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dubturbomixer.com • 12 years ago

I think Sina Weibo better than Twitter

1and1Mail • 12 years ago

I like sina weibo much more than Twitter. Weibo is extremely user-friendly. If it launches an English, I will definitely give it a try!

Affan • 12 years ago


Hope to give it a shot when the english version is available

Buddy Milkshake • 12 years ago

Threaded comments are the most needed. Twitter needs real conversation.

Hermione • 12 years ago

The biggest issue is Sina Weibo not allow any sort of political discussion at all, censoring everything even relatively mild. Twitter > Weibo in a huge scale on this aspect.

Ash Menon • 12 years ago

Microtopics definitely, but for the rest, Twitter excels because of its simplicity. And as for the high growth rate of Sina Weibo, East Asian demographic typically has a very high adoption rate of new ideas, especially social ideas. It's not surprising that social networks spread like wildfire over there. 

Nick de Koning • 12 years ago

I am glad that twitter hasn't got all these functions! For me Twitter is about simplicity, about sharing a text message with others, not about emoticons, rewards or any other functions mentioned here.

Humza Mehbub • 12 years ago

What I liked best:

1) The customization
2) Micro-Topics

I think Twitter is better off without threaded comments, and emots. Having thousands of emots in your Timeline would just bog the whole system down. People will complain about server issues, and PR would need to act up.

And threaded comments make it look like a mini-forum, like 4chan haha.

FREE TEMPLATES BLOG • 12 years ago

I agree with you Humza! You cannot have too much emots etc. as they will slow down the whole platform. About threaded comments though hmmm I don't really know...

avk • 12 years ago

Well, i kind of think there is no point in adding such complexity to twitter. it is best the way it is. Simple.Tweet, Follow, Retweet. that's it. Although, nested comments would make the conversation a lot more fun for sure.

Logosfera.ro • 12 years ago

Threaded comments, multimedia in comments, events? Sounds more like Facebook than Twitter. And if somebody is interested in Facebook + categorization they can use Google Plus.

Max Tarkhov • 12 years ago

Uhhm... No. Twitter is awesome because its simple & not overwhelmed with all this useless stuff.

eduo • 12 years ago

The post could have easily been called "how is Sina Weibo similar to Plurk".

Something must be different either in timing or public, since all these features appeared in Plurk years ago yet Plurk couldn't compete with Twitter, which at the time was the simplest microblogging platform. There's nothing new in Sina Weibo's offering that hasn't been done years ago but the fact that it's successful means that either the chinese public is different or that they've been able to take advantage of a time opportunity like twitter did and, in the end, these features may be irrelevant and the important part is being at the right time in the right market.

Tony • 12 years ago

Chinese people couldn't get access to Google+ easily and directly. They have to climb the Great Fire Wall, which is designed by Chinese government to censor some "sensitive information" from abroad or in home, and in most cases, the information is about events of politics and corruption. So is with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Lagubestbest • 12 years ago

I think sms suits me fine. 

Nils Pihl • 12 years ago

Nice article. Did you read this one? http://mentionllc.com/news/...

FREE Templates Blog • 12 years ago

I like the look of this platform. However I am so used to Twitter now, so should I really move platforms? Either I love Twitter because of the instant traffic I receive to my blog because of super fast and responsive tweets.


Rajiv • 12 years ago

Twitter will not copy any feature from Sina Weibo, but it will instead come out with its own new feature.

FokNoo • 12 years ago

Well that clearly makes a whole lot of sense wow.

Micr -Topics is some kind of Mini-Group, this is a great idea for those "tweet" messages~