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Hobbit • 11 years ago

So tell me Sandy victims, what do you think of your President and FEMA red tape now? Why doesn't BO use that 4 million to help the victims of Sandy and spend Christmas at the Whitehouse making a budget? He wants to raise taxes on the rich but spend 4 million tax dollars for vacation. Shame on you.

WIConservative • 11 years ago

You got to be kidding? Moochie was in complete withdrawal meltdown in not getting to go on her lavish vacations during the campaign season.....

marlin • 11 years ago

millions starving ,millions out of work ,millions have not taken a vacation in years

Guest • 11 years ago

She told Barrak we will make up for those b asdards who didn't vote for you, we will suck those taxpayers dry.

hondamom • 11 years ago

Hobbit, you are exactly right!! That is, if we had a real man/leader in the White House that is what a decent president would do. Santa, be sure to give Barackie a lump of coal for Christmas, that is all he deserves. Oh and by the way, a pay cut in his wages would be nice too!!!!

IMPEACH BOBO NOW !!! • 11 years ago

These are just the type of things that President BOBO should be cutting, just like BOBOcare tax that is going to put 30 MILLION FREELOADER FLEEBAGGERS on the healthcare rolls who have never paid a dime into the system & will not pay a dime into the sytem either !!!!! Or how about giving home loans to poor bIacks again like it didn't work the first time with the Freddie & Fannie DEBACLE !!!!

Or how about giving 150 BILLION dollars of the hard working Americans taxpayer dollars to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVADERS last year alone for their social services that they shouldn't be getting to begin with, or how about a 1,000 dollar child credit for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVADERS SPAWN !!!! Add all these wasteful spending DEBACLES together & we could be back to a balanced budget in months !!! We can start with BOBO 4 million vacation & then go after all the other wasteful spending from there !!!!!!

Sick & Tired • 11 years ago

All those victims of Sandy that voted for Obama because he did his photo op and hugged them ,as he told them lies on how he was going to speed up FEMA and the governments response to their needs..... How do you feel about his 4 million dollar vacations? With no budget for over 3 years, you gave him another blank check for the next 4 yrs. They wouldn't believe it was his fault anyway. The victims of Kathrina are still waiting.It started in the Bush term,but it's been under his watch for several years now. The Royal Family in England gets a million dollars a year, not a million or 4 million per vacation.

theTrain • 11 years ago

Because he is the ultimate narcisist! He doesn't give a crap about anybody else but himself and his golf game!

This is exactly what dictators do...the country is suffering...no jobs, and we are on the edge of the fiscal cliff and the almighty one could care less as long as he get's his 4 million dollar vacation...what garbage he is. He could care less about the little people...he only associates with millionaires.

WIConservative • 11 years ago

When Moochie and Obama was visiting the ladies on the VIEW before the election ....Moochie was bitching she wanted Barack to win so SHE could get back planning her lavish vacations........(we can't make this crap up if we tried) on how out of touch Obama and his mooching wife is out of touch with the Americans who are suffering under his no job creation policies.....the people's $$ is Obama and Moochies according to their world of extravagence...

Elizabeth Rounds • 11 years ago

Actually, what is astonishing is how out of touch (and gullible) are the people who re-elected Obama!

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Racist much? I know a vacation for you involves little more than driving the pick-up to the Waffle House, but don't begrudge the President to enjoy Christmas with his family.

Fed Up • 11 years ago

Ah yes, the racist card. I think the Democrat deck is made up of all racist cards and a few jokers. I don't begrudge the president a vacation, but 20 days at a cost of $4-5 million dollars while the country teeters on a financial cliff is demoralizing to all hard working Americans. We didn't vote for a monarch. He needs to get to work instead of delegating it out while he plays. He could vacation closer to home this year. Don't forget that huge carbon footprint he is creating with all that flying around. You surely must believe in global warming. I've never heard of a liberal who didn't.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

You voted for the most powerful man in the world and when he travels - whenever and wherever - it is with an entourage. It doesn't matter if the President is a Democrat or Republican - the costs remain the same. Want to angry about something? How about the Pentagon's whacked out F-35 fighter aircraft project. It's billions over budget - the whole program is going to cost in excess of a trillion dollars. Yeah, trillion dollars. http://www.nytimes.com/2012...

Fed Up • 11 years ago

I didn't vote for him. Don't blame me. He could curtail the big plans this year is what I said. It would show some respect to those in America who are struggling. As for the F-35, Obama's plans are to leave the U.S. defenseless. What's a trillion to you anyway? He's already wasted trillions. Can't even account for the stimulus money and where it went. You need to wake up.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

More mush from the wimp.

Integrityx10 • 11 years ago

It's going to save you some day, you insolent sorry excuse for a human being.

SusieQ • 11 years ago

He can spend it with his family just like most of us are! AT HOME!

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Then take a vacation yourself. Do you begrudge everyone who takes a vacation?

Elizabeth Rounds • 11 years ago

Really?how is it racist to object to a 4 million dollar vacation at tax payer expense?

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Because no one objected to George W. Bush's vacations - over eight years - all at tax payer expense. The President travels with an entourage where he goes; whenever he goes. He's as entitled to go on vacation wherever he wants; and since he's from Hawaii, going there is not beyond the realm of expectation. How many security people travel with House Speaker Boehner? It's more than a couple. No one ever asks how much that's costing?

Elizabeth • 11 years ago

That is what is have is a Dictator and he is talking about others giving up their money and paying more yet he's frolicking in all these exotic places with OUR TAX DOLLARS!!!

Guest • 11 years ago

Remember Michele says to Barrak in the bedroom, just think we have those white folks to wait on us hand and foot for the next 4 years while we go on lot's of trips.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Racist much, vetnick?

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

He sure is and that's his right. You're paying for it whether the President is a Democrat or Republican.

1breezye • 11 years ago

Did Egypt's Morsi get his dictator ideas from Obama or was it the other way around?

three rivers • 11 years ago

have ya all been seeing the anger in Egypt? the tent city, that is what D.C. will look like come Jan. 2013..maybe in time for the obama party...at our house the TV's will remain OFF on Jan. 21, 2013. I am boycotting his swearing in...

lexila • 11 years ago

Agreed, and the four years is just starting, it will probably get much worse. They don' t even care about their own race, I'm sure they have nothing but contempt for the rest of us.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Your 'dictator' is my President. Get over it and get over yourself. We won; you lost and to the victor go the spoils. As for your comment that he "only associates with millionaires" - that's beyond rich. Upset your 200 hundred million dollar man, Mitt didn't win? Even with the help of the billionaire Koch Brothers who thought they could buy the Presidency for him? Ha!

Nobody won fool! You along with the rest of us will be suffering because of this dolt in office...he doesn't care if you voted for him because you haven't been paying attention....he only hangs out with millionaire celebrities and people with money who can do him favors...you are a peon...and you will go down with the rest of us. Mitt on the other hand has class...maybe instead of filling yourself up with democratic talking points do some research on Mitt Romney and you will find out how many people he has helped...Obama couldn't be bothered to help his own brother living in a box in Kenya...Obama the dictator wannabe do nothing but worry about himself gutless mistake on America!

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

You're just angry because you lost the election - the popular vote and the electoral vote. Let's get real, it wasn't even close and most of the teabaggers [or teagaggers as I prefer to call them] lost too. Americans rejected the politics of hate and exclusion. Move on.

I'm angry because I know Obama really didn't win...Most know he stole the election...it's so blatantly clear....he's a fool...he couldn't even debate Romney, he couldn't get the crowds to come see him like Romney did...if just the military gets their ballots and are able to vote Romney wins...the only haters and racists are in the demoRat party....JFK would be turning in his grave knowing how the democrat party has become so anti-American!! He is destroying everything and you are just too ignorant to see it...til this day he can't tell us the truth about Benghazi or Fast and Furious...the republicans are spineless for not going after him...he should have been impeached long ago!

guest • 11 years ago


Dncnatl • 11 years ago

just by this post alone you can see how uninformed most people who watch fox news are. What are you talking about Obama didn't get the crowds like Romney? Did you see the stadium that Romney tried to fill in MN? There were not even 1500 people there, Obama average 5 to 10 times more than that on a regular basis. Just watch the video tapes. Honest to God, you all are crazy haters. But never complained about a republican president doing anything you are bitching about President Obama is doing.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

Very sophisticated crowd here on GretaWire. Bet it took you an hour to come up with that comeback.

dncnatl • 11 years ago

Right, and she thinks Obama stole the election. Really? Where are the facts, opps I forgot the right doesn't operate on facts. The person who stole an election was Bush, in FL. Look it up, its a fact. Google should be your best friend before you post any bullshit like what people who post here do.

rj chicago • 11 years ago

Hey there 'truth' - the sad fact that you purport an 'us and them' vindictive in your posts more than indicates how pathetic our nation has become in the divisions we experience. In case you don't know your history it is WE the people - not obama or you and them. Sad and pathetic posts on your part do NOTHING to help ALL of us to work our way out of the mess in which we find ourselves. Sadly you are dining on the very same scraps that have fallen from the table of the elites like the rest of US. Better wake up lest you be food for the elites as well. Useful idiots is what I think folks like you are termed.

Very sad comments on your part there friend.

Americans for Truth • 11 years ago

The whole DNA of GretaWire and Fox News is to distinguish "us" from "them". So don't come on here pretending that someone who just happens to disagree with you and the hatred of the radical right is really "one of us". We progressive Americans don't want to have anything to do with the likes of the radical right and their politics of hate, exclusion and privilege.

Integrityx10 • 11 years ago

Progressive is just another word for communist. Liberal is just another word for socialist.

There is no hate in the right, you are making that up. If there is hate, it is for the likes of anything and anyone who pretends to be American and insults it's virtues and values, such as progressives.

Steve • 11 years ago

"he only associates with millionaires" Ohhhh my goodness. Look at Obama's history and how he even got involved in politics. He started doing civil service work... Also, you voted for Romney, correct? You believe that HE cared about the lower class and that he DIDN'T associate with millionaires?

Obama can't even help his own brother living in a shack in Kenya! Obama
is worth how much? If he can't help his own family members why would he
give a crap about anyone else? Romney on the other hand has helped many
people through disasters and tragedies with his own hands. He helped
families recover from the fires that burned down their houses, he paid
for a families Christmas gifts when they were in a horrible car
accident. He's helped give milk to the vets hospital out of his own
pocket, he helped a 14 year old dying boy, he saved the life of a 14
year old girl, he did 10 - 20 hours of volunteer work a week, he saved a
family and their dog from drowning, he paid for the college education for 2 boys who were left quadriplegics and so on and so on. Now, tell me Romney only associates with rich people! Obama on the other hand has done nothing to help anyone but himself. While you are praying at the altar of Obama and drinking the obama kool aid you can watch Obama party it up and golf with millionaires...the only people he cares about.

Of course, you're a liberal who has been spoon fed lies and talking points. Have you ever heard of all the help Romney had done personally for people? Have you heard about him helping families through hard times and disasters with his own hands? Have you heard about how he personally bought a family all their Christmas presents for that year because they were involved in a horrible car accident? I bet you didn't. You only hear liberal lies. Now Obama, he can't even help his own brother living in a shack in Kenya..let alone anyone he doesn't know. Obama wouldn't lift a finger for anyone. He has been pampered all his life. Obama wasn't raised poor, he lived in the best neighborhoods in Indonesia and Hawaii, went to private schools all this life and then on to Columbia and Harvard. Please, Obama ONLY mingles with the rich...if you can give me evidence of him associating with the common people, please do, but I'm sure you won't be able to. Now....until then I guess you'll end up at the obama altar drinking obama kool aid while watching him party with millionaires.

Ella • 11 years ago

Disgusting...while some of us haven't had a vacation in many years! WTF!

Guest • 11 years ago

Wonder what the bros and sisters in the getto think, you can bet your sweet a s s Michele and Barrak wouldn't give them the time of day.

Standing_Strong • 11 years ago

Must be nice ! He has no compassion at all for all the people who can't even hardly put food on their tables.

Guest • 11 years ago

You did your part voting for him now he wants all the bros and sisters and wet backs to crawl back into their holes.

3Butterflykisses • 11 years ago

I wonder if the Secret Service, you know, those who are suppose to take a bullet for him, feel about having to leave their families every year for the last 4 years at Christmas, so the Obama's can go on a royal vacation? Does Obama ever think of anyone besides himself? Nah, this is why he so desperately wanted to be POTUS for 4 more years. He loves it when people have to wait hand and foot on him and he loves to inconvenience as many as possible - even those who live in Hawaii.

Selfish, selfish man.

Guest • 11 years ago

I would love to be a Secret Service guy guarding him.

Judy P65 • 11 years ago

Another $ 4 Million Hawaii Holiday Vacation. Obama & Michelle Sure Know How To Stick-It To The American People. Disgusted.

Guest • 11 years ago

Your right but Michele and Barrak say suck it up and pay, were laughing all the way to the bank.