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Patrick • 10 years ago

Greta,the interview with Rush was phenominal. I wish all liberals could see it. Thanks,

Julieann • 10 years ago


Sketti • 11 years ago

When it comes to things
with numbers the facts are not hard to find. .

Trickle down economics has never worked.

We have the lowest tax rate in modern history.

Reagan had one of the biggest tax increases in history.

The only balanced budget in modern history was with Clinton.

Cutting taxes has never paid for it self.

The biggest deficit increases have occurred with R Presidents.

Iraq and Afghanistan were put on our children's bills by the Rs. OK a joint

Unregulated markets do not work. Allen Greenspan admitted he was wrong.

Markets do not self correct. Allen Greenspan admitted he was wrong.

Unless you call the greatest economic recession since the Great
Depression self correcting.

The rich do not have enough money to fix the budget problems.

The biggest tax "loop holes" are those that the middle class loves.

The "middle class" loves their government services they just don't
want to pay for them.

We have the most expensive and one of the most inefficient healthcare systems
in the industrialized world.

The middle class has been losing ground for 30 or 40 years.

CEO pay used to be 40 times average company employee pay. Now 300 to 400 times.

We spend as much money on defense as the next 20 countries combined.

All most everyone gets government subsidized services. They just don't want to
hear about the ones they get.

The dumb discussion about Medicare cost. Old people cost money. A lot of money.

bobfranklin • 11 years ago

Hi Greta, Keep up the pressure Greta on the Obamgoons. It is still
very inconvenient to blog with your new website changes but I will leave you
with this advise for the Tuesday debate as Congressman Paul Ryan was interrupted
too many times to get the questions in, but hopefully Governor Romney can

1) Ask obama what the inscription on his ring
reads, having documentation to the fact: The inscription of the
gold ring obama wore for over 30 years, 1st on his middle finger when he was a
foreign student, than as his wedding ring, reads: "there is no god but allah!

2) bring up he issue of
his...&...have a copy of his already authenticated
Kenyan birth certificate

3)have the copy of his Mombasa hospital
records complete with obama’s baby footprint on it & ask obama to take off
his sock!

4)show obama’s Foreign student card he
used in NY

5)Ask obama how many income tax
returns he made out of the some 12 names he used,
(listed below).
Hey, they got Al Capone for income tax evasion!

6) Have a copy of obama’s
grade 3 Indonesian school report card ready...than
ask obama where again he grew up !

7) Ask obama about the
some 9 obvious errors on his bogus Hawaiian birth certificate. As per the respected Arizona Sheriff who already proved the
Hawaiian birth certificate was bogus, out of its correct sequence, & was

in a
very amateuristic fashion...
layered with the whited in portions being obvious to the naked eye etc.

8)and finally.....ask obama about his
documented a.k.a.s’s he was known to have used...those being:

-Barack Hussien Obama II (he started out with this one on
his born in Mombasa birth certificate)
-Barry Soetoro (this was most used,
was on foreign student card, & his very poor Grade 3 Indonesian school
report card, bus cards etc ...etc.)
-Barack Soetoro
-Barack Hussein
-Hussein Dunham
-Hussein Soetoro
-Barrack Hussein Dunham

-Barry Dunham
-Barry Hussein Obama II
-Barack Dunham
-Barack Obama
-Hussein Obama
-Barack Hussein Obama
Mourner Bayed! Note, in 1982 he changed his name back to: "Barack Obama",
the name he started out

general lee • 11 years ago


Frank Ryan • 11 years ago

Many years ago i was a Junior High school teacher. There were always a few kids who, when they were caught doing something wrong, would try to laugh it off. I think they thought that if they could get the teacher laughing with them then the wrongdoing would seem to be minor. It didn't work then either. Occasionally I run into one of them and they seem to have outgrown it. Some people mature very slowly or not at all.

TOm • 11 years ago

Biden looked and acted like a complete FOOL laughing and interrupting while Ryan was speaking. This is the person who is a step away from being our president,,,WHAT A JOKE

BillMcGinn • 11 years ago

Face it VP Biden, by his own words on the question of abortion said he agreed with his church that life begins at conception, but he would not impose his beliefs on some other Jews or Moslems should they differ. Moral relativism is an evil - there are values and principals like LIFE that must be upheld - other wise honor kilings or beheadings of non-believers when justified by those jihadis is killing as well - the only difference is the age and innocence of the victims. Biden showed himself to be the professional politician who holds no real value system but his own reelection.

Catherine • 11 years ago

"When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, the foolish man either rages or laughs and there is no rest.". A despicable display and immature actions by the VP? Hope he is retired soon!

Roy Gene Barker • 11 years ago

Biden is a legend in his own mind! Loved those capped teeth.

shelby • 11 years ago

Biden just showed us how ill mannered and rude he is. What an idiot!!!!!!!!

Christopher Michael Moore • 11 years ago

All the activity on Biden's part makes him appear to not respect his opponent and the issues the country is going through. I guess that means he doesn't care.

methodmom • 11 years ago

I thought that Joe Biden was rude, indifferent, obnoxious, and totally disgusting. Obama and Biden are taking this country down the wrong path, and we have got to vote them out of office on election day. The only HOPE we have for America is Romney/Ryan. We need to return to the Constitution, and the principles that this great country was founded on. People, please wake up before it is too late!!!

whiffleball • 11 years ago

Biden was trying to show confidence by laughing........instead he made the entire administration look like scared weaklings ...WAY TO GO , JOE ....Thanks ..........see you back home in Delaware

whiffleball • 11 years ago


Chief • 11 years ago

Obama and Biden are a joke anyway, so what else could be expected from those two clowns.

honorcouragelove • 11 years ago

this was a wise decision. I was amazed at how well Ryan was able to carry through, keeping focused, sounding extremely intelligent and showing great concern for our country. Biden just elevated Ryan. Ryan really didn't fluster and he very politely set limits on Biden and was in command of the situation and of the debate. Debate is such a wrong word for what occurred over 90 mn. I felt often that the moderator was even heckling Ryan. Was she getting indoctrinated by Biden's bad acting of surprise ,astonishment , arrogance? I would hope Biden's campaign would be upset with Biden. I felt Biden was one big gaff and really is a thorn in Obama's side. Can you imagine if this clown would need to take over the presidency, should Obama not be able to finish his term to the end of this year?

Deanne L. Young • 11 years ago

Excuse me-I was responding to Greta's request to share what anyone told us about the debate today-I don't know how it ended up here, (or how other parents got to say"parent" but i didn't).

Deanne L. Young • 11 years ago

My 18-year-old daughter read to me from Politifact how Obama never promised unemployment would stay below 8 % like Ryan said. Ryan's source was a projection made by Christina Romer, then chairwoman of the president's Council of Economic Advisors andJared Bernstein, Biden's top economic advisor with a lot of disclaimers who did a report called The Job Impact of the (stimulus)which predicted unemployment rates with and without the stimulus --with, they predicted unemployment rate would peak at just under 8% in 2009. It wasn't a promise it was an educated assessment of how things might unfold. It came with heavy discalimers. One was that the uncertainty that comes with any estimate of the effects of a program was higher than normal because the current recession is unusual both in its fundamental causes and severity. Obama gave a speech that presented the report's findings as projections Romer and Bernstein came up with after conducting a rigourous analysis of his plan and the kind and number of jobs it would create,at his request. Then the President said the report confirmed that a stimulus plan would "likely" save or create 3 million jobs. As we know now, as the pair prepared their estimates, the economy was far worse than the best numbers at the time captured, It hit 8% before Obama even signed a stimulus package into law. Ryan boiled down a projection with a lot of disclaimers into a promise" She'd been watching Fox News all day . She next said that another thing Biden smiled at was Ryan talking about how close Iran was to nuclear capability which he explained well--they could make the enriched uranium but didn't come close to having a weapon to put it in. She said he was smiling like any one she knows does when hearing something the speaker hasn't thought through or is wrong about and the person smiling is about to correct . "I hated it when my History teacher did that to us all the time," she said,"because you wouldn't be done talking and you'd know he was going to correct you when you were and you just wanted to quit talking then and there not keep on making a fool of yourself but he'd let you --make you-- keep on talking even though you'd lost all your confidence," I'd see so many of my friends look lost and deflated--oooh, I hated when he did that to us like he was laughing at us. He should have stayed serious and corrected us at the end kindly. The smile would throw us right off our report." Then she said in all she liked Biden and thought he was smarter than Ryan (she could not distinguish a diff between their ages--to her they were both adult men and what did age matter once you are an adult? She has far to go to understand the place of experience in our lives., but she;s a registered Independent and did that (both registered and chose her affiliation) all on her own.. She'll be voting -- what can i say? They are green but they are 18.She said she disliked Ryan because he got to use his SS Survivor's Benefits to go to college while I had to use hers to pay the electric and water and phone bills for the family--then, because she got no scholarships the way her older sister got many, because older sis took AP classes and did homework and didn't have a baby at 15 like her so all she got was a pell grant that she couldn't get far in college on., she didn't get to go to college this fall. She pointed out that Ryan must not have gotten the kinds of scholarships her sis did, either, to have to pay for his college ( her sister didn't pay a cent and the leftover scholarship money got her a tent and camping gear, fine luggage, clothes and kept her from having to eat dorm food, plus she bought any book or movie ticket she wanted as soon as she wanted), and she concluded Ryan was not a buckled down student in high school either."But neither were they poor like us --he got to keep his SS," she said,"so I feel like it's true that Romney-Ryan hate the poor like Romney was secretly recorded saying they did.
I said hold it --I'm sure they never said that, and she said ""48% of Americans don't take responsibility for their lives?That's not loving them, that's holding them in contempt. They said they want to take public television away from my son and make him watch Jerry Springer or soap operas or Roseanne reruns I mean when you can;t afford cable the only shows my baby can see are junk except for on PBS--it's the only good station he can watch and they hate the poor so they are going to take away the only channel that might help him be a better person. He's going to see junk all his life because I sure won't ever afford cable TV when I can't go to college. They say they got there on their own hard work but Ryan got SS benefits his mother didn't need to keep him alive with so he got to go to college and get a good job.. I can't get a job even!" I said "and that's the Republicans' fault? What?:" She said,glaring as if I too was laughing before she;d finished her case, " ''---- because I can't go to college I won't ever have the money for cable but Ryan didn't get a good college education because he studied hard, he got it because his mother didn't need to spend his survivor's benefits to keep the juice on.. Then they all say they got no help to get where they are and people like me are users and takers who run from a work ethic.But he did get help. He hates the people who are too poor-- he puts them down as losers although he wasn't poor because he wasn't poor-- if they were poor he couldn't have kept his SS to go to college with--but because he thinks we just have losing, taker personalities or character flaws .he's taking away the only good TV channel our kids have a chance of seeing.--that's hate. It's mean and evil.He did get help to get where he is --they all lie about that, he lied about .Obama promising that unemployment would stay below 8%-- even though Biden;s laughs and smiles irked me, in a way they showed me he was friendlier and would care more about me than those liars. "She concluded that Biden really cared about the poor and "the Republicans even said they didn't."As she's mentally placed herself in "impoverished all my life', she liked Biden better,"Actually", she said a minute later,"he has a real smile. And the other guy's was fake," I asked her if she had any other thoughts about the debates and she said yes, Romney walked all over his moderator ignoring him but when the Democrats did it a little less "like bullies about it" "The Republicans put them down all day today for it " like Romney didn't do it while even more pushy about it himself ".All we watch is Fox --I hope she doesn't ever hear of MSNBC because I am smelling an affinity for the other side here--and I see she has strong, --motherly instinctive--you could even call them sound, reasons,

herb magee • 11 years ago

sometimes i laugh when people say stupid things.

Bob • 11 years ago

If a wise man contends with a foolish man, whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace. Proverbs 29:9

jpk • 11 years ago

If anyone who watches that video thinks this man has any manners, nevermind could represent our country to other world leaders, then we really do have BIG problems. Laughing at the issues, yes, arrogant attittue "our way or the highway", lie and coverup "they never asked us for more security".....When will the people of this country get it? This is NOT a laughing matter. Good job RNC!

jafradebbie • 11 years ago

Biden looked like a lunatic up there. I would have been totally embarrassed if I had been there acting like that. No respect at all for his Ryan. Who would ever want this man in office?

Don • 11 years ago

I thought smoking pot was illegal, I guess if you are VP you can smoke all you want. He was on something. If you are nervous, you also tend to laugh a lot. not sure which one it was or both

honey bee • 11 years ago

It's OK could be better, needs a little more umph.

Dee Mann • 11 years ago

‎***PLEASE JOIN FORCES*** - The ANSWER is... PLEASE find someone to create a "38 GOVERNORS NEEDED" page and SWIFTLY call for a Congressional Committee BEFORE it is too late ! PLEASE " 38 out of 50 Governors NEEDED " to take OUR Country back !PLEASE "SHARE" before it IS too late ! PLEASE, I am disabled. Start a "38 GOVERNORS NEEDED" Facebook page. A Congressional Committee would clean out ALL Houses and eliminate this tyrannical ALLIGARCHY along with it's inevitable "Absolute Power and CONTROL"

Dee Mann • 11 years ago

Today is the Day I HAVE no CHOICE because of the LEFT to Promote my NEW Commander in Chief... ***ROMNEY4PRESIDENT*** He is an American, the WORST Kind but ANYTHING is Better than Obama ! I would have rather Ryan Paul as President since he is the Obvious pick due to his INCREDIBLE Intelligence but Mitt has the Money and Backing so here we go ! ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT ! ...because America WILL NOT survive another four years of occupation by a KNOWN Domestic Terrorist ! I PRAY he is IMPEACHED and EXECUTED as all terrorists should be but due to his Executive Orders he will escape persecution and continue to travel through the FREE WORLD and spread Islam and Shariah Law as he promised to his Muslim Brotherhood and Communist Supporters ! GOD BLESS AMERICA....WE NEED IT ! The Liberal Media has DIVIDED US ! WE MUST UNITE until WE can figure out how to approach OUR SECOND REVOLUTION (Thank you Ron Paul !!!) DIVIDED WE FALL or WE RISE and accept ROMNEY .....for NOW ! ***AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL***

Katie Calahann • 11 years ago

He wouldn't be laughing if he lost his job. This is exactly what has happened to
millions of Americans. What is so funny Biden?

Old Man • 11 years ago

Why did Biden lie about a lot of things that he knew or should have known could be checked? I know that the Democrats and some of the uniformed believed every word, but really, does he think we are all that stupid?

Sclark6548 • 11 years ago

I am afraid that some might think that Biden, being older, grey haired, and Senior congressman for 35 years, is laughing, interrupting Ryan,out of a self-confidence that could be wrongly interpreted as a secure Rightness.

Kadie • 11 years ago

Typical of many on the left - hate and disdain for anyone who dares to disagree with their liberal views - Ryan showed class and respect as does Romney.

Teresa Griffith • 11 years ago

Obviously, ignorance is bliss.....Biden seemed insanely happy.

MJaneO • 11 years ago

I have always waited for the Roman Church to slap down the Kennedy and Biden, but I am NOT holding my breath!
When Teddy left the girl in the car under water and THEN lied, lied--no trial--just a hearing! Wooow! I still can't over that one.
I have no respect for the Roman Church because they don't stand by their published believes! The Kennedy money was too important!
My opinion!

latinotoo • 11 years ago

Proverbs 29:9 "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet " You see, even God has an opinion about Joe Biden. Need we Say More.

MJaneO • 11 years ago

Very good!

pito • 11 years ago

Jo is left a powerful bunch o' merd

James • 11 years ago

Biden was an absolute idiot. He was the dirt beneath Paul's feet and far from the title he should NOT have. Is this what we want? Both Biden and Obama need to be voted out of office and Mit and Paul be voted in this November before it is to late. For the true American, we cannot get defaced any further. Obama and Biden are a true disgrace for the USA.

Sharon C. • 11 years ago

Absolutely pitiful behavior!

Black Wino • 11 years ago

Ooooo...oo....Weeeeee..! dat V.P. Biden sho nuff have a odious, disrespectful grill....!

Robbi • 11 years ago

Ryan, class. Biden, remove the cl.

neonkey • 11 years ago

Nice commercial -- honest but not particularly hard hitting. The VP Debate is fertile ground for at least 2 more commercials. One that focuses on all the inaccuracies, misstatements and misrepresentations of the administration's policies made by VP Biden last night -- such as his statement that Bengazi consulate never requested extra security despite the paper trail -- and a second ad that focuses on the administration strategy -- via VP Biden's self-debasing rude/unhinged behavior -- to obstruct and detract from Ryan's message.

dixieland • 11 years ago

2012 Election Predictions Romney vs Obama http://youtu.be/32jK1vIDXoY

bo4bo • 11 years ago

yes this video is very effective and i hope they pepper it on all the fox shows tonite,less of the same old guys night after night,sayin same ole crap.now ya gotta hit hard

m6moore • 11 years ago

If my child acted like this there would be a punishment... Thank god he decided not to watch the debate last night and think that behavior is ok.

TrueblueAmerican • 11 years ago

My brother, God love him, has this tendency to laugh every time he gets into a position that he CAN'T defend himself. I think that Joe was nervous, insecure and not confident, knowledgeable. I think that he knows they are toast, so the only way to deal with it is to laugh. Paul looked secure, confident, Joe looked like a joker.

pfeee • 11 years ago

When Biden started in with the grins and chuckles immediately upon the opening question on the Libyan tragedy, I said to my husband, "what is he doing; what is funny?" I thought Biden had gone looney tunes!

3dogsilove • 11 years ago

Powerful video by an former obama supporter, why she's NOT voting for obama and voting for Romney/Ryan ticket...great video....


3DOGSILOV E • 11 years ago

Hey biden, you said last night ..they didn't ask for more security...



77carolyn77 • 11 years ago

Biden may be laughing, and the world is laughing at us for having a idiot as VP.
Let's vote this idiot out!

Kenneth Michael • 11 years ago

An idiot is an idiot no matter where he is !!! Biden is living proof of this !!!! He was funny only in his own mind !!!!