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stlouisix • 11 years ago

There is nothing to stop the House from immediately DEFUNDING Obamacare in total, Ryan, given that Obamacare is Comrade Obama's primary tool for destroying a free America.

Here's an open letter to you, and your GOP colleagues in the House and Senate.

As a Catholic Vietnam War Navy Veteran, a retired member of the research faculty of Penn State I find it appalling that our elected representatives in Congress and in the senate are going out of their way to work with someone who couldn't care less about an America that he was weaned on a hatred for by his communist mentors which is well documented.

FYI, GOP in the House and Senate, you were elected to stop Obama in his tracks with the power that was given to the House in 2010 to do so by an angry electorate to include Military veterans like myself that do not want to see the deaths of all those who fell in America's wars throughout history to secure our God-given unalienable rights of The Declaration of Independence to have been rendered in vain by a communist despot masquerading as an American.

I mean just how long is it going to take before the truth sinks in that Obama couldn't care less about jobs being that he's the greatest job destroyer in American history in favor of putting everyone on his all-encompassing government dole whereby there will only two classes, post Obama's class warfare vilifying the rich, i.e., the ruling politburo and the serfs dependent upon same for their miserable existence?

Obama promotes a culture of death by trashing the freedom of religion rights of people of faith and right reason via the unconstitutional abomination that is Obamacare which McConnell and Boehner promised would be DEFUNDED after Roberts' judicial treachery that gave it life, a promise that turned out to be the biggest political betrayal of trust that the American people had in their leaders in the history of The Republic.

For the love of God, GOP in the House and Senate, how can you or anyone on Capitol Hill justify working with such a tyrant who demands that Catholics compromise their faith by supporting the baby killing in the womb of Obamacare, the incentivizing of seniors' doctors to get grandpa and grandma to check out early via a 15 member group of medical nonprofessionals who will deem not what health care they need, but what they will be mercifully allowed, and the corruption of our military by the forced acceptance of sexual perversion that has been proven changeable and physically, psychologically, socially, and economically ruinous, let alone the spiritual questions involved, thereby trashing the freedom of religion rights of the Chaplain Corps, and all whom they serve, and finally, the complete destruction of America's proven efficient energy industry along with the millions of jobs it supports due to the forced buying into the lies of the Gore Green Goblins which have been long since abandoned by sane countries who want their economies and monetary systems to survive, not collapse under an increasingly unsustainable skyrocketing debt taking into account that we're talking about 100 Trillion of unfunded entitlements along with that debt?

And what about our National Security that has been trashed by the unconscionable use of it in the sequester that McConnell and Boehner agreed to which is going to hollow out our Military at a time when our enemies, Obama's friends, are arming to the teeth, given Obama's support of the pro-radical jihadist anti-American Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the Middle East, and giving away the farm to the former soviets who still are in arms negotiations by de facto unilaterally disarming in the face of an increasing threat of a world war by our enemies who know a gift when they see one in Obama and, accordingly, are going to be tempted to strike while the iron is hot.

Didn't it bother you, that Obama hung out to dry four Americans in Benghazi with no needed security in the face of warnings that more was needed, and no help when they asked for same by a traitor who told a Navy SEAL to STAND DOWN turning the American military dictum of "leaving no one behind" to "you're on your own"?

Do you and your colleagues care so little for the future of my children and grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, not Communists, who will be fortunate enough to survive the likes of Obama's abortuaries to actually believe that such a man can be dealt with as if he cared about an America that he despises, given the damage that he's done since he's been in office to the tune of 90,000,000 people leaving the workforce which has become the workfarce under him?

GOP in the House and Senate, I put it to you, that our country is on the brink of the greatest threat to it since the Revolution. And we need people to fight for us in Washington for the sake of an America fit to live in for future generations, not a Marxist Socialist nightmare straight from the bowels of hell by someone whose modus operandi is to continuously trash the "laws of nature, and natures' God" of The Preamble to the DOI that the founding fathers deemed the obedience to was necessary for America's survival calling upon the protection of Divine Providence for the DOI's support.

You were sent to Washington to do that, FYI. So please care enough for that America fit to live in to do so and stop giving us worthless words with NO ACTION which de facto make you nothing more than enablers of a communist who's destroying America from within!

mcdonnal • 11 years ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying so brilliantly what so many of us feel and know but are unable to express as eloquently as you have. I sure do hope that you do not stop with just a comment on a news story but that you get your message all over the internet. It needs to be seen and heard..

Carol Chadbourne • 11 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly with you, Luther Henry!! Mr. Padovani lives in an alternate world having not a care in the world.

Scott Fairview • 11 years ago

Now if you could make your point with out coming across like a ranting lunatic you might actually get someone to finish reading your letter..on second thought keep up the crazy talk, its very entertaining!

stlouisix • 11 years ago

The raving lunatics are the reflections of you and your sorry likes in your mirrors who are too stupid to see that you're about to go over Obama's waterfall to oblivion right behind us.


Scott Fairview • 11 years ago

Yes crazy person, it will be OK..go back to your bunker now, the commies are coming...AHHHH!

stlouisix • 11 years ago

You better get back to the asylum in the comfort of your padded cell before the White Coats put out an APB on you! And while you're at it, stop doing crack before breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

As for the commies coming, they've been here for a long time with indoctrination masquerading as education in the public schools, as you reap what you sow with the sham Obama Administration proof positive of that fact.

rank • 11 years ago

Nope they are not coming.... they seem to have arrived.

Carol Chadbourne • 11 years ago

They are already HERE, jerk...you have your head so far up his....that you're missing the news....now, let the whitecoats get you settled down, loopy-libby.

Stlouisix is not lying or ranting like a lunatic. The problems in his post are real and if you are open minded and educate yourself like I did you will see them.
I supported Al Gore in 2000 but as I learned more about the truth I saw the light. This is why I supported Mitt and Paul in 2012.
In 2002 I did not vote for Mitt as our governor then watched him become the best our state ever had. This is why I did not repeat my mistake in 2012.

eric • 11 years ago

jeff, where will we get the money for obamacare? and where in the constitution does it give the president the right to dictate to the public that they must get insurance? and where does it give the president the right to fine someone if they don`t get insurance?

Carol Chadbourne • 11 years ago

Eric,..how would he know, he is not informed one bit!! Bet he doesn't even know the 'czars' in b.o.'s cabinet are his bffs radical muslim militants, of which he is a member. Can not even talk to uninformed ppl because they think they know everything there is to know...without ever knowing a thing. they can only express themselves with vile and nasty names...they can't help a low IQ, honestly.

SteveRosset • 11 years ago

Did you get the memo that the supreme court said it was constitional.

Jackson 7268 • 11 years ago

Why not dispute the content of his message?

aggietx2 • 11 years ago

"Facts are stubborn things" - Ronald Reagan

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

Good quote. I also like "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." - Ronald Reagan

Carol Chadbourne • 11 years ago

I believe he got just about everything in there. I also believe (stlouisis) is on the mark. Except, leaving out the fema coffins and 'concentration camps to 're-educate' Americans to their way of thinking or die. Regardless 'how' he puts it, he is right..and it is NOT CRAZY talk..so, how do like 'them' apples...b.o. lover...or have YOU done something to help Americans out of this Hell..??? uh uh!!

Anamah • 11 years ago

Jeffrey, you have too big the type. Push control and minus at the same time to make it smaller... then you'll see the entire comment.

Guest • 11 years ago

ok kids....do I have to stop the car?

Type7 • 11 years ago


Politically Incorrect • 11 years ago

Yep, more lip service in the absence of a profound lack of will...

aggietx2 • 11 years ago

"That's means we'll grow spending on average 3.4 percent a year instead of growing it an average 4.9 percent a year..."
Sorry. A reduction in the increase is still an increase.

kjm • 11 years ago

Do you realize that one quarter of profitable corporations pay no income taxes because of loopholes? Do you realize that because of our skewed tax system, over 120% of recent wealth growth went to the very wealthy, while the poor just got poorer.

You are asking that we let GE, which is one of those who don't pay taxes because of "political favors" planted in the tax code, off the hook but starve babies. Sorry to be so blunt. It certainly does not follow the teachings of Jesus to have such priorities.

Large corporations are hoarding pools of big money. Spending it to buy each other instead of hiring or investing in new products. They don't that the demand they need. Inequality creates economic constipation. Money needs to move around to build an economy.

Henry Ford paid his workers well so they could buy cars. It worked. We need to consider that. Morals and the desire for Economic Growth drive one to the same conclusion. But not so, for the Tea Party, it would seem.

aggietx2 • 11 years ago

My, that's a lot of ignorance for just one post.
Corporate profits go to stock holders. MANY 401k's are stockholders.
GE starves babies? Please cite a source for this one.
Large corporations aren't going to spend until they know how much will be confiscated from them. Until tax rates drop they will not invest.
Ford paid his workers poorly. He worked them nearly to death to drop the price of the cars. THAT's how he made them affordable to all (including those that didn't work for him.)
Good grief.

CharlieFFoxtrot • 11 years ago

Actually, Ford paid his people well above the wage of other factory workers in order to keep turnover rates low and make sure most people showed up for work. On an assembly line, you need to have every position filled all the time in order for it to keep running, and keep costs low. He paid $5 per day, others paid about $2.25 a day. $5 a day in 1913 is about $115 a day today. Not a fortune, but with no income taxes or payroll taxes, it went a long way. His decision was self-serving, but a benefit to all his workers, and an example of the free market at work.

Do you realize that one quarter of profitable corporations pay no income taxes because of loopholes? Do you realize that because of our skewed tax system, over 120% of recent wealth growth went to the very wealthy, while the poor just got poorer.
Do you realize this has happened all of the time when the loony liberals were in power. Between 1992-1994 the Dems controlled all three branches of Congress and did nothing. In 2008-2010 Obama had a super majority but again did nothing.

You are asking that we let GE, which is one of those who don't pay taxes because of "political favors" planted in the tax code, off the hook but starve babies. Sorry to be so blunt. It certainly does not follow the teachings of Jesus to have such priorities.
Did you know that GE is a big supporter of Obama and the liberal Dems. GE controls NBC and MSNBC which is in the tank for Obama. It was the liberal Dems who gave them the political favors in the first place so that they paid no taxes.
By the way corporations don't pay taxes anyways but pass them off to us in the cost of their products.

Guest • 11 years ago

We need a combination of spending cuts AND tax increases. That's the responsible way to fix this mess.

John Burney Sr • 11 years ago

I hate to tell you, that if they raise taxes it will be for everyone not just the rich, as you seam to think or Obama says.. Besides when Obamacare goes into full efect we are all going to pay more taxes.. That's what it is a new tax...

Guest • 11 years ago

Your taxes have not gone up you idiot. And they won't. You don't make enough money.

aggietx2 • 11 years ago

You sure are generous with other people's money. How much extra do you send to the goverment every month? Surely you don't take ANY tax deductions, do you?

Kristen W. Taylor • 11 years ago

It also includes $716 billion that was taken from Medicare to pay for Obamacare. ... http://www.Jobgains67dollar...

Guest • 11 years ago

I pay my fair share to the country I love. I see you don't.

You already got the tax increase, now it is time for the spending cuts.

Guest • 11 years ago

That was just the first step. And Obama compromised with Republicans. Time for them to do the same.

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

I could not disagree more! We are projected to take in the largest amount of revenue in this country's history. We have a SPENDING problem. There are more than enough taxes flowing through Washington to take care of this country. The problem is stupid spending in ridiculous ($250 million to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, really?) areas when that money should be used at home. Redirect the spending, cut the waste and the problem is solved.

Guest • 11 years ago

If you don't know that we need both then you are foolish.

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

The CBO projects tax revenue to be $2.7 trillion dollars. The largest in this nation's history. Yet we spend $1.5 million dollars studying obese lesbians. This is a SPENDING problem. Period. And I guarantee there are hundreds of examples such as this. I will say it again, there is more than enough revenue flowing through Washington. And I will add, no one is stopping you from writing a big check to Washington.

Guest • 11 years ago

Typical idiot conservative. Find one spending study, lie about it, and then say everything else is just like it. You need an education.

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

What am I lying about? It is on the National Institutes of Health website, a government organization. I would put the link but I am not sure it is allowed.

Back to my original assertion, this is a SPENDING problem, of which this is just one example. Eliminate "priorities" such as these and $2.7 trillion dollars is enough to fund the necessary and Constitutional services of the federal government. More taxes is just not necessary.

Why don't you attack the message?

Guest • 11 years ago

I didn't even say you were lying about the money, you idiot. You're lying about the simplified was you presented it. What you are talking about is a drop in the bucket anyway. You conservative fools have no realistic plan to do the heavy lifting necessary to fix this country, which is why dems will do it.

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

What you are seemingly not grasping is those are just two examples of a bloated budget. I have seen budgets for most of my professional career and I can guarantee there is an amazing amount of fat that can be cut. We are paying enough money to the federal government. It is you who is simply willing to sign a check to an entity which has shown no ability to manage what they have - projected to be the most revenue in the history of this country. The "heavy lifting" as you call it is the willingness to make the tough choices to cut the fat. It is easy to simply take more of our heard-earned labor.

And why the name calling? Let's see, idiot, liar, stupid...I am simply pointing out that the path you are advocating is why we are in this position of unsustainability. Government does not have money, what they have must be taken from the productive. Why not hold them accountable since it is yours and my money they are taking?

Guest • 11 years ago

Of course there is always some waste. That should be cut out. But idiot conservatives see waste in good programs that they don't understand.

Yes, the government is OUR government, and the can and need to impose taxes. And yes, it's the people's money that choose to live here that go to those taxes. If you don't like it, then vote. If you REALLY don't like it, move to a country with lower taxes. Lol! Where would you go? Practically nowhere.

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

Though you originally stated cuts, it appears your solution is to simply keep things mostly as they are and throw more of our money at the problem. Government is grossly inefficient at its best, hence the 16 trillion dollar problem. I never said we should not pay taxes, I stated we are paying enough taxes. Big difference.

While I won't be drawn into the name calling, the left never saw a program they did not like. See how that works?

Finally believe it or not, there are other countries that are moving in the opposite direction as this country.

Guest • 11 years ago

We need cuts AND revenue. With our system, and the extremely wealthy getting wealthier by the day there is no reason for them to pay a little more. This country has been very good to them.

What countries are you referring to? Would you like to move there?

Jackson7268 • 11 years ago

Aaahh and here is the class warfare. Right out of the talking points of the current administration.

Actually, I would have little problem with examining the loopholes and closing some of them. I will not disagree that the super rich have created a system that benefits them to the detriment of some of society. However I am not willing to demonize them as this current administration is attempting to do. They have contributed to our society as well, in ways most of us cannot.

That being said, this administration is raising taxes on more than just the rich despite what they are saying. My original assertion stands, we have enough revenue flowing through Washington. If we got rid of baseline budgeting (meaning the end of the idea of practically automatic growth) and managed the revenue as businesses and households must (the rest of the us outside of government), the country would have a chance to revert to what it was 100 years ago before we taxed and spent our way to this hole.

As for the countries, Estonia, Hong Kong, and Singapore are three examples of countries that are headed in the right direction. Your last question brings out the libertarian in me - that is my business.

With that I am done. Despite the name calling, which I find more often than not is typical of a certain segment of our political population, I enjoyed the interplay. You can have the final say.

Guest • 11 years ago

No one is demonizing the rich, but they do need to pay a little more. Go ahead and move to Hong Kong. Let us know how you like it.

rank • 11 years ago

Reduced cost of health care insurance through Obamacare was goal number 1. Well, since the passing of Obamacare our premiums have skyrocketed, co-pays and deductibles have increased, and pharmacy costs have been on that same skyrocket. A recent assessment by government auditors now shows that Obamacare will not cost a dime (as Obama has said).... RATHER Obamacare will add $6.2 TRILLION to the budget in the next 10 years.

Dens • 11 years ago

Don't just get rid of Obamacare, get rid of Obama and his entire America hating administration. While your at it, get rid of most of the Senate, a large portion of the House of representatives and all of the Judicial and you're on your way to step one of really solving our problems.

Soren Eriksen • 11 years ago

This is a waste of time. As long as Harry Reid runs the Senate, there will be NO BUDGET!