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Susan Kolar • 11 years ago

If Romney wants to be credible on the Middle East, he might want to look at a map. Syria is Iran's 'route to the sea'? Really? (I am amazed that none of the talking heads have mentioned this (at least not on CNN))

Doctor GrooVy • 11 years ago

If Romney's plans work, why is the rest of the world against Romney's plans?
Maybe the better question is why is it that 2 weeks until the election, the American voters have no idea what Romney's plans are?

Susan Kolar • 11 years ago

If Romney wants to be credible on the Middle East, he might want to look at a map. Syria is Iran's 'route to the sea'? Really??!

John Rintala • 11 years ago

Not to worry. It is unlikely that more than a tiny minority of Romney supporters could find Syria, Iran, or any other country on a map.

Ed Alonzo • 11 years ago

You knew he would eventually slip and falter. We all knew he would and here it is. I wonder how he will cover his mistake and will he be able to recover quick enough.

Ardi Hominid • 11 years ago

Obama definitely won this debate. Romney was really shaking the Etch-A-Sketch.

Dwight Eisenhower • 11 years ago

Obama should just say: "listen doubletalk boy, you tell one more lie & I'm gonna bust you upside your head and then, since the Mittbot is programmed to lie, do it, with gusto.
The Presidents poll numbers would skyrocket. LOL.

J D • 11 years ago

I am so happy Obama busted Mitts pork chops! =D

Ed Alonzo • 11 years ago

Obama did very well and seemed very vibrant and alive. Obama provided insight and planning into the next four years which is what he was missing the last debate. I was happy he kept from deception this time too. Remarkable! But, he still had that porky pig thing going but he was amazing. But he was attacking, while Romney wasn't.

However, I wonder what effect Romney's reaching out will have and what he was exactly trying to accomplish or who he was trying to reach. Romney did not act as I had expected him to. Romney's demeanor, presentation and stance were different from before.

B.R. Fly • 11 years ago

Ed Alonzo

Romney is ALWAYS different than before! Mr. Severely Conservative? Remember him? Now he's Mitt 'World Peace Now"Romney. Man's a fake and fraud...either that or he's got MPD, big time!

Ed Alonzo • 11 years ago

But this it seemed planned as if he is expecting something from his posturing during the debate. Romney seemed composed but was not as aggressive as Obama, I'm hoping he was just tired, but we are talking about a professional politician and there may be an ulterior motive for his behavior.

k. Knudtson • 11 years ago

Good old Mitt may want to avoid poker tables ...you can see right through this cheese puff..." We have less horses and bayonets too "...lol...

Inagada davida • 11 years ago

Too bad Romney blushes so much when he lies and has the truth told to him.
Also, Romney swallows his larynx (gulps) way too often. Not sure why.
Perhaps he thought his Christmas Gift Ribbon instead of a necktie would be persuasive.
Obama reminded me of Rocky in the first Rocky Movie. And in all the other Rocky movies.
Obama knows what is good; and what is best for the United States.
The only thing I don’t understand is why Obama does not hit Romney harder in these debates.
He certainly could. Perhaps he is too decent a human being.
And I think we can all agree that Bob Schieffer did an absolutely GREAT job.

Ed Alonzo • 11 years ago

Obama's problem is he is timid. Nothing wrong with being timid, it's just his predominant personality trait. It is the reason he did so poorly in the first debate. He was wonderful in this last one I was flabbergasted. He really stepped up his game and was on the ball giving good, quick precise answers and rebuttals.

No hand rail there, Schieffer did as well as he does on Sunday mornings, drawing the information from both candidates, but this time Obama had all the answers. I don't think the "Obamas bin Laden" will be a big issue.

Mustite Llyou • 11 years ago

The Nobel Prize laureate never uttered the word "peace"---clearly, world peace is not on his agenda in foreign policy. Romney included "peace" or "peaceful" a dozen times.