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profaner vulgar • 10 years ago

March 26, 2012
In Kenya, found oil
Well, it means democracy and will soon be
My condolences to Kenyans

Dean Jackson • 10 years ago

The Kenya false flag operation was even more incompetently staged than the Mumbai operation, where Indian security forces at the train station, believing the "attack" to be a drill, stood their ground, allowing the two "terrorists" to walk right up to them and shoot them dead:


In the Kenya false flag, we have obviously staged pictures, where the cameraman, unconcerned for his life, is taking pictures right in front of the "terrorists" and their captured prisoners!

Take a look at this staged picture:


The photographer is calmly photographing the family, who are hiding, pretending to be dead, but the photographer, unconcerned with his life, takes the picture anyway, possibly alerting the "Islamists" to the hiding family!

So, why is Washington, DC conducting false flag operations, you ask? It isn't Washington, DC, it's Moscow & allies tasking Washington, DC:

Moscow & allies uses the "War on Islam" to (1) tarnish the reputation of the West in the eyes of the world, where Western capitals are (a) invading Muslim nations, bringing chaos in their stead; and (b) killing, to date, over one million Muslim souls?; and (2) keep the price of oil higher than it would otherwise be so that Russia can (a) survive without foreign investment (Russia does everything it can do to discourage foreign investment, thereby increasing the odds that foreign investments go to China instead, China, unlike Russia, not having the oil to modernize its military); and (b) use the foreign exchange it receives for its oil exports for its military upgrades.

Take a look at these pictures out of Russia…

Google: ‘Photos: Antonov An-12BK-PPS Aircraft Pictures | Airliners net’


Google: ‘MiG-23UB Share this photo on forums’

Then for Russian Naval vessels (take a look at what's still appended to the bows)…

Google (enlarge picture): ‘Russia seeks sea power with decrepit fleet Base expansion likely an empty threat’

Those pictures were taken in 2009, 2011 and 2001, respectively, not before the "collapse" of the USSR. As you can see, the Soviet era nationality emblem of the Communist Party...the Red Star... is still present. That political symbol of the Soviet government would have been immediately removed in early 1992 if the "collapse" of the USSR were genuine. As the legal emblem of the USSR and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Red Star emblem can only be present if Communists are still in power in Russia and the other 14 republics that made up the USSR.

Now, for the main paper of the Russian Ministry of Defense…

Google: 'Krasnaya Zvezda'

“Krasnaya Zvezda” is Russian (no kidding!) for "Red Star", the official newspaper of Soviet and later Russian Ministry of Defense. The paper's official designation is, "Central Organ of the Russian Ministry of Defense." Note the four Soviet emblems next to the still existing Soviet era masthead, one of which pictures Lenin's head!

The fraudulent "collapse" of the USSR (and East Bloc) couldn't have been pulled off until both political parties in the United States (and political parties elsewhere in the West) were co-opted by Moscow & Allies, which explains why verification of the “collapse” was never undertaken by the West, such verification being (1) a natural administrative procedure (since the USSR wasn’t occupied by Western military forces); and (2) necessary for the survival of the West. Recall President Reagan's favorite phrase, "Trust, but verify".

Now you know why the hated Communist Red Star is still placed on the bows of NEW Russian Naval vessels (and the wings of Russian military aircraft), and why the "electorates" of the 15 republics that made up the USSR continue to "elect" for President Soviet era Communist Party Quislings. There have been 52 such Presidential "elections" since the "collapse" of the USSR, resulting in 40 Soviet era Communist Party member Quislings being elected. That's 76.92%! If the "collapse" of the USSR were legitimate not one such Quisling would have been elected President. In fact, such persons would have been either arrested in the interests of national security or shunned by society. Remember, Communist Party members made up no more than 10% of the USSR, and it was they who for 74 years persecuted the remaining 90% of the population.

Imagine it's 1784 America. The Treaty of Paris (1783) was signed the previous year ending the revolutionary war with Britain. So who do the electorates of the newly independent 13 colonies elect for their respective governors? They elect persons who were Loyalists (American supporters of Great Britain) during the war for independence! Of course, in reality the persecution was so bad for Loyalists in post independence America that they had to flee the country en masse for Canada.

Or try this one out: After the collapse of the South African Apartheid Regime in 1994, the majority black population reelect for their Presidents only persons who were National Party members before the 1994 elections!

Now you also know why immediately after the “collapse” of the USSR the United States wasn’t given Russia's strategic nuclear weapons, including delivery vehicles, for safe keeping! Imagine that, the freed Russian people not ensuring their freedom against a Communist counter-coup with the assistance of Chinese PLA ground and air forces backing up Soviet Special Forces and Airborne Guards. If the “collapse” of the USSR had been real, then a freed Russia, for national security reasons, would have ensured that its nuclear weaponry was secured by United States military elements. That no such actions were taken proves that (1) both American political parties were co-opted by Moscow & Allies; and (2) the United States Armed Forces were not co-opted, otherwise elements of America’s armed forces would have been deployed to Russia in order to pretend to safeguard Russia’s nuclear weapons.

In addition, the KGB agent Quislings that controlled the Russian Orthodox Church before the “collapse” of the USSR are to this day still in control! They were never identified and thrown out of that institution after the “collapse” of the USSR! The same is true for the other 14 republics of the USSR, including East Bloc nations.

For those unfamiliar with this subject, the "collapse" of the USSR in 1991 was a strategic ruse under the “Long-Range Policy" (LRP). What is the LRP, you ask? The LRP is the "new" strategy all Communist nations signed onto in 1960 to defeat the West with. The last major disinformation operation under the LRP was the "collapse" of the USSR in 1991. The next major disinformation operation under the LRP will be the fraudulent collapse of the Chinese Communist government. When that occurs, Taiwan will be stymied from not joining the mainland.

profaner vulgar • 10 years ago

Amazing and very radical changes await Europe and America after the return of its new citizens-Muslims jihadists from Syria, Mali, Ethiopia ... The time will not dull, women will be able to participate in a sexual jihad.

gays have to like tigers fight for their asses. otherwise be lost under the rocks, well, men in Europe and the United States show their valor, fighting on its territory face to face with the enemy ... ...

SID HARTH • 10 years ago

Rukmini Callimachi, get a life


...and I am Sid Harth