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Guest • 11 years ago

Beyond the breaking point?
When an employee of mine passed this point a few years ago by sabotaging shop equipment I fired him on the spot.
Where are all the patriots? Will Mr. Sessions risk his lavish govt. lifestyle for the good of the nation by "firing" this out-of-control employee?
Congress has long passed the point of aiding and abetting this tyranny.

maisy • 11 years ago

Sessions has been fighting the good fight for a long time........what are you getting at??? He is one of the the few who do respect the Rule Of Law.

Guest • 11 years ago

If Sessions was/is what you say he is, why is Barry Soetoro still usurping the presidency?

Joanne Keith • 11 years ago

the single greatest threat to our climate future. ... http://www.CanMadeupto68dol...

ItsJo • 11 years ago

My SAME question. WHY hasn't Sessions or ANY OTHER Congress Member NOT started to file charges Against Obama?

Airdude • 11 years ago

100% Agreement! However a factoid in a major Tel-com which will remain nameless, it was common practice for employ's to sabotage infrastructure. When caught the proud union would step in to secure the perps job, no matter what. It appears those in DC in government have learned of the same practice. It disgusted me then, and still does now; the difference is treason against the people and Constitution, and the punishment should reflect the severity.

Type7 • 11 years ago

The American people elected Obama president. Sessions couldn't get elected dog catcher anywhere outside of Alabama.

redwolf6911 • 11 years ago

Obama is a lawless incompetent creep working under Valerie Jarret his minder. Now who is pulling his strings? Soros for one, but who else. He is not that intelligent.

Linda • 11 years ago

G. Soros,W. Ayers, Van Jones, Mrs Obama, Ms. Jarrett - he is like a marionette - and the far far left handle his strings.....doesn't anyone question why he has eben through so many advisors and cabinet appointees? who would want their finger prints on anything that is going on? they all know something bad is going down and they want out.

maisy • 11 years ago

New World Order- the elites - ......no doubt about it now.

Type7 • 11 years ago

Intelligent enough to beat anybody Repugs ran against him!

stlouisix • 11 years ago

Then why not articulate that fact to the American people, Senator, and make every attempt possible to do something about it while never letting them forget that Obama is willfully destroying millions of American jobs with his destruction of the proven efficient American energy industry and all that depend upon same? Why not FINALLY FORMALLY tell the American people the seminal fact that Obama is the greatest threat to a free America in the country's history, and NEVER let them forget that?

Pf Wag • 11 years ago

Doesn't the GOP hold the House who has he purse strings?

They could defund everyone of Obama's unconstitutional EOs - if they had the will to do so.

susan • 11 years ago

Only if the Democrat controlled Senate would pass the law but there is no chance in hell of that happening.

Dens • 11 years ago

Tell it like it really is Mr. Sessions. We have a "dictator" and you in Congress and we the American people have stood by and allowed it to happen.

chrism12743 • 11 years ago

Obama just loves the "executive action", nothing like a convenient way to side step the US Constitution! If Congress and the Senate don't reign this meglomaniac in, and soon, there will be many problems coming down the pike.

Big G. • 11 years ago

who the hell does this ego-bloated, pompous ass think he is to force laws, through executive fiat orders, upon the american people. science has already debunked the global warming scam yet, he's gonna cling to the lie to pass, treasonously i might add, laws that should come through congress? his seat of power id NOT a dictatorship! when will we the people wake up and rid ourselves of this socialist traitor?

dixiesuzan • 11 years ago

Speaking of the fundamental Presidential duty: US Constitution; Article II, Section 3 ---he shall take Care that the Laws be FAITHFULLY EXECUTED--
Quote---A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad
execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must, in practice, be a bad government.---Joseph Story, Associate Justice U.S. Supreme Court; The Constitutional Class Book; 1834; § 174, page 107. http://archive.org/details/...

EdinNola • 11 years ago

I'll tell you what has far surpassed the breaking point. Obama violates the Constitution simply by being in office, and also by almost everything he does, acting as President. The worst thing of all, even accepting that this country has been taken over by a Communist dictator, is the fact that Congress (and of course the Supremes) have allowed and even facilitated the take-over. That is what has passed the breaking point: the fact that Congress (including that self avowed Communist Coons) has simply given the country away - they are the people we have entrusted with our nation's welfare and they have betrayed us.

Remington223 • 11 years ago

Extortion of fossil fuels and the states that use them, pure and simple. Since some states like Indiana, a red state, uses fossil fuels, the master will come down hard on Indiana because Indiana is a 'right to work state'. Indiana should ignore any and all new regulations coming from the EPA. It is time to fight this monster called the Federal Establishment. Hunt down federal agents and lock them up just for being in the state. Stop sending taxes collected in the state to the feds. Obama intends to destroy the opposition by using the false science of climate change and we need to fight back NOW.

Clearhead • 11 years ago

Something you didn't mention, Remington -- the definition of "OPPOSITION". In obama's "brain", the 'opposition' seems to be The United States of America.

sclars • 11 years ago

Impeach the wanna be king, before it's too late and more damage is done, do a twofer - bring Holder up on charges at the same time

Alex • 11 years ago

Obama said if Congress “won’t act soon to protect future generations, I
will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we
can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our
communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the
transition to more sustainable sources of energy.”

Translation: Get ready to give up your personal gas powered vehicles.Your going to be forced to drive a hybrid car or truck. if you can't afford it then you will be forced to use public transportation that's going to be his answer.
The guy by far is the most dangerous president in American History! He has spent more than anyone else. He wants to disarm private gun owners, and feed tax dollars to his election buddies like Selendra. 520 Million US Dollars and they filed Bankruptcy!

Althougth I don't really like him much, but if Donald Trump ever decided to run for President I vote for him. At least he knows how to run a business. Obama is going to destory "The America We used to have". Assholes like Diane Feinstein, and Obama should be impeached and then deported!!!!!!!! Talk about communists! Hell the Russians are better off today than a lot of unemployed people here in America. He makes me sick to my stomach every time I see his Moneky looking face on TV! AND I USED TO E A DEMOCRAT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carl Stevenson • 11 years ago

That "12 of the last 15 years" bit is a bald-faced lie. If we had a true press, they would be all over it, but all we have is a "state bureau of propaganda."

blaster34 • 11 years ago

Well Jeff, its time to cut the money off, all the money. Can't implement regressive regulations if there are no funds to keep the people who are writing and implementing those rules. Send their sorry bureaucratic asssses to pasture. Time to shut down the EPA, literally. States can do a far better job.

houmid • 11 years ago

The AGWs are all eco-freaks.
And the President just declared himself to be an eco-terrorist.

liberty49 • 11 years ago

Then why doesn't the Congress S-T-O-P all of his Executive Orders? He is NOT King and this is supposed to be a democratic Republic and that is not how the founders wrote the Constitution. His SOTU speech was a slap in the face of every Congressman there who put his/her hand on the Bible and swore to uphold our Constitution!

Airdude • 11 years ago

Then lets stop talking and do some walking. Enough is enough lets take action impeach the clown, and his entire cabinet. We could also throw in a bunch of Justices on the Supreme Court and other government reps as well.

Fred Coombs • 11 years ago

I wonder if any of them would wake up when they begin to disapear around them! We will come for you and if we die in the battle, you will already be gone and not know it! There will always be another to stand up for america and take you scumbags out! Time to quit blogging and get off your welfare a$$ and stand up to those who are not serving you or country!

Deplorable Domer '79 • 11 years ago

Well Sen. Sessions, the government was CREATED by the states. And in no way did the states plan on or allow their creation to become more powerful than themselves.
YOU, the other congressmen and congresswomen, and the Governors of the states can say NO!
No law or regulation that is invented by government has to be followed by the states IF it is not constitutional.
And NO law or regulation can be constitutional if the creators (the states) believe that it is contrary to the best interests of their constituents.

So, Sen. Sessions, Just Say NO THANK YOU.

outofsteam • 11 years ago

Is this the sound bite we are suppose to remember from Sessions? Mr.Sessions: whaddya gonna do about it? Your usual nothing probably.

LGreen311 • 11 years ago

Nothing he can do will FIX the problems of SMOG in CHINA, our primary source for manufactured goods these days, and recently their air looked like LA from the late 1970's. The only thing Obama can and will do with these actions if further HURT our ECONOMY, which is in SHAMBLES after his first 4 year of NO ATTENTION!

aliswell • 11 years ago

If "the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15," then why did Rajendra Pachauri, the UN CLIMATE CHIEF, just admit only last week that global warming ended 17 years ago?

George Fuller • 11 years ago

If Clinton was impeached for having oral sex in he oval office and Nixon for a break in then what is holding up Congress on impeaching Obama on his over the top executive actions like appointing people when congress was in session, amnesty by fiat and now a threat to put in place cap and trade over climate change......

What odes it take for Congress to move?

QuitBS • 11 years ago

Then he should impeach the bastard in chief. "Nuxman" hit it on the head. These slimeballs will not risk their lavish lifestyles and jobs.

Steve Mcgrew • 11 years ago

If your Congressman or Senator does not show leadership by doing everything they can to block all of Obama's radical BS via oposing votes, verbally denouncing this presidents agenda, and in court when necessary then vote them out of office in 2014..There are true conservatives that are waiting to replace any spineless slug that will not do as the public wills them to. The young tea party Members in congress seem to be taking a stand and IMHO there are a few very fiscally conservative libertarians that would bring on the heat far better than many of our middle of the road republican slackers.
We can turn this around but only if we get out and vote this next cycle,Obama is president only for the fact that too many did not vote,keep writing,,texting,,emailing, and calling your representatives and let them know,in no uncertain terms that you are mad as hell and that you expect them to up there game,there can be no more sitting on the sidelines slacking as our country is being destroyed.

Kathleen3 • 11 years ago

The only person more despicable than Obama is Coons (D-DE). At today's immigration hearing this man made such a fool of himself he should be embarrassed to appear in public in the future. The only person mentioned in this article who can prevent the further destruction of this country is Senator Jeff Sessions.

Malkiel_kol_hakavod_la_el • 11 years ago

No wonder we have people in congress not doing anything that remotely appears constitutional....“He then puts his bureaucrats to work to figure out every way possible
through their regulations, through their enforcement policies, to place
the country under the direction he wants it to go under his rule.
That’s not consistent with American history and democracy. I think it’s
dangerous and we need to work at it.” We are not a democracy and a president can not write regulations that not passed by congress... Someone needs to publish U.S. Constitution for dummies and politicians!!!!

jocko • 11 years ago

Agreed! But, what are YOU going to do about it?

You pols in DC are the only ones that can do anything about it. Have you challenged any of his over reaching exec orders? Nope, didn't think so.

Unless you are prepared to do something about it, stop whining. This is what happens when all of you senior statesmen of the GOP play along to get along instead of rocking or capsizing the damn boat.

Jim • 11 years ago

Maybe if congress would grow a set of balls and finally either try him for his crimes or impeach him for not being qualified to be POTUS we would finally get rid of this imposter. Tom McClintock, the representative for my district says obama is qualified because he has seen the record of his birth in two Hawaiian newspapers and he refuses to read or talk with Sheriff Joe in Arizona. They for the good of our country should finally take action. We need to get all new representatives, that is unless obama makes himself King. Or we must finally take our country back as provided in our founding documents.

susan • 11 years ago

Is it time to hit the Constitution reset button yet?

Guest • 11 years ago

For the illogical: We have climax change every day. Just as a meteorologist.

Type7 • 11 years ago

Climax change??? And no, we have weather changes every day, not climate changes.

Laverner1 • 11 years ago

Let's understand the principle economic factor underpinning all of the Obama administration decisions. That economic fundamental is what Obama relies on and which the likes of Tim Geitner and Ben Bernanke slavishly follow. Simply put, it is INFLATION, to devalue the American dollar and to wipe out private sector savings. The net effect of this under the table policy is to wipe out the savings of seniors, to drive more and more people into the public safety net (welfare!) and to, eventually, pay off the federal debt with cheap dollars. Thus all of us have seen rapid escalation of the costs of foodstuffs, heating products, medical care, etc. Ultimately, this policy and the administrations call for massive new federal spending (in spite of Obama's idiotic claims that his new programs will not cost us a dime!) will drive our country into fiscal chaos destroying in its wake everyone that stands in the way of Obama's new world order.

dixiesuzan • 11 years ago

Joseph Story 1877 - Familiar exposition of the
Constitution of the US---
--- http://archive.org/details/... ---
Exposition on the fundamental Presidential duty: US Constitution; Article II, Section 3 ---he shall take Care that the Laws be FAITHFULLY EXECUTED--
Page 77 Quote---§ 291. Another duty of the President is, "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” And by the Laws we
are here to understand, not merely the acts of Congress, but all the
obligations of treaties, and all the requisitions of the Constitution, as the latter are, equally with the former, the “supreme law of the land." The great object of the establishment of the executive department is, to accomplish, in this enlarged sense, a faithful execution of the laws. Without it, be the form of government whatever it may, it will be utterly worthless for confidence, or defense, for the redress of grievances, or the protection of rights, by the happiness and good order of citizens, or for the public and political liberties of the people.----

Page 78 Quote--- § 292. The true interpretation of the clause is, that the President is to use all such means as the Constitution and
laws have placed at his disposal, to enforce the due execution of the laws. As, for example, if crimes are committed, he is to direct a prosecution by the proper public officers, and see, that the offenders are brought to justice. If treaties are violated by foreign nations, he is to make suitable demands for a due enforcement of them; but he cannot employ the public force, or make war, to accomplish the purpose. If public officers refuse or neglect to perform their appropriate duties, he is bound to remove them, and appoint others who will honestly and faithfully perform them.---

Fred Coombs • 11 years ago

Okay send me my handouts! I'm a sheep! BBBaaaHHhh

Guest • 11 years ago

Correct Senator Sessions!

Obama and the 2nd Amendment...

Really…? The 2nd Amendment was Important versus It Is Important!

From: http://www.newrepublic.com/...

Well, in our comments today, I was very explicit about believing that the Second Amendment
was important, that we respect the rights of responsible gun owners. In formulating our plans,
Joe Biden met with a wide range of constituencies, including sportsmen and hunters.
So much of the challenge that we have in our politics right now is that people feel as
if the game here in Washington is completely detached from their day-to-day realities.
And that's not an unjustifiable view. So everything we do combines both a legislative
strategy with a broad-based communications and outreach strategy to get people engaged
and involved, so that it's not Washington over here and the rest of America over there.
Obama on the Greedy...
This is in his own words from his book "Dreams From My Father" page 158 of 235 PDF Form:
The title of Reverend Wright’s sermon that morning was “The Audacity of Hope.” He began with
a passage from the Book of Samuel-the story of Hannah, who, barren and taunted by her rivals,
had wept and shaken in prayer before her God. The story reminded him, he said, of a sermon a
fellow pastor had preached at a conference some years before, in which the pastor described going
to a museum and being confronted by a painting titled Hope.
“The painting depicts a harpist,” Reverend Wright explained,
“a woman who at first glance appears to be sitting atop a great mountain.
Until you take a closer look and see that the woman is bruised and bloodied,
dressed in tattered rags, the harp reduced to a single frayed string.
Your eye is then drawn down to the scene below, down to the valley below,
where everywhere are the ravages of famine, the drumbeat of war,
a world groaning under strife and deprivation.
“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day
than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year,
where white folks’ greed runs a world in need,
apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…
That’s the world! On which hope sits!”
Obama on the Constitution…
In Obama’s on words from his book Audacity of Hope page 54 of 217 PDF Form:
Ultimately, though, I have to side with Justice Breyer’s view of the Constitution—that
it is not a static
but rather a living document, and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world.

Our Interpretations of Obama's Own Words:
Obama’s meaning…change it on the fly America, her Constitution Et Al, Don’t respect the original-ists, Founding Fathers!
If you are Not White and you have to remember-were there any Non-Whites that had anything
to do with the Continental Convention or the Federalists Papers or The Founders or the Constitution?
If so, they got No credit and Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory, and Saul Alinski Tactics apply
...and if you are White you are The Oppressor, If you are Non-white you are the oppressed and Not Just Here In America!

We hope that you will please pass this on to All friends, or associates or foes.
Collective Salvation is his Salvation to Save His People and It Is All America's Fault!
His books are his Playbooks!

Charlie • 11 years ago

Something Republicans need to learn is that elections have consequences. The American people did not put President Obama back in the White House for another four years to appease conservatives or to promote Republican philosophy. We put him there to promote a progressive agenda and restore America to greatness. If he has to slap a few Republicans around in the process, so be it.