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Guest • 10 years ago
wolfen244 • 10 years ago

"Wasn't me."
--Bath House Barry

"Always deny. Just say, 'Wasn't me.'. After a while people will believe you."
--Eddie Murphy

"Always deny. Deny. Deny. Deny."
--Robert Morse - The Guide for the Married Man. I loved this flick mostly because of all the little vignettes. The joke in this movie is that Walter Matthau is trying to fool around on arguably one of the all time incredible beauties in history - Inger Stevens - with women who are also gorgeous but actually a notch or two under her although it did have IMHO the sexiest woman in flicks Elaine Devry.

"The Limbaugh Theorem is that Obama never takes responsibility for any of the things he himself causes. Then he tries to "fix" the things he himself causes by trying to install more communist items."
--Rush Limbaugh - [I put in the part about communism as no one in the media not even Rush EVER uses the dreaded "C" word in the same sentence with Obama. Ever notice that?]

Doesdad • 10 years ago

Yes I have noticed that. And it pisses me off! Even Limbaugh can be weak when it comes to Obama. I don't see what the problem is in calling a spade a spade. No pun intended. The man is a Communist. His father, mother, grandparents and all of his college profs and friends in college were Communists. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

Mark Tipton • 10 years ago

That is not true from what I have read. I read (in his book so it may or may not be true) that he chose his friends carefully ... radical muslims, radical black students ... not just communists.

wolfen244 • 10 years ago

I say judge that monster by the monstrosity he dumps on America. It's called communism...oh sorry, I meant Marxism...oh sorry did I offend? I meant socialism.

"Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself."
--Bath House Barry histrionically dodging again.

"But he says it so well."
--Fox News' Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle with a little sarcasm.

"...Gulf ports like Charleston..."
--Bath House Barry

"...swimming...in the Winter Olympics..."
--Bath House Barry making Joe Biteme look like a genius once again.

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

The most direct attack on America is the expansion of legal immigration to this country. Almost half the people currently living in the US are here as a result of the Immigration Reform Act of 1965. The work and student visa program, green cards and refugee programs make illegal immigration look puny.

Contrary to the current meme, our country was not founded by immigrants - it was founded by colonists that forged a new country out of the wilderness for themselves and their posterity. It is our inheritance and it is being sacrificed at the table of political correctness, just as surely as Esau gave up his inheritance for a pot of stew, Americans are giving up their inheritance for the porridge of a false self-righteousness of "multiculturalism" that is nothing but the death of the American way of life and freedom.

These brainwashed Eurotrash socialists and third world bottom-feeders have no history or tradition of natural rights, and in fact have never heard of the concept, or understand that the Constitution was an attempt to codify those natural God-given rights. They do not understand what our Founders understood - that men who are drawn to centers of power are by nature the worst among us, and that laws are needed to keep them in check. They do not understand or respect that the Constitution was written as a witness against the fallen nature of man, and that it is as timeless man's nature, which has not changed, and will not be out-dated until that nature has become angelic.

The descendants of America's founders are being replaced with a foreign people, and this was by design. The American gun-owning, freedom-loving middle-class was the biggest obstacle to One-World-Government-equally-distributed-misery plans of the international bankster cartel. It was no accident that American wages started stagnating in 1970 and have decreased ever since. Simple supply and demand. Since that wasn't enough, more jobs were moved overseas and more foreigners were moved in to take the jobs still here.

Ben Johnson said this about the The 1965 Immigration Act in an article for FrontPageMagazine in 2002:

The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster By: Ben Johnson | Tuesday, December 10, 2002

"Despite the overwhelming assurances of the bill's supporters, the 1965 Immigration Reform Act has remade society into the image its critics most feared. Immigration levels topping a million a year will increase U.S. population to 400 million within 50 years. Meanwhile, exponents of multiculturalism insist new arrivals make no effort to assimilate; to do so would be "genocidal," a notion that makes a mockery of real genocides. Instead, long-forgotten grudges are nursed against the white populace. Native citizens take to flight as the neighborhoods around them, the norms in their hometowns, are debased for the convenience of low-paid immigrants and well-heeled businessmen. All the while, indigenous paychecks drop through lower wages and higher taxes collected to provide social services for immigrants. And this only takes into account legal immigration.

"Americans must realize demographic trends are not inevitable, the product of mysterious forces beyond their control. Today's population is the result of yesterday's immigration policy, and that policy is as clearly broken as its backers' assurances were facetious. A rational policy will only come about when native Americans place the national interest above liberal howls of 'prejudice' and 'tribalism.'"

Its only gotten worse since Ben penned this article.

At a time when unemployment is at an all time high, "Conservative" Senator Ted Cruz wants to expand legal immigration, most of who will vote Democrat or Big Government Republican once they get here and take your job.

This is a war against the American People and Culture, and the Americans are losing badly and don't even understand why. Most Americans blame only illegal immigration which is a fraction of the problem, and miss the bigger picture of legal immigrants.

I often hear people ask the question of how America became such a divided Nation. Now you know. Americans have purchased so many firearms that many manufacturers of military pattern semi-automatic rifles are back ordered for a year or more, and ammunition has doubled in price, when you can find it, and there are now at least 100 million gun owners in the US. DHS has purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition and "assault rifles" for personal protection. America is preparing for a civil war, and to deny it is whistling past the graveyard of history.


Vorian • 10 years ago

If white people had a country of our own., none of this would be happening.

Google : "ethnic british minority 2066" -Telegrap

Google : "London white minority 2012" -Telegrap/BBC

Google : "White usa minority 2042" -US census bureau.

Google "ethnic Russian minority 2050" -Finish defence department

Google : "Ethnic Norwegians minority in Oslo by 2040" -thelocal

Google : "60% of Belgian residents foreign descent by 2060." -Census bureau

Opposing white genocide doesn't make you an racist, supporting it does.

Awake • 10 years ago


The goal of these internationalists is the GENOCIDE OF WHITE PEOPLE.

This is genocide white people, wake up. We'll have to REALLY fight if we wish to survive.


One in which the international j e w MUST NOT BE ALLOWED to sink its teeth and achieve total domination of its commerce, currency, courts, and legislature!

Sasha Soetoro • 10 years ago

Funny how zio-globalists push 'multiculturalism' upon all of the predominately white nations, while maintaining Israel as an openly jewish supremacist state.

If you refuse to accept open borders and abolition of national sovereignty, the zionist-run media castigates you as 'intolerant', 'bigoted' and their favorite word, 'racist' ..

Augur Mayson • 10 years ago

Yeah, and now Israel's pushing for DNA tests to prove Jewish ancestry before you can move to Israel, yet in all their host nations they push the fiction that being Jewish is a religion, not a race, however they're quite quick to point out, as you highlight, that you're a racist if you disagree with them regardless. They actually have convinced some of white world into believing that Jews are white.

Their chameleonic nature is stunning.

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

Great article over at Zerohedge: 19 Illegal Immigration Facts You Won't Read In Mainstream Media


aprescoup • 10 years ago

James Cole has a serious set of questions for you in the zerohedge thread.

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

Noted and replied. Thanks for the heads up.

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

It's not just Obama, but all the Stealth Democrats that call themselves Republicans that have encouraged this invasion. In fact the "Gang of 8's" immigration plan was devised by the communist party.


aubreyfarmer • 10 years ago

In fact neocons are simply Zio nist Joos that recognized the futility of staying in the Democratic Party. It became obvious to them that the Democrats would never have enough money left over after funding all of the welfare projects. The neocon plan was to invade the Mideast. See "The Project For a New American Century" So the Zio nist Je ws left the Dem party and took over the Republcan party and got their man Bush in the White House. It has all been down hill from there. Joos control both parties and that is a fact.

hoya • 10 years ago


DrDean • 10 years ago

Personally, I think we waste time and energy calling Obama names other than the one that matters: Anti-American. Call him what you will, it boils down to this:

Obama believes only in collective "rights" and "freedoms" defined and implemented by a ruling elite and enforced upon the people - not the natural human rights, liberties and freedoms of the individual citizen that our Declaration and Constitution define what America is and how it is governed.

I would love to watch Obama if a "journalist" ever had the guts to ask Obama if he agrees or disagrees with these statements by Americans who know and understand America far better than he does:

"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."
-- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.

The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.

The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.

I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Auzzievick • 10 years ago

Or his "friends" are chosen FOR him.

cisco7819 • 10 years ago

Mark, what difference does that make? He chose "friends" that were fundamentally against America and that is what motivates him as President much to the detriment of the country and it's citizens.

Mark Tipton • 10 years ago

That was the point of my comment. He did not only choose communists but anyone who took a fundamental stand against these independent but united States of America.

hoya • 10 years ago

I think it goes deeper then "C", he is a Muslim and he doesn't hide it anymore . he has no love of this country either..
I am surprised NOBODY talks about his slogan for the second term "REVENGE" that was repeated by his handler/closest adviser Valerie Jarret numerous times.
What American president no matter how bad would have promised revenge unless he hates the country?
And if you look from this point of his view EVERYTHING he does/signs makes perfect sense!

Guest • 10 years ago

That must mean he is a Communist duck.

50Caliber • 10 years ago

Maybe they are concerned about that "knock" on the the door, at 3 AM. I know I am very careful about what, and who I say it about. when on the phone or sending emails. This is the new America 52% voted for....and don't forget they did it a second time in 2012

Guest • 10 years ago
WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

Fifty two percent of the Diebold voting machines preferred Obama. Once the invasion is complete, they won't even have to rig the elections anymore.


Helluva3ngineer • 10 years ago

Do you REALLY think the votes were counted correctly? A lot of people have little faith in their government but for some reason think the voting process is sacred. Remember - If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.

aubreyfarmer • 10 years ago

A Diebol representative testified before Congress that he was paid to write a computer program that would flip the vote whichever way you wanted it to. Use a paper ballot only.

hoya • 10 years ago

We have to thank Republican elite to nominate and shove down our throat another scared looser (frankly ..according to his son he didn't want to run either -and it really showed) as well as the voter fraud of unprecedented proportions...after all this Chicago prick succeeded there same way....

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

Most of the Republicans are nothing but Stealth Democrats and maneuver their votes so that "just enough" votes are there for the communist agenda to pass.

The immigration issue is a win-win for them - the Dems get future voters and the Repubs get corporate money. The only losers are the American people, but you didn't think they cared about that did you?


The Deplorable Crumb Gort • 10 years ago

It will keep happening until Texas moves up to the first three states to hold a Republican Primary. But then, that is why the elites fight to keep the status quo.

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

With the current invasion levels in Texas, there may not be a Texas anymore. And Rick Perry is doing nothing about it. The fact is he has a Constitutional right to repel an invasion,

Article I, Section 10

No state shall, ... engage in war, UNLESS actually INVADED, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

There is no question that Texas is being invaded and that both the Federal and State governments have failed to do their job. It is now up to the people themselves to repel this invasion. They question is, will they?


audi04 • 10 years ago

And isn't it great that Texas schools allow buses to go pick up Mexican children in Mexico and bus them over the border to be educated for free?

WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

And when you say "for free," it is actually Texans that have to pay for them; not only in taxes but at the academic expense of their own public schools. In fact, most Texas public schools are "English as a Second Language" school, which is a euphemism for a Mexican only school. Not that they are learning anything academically, but they are learning that they can loot America with the blessing of the government.


audi04 • 10 years ago

Yeah, I meant free for the Mexicans. It certainly isn't free for us! And thanks for the link. What an eye opener about Ted Cruz.

jojopittsburgh • 10 years ago

I'm a former Texan and Texans don't get too excited about illegals working and behaving, but do have a major problem if they break any other laws. Sort of a libertarian "live and let live" policy for the most part. Many hispanics there are not illegal and their families go back 500 years it isn't like they stand out (like here in PA). No one wants to live where they run around asking for your papers.

I think there is a place in El Paso or other border towns where kids can take city buses to schools, or just simply walk across a bridge, but there is NO WAY public school buses are routed through Mexico. That is a urban legend.

BostonMary • 10 years ago

No kidding? I thought Texas was holding the line.

audi04 • 10 years ago

Maybe it has changed, but here are some articles.



While this last link is from a blogger, it does post a video by a news channel discussing same:


WarriorClass III • 10 years ago

It hasn't changed at all, sadly. Rick Perry continues to be lead around like a little puppy dog by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a major sellout to the NWO North American Union that wants to erase national boundaries and destroy the American middle class.


jojopittsburgh • 10 years ago

Yeah, no school district would make a bus driver go to Mexico as part of his route. Things can be bad as far as illegals in Texas, but this bus thing is pure fiction.

audi04 • 10 years ago

My badly worded post. They aren't going into Mexico, they are going to the border to pick up the kids who cross the border, from Mexico into America, in order to board the American school bus to go to school for an education here.

Dugway • 10 years ago

In keeping with the Limbaugh theorem, obama has convinced the preponderance of American voters that "The Government" runs things, and that he, obama - and by extension, the presidency - is detached from Government.

Since the president isn't part of the Government, these voters rationalized, they saw no harm in electing an entertainer to sit in the Oval Office. Just what the obama voters needed to distract them from the problems created by Bush, tsunamis, hurricanes, the Supreme Court, Congress, John Boehner, Bin Laden, unemployment, skyrocketing electricity costs, obamacare...

Though obama has no gravitas, no competence, zero executive ability, is one of the least diplomatic presidents in American history (can you imagine this guy working with Churchill and Stalin during WWII? We'd be speaking German - or Russian - today) and is a poor winner AND a poor loser, none of that matters in the mind of the obama voter. That obama sings well, speaks well, tells the occasional funny joke, and is a real hoot on the basketball court merits the vote, because that's "just what we needed."


Auzzievick • 10 years ago

Hubby & I try to "fly below the radar" in all we do. Many small things can be done that way IF you start thinking about how to do it. Not perfect, but not a big "stand-out,' either.

Snaproll • 10 years ago

52% didn't vote for Obama, They voted against Romney.

Todd Clemmer • 10 years ago

Good then their pain will be extra delicious.

cisco7819 • 10 years ago

The problem though is that we all have to suffer.

hoya • 10 years ago

3am, or about that time during Stalin era they used to kick the doors and take a person away not to be seen ever again....
Ronald Reagan famously said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"...Looks like Obama sped up the process.........

Guest • 10 years ago
Guest • 10 years ago

Arm the drug cartels through Fast & Furious, instruct Mexican citizens to claim asylum. Team Hopenchange's plan all along. It's all come full circle

Guest • 10 years ago
felix1999 • 10 years ago

God forbid if an ILLEGAL gets shot in the hiney!

If that lucky ILLEGAL has this happen, he/she is primed for MILLIONS when he/she SUES the U.S. government.