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Go home April Fools, you're drunk....
Oh, you guys.
True story: I went to high school with a girl whose mother cuts Matt Damon's mother's hair.
Not a very good story, but its there.
Jokes on you, I currently still use that very Nokia phone, so I'm right at home!
Using it as a paper weight, bludgeoning device, or to keep your table level doesn't count as using it.
Hi5, fellow old Nokia phone user.
At least now we know for sure that Destructoid will never break.
Jokes on you Destructoid! I just used your phone to order a ton of pizzas. You're in trouble!
'95 was meh for me, I was playing Donkey Kong Country on my SNES and probably Killer Instinct, I don't remember if I got it a year later or that same year. I remember drooling at those Ultra 64 screenshots on the magazines, but I didn't get really excited about it until '96.
Oh yeah well I was sleeping, drooling, and crying a lot...I'm relatively young it would seem. :/ *was only 1 year old in 1995*
I'm 12 and what is this?
Just something you put up your butthole, nothing serious.
Who said anything about dildos? Can't a man shove a Nokia up his butthole without sexual intent? Why do you question my such people's motives, Nekro?
It's a self defense brick with a neat little game of Snake.
Haha this is great :D
I am reading Destructoid on a phone on my phone. *Head explodes.*
Make it stop
Now that I think about it, this is probably to try to get more people to use the more ad-laden regular site.
I think I'll go somewhere else for my gaming news today...
Where's my toilet edition.
On the bright side, when the cblogs are available again maybe there will be lots of quality posts. Take this time to edit and put a bit of extra effort into your articles people! I don't write here often but I've got a couple of cool things cooking.
The blogs tab under community links here now, lol.
Say what you will about the site redesign, but if you ask me the whole experience has been fascinating.
Like watching a bee trying to escape a room, bumping it's head on the glass.
And the phone is broken, so I can't even play snake while I wait for the blogs to be fixed.
Oh good, it's not just me. For a second there it looked like the C-blogs had been completely deleted because someone leant on the keyboard.
Welp, the joke was funny until it broke toilet edition.
There is a link underneath the phone you can click to access the regular page!
haha people keep missing this. I'll move it up before someone comes to my house with a bat
THANK YOU. Trying to surf the site like this is painful.
Isn't it weird how cellphones started out being huge, and progressively got smaller, and now they're huge again?
7- Seriously?
Nice touch.
OK who divided by zero again?
I'm just waking up, and this is how you treat me?
That's great.
Now work on the problems of the actual site.