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j- • 11 years ago

yum doesn't wanna install git:

$ sudo yum install git
Setting up Install Process
No package git available.
Nothing to do

Jesus del Valle • 11 years ago

Hi j-. As of today (July 7th 2012), you can find Git for Centos in:
CentOS 6.2: base repository: Git version 1.7.1; CentOS 5.8: epel repository: Git version
You are probably under CentOS 5.x; you would need to install/enable the epel repository.
Regards, Jesus

j- • 11 years ago

Hi, Jesus. No, I am under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx. And frankly speaking I do not know how can I enable the repository((

Jesus del Valle • 11 years ago

Hi j-. Then 
"apt-get install git-core" should do it. 