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Guest • 11 years ago

"Not even Glenn Beck, the firebrand conservative known for hyperbole, predicted Romney would earn so many electoral votes."

The Odious Glen Beck is not a "firebrand conservative" but rather an escapee from an insane asylum.

It was his brand of crazy that has stuck to the GOP like glue, turning away the more thoughtful voters.

mir99 • 11 years ago

I still have nightmares of the Mormon president and Catholic vice president. Particularly Romney has no idea of what truth is. It is whatever He Dreams Up. That was obvious to all by the second debate. When Romney "worried" about China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran..... it was obvious he is a salesman of paranoia and fear. Romney's election would have made the Mayan end-of-world prediction true.

GEAH • 11 years ago

We have a Catholic VP. He's not too bright, if you haven't noticed.

Guest • 11 years ago

I think most Americans felt the same way. Strip-mining failing companies for fun and profit through Bain Capital is not "creating jobs" in any sense of the word - or creating wealth. It was just re-distributing wealth from the middle class to the very rich, by cutting retirees' pensions in half and sticking the government with the bill. He is not a Capitalist, he is just a bottom-feeder.

KRuke • 11 years ago

John Carter suffered more from poor marketing than poor scripting.

achuzzlewit • 11 years ago

Agree. It actually wasn't that bad of a movie. Not saying it was amazing, but it was a lot better than people gave it credit for.

vortex100 • 11 years ago

It wasn't the marketing, people, it was indeed the script, and the editing. Most of the performances weren't that great either. This was like a run down, terrible version of Star Wars. Some of the special effects were good, some simply awful. I did actually see this on the big screen, and even my 12 year old son, who is no film snob, was unimpressed. He was even pointing out ways "they could have done this better."

Guest • 11 years ago

John Carter suffered because it was Disney production, and it was around the same time that Disney creeped a lot of long time Disney fans out by trying to trademark Seal team 6. More over, Disney is not known for action flicks, and I don't think the world is ready for a shoot'em up bang bang Disney era.

At best Disney might get a lot of mileage out of creating a Star Wars kingdom in one of their theme parks. I'm sure they would do quite well actually. But I don't ever see them successfully creating a new episode for the Star Wars franchise.

KRuke • 11 years ago

It doesn't have much of anything to do as to whether it was a Disney production.
The Avengers was also a 'Disney production', and came out only a few months later.

GaryVA123 • 11 years ago

Actually the worst predictions of 2012 was from Trump and all of the other Romney surogates that said Romney would win. If anyone follows the Vegas odds they were predicting Obama would win for over a year and have never missed one yet.

n8r0n • 11 years ago

Actually, Vegas odds makers are off on political events all the time.

The person/entity who was actually most correct about the electoral outcome (not just the Presidential election) was the statistician Nate Silver.

Nightcrawler • 11 years ago

Wait, where is the prediction that we all wouldn't be here to read these predictions? Seems that was off more than anything.

JetsJets • 11 years ago

End of the world?? I wanted to see pictures of fools sitting in their underground bunkers watching a clock. SIGH.

Guest • 11 years ago

America can be thankful this Christmas that we don't have Romney in the White House as well as both houses controlled by TeaPublicans. There would have been a flood of special interest legislation introduced that would have set this country up for the next American Revolution. In Michigan we have Snyder as governor and both state houses controlled in that way and had Right To Work rammed down our throats under emergency procedures with no public discussion. The governor was all set to sign legislation crafted by his Tea Party buddies that would have allowed concealed carrying of weapons in schools and churches, (what... not the State Capitol building..?) The shootings in Newtown, Connecticut show forced the governor to regretfully veto that bill to save face, but it all goes to show how little our co-opted Republican party cares for the people of this country.

Username38 • 11 years ago

There were no emergency procedures used to pass the Right To Work legislation in MI. BTW...It was rammed down your throat no differently than Obamacare was rammed down mine. Seems fair to me? You democrats are all about fairness afterall...

n8r0n • 11 years ago

Obamacare, as you call it, was debated in Congress for almost a year. I'm not sure how that qualifies as "ramming".

During that time, the Democrats even allowed it to go through a committee that they populated with 3 Dems and 3 Repubs (the Senate Finance Committee), which they were under no obligation to do. At the time, the Senate overall was only 40% Republican.

Then, in order to pass Obamacare, they had to mount 60 votes (out of 100 Senators) to overcome a filibuster in the Senate.

None of that happened with Right to Work in MI. Republicans raced it through in a matter of days, not months. It never got put through a 50/50 committee to make adjustments. It never had to pass a 60% supermajority threshold.

Oh, and one more thing. Obama campaigned in 2008 on doing health care reform. And then, voters picked him by more than 7 percent over McCain.

Rick Snyder never campaigned, saying he'd dismantle unions, and in fact, just a few months ago, publicly stated that he wouldn't do it.

You have a pretty warped concept of equivalence, don't you?

mir99 • 11 years ago

"Obama" had ZERO to do with "Obamacare". The medical industry tried very hard to get Bush to sign their feeding-trough legislation but he deferred. Obama was new and had to pay off his supporters. Dem and Repulican are idiots to not see the healthcare problem is result of religious control of most hospitals and not producing more "doctors". The average doctor is nearly useless unless you have some rare condition and a lot of money.

mir99 • 11 years ago

Yes, thank U. We only have to look at the ethanol scam of Prez. Bush to see how true this is. Ethanol was pushed by corporate 'farmers'. Contracts between Kinergy and Pacific Energy Mgmt. and WellzFargo appear to be related party transactions at above market interest rates. Ethanol is the largest long-term error ever made by the US govvy....they even managed to fool stupid hippys to support it. Ethanol, per UN....causes global starvation.

Guest • 11 years ago

I predicted the San Diego Chargers would make it to the playoffs. Major fail.

mir99 • 11 years ago

I predicted my wife would want to have sex with me sometime in 2012. Major fail.

Guest • 11 years ago

"Johnson is eons away from his goal of turning Penney into "America's favorite store, period.""

What is this thing you call "store"? Does it have a URL? I do not know of this "store" you speak of.

I was told that in the olden days, people actually left their homes and drove to places to barter for goods - instead of ordering online. Is this the "store" you are talking about?

mir99 • 11 years ago

Almost everything you need regularly is cheaper and faster to get at physical stores. I usually shop first at Goodwill, St. Vinny, etc. HINT: Men's Ties (if you wear them).... u can always get a good silk tie 2nd hand for maybe $2....often brand-new and expensive.

Guest • 11 years ago

I will agree with you there. One of the few "stores" I shop in, other than the grocery store, is the thrift shop. I bought a nice sport coat there the other day and spent more money dry cleaning it than I paid for it.

But if I need a new pair of sneakers, a chain for my bicycle, an axle assembly for my car, a water filter for my refrigerator, or a new battery for my cell phone, the Internet is really the only way to go.

In fact, some of these items (such as a cell-phone battery) are not available at "brick and mortar" stores - at any cost.

They will offer to sell you a new cell phone for $99 plus a two-year contract, of course.

I felt the $4 battery on Amazon was a better bargain.

Mediquette • 11 years ago

Have an even better prediction. Come Saturday, December 22... the DVD and Blu-Ray copies of 2012 will become the most clearanced and cheapest sold movies of all times. xD *trollface*

vortex100 • 11 years ago

I found the movie "2012" very entertaining. One of the best absurd comedies I have seen in years. Although my eyes ached for a while afterward because they kept rolling so much as I watched the film, I did quite a few belly laughs. The scene near the beginning where John Cusack is racing through L.A. in a limo dodging falling buildings is a laugh riot.

SilentBoy741 • 11 years ago

"Remember when Facebook was a $100 billion company?"

No, I remember Facebook *saying* it was a $100 billion company, I don't ever recall it actually *being* a $100 billion company.

beertoast • 11 years ago

#1 Romney will take Ohio.

Ban KKiller • 11 years ago

Stock market IS NOT rigged against the small investor. RATES are not manipulated! You CAN TRUST Hedge Funds!

Guest • 11 years ago

Buying individual stocks is for chumps, I will agree, particularly if you take advice from the shouting guy on TeeVee or any of the financial channels.

And who invests in hedge funds, other than Billionaires?

You can, however, succeed financially, if you stop looking at the stock market like a casino - and diversify your investments.

The best and safest "investment" of course, is paying down and paying off DEBT, and not taking on more than absolutely necessary.

Far too many people took on unnecessary debts in the last decade, while simultaneously investing in risky stocks. On paper, they were solvent, until the value of their over-mortgaged homes plummeted, along with their stocks.

I only invest 10% of my portfolio in stock-picking. Over the years I have learned some very painful lessons. And one of them is to avoid "trendy" and popular stocks that are talked about in the news - and IPOs entirely, unless you know someone personally in the company.

A lot of the best stocks out there are for companies you have never heard of. But the small investor has neither the time or the resources to investigate and research them.

Hangfire • 11 years ago

I guess this would have be 2008, but the prediction was technically for 2012. The $10.5 trillion debt that Obama inherited which was going to be halved in his first term is now $16.4 trillion (by tomorrow). I guess he was just a little bit off.

mir99 • 11 years ago

Romney's plan... to attack every other nation on earth, including China and Russia (third debate) would have solved the problem of us owing them money.

adam hu • 11 years ago

He never said he was going to half the "debt"
He said he would half the Deficit.
Bush's last fiscal year (2009) had a $1.4trillion deficit. Obama's 4th fiscal year (2013) is projected to have a $900billion deficit. It's not quite half. But it's getting somewhere.
Use Wikipedia or US government statistics to easily find out truth. It's a bit more work than watching Fox News, but it's worth it.

Hangfire • 11 years ago

How can anyone ignore one of Barack Obama’s major promises from his 2008 presidential campaign? He promised that he would reduce the national debt from $11 trillion when he took office by 50 percent to $5.5 trillion by the end of his first term. The Democratic National Convention opened today showing the national debt at $16 trillion. So to make good on his promise, he would have to cut the debt by $10.5 trillion in 60 days. He missed his mark by $10.5 TRILLION.

Chicago Tribune

adam hu • 11 years ago

again, someone who can't discriminate between "debt" and "deficit" ... and you still get to vote, how unfortunate.

Jack Lemmon • 11 years ago

I still say the government should open casinos to pay off this debt.

n8r0n • 11 years ago

"Larry Kudlow should stick to supply-side economics."

Yeah, that's one way to interpret it.

Another way to interpret it is to realize that the people who carry water for the conservative movement in this country are flaming morons.

It's easy to test Kudlow on his Presidential prediction. However, it's only marginally more difficult to test him on all the things he claims about the economy (small government makes economy stronger, low taxes are good for the economy, banks know what they're doing and should be left alone, over-regulation is the problem, etc.).

It turns out that he doesn't understand economics either.

Guest • 11 years ago

Gary Shilling most likely assumed that mark-to-market would have been restored. It has not. Since we do not have market-driven prices, it is difficult to say that a slump would not have occurred. "new homes couldn't be built fast enough" - could this be, because the cost of a used house has been kept unrealistically high to allow the banks to keep their books from showing insolvency, which means a potential house buyer looks at the price of a used house, notices it isn't any lower than a new one, and logically decides that it makes sense to spend the same money on a new house?

rbfanman • 11 years ago

The books-which aren't too bad-are basically 'Tarzan Abandons The Confederacy To Get Laid...On Mars'. Long ago, John Carter inspired the creation of Buck Rogers, which inspired the creation of Flash Gordon, which inspired the creation of Star Wars. It has a pedigree...but was too much of the same old thing-done not quite as well as before-and too soon after something too much like it. The focus was wrong, the scripting, and acting, too ordinary (not terrible, but not as great as touted), and too much box office competition sucked up what ticket sales there were to be had. The wrong thing at the wrong time.

Guest • 11 years ago

lets try to be positive for 2013. 1. stockmarket will reach 15000 points. 2. HD 8k tvs will be under 5 thousand bucks. 3. Afghanistan won't have any foreign troops. 4. Syria will have a democratically elected president. 5.. Fiscal cliff will be averted. 6. US unemployment dips below 6%. 7. 2013 will be a good year.

Adam • 11 years ago

Other than #3, I think these are all achievable :)

GunnyNinja • 11 years ago

Forget the 8k tvs. People can barely tell the difference between 720 and 1080. Our eyes can't see the detail on a screen that size

Ban KKiller • 11 years ago

Sure....invest in home builders. All is WELL! Buy Bank of America stock. Banks are good for us AND they are so honest!

ChicksDigMe • 11 years ago

#12: Linsanity is the next Jordan.

Matt Tobin • 11 years ago

Tebow was on the active roster for 11 games....he didn't PLAY 11 games.

Scott Cendrowski • 11 years ago

No, he played 11 games....11 sorry games. http://espn.go.com/nfl/play...

Eric Gorall • 11 years ago

He might have been active for 11 games but he was only asked to throw 8 times so far this season... and completed 6 of those 8. I'm hardly a 'Put Tebow In" kind of guy, but a blanket "he played 11 games and threw for only 39 yards" is not exactly the whole story. When you have less than one attempt a game on average, and yet still manager to complete 6 of the 8, it's not that bad. None were long, but the vast majority of either of the other two quarterbacks are either. The Jets have no protection up front. McElroy is 5 for 7 and 29 yards.. so less yards per completion than Tebow. His thing is he threw that TD. Other than that, I don't see much difference between any of the three QB's.

Scott Cendrowski • 11 years ago

He played 11 games ... 11 sorry games.


Guest • 11 years ago

Zynga's only crime was having the stench of Facebook on them.

Steve Allen • 11 years ago

The author of this article is astonishingly stupid. The Mayans didn't get anything wrong this year because they did not predict or prophesy anything.

REV DR FELIX NWOSU • 11 years ago