffers.
It's how the Vatican is one of the richest corporations in the world.

Scott Wilson • 10 years ago

I'm trying to stay a Catholic, but with first the scandal of child molesters being covered for( the actually act I know is on the individual) and now we are supposed to just bend over and take it again in the letting illegals who have broken our laws countless times first coming in illegally then using false ID or Social Security numbers that of course have ruined other's lives , I'm about ready to bolt! The Church needs to stay out of this issue altogether.

Washington22 • 10 years ago

Scott, I can't abide by them anymore. They are going against God's word as often as they are accepting liberal views to rule them. They are not the church of 40 years ago. They have become involved in earthly matters instead of what they used to preach. As a former Catholic, I searched around and am now attending a bible based church and I feel fufilled. It worried me at first because of how I was raised, but the CC doesn't obey it own rules and laws................