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PorkChop • 10 years ago

More lying from this socialist. It is obvious that Obamacare is the gateway to a "single payer" system, which means the govt is the only one to pay for this, as in The People's Republic of China. These people have admitted they want this, believing that using the term "Single Payer" will prevent everyone from knowing what that means.They are too deceptive to govern our beautiful USA. Let's vote Positive next time.

Jeremiah • 10 years ago

"To the future...from the age of Big Brother, from the age of double think- greetings"
George Orwell

CountMahdrof • 10 years ago

And what we call the law we can amend or choose to ignore at our whim, so shut up already.

As an aside, do you think Barry hired so many ugly advisers and cabinet members to make himself look better?

CitizenBrain • 10 years ago

It wouldn't surprise me in the least. He's completely Narcissistic. I'm surprised they can fit his ego inside Air Force One and still have room for the flight crew...

jhsif • 10 years ago

The moral of the story boys and girls this is not bait and switch because... um... because the liberals say so and because it came from a liberal black man in America illegally from Kenya you are a racist bigot for daring to question it! However if a republican did something similar they would burn it in effigy!

CitizenBrain • 10 years ago

No bait and switch, just like the compulsive lying government claiming they're going to stop lying to us. LMAO If you buy that bravo sierra I have a big orange toll suspension bridge in California I'd like to sell you. It's a major tourist attraction, guaranteed to make a monster return on your investment!

Soppy • 10 years ago

So what bytch? Holder ignores the laws of the land all the time.

Laura Yingling • 10 years ago

The lies that come out of this administration just don't stop. And what is worse are the lemmings who believe them.

bornelk • 10 years ago

If this were not a "bait and switch" operation it would not have been pushed through on the weekend in the middle of the night. This is not proper behavior of passing bills by the government and the very fact that this was done this way was a red flag to citizens that misery was to follow. So here is the misery that we were aware of in the passing of Obamacare. This bill is the biggest stink that was ever made by criminals. The trouble is, they cannot sell this mess in any form and people are angry at this administration for what has happened. Sure, sure scotch tape this mess together-you should have thrown it out January 2013.

LOL • 10 years ago

Kathleen Delirious :

A wilted old prune on the outside.

A stagnant vat of Botox and puss on the inside !

She smells like moth balls and rotten tuna fish with a hint of Zyklon-B.

What a charming old lady..........

Sarah Grange • 10 years ago

This ice cold witch will order little girls and boys to die by denying them lifesaving procedures that are readily available.
Notice how she says. Stop the resistance? Sounds eerily like hitler.

George • 10 years ago

So Obama care is all about new spending on projects not related to health care. Smacks full of rationing and death panels to me.

Krejoe • 10 years ago

This woman is pure anti-American fraud.

Guest • 10 years ago

She's a c*nt. Sorry if you don't like that. Let me repeat..... She's a c*nt. A professional liar. A c*nt. Don't like it? Don't read it... Truth is a hard pill to swallow....

ChicagoThunder1 • 10 years ago

She started to come out of it a few months back and they sent her back for reprogramming.

ChicagoThunder1 • 10 years ago

Lord have mercy on her brainwashed soul...

interestedobserver2 • 10 years ago

How could it possibly be called a "law" when portions of it can be set aside at will, or its provisions completely removed from certain classes of persons based on their political clout? That's not what we call a "law," that's what we call corruption.

S G • 10 years ago

It is the law?

Well we did decide not to prosecute some laws in the White House didn't we?
Or does that apply only when y'all do that?

Jim Pell • 10 years ago

Kathleen, mavournin', you're a fool on a fool's errand, if you truly believe that Obama and the statist Democrats can and should stuff this intrusive and oppressive policy down the throats of the American people, contrary to our wishes, against our inclinations, opposite to good policy and tradition, and making impossible government "by the people, for the people." Please, shut up, or go away.

sonicmoon • 10 years ago

hey Sebelius: Obama and Holder ignore and refuse to uphold current 'laws of the land', so claiming that this somehow means something with finality is absurd.

Pontificating Pomegranate • 10 years ago

It's not bait and switch; they just promised us one thing and delivered another. See the difference?

Mobley22 • 10 years ago

Just because you work for a black man doesn't make it ok to constantly lie and engage in other criminal acts!

Christopher Gadsden • 10 years ago

They are all lying criminals.

InformedNow • 10 years ago

Enact the law as signed before the next elections you defecates!

Nancy • 10 years ago

Sebelius is not a real human being. She is a robot of the Obozomachine. Anything goes as long as Obozo says so. Illegal? Unconstitutional? Never! Go the corrupt court and get a ruling. No problem here, just move on!

pissobama • 10 years ago

Sebelius is a lying ho

Morgan Jones • 10 years ago

And her "John" is a watermellon.

RCJHGirl • 10 years ago

Obamacide cannot possibly work as written which is why the Administration, in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, is choosing to in effect re-write the law by picking and choosing what sections they will enforce and what parts of the law they will discard. Every decision is based on a political calculation to hide the total destruction of the healthcare system to get them past the next election. When it is finally unleashed, the system will implode and they will obtain their actual stated goal of pushing all Americans onto single payer, government-run health care system. All doctors will work for the government and the government will tell you when, how, and ultimately if you can be treated. A government 17 trillion in debt even before this is unfurled cannot possibly afford to provide even basic care to all its citizens. Many patient-centered and patient-empowered ideas have been suggested to replace Obamacide, but the media, such as CBS, refuse to air them and continue to spin all articles in the most favorable light possible, given the mess that Obamacide actually is, by hiding the facts from the public and their readers.

Freedom? • 10 years ago

This thing. This Sebelius is not to be trusted.

Arrogant worm that it is.

Moby • 10 years ago

“This is no longer a political debate; this is what we call the law,” She says. I ask you, are the cost caps not part of that law? Under what authority can the administration pick and choose which parts to implement?

Freedom? • 10 years ago

Under which Constitution is it stated that the elected reps of the republic may FORCE people to buy anything?

Regardless of what the useless Supreme court monkeys gibber.

Sam • 10 years ago

They allowed it as a tax even though it was sold as something else. News blows but that is the game.

OldCalifornia • 10 years ago

How can we tell ot is not bait and switch, particularly when the facts say differently?

MoreGunsLessLiberals • 10 years ago

The idea of improving things is fine, the only problem being that the last stimulus didn't work and only went to political allies. Hmmm...

picomanning • 10 years ago

Who can breach the public trust better than Obama?

SecretAmerican • 10 years ago

The woman's nose should be ten miles long.

Obama's nose would go around Earth ten times if he was Pinocchio.


disqus_at95K9bcZs • 10 years ago

So Sebelius says this is not Bait & Switch, "This is no longer a political debate; this is what we call the law. It was passed and signed three years ago. It was upheld by the Supreme Court a year ago. The president was re-elected. This is the law of the land.” Yeah right. The denial is proof positive that this is IN FACT a sales trick called BAIT AND SWITCH. And by the way since when can a President change/alter/re-write a law that has been passed, signed and upheld by the Supremes, just because he ran into a headwind and changed his mind on something?

Guest • 10 years ago

Didn't she say there would be no "Death Panels" a little bit before she denied that dying little girl a lung transplant?...Just a thought... doesn't she look just like the witch in the Wizard of Oz that dissolved into smoke when she was hit with water?

Guest • 10 years ago

Someone go get a pail of water!

mmmilesll • 10 years ago

Bate and Switch, right , it is all bs and this woman should be in prison

Ken Martin • 10 years ago

Every single member of this administration is corrupt and should be in jail. Especially Holder, and he should be in a Mexican prison for accessory to murder.

Kelsonus • 10 years ago

The entire bill was bait and switch

Guest • 10 years ago

This administration will be remembered for their disregard for law and order. They respect the laws that benefit them. ...and purposely ignore the one's that stand in their way.

When you think about it, that pretty much makes them no different than common criminals.

Warlock Reginald G. Lawson • 10 years ago

To disobey even administrative law is a threat to national security. You will be monitored, you will be controlled, you will obey.

Guest • 10 years ago

She's very believable. But only compared to Eric Holder. Which makes her not very believable at all.

Guest • 10 years ago

I don't believe one word out of this lying bitch's mouth. She should be imprisoned for treason.

Reamensa • 10 years ago

Remember this phrase.."As the secretary shall determine" It appears over 140 times in this "law of the land"

Al Jolson • 10 years ago

Where is that rodeo clown? Running of the Bulls-hitte

Texmex32 • 10 years ago

If the bitch's lips are moving, it's Bait and Switch!!!!!

mike • 10 years ago

If it is the "law of the land", how is it that our President is able to pick and choose which parts he wants to implement. He signed the bill but only congress can change the law. If Obama can change it on his own I sure think congress can revisit and revise the law.