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Gpaul50 • 10 years ago

You can make jokes about the region and it's people, or if it's a blue or red state, but in the end these people are Americans. One death so far, many injuries, homes and property destroyed, unless this as happened to you it's hard to know just how horrible it is. To all those affected from my family to yours, hang in there it may seem hopeless, but it will get better quicker then you think, I know I've been there.

runymede • 10 years ago

I have great sympathy for those people affected by the tornadoes. Ignore the despicable comments by these insensitive people. Humans are inherently cruel and heartless and this board, among many, provides an outlet for these people to release their need to inflict their inner propensity to denigrate their fellow man.

Gilsharkey • 10 years ago

Bingo- and see folks in places like Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle arenĀ“t caricatures, but flesh and blood people with a variety of opinions and ideas. See, many who come from outside these areas would be pleasantly surprised at how tolerant and friendly folks from Oklahoma are in their private lives.

mike • 10 years ago

Sad that these people will need federal assistance, but their congressman have voted against it.

visualmigraine • 10 years ago

Actually, tom cole the representative from Moore voted FOR aid for sandy. Now, can we stop the self serving politics when people need help? Jeez people!

Shrewd Fallstar • 10 years ago

Sadder still, you felt the need to use their hour of need to politik.

pl394k • 10 years ago

Many of these folks in ok that will be needing federal money should think twice when they vote next time.

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

Sadder still thst they Re political during other peoples plights

Sean • 10 years ago

what he said is true and they are in need and could be helped with federal assistance but their congressman did vote against it.

visualmigraine • 10 years ago

The congressman from the district that represents Moore voted FOR aid.

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

You people in okie did not think that way when new jersey needed help. Perhaps god sent the tornadoes to teach okies a lesson

Sharon • 10 years ago

You are a bigot pure and simple

visualmigraine • 10 years ago

The people in Moore put a man in office who voted For aid for sandy victims. So what exactly was god trying to teach them?

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

Not according to what I have read.

lkjhgfd • 10 years ago

Then you need to look up who represents Moore...

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

What about the senators

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

Im talking senators. And congressman voted it down originally. Theseppeople must be huge sinners for god to bring is wrath

Lacee Rollins • 10 years ago

Where is your info coming from?! I have yet to see one person, first hand I might add, sitting around waiting on government funding. EVERYONE has started working for themselves within hours of the devistation. So you sit behind your computer and trust your sources while we rebuild with our own resources and our own hands, something you probably know little about. And while you are busy believing what you read I will update this message from CNN by letting you know the death total is 24 not 51

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

So no one in your state is taking any state money. Did you know okies get more in federal aid thsn they pay in taxes. I have never been in a state that had more religiously intolerant people. I saw no smiles to greet me. Just a predjudice people living in the past. I am not talking intelligence but against ignorance which is running deep in okie land. The death toll mistake was not due too cnn but due to the fact okis cannot count.read up on it cupcake

Sharon • 10 years ago

Adding unnecessary PORK to the relief bill is why Congress voted against it. You come off as being less than intelligent with your remark.

Guest • 10 years ago

Well said.

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

I have been thereaand hsve seent nothing good. It is s dusty hot place with no redeeming qualities or decemcy

Guest • 10 years ago
Uncle Remus • 10 years ago

Dis har CNN logic, lets invade evrawon privasa ba postin fotos a dem covad in blud affer a trajeda ba god ferbid sum blak man gonna mak sum comment dat inapropriat

pl394k • 10 years ago

Are you still around?

4gottenDir • 10 years ago

I thought it was only me that wanted Remus and his kind to disappear from the face of planet.

Barb Bird • 10 years ago

My thoughts and condolences go out to the people who lost family, loved ones, friends, and animals. Those K-3rd graders they found dead are the biggest tragedy of all. My heart aches for all of them.

Mike • 10 years ago

Now there's a lie, everyone says it, but you will forget them in about a week or so, or at least once the media drops the reporting. How many people who said "their heart aches for boston" still ache?

No one here truly cares, just a reaction to make you feel good about yourself.

4gottenDir • 10 years ago

Mike, why are you always like this?

Mike • 10 years ago

I just say the truth, nothing else.

Nola_Fire • 10 years ago

Well, since I volunteer to respond to all these catastrophes I would say that I do care about these people and I do pray for all these families that have to deal with the heart ache. It sounds like you haven't had a talk with God in some time. Maybe you should.

Nick Anthony • 10 years ago

praying doesnt do anything. science and reason has saved more lives than ur prayers ever will. Grow up!

Devra Nitzsche • 10 years ago

You truly are a terrible person Mike, feel better getting that off your chest?

Mike • 10 years ago

Truth hurts no? Did you know how many people died today due to bombings, hunger, etc..

No, you do not, you do not care about them either until someone mentions it. All humans are like this, fake, fake. How I literally can not stand it. You act like you care but vote in warmongers, act like you care but look down on poor people. The truth hurts eh, none care, none ever did. Boston, unless you were affected by it, you do not care. You forgot, how about the Oklahoma city bombing? I am sure everyone's "heart ached" does it now, it never did.

Guest • 10 years ago

You're an "Occupier", I'm guessing. Keep watching reruns of Battle of Seattle you round mouth beotch.

Mike • 10 years ago

Another thing about Americans, I assume you are American, is that they seem to be unable to answer properly to obvious facts which clearly hurt their minuscule brains by saying someone is an "Occupier." Tell me, what is wrong with them? Asking for the 1% whose wealth has constantly increased while ours has declined to quit being corrupt? Yeah, must be bad.

No, I am not an occupier, but I support them.

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

Good one jergen the gerkin . Marrr vvviiinnn

Jess • 10 years ago

I still remember the Oklahoma City bombing, I still remember where I was, what I felt and what I heard. I also remember the twin towers plane crash, I remember where I was and what I saw and the way I felt. It was horrifying to see the images and they will stick with me forever. You never really forget any sort of devastation. You try to do your best to be a better person and help those in need whenever you can. We have to try to put things behind us in order to move forward. You remember those tragedy's, but you can't dwell on them. All you can try to do is rebuild and move forward.

Guest • 10 years ago

Jesus Christ you suck.

Mike • 10 years ago

Didn't Jesus say to love everyone? Clearly you failed that part, like 90%+ of all "Christians." Yeah, how does it feel like to fail at the most basic part of what your "savior" said.

ShadowSpeedy7 . • 10 years ago

strangely i agree with alot Mike's saying, the truth is that we may feel bad for them but it won't leave a lasting impression on anyone unless they were affected. you give it a month and most of us will have forgotten this even happened.

Mike • 10 years ago

Thank you.

blumkin from palin • 10 years ago

Good obe Mar vin.

Ed167 • 10 years ago

The number of people caught in a political discussion here is astounding... but I have a request: could you people post on a different article instead?

Right now they are digging, searching of survivors at the Elementary School that was hit. I would really prefer if we focused our attention on the kids there just now. Politics can probably wait until we find out if they are alive or not.

On the same line, I hope everyone here donates to help those in need - maybe just by giving blood. There are a lot of people in trouble, and it is more important to help them than it is to yell at each other.

BlueDem1 • 10 years ago

Agreed. Politics needs to be at a standstill right now. Let's get these kids out from under the rubble and provide any help we can to the people of Moore, Oklahoma.

They'll be plenty of time for political bantering later.

Chaos • 10 years ago

That wasn't true for almost half the OK reps in Congress who voted against Sandy aid when it was needed.

jeff • 10 years ago

Yeah my rants earlier today were before anyone knew about the kids. Unlike a right winger, I have some remorse for taking this as a chance to troll the opposition.

Guest • 10 years ago
BlueDem1 • 10 years ago

No, I responded to a hyper-partisan who said Oklahoma shouldn't accept any "Obama northern socialist help" (i.e.--federal aid) to assist in the rescue and recovery of this disaster. So in other words, we should just let those trapped children die because this guy doesn't want to admit that there might actually be a few GOOD things the federal government does.

Louise • 10 years ago

As far as I know the government has never refused to help its citizens when they have been in terrible need such as this. We have lots of resources in this country thank God.