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Guest • 10 years ago
Jfhsansei • 10 years ago

While I can sympathize for the women, death is a last defense decision. As in there is no other alternative. The bus drivers are symbolic slayings, as the killer has stated the plants are where the crimes are committed. Murder is never an option. There is no legal system of justice in motion. If we downgrade our laws now at what point do we stop?

Ocie Belle Peace • 10 years ago

Exactly! Now where in the bloody h-- were you--and the cops with their criminal sketches--to say that when 350 WOMEN were being killed after rape in the alleged crime wave cited in the article?

It looks to me like you're just here to give a shout out for the two men whom nobody would even be talking about had they been killed by other men, instead of this murderer, in a crime-ridden town. That is ridiculous in a special way to me. It looks like you, the cops there, and maybe CNN are being gender biased if someone who kills TWO gets more attention than someone or some people who kill DOZENS just because the TWO are men and the DOZENS aren't--or the murderer of the TWO is a woman and the murderer of the DOZENS are not

bg1435 • 10 years ago

That's right how can that many Women die, for so long and nothing be done ? It took them forever, to figure out what might have happened with all of those brutal murders and now we are left wondering if the rapes ever stopped at all, on those buses.This proves that they didn't. As usual, the Mexican authorities are continuing to drop the ball.

Guest • 10 years ago

you guys are really getting nuts. actually snapping at someone for condemning murder 1 just because the murderer is a woman? you psycho!

Guest • 10 years ago

Self defense in this case. No one is doing anything to help those women in juarez. NOTHING!! Amnesty international says 373, but I've heard that the locals say closer to 5,000. And most of them disappear after getting on the bus. How many busdrivers are complicit in murder 1! Why are the police working so hard to catch her and look the other way (at least) with the murdered women? So don't even try to tell me it is anything but self defense. She has every right to fear for her life in that city. And when they catch her do you suppose she'll get due process? She is Dexter. She's a superhero and I hope she isn't caught. How many women have those two deaths saved already? You don't care do you.
Why do you suppose 50% of those busdrivers didn't show up for work? If you didn't rape anyone or drive them to serial killers to rape and torture and kill you probably wouldn't be so afraid. You are psycho if you think women will just walk like lambs to the slaughter.

juneauwhy • 10 years ago

You know little about what is going on down here. Hundreds of bus drivers have been murdered on the job in Guatemala City, hundreds more across the country. These are not rapists and an increasing number of them are being killed by women. These are not revenge killings. The husband goes to prison or gets killed and the wife or girlfriend takes over his duties for the gang. Also, many women join extortionists, kidnappérs and the like for the same reasons men do, money. When the cleaners or a competing gang kills them, they are counted as victims of crimes against women.

Yes, there is a violence against women problem in Latin America, but the numbers are inflated as female maras are counted in that number when they die gang related deaths that have nothing to do with being women. This woman is a psycho driven by blind vengence. She is not making a statement, she is murdering people, preventing desperately poor people from working and making a violent environment worse.

Jeanie Champagne • 10 years ago

ok. All we have is the above article. As usual, CNN spreads incorrect info.... Thanks for the enlightenment... what a shame... CNN, also, is writing incorrect info about Syria....

Logenthe9 • 10 years ago

Self defense by killing two men she has no idea were guilty of anything.

They could be decent family men with a wife and children to support or elderly parents to care for and who depend on them. Innocent people who have never violated a woman and never will. You don't know and neither does she if she picked them at random.

You are using the same logic (or lack of) that islamic extremists use when they say they are 'defending muslims' by blowing up innocent civilians, including children, in busy marketplaces, on subways, in schools full of kids (Beslan) etc.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Lastly, her actions won't stop the violence against women, most likely perpetrated by serial killers who will go on killing.

RandyRant • 10 years ago

That is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read,"If you didn't rape anyone or drive them to serial killers to rape and torture and kill you probably wouldn't be so afraid." Really? What an incredibly ignorant thing to say. You are part of the problem. If the murders of the women are ever solved, I can almost guarantee that the culprits will be the corrupt as all hell police pulling these women off the busses and threatening the driver and their families. So now the drivers not only have to fear whom ever is killing these women but also the passengers. So not only is this women killing people with no proof that they actually committed a crime but she is also killing and destroying what little industry there is to be had in Mexico. It's no wonder Mexico is less than a third world country, with ignorant people like you supporting senseless crime. You want someone to blame here, blame the police and yourself.

Oliver Grant • 10 years ago

the one that compares the killing to jihad is right on the money, and the fact guest is so concerned about the war in Syria indicates Guest might know much more about the killer than he is letting on. It is also telling that the gun woman opposes US factories. This may well be related to the monster truck massacre, exploding propane trucks, and the simultaneous attack on 9 substations plunging 1 million people into darkness for 15 hours while torching 4 gas stations. But Mexico doesn't have a terrorism problem does it?

Meatwader • 10 years ago

Read the article again. They're not symbolic....."She reportedly says in the e-mails that her motive is retaliation against bus drivers who have raped vulnerable women, especially those who work in the "maquiladoras," or foreign assembly plants (mainly American) on the Mexican side of the border."

juneauwhy • 10 years ago

And we always believe whatever the serial killer says, right.

LazyFair • 10 years ago

Get a life --- this is better than Die Hard....

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

excepting this is real life...

LazyFair • 10 years ago

I get what you're saying, but, I err on a woman's side -- everytime - Go, Diana!

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

...but, you understand the difference between fiction and reality. Murder is still murder...for that she will likely be apprehended put in prison and forgotten.... that's the reality for her. Sadly, unlike the movies there are no winners here.

eyeroq • 10 years ago

This is the failed state of Mexico we're talking about so there are no guarantees she'll be apprehended. Though odds are that if she continues doing what she's doing she'll eventually be caught.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

What are likely scenarios.... if she is a serial killer she will go on killing without remorse and most likely be caught as you say, if she is not psychotic and has any conscience she will realize she ruined any normal life for herself and ruined the lives of the families of the two men killed along with terrorizing a community. Most likely then she would need to go into hiding for fear of being recognized in a country where extended family is so important to survival, She would need keep this secret indefinetly knowing the suffering she caused haunting her. Senseless....

eyeroq • 10 years ago

There are more possibilities than the two you provided. It's possible the drivers she targeted were actually perpetrators of sexual violence against women, either against her or someone close to her, and she was seeking vigilante justice after a failure of the Mexican justice system. In that case she would not have to feel any guilt over what she did and could continue on with her life content that justice was served by her.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

Certainly there are more scenarios. To accept your scenario would be to frame shooting two people at point blank range with it's consequences to be a 'casual' event....in a normally adjusted person an unhealthy traumatic psychological stress disorder from killing is more likely the outcome....whether feeling justified or not....

eyeroq • 10 years ago

Nonsense. No one said anything about shooting people at point blank range as being a "casual" occurrence. What a silly assumption for you to make.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

Trolling then ? LoL or just not comprehending ?

eyeroq • 10 years ago

Just pointing out your non sequitur. Never did I imply or assert that shooting two people point blank was a 'casual' event. So your irrelevant babble was bizarre and incoherent.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

Oh, trolling then...

eyeroq • 10 years ago

If that's the fantasy you need to tell yourself after getting schooled for babbling nonsense, you do what you have to do. Nice escape hatch. But reality dictates otherwise and you shouldn't expect anyone else to relate to your broken dreams. I have pity though.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

No sane person could shoot and murder two people in cold blood and not have psychological problems....there is no non sequitur as I was expanding on your bringing up being apprehended or not and expanding on that. Where you lost me was "the casual occurrence' and "no one said anything about it. I did !! in making my point ! Where I am really lost with your reply's is that you didn't seem to get my point to Jeanie from my original reply to her and focused on the hypothetical of Diana not being apprehended. The mis direction, deliberately creating a confusion along with continuing insults is trolling.

Guest • 10 years ago

i "err on the side of women", you are a misandrist as well..

LazyFair • 10 years ago

Just because I side with women in a country that does not respect women does not mean I hate men, but I will give your comment and your opinion.

Richard Flores • 10 years ago

I know how you feel. I side with men too whenever they rape, or kill a woman in this country that doesn't respect the hard working, dying earlier than women, unheralded breadwinner and thankless protector of the house, majority of marriage and family court system set up against them, working nearly the entire spectrum of dangerous jobs that make this increasingly femenized country flow, men.

LazyFair • 10 years ago

Waaaaa, Waaaaa, Waaaaa.....

Richard Flores • 10 years ago

Ha ha ha good comeback. You're right but every now and then we men have to vent lol.

LazyFair • 10 years ago

That's cool, glad you have a sense of humor.... :)

Wilder Dayze • 10 years ago

Those girls died going to the factory. So they were working.

RandyRant • 10 years ago

Yet another incredibly ignorant statement

LazyFair • 10 years ago

I don't Rant unintelligibly!! Go, Diana!

peter rhu • 10 years ago

Why listen to ee diots, Jeanie? You know you can't reason with them. The sad fact is that most women in the world are second rate citizens. Even in this great democracy, the glass ceiling remains.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

Excepting that how does Jeanie's opinion on murdering men for crimes outside of the legal system help the cause of women in the long run.... do we support this notion of vigilanteism over justice systems. This only perpetuates the problems of society. Malala Yousafzai the girl in Pakistan who was shot for attending school by the Taliban in retaliation for violating their religious views is a much better example of non violently standing up to men. Her commitment to her cause is civil and in the end more powerful than any 'Diana' type vigilantes... and far above any cheerleading for murder.

peter rhu • 10 years ago

You need to go live in a different country with severely corrupt government before coming back to comment. It's easy to be saying these things while living here. You think Malala is going to change Pakistan? She was lucky that she, yes she, had enough media exposure from CNN, and therefore diplomats that she was flown to the UK and treated. If she was another regular Pakistani girl living in the tribal belt, she would have died by now. The tribal belt justice is meted out by their tribal justice. Even the Pakistani government does not try to rein in that area. Their frontier security regularly gets killed. Before the US is what it is today, frontier justice was wielded by cowboys with holsters. When women are being killed or oppressed, and the government looks away. You can go march on about civil disobedience all you want. Put your life on the line or when you die or someone close to you dies, then come back and tell us how powerful you are. Civil disobedience only works when the government listens to you. Go find out how many monks set themselves on fire in Tibet complaining about Chinese rule to the Chinese installed government and tell me how well that civil disobedience is working for them.

The Mexican vigilante has already won. She has brought international attention to the killing/raping of women in Ciudad Juarez. CNN never talked about the story about how many women were raped or killed by the bus drivers. They are only reporting how a vigilante killed 2 bus drivers. Would your view change if those 2 bus drivers were found to have raped and killed, say 2 10 year old girls? You go to the authorities and they tell you to shut up and go home? How about they go investigate, get paid off, and say there's nothing to be done? Yes, it's easy to be high and mighty in a developed country where you can sit back and complain and have no repercussions happen to you.

edgeof 2 • 10 years ago

You and Jeanie are simply cheerleading for and rationalizing murder and vigilanteism...the story most likely will be forgotten in days if not weeks. The woman will, also, most likely be apprehended, convicted and put in prison or worse. Her actions solves nothing for anyone.

Note: only 200 + comments....


That's outrageous ! I don't need to go live in another country before coming back to comment !!! Severely corrupt government, compared with say Syria or Somalia ?

We live by different standards. Vigilanteism is society regressing. The reality is that Diana" has terrorized a community and not just men, but, also, women and all who take the bus to work or to carry out daily life. She has killed, for all we know, indiscriminately and left at least two families broken plus her own. I would say she has set back the cause for women in choosing murder as a reason of method if it is to effect change or bring about awareness. Murder is unpalatable to most people, I would think, in support of causes as it is another form of terrorism.

Malala is an example of a strong woman/girl taking a non violent approach to effecting change. Will she change the world probably not, but, it is a promising right start of hope in raising consciousness as society around the world adjusts and progresses. Other, murder and killing is just repeating the same mistake. Even after Malala'a being shot and nearly killed she is as assertive and defiant as ever in the face of her enemy. She has been in the news continually since she was 10 or 11 and continues to inspire people with her conviction and dedication and works with government and private organizations to effect change. To me this is a better example for society to my thinking that non violent initiatives are a better model for effecting change. And to you vigalanteism in third world countries is a better option for change.

I have -lived- part time in a third world country for the last 8 years. I have also traveled widely and seen a good part of the third world off the tourist path. I have seen the corruption in the country I spend time in and hear the stories of perpetrators buying off families and officials to avoid prison. Nothing new there. Although, there is another reality. They are a non violent people basically and there would be little tolerance for such barbarism as this and particularly by the populous as the bus system is so important to daily life.

If to draw attention to media for her supposed cause by murder is 'Dianas' intent as a means for effecting change. I want no part of it and would never entertain that it is better than a movie....

RandyRant • 10 years ago

Well put, glad to see that someone has actually put some thought into their post.

Guest • 10 years ago

That is a Muslim country. That is not part of planet Earth, that is HELL. Muslims hate life, they can't stand happiness.

PhilliesPhan1975 • 10 years ago

like a female Dexter ;-)

LazyFair • 10 years ago

Why didn't I say that!

Hibernia86 • 10 years ago

Jeanie, that comment is really sexist. You think that just because she is a woman she is allowed to get away with murder?

Guest • 10 years ago
Micho Rizo • 10 years ago

Lol....there are plenty of laws they are just not enforced.

susan927 • 10 years ago

Exactly, and the killing of these 2 men has received a lot of coverage where as the numerous killing, raping, beatings, slaying of the women in Ciudad Juarez has received NO attention at all...SMH

regenesis0 • 10 years ago

If the rapists declared themselves to be Priapus, God of the Throbbing Errection we'd probably pay more attention to the rapes too.

Richard Flores • 10 years ago

I know that you think you know the obvious, which you do not, but anytime a woman is found dead or is the victim of foul play it does get press coverage in ciudad Juárez just as this is getting press coverage. Try not opining on subjects which you know nothing about until you have all information about that subject at hand.