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Bombnail • Hace 12 años

So true, you sum it all up perfectly, my wife used to beat on me, throw shit at me, abuse me, belittle me in front of the kids and kill any flame i had inside of me.

Since the kids were born she hasn't worked a fucking day, and bitches, I can do every fucking one of any possible job you have for the day done by 10am, I have done it many times so don't try and tell me being a mother is a full time and hard fucking job. Work 60 hours a week concreting and you can, but hanging out a few loads of washing, running a vacuum over the floors, stacking the dishwasher and dropping the kids of at school is hardly a hard and time consuming job, It's just because you are slow and lazy that it takes you till 2pm to do. You can throw in mowing the lawns, cleaning the bathroom and making all the fucking beds and i still got that shit done by 10am. I sacrificed the last ten years of my life for my kids and am now at the stage where I have a strong bond with my children and can leave without fear of having their Innocent minds corrupted by a lying, deceiving, evil, lazy sponging cunt of a woman. Half my size, i could have driven that evil cunt through a wall with one punch, and even though i wanted to do it so fucking bad, for the grief that fucking slag of a woman has put me through should be punishable with imprisonment, I have stayed strong for my children.
What is fucked is that woman want equality, but when it comes to splitting the household assets, property and child custody, they want it all! If woman didn't have cunts you would throw stones at them..............

Gina • Hace 12 años

Your woman is just a bitch. You should've just punched her in the face. I work, go to school and still make time to take care of the things of my family. Not to mention I am still a teenager and I do that with ease. I cook everything for my boyfriend, and I mean good cooking not that microwave crap. Sorry I might be young but I am old fashioned when it comes to cooking.
Now yes the first few years of a child's life is probably a reason why your wife might have stayed at home (and you probably would've agreed with that) but as soon as the child goes to school a wife should get a job even if its nowhere near as good as their husband's job.
And I just have on question bomb, did she really throw shit at you?

IANNA • Hace 12 años

You young and very sweet girl. males on this website do not deserve understanding and compassion. They are low scums, nasty and cruel at heart. They should be treated just as what they are nasty, low scams and you should respect yourself. Should not be living with the man without getting married to him first.

Lnzjean • Hace 12 años

Ianna, it sounds like Gina is perfectly content living with her boyfriend (who might also be the father of her child.) I'm sure she doesn't need a stranger telling her to get married or change her current living situation.

It doesn't sound like she has a problem with self-respect either. She sounds very proud of herself in the fact that she works, goes to school, takes care of her family, and cooks meals for them.

Maybe she doesn't believe in marriage. Maybe she and her boyfriend can't afford a wedding while going to school and having a child.

Baconmakers • Hace 11 años

I should make a movie about feminism. Every feminist has to where a pig snout, though they're even more pigs than pigs are, so farmers have to cut off one of their pig tails. They shall live out on the farm with donkeys, cows, and sheep. Then the farmers will come out and milk them. Then when the farmers are done, they cook 'em up and eat their intestines with waffles. OINK OINK OINK OINK OINK

Phoenix • Hace 12 años

Personally I think that feminism has done a fantastic job of showing how incompetent and inferior women really are.

It has removed all of the so called obstacles and "oppression" and allowed women to pursue their goals, and what have they done? Fuck all. Despite not having the same barriers in areas like science, business and politics etc. women continue to accomplish and contribute......well....very little.

Seems the world is still celebrating women's supposed "accomplishments" which are usually nothing more than something already done by a man, that is then later done by a woman (there are exceptions but they are very few).

And feminists showed up just how fucking stupid, incapable and incompetent women can be.

They decided to enter the workforce thinking that they would earn money like a man. Result. They doubled the number of people in the workforce. Even a school child can understand the basic economics of what would happen. Double the amount of people in the workforce, you half the wages. This is part of the reason people today are struggling, wages adjusted for inflation have halved. Good one feminists, you showed up how fucking stupid women are.

They decided to go for "equal" rights. But they needed to make sure they were helped in order to achieve them. Women still need to be helped to achieve the same outcomes than men do in every area they enter into. For a start that isn't "equal rights," which shows how well women understand the English language, and secondly, it only proves how incapable women really are. Reverse discrimination actually proves women's incompetence. Feminism proved that women can't compete with men on equal terms and are therefore inferior.

The rise of feminism has a direct correlation with the collapse of Western Civilization now taking place. I guess feminists didn't bother to study history, if they did they would have realised that there is not ONE example of a civilization run by women, that has endured. Feminism proved that women are ignorant of the past.

Thanks feminists, your crusade for "equality" has shown the world that women are stupid, incapable, ignorant, and incompetent and given the world massive amounts of evidence for the superiority of men.

Sooner or later the world will catch on, and your "equal rights" will be thrown in the trash.

Robb • Hace 12 años

Most women who say they are "feminist" are so fucking confused what that term even means, or any term for that matter, that they just regurgitate it as an excuse to some dumb fuck action they have committed. "Yah Stacy I sucked his dick because I'm a feminist and it made me feel alive."
"I drove my car 25 over and screamed at the people I tailed because I'm a feminist and I act like a fucking idiot cause my emotions aren't in control." "I cheat on my husband and boyfriends because that is what real power feels like." "He pays for 90 percent of my expenses and I just put it in his face with lies and adultery because I'm manipulative and a whore/feminist." All great examples.

ZBK • Hace 12 años

American feminist sluts have become the new untouchables in they can be whatever they want but I can smell a stinkin, feminist pussy from a mile away and i'll keep it that way!
Stay away and stay safe!

Sam • Hace 12 años

I'm with you man. I don't want to touch those bitches.

Sam • Hace 12 años

A response to what Feminists want:

We want equality for women and female empowerment."

You had equality long ago, now you have special privileges.

"We want equal pay for equal work"

You already had that and now women in large cities get paid 20% more for equal work right out of college.

"We want to be able to have a child without being penalized and held back in the work place."

And I want to get drunk before I go into work... Don't have children if you want to get ahead in the workplace. Companies are privately owned and catering to your wants is not the responsibility of ANY company.

We want equal representation in government.

You have over-representation in the gov't, so that means if you want it equal, you need to get rid of most of the Feminist lobbies. Just because it is men in Congress doesn't mean they represent men, that is a braindead Feminist fallacy, since nearly all politicians are the gay b*tches of Feminism.

"We want to control our bodies without male control"

You want full control, you take full responsibility for them and the consequences. Don't strip men of ALL reproductive rights, then force us to pay for your mistakes.

"We want to no longer be treated like prostitutes"

Don't act like prostitutes then... Grow up and take responsibility for your actions, you can't force the gov't in a democracy to oppress men for your benefit.

"We want to no longer live in fear of rape."

That is irrational fear, don't expect us to do anything about your imaginary "feelings." Suck it up, and act like an adult. We aren't here to bend over backwards for cowards who would have us living in a Police State just so you wimps can have false illusion of "safety." It's a rough world we live in, and if you aren't even capable of control your phantom fears, what makes you think you deserve equal rights and treatment?

"We want to be safe from domestic violence in our own homes."

Stop committing DV then. How can you expect to be taken seriously when women are responsible for at least 50% of all DV and start non-reciprocal DV the majority of the time.…

"We want protection of our children from violent fathers."

But you don't want "your" children protected from your own violence. Women commit most of the violence against children.

We want to be equals!

Whining and crying about life not being fair isn't going to make you equal. Being perpetual spoiled 5 year old children isn't going to do it either, and neither will forcing horrible Unconstitutional laws that oppress and persecute men. If you can't be responsible for you own actions, and can't bear the idea of being judged in a court of law to the same standard as men, you can NEVER be "equal." Women aren't equal to men. Sorry, but that is the truth-- men are superior according to all of the research. There may be a few things that women may excel at, but overall men are "more equal" than women, but that doesn't mean women shouldn't be treated equally under the law or not treated with human decency or be judged as a whole, where people should be individually judged according to their merits.

Sam • Hace 10 años

Feminists are man-hating cunts.

Sundoggy • Hace 11 años

it's not just feminism that's a joke. I hate the whole western society, such as violence. I went on youtube video where a girl attacked a guy, here were the responses:

"that guy needs to grow some balls" "for ball busting entertainment, hit up my channel" "maybe he enjoyed it" and my favorite one "I love this kind of violence hahaha."

Now here are responses on a video where a guy attacks a girl:

"fuck you, you have no respect for women" "this guy is a complete coward" "I hope the police arrested this creep."

I don't need to come up with everything, go on youtube and you can see it first hand. although I don't understand why hitting a girl is any different than hitting a guy.and isn't it funny that whenever a guy in a place like afghanistan kills a woman, all four corners of the U.S. bitches about it for several weeks, but whenever a woman kills a guy in our own country, it's all "lol" bullshit. I don't know where this double standard came from, but it's a disgrace. and what a coincidence that afghanistan is hated by americans, but a place like jersey is america's favorite country, besides the piggish country of their own, which is america. boy do I yearn the day there's equality.

Dynamite • Hace 11 años

although equality sounds nice, sitting around holding our silly signs asking for equal rights won't work with us like it did with them. We won't get any attention, unless we become violent. If we get a large enough revolt, the police won't be able to stop us, and eventually they'll give up, and eventually, they'll stop feminism. Men 100 years ago would've never taken this crap, men these days have become wusses.

Sam • Hace 11 años

Good points. Watch almost any show on T.V. and you will see some girl kicking/punching a guy in the crotch. Everybody laughs. It's not funny and any girl that kicks a guy in the crotch should get kicked right back.

Youvgottobekiddingme • Hace 11 años

Holy crap! I just saw that on t.v., right before i went on here. if there is anything that makes blow my top is when I see a girl punch a guy in the nuts. in fact if they so much as threaten it, I get ten times as mad as if a guy actually DID IT to another guy. Girls have absolutely NO BUSINESS doing that, since they have no idea how bad the Hell it hurts. I guess it's a good thing they never attempted that on me, cause they would be eating through a straw the rest of their life if they did. Girls are stupid Dickwads.

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

For some weird reason I don't believe you..

Novanova1990 • Hace 11 años

and u men are abunch of pusses bitching about getting kicked in the nuts. seriously? if u dont hit the girl back who is at fault? you blame society well nobody will notice if you do it behind closed doors huh?! and reap what you fucking sew. who is at fault for women being so lazy? blame previous generations and the way you morons are raising young girls. maybe if you raised them to be more independent and do a better job they would. fucking fools all of you.

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

You have to know that men have a physical advantage over women. It's not sexist to say, It's just a fact; so those two scenarios actually ARE a bit different.

Sundoggy • Hace 11 años

Not all men are stronger than women. I've seen some shrimpy men before. But even if so, what does muscles have to do with pain? if a guy gets punched in the face, it'll hurt just as much as if a girl did, and it'll hurt even MORE if it was done in the crotch, and guys aren't allowed to fight back. Muscles are completely useless if you don't use them, you know.

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

Instead of using them to attack her he could just hold her off or something like in movies? I dunno. I just think attacking girls is pretty avoidable.

I think the sexes are similar, but physically though, will never be equal: If I punched you in face I think your nose would hurt for a while, but If you punched me, full force, I would need surgery. IF I was lucky. That's just science.

Besides, you're acting like girls hit all the time and It isn't considered abuse. This is actually old news. They're called "sociopaths".

Novanova1990 • Hace 11 años

i agree. i have punched a guy and busted his lip. as for what inferior woman says she is obviously one of those girly pink wearing whores walkin around being the whole "im so dainty and feminine i cant hurt anything' basically the fuckin stereotype everyone is talking about. get off ur high horse bitch! go get a job and maybe do something with urself.

gigglycaffeine • Hace 11 años

cat pussy

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

Guess I can't please everybody..

Tony • Hace 10 años

Spread your legs and most will be entertained

Alex • Hace 10 años

Not just physically.

Thatfishermanguy • Hace 11 años

Feminism has nothing to do with being equal, it's about pedestalling. I've not once seen a woman do remotely the same amount of hard and dangerous work a man does, a.k.a military work, mining etc., and yet they want to shatter the last "glass ceiling" and even be superior. so basically, these so called "superiors" cower when it comes to wars and disasters. How does that make sense? Anyways, if I ever see a woman president, I will kill her.

gigglycaffiene • Hace 11 años

■ [][][] F | A | G | G | O | T [][][] ■

Sam • Hace 11 años

Any guy who doesn't bow down you call a faggot. Heard it all before you dumb cunt, doesn't work, so save your breath. Go ram a screwdriver up your cunt.

Truth • Hace 11 años


Single • Hace 11 años

Boy, if those smelly lesbians fell off the face of the earth, I would enjoy women a lot more.

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

what for? as a man (I'm assuming) you wouldn't need to deal with these smelly lesbians at all. because they aren't interested. so why does this bother you?

Single • Hace 11 años

Cuzz they get in my ass whenever I'm around them and I listen to there manbashing bullshit everyday. this site is also sexist? HA! so what, Dick makes one for every thousand cunts.

Single • Hace 11 años

You weren't asking a rhetorical question dumbass, you're just saying that now because you have no legit response.

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años

At least these supposedly misandric lesbians could probably recognise a rhetorical question when they read one..

Tony • Hace 10 años

No they can't dear, they'd take it as another patriarchal rape attack since Feminists are incapable of coherent thought and anything a man says gets them all bazooka

gigglycaffeine • Hace 11 años

Dickland is the better place of all the world for to do the animal sex I LUV DICKLAND!!!

Sam • Hace 11 años

Yes, feminism is really about thinking women are superior to men. They accomplish nothing, create nothing, build nothing. All they do is bitch and demand rights. They want all the privileges without any of the responsibilities. We men are not attracted to narcissistic, immature, tantrum-throwing, spoiled brats.
So keep it up feminists. You will find yourselfs hated by all men.

Theguyatwork • Hace 11 años

it would totally make my day if men finally snapped, and decided to do the holocaust maneuver. every feminist should be stripped, beaten, and taken to a gas chamber, but first we should play with them like a cat does to a mouse. we should stab into their reproductive organs, spit on them and make them eat it. then we will slowly turn up the gas chambers, mike their screams, and make some popcorn for the boys to enjoy. Then when the world is cleansed, we would take away the nuisance that is women's rights. We will kick them out of the workforce like we did in the 40's, and the wife will serve the man, the way it's supposed to go. FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! THANK GO ALMIGHTY, WE ARE FREE AT LAST!

Truth • Hace 11 años

This is exactly what they did in Muslim countries. I don't want this. But I think feminism has gone way too far, and I understand why men are a frustrated as they are. One thing I would have to say women are better than men at these days is organizing and communicating with each other. I would rather form a club that more closely resembled Fight Club than the Taliban. If we learn to be men again, women will follow, and little violence will be needed. Men are builders. We just need to learn to band together to build again.

Read this. Written by a women, but really helps explain the problems men and women are having these days.

FeministsRpigs • Hace 11 años

have you ever heard of NOW? it's an organization of butthurt women that don't like the fact that men are still rightfully superior in muslim countries. I think NOW is a joke. first of all, it's not even affecting them, they got what they wanted in this country, so why do they even freaken care? but since they do, this leads to my second disgust; neither men nor women are treated fairly in islam, not just women, but they only care about women of course.

Shrimptacos • Hace 11 años

are you talking about the genocide that happened just a few days ago? I was kind of disgusted when I read about it on the newspaper, but if that was the reason, I worship these guys.

gigglycaffeine • Hace 11 años

God commands you to have gay sex

Inferiorwoman • Hace 11 años


Thatdogguy • Hace 11 años

What's the matter? Did your old boyfriend dump you for another guy? Can't say that I blame him. What guy on earth would want to be with a stupid, ugly, diseased, fucktard like you?

Neverdying • Hace 12 años

I think this whole western society is a joke, with the fact that feminists are part of the government, making laws unfair. Especially with divorce and domestic violence. even if almost half of DV is commited by women, they only worry about the violent men and putting those guys in jail. I once saw a guy get groin kicked making him punch the girl in the nose. Guess who got pressed charges? Or supporting breast cancer. What about prostate cancer? Does the government ever give a crap about that? Even though more men get PC than women get BC? Yet most people probably don't even know what prostate is. I always here crap like, "I survived BC" and with stores it's always pink this, pink that. I will NEVER support BC until we start supporting PC too. Men live about 5 years shorter too. And yet, when it comes to taking care of seniors, 90% worry just about making sure female are protected and taking care of. A lot of women suck at driving and yet, insurance rates are a lot lower with them. anything wrong with this picture? It's times like this I wish I lived in a third world country where gender related things go the way they should. And believe it or not, those a**hole feminists are trying to "fix" the third world countries too. See a feminist, kill her. It's only one less bitcher in the billions of people on this earth.

You • Hace 11 años

Women, fags, niggers, they're all the same. Running solely on primitive, microscopic brains geared entirely around the sensual and the emotional, prone to falling under the influence of mood swings and getting offended over the most trivial fucking things one could possibly even think of. It's beyond hypocritical that they're the ones who file charges or scream bloody murder over things they almost always started themselves or played a much larger part in and use their status as minorities to argue they're always being discriminated or given no respect anytime they end up in court or locked in debate over anything.

Last I checked they're the ones who practically get blanket immunity from taking the blame for sexual assaults regardless of who's being forced by whom, get child custody in virtually any divorce, and are viewed as the victim no matter who it was that pulled the trigger. I've only just turned 20 less than 3 months back and I can't tell you how many of my friends (and myself on two occasions) have had charges filed against them for the most meaningless things (and I'm Asian). Battery, sexual assault, you name it.

Feminism is just a stinking mass of plain obstinacy and a thirst for blood serving as pretense for dodging any offense that could ever be dealt against a bitch, same with today's gay rights movements that are frankly no less overbearing and intransigent as all FUCKING getout than most of the shit that kikes incessantly spout for attention 70 years after the Germans surrendered. If there's one thing that does justify rape or murder, it's one of those ignorant as fuck feminists and faggots who just don't know when to shut the hell up and see they're already given the kind of leniency and leeway most of the straight male population wouldn't ever be granted in lifetimes.

Crazy motherfucking vermin...

Widowkiller • Hace 12 años

Yea, I frequently get physically abused by my wife too. I tried calling the police, but they basically said "sucks for you." But screw the stupid police, they're the reason I haven't killed my wife yet. I swear, the moment I ever find out they remove the "don't hit a girl" law, I will beat her freaken guts out; I'm about ready to do it already. This country is ran by idiots.

Truth • Hace 11 años

You don't have to just sit there and take it from a girl who attacks you. If she swings at you, and breaks her hand, or kicks you and breaks her foot, no one will prosecute you. I should teach a class on how to fight a girls. The main thing is to never get angry and lose control. If you lose it and beat the shit out of her you are in trouble. But don't just turtle up and take it like some many men pathetically do these days...

Brad • Hace 12 años

This is why I never got married. I, and thousands of men think that not getting married is a sign of victory for staying strong, and not giving into sexual temptations. One of the most wealthiest men are single, and the poorest women are single. Go figure.

James Smith • Hace 11 años

Same here, not that I make a load of money but I have more awesome man toys than any of my married friends (who make more than me). But they have goofy shit in their house no one but women care about. Lucky them I guess, lol, they get to sleep with the same girl the rest of their life while I go play the field and have all sorts of awesome shit and no nagging.