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JR1984 • 10 years ago

McCain has become a sad senile old fool. I doubt he ever read the Constitution, and if he did he knows his actions have tried to weaken it. From hero to the Manchurian Candidate.

Guest • 10 years ago
Musson • 10 years ago

The NSA had every phone call, every email and every website the Tsarnaev bothers EVER visited?
Obviously, the NSA and the FBI are completely incompetent to do anthing other than hassel American conservatives!

Squirrel!y Girly • 10 years ago

Not only that but they knew exactly who they were & even Russia had warned them. Really doesn't make much sense at all. None of it. Agree with you about incompetence. I also don't think Islamic extremists are the target. We need to get rid of McCain & the rest like him.

daddyhawg • 10 years ago

And they had warnings from Russian intelligence! makes you wonder how it could have happened at all, unless it was allowed.....

Guest • 10 years ago

Another diversion, terror tactic, keep 'em scared and guessing...
How they handled the entire thing was a little bizarre, sending them home, Michelle personally visiting the hospital, nothing smells or feels right about anything much lately.
My flag is still standing in the yard so I guess we made it through this day.
Just how flexible are we supposed to be while little "o" uses his 2nd term additional flexibility he whispered to Putin about.
Perhaps it will backfire on him. Stranger things have happened.

Sam Wicks Jr • 10 years ago

Another 911 conspiracy?!

patriot1212 • 10 years ago

Yes....incompetent to track terror suspects even with warnings from Russia. That is key here about Boston.
Yet, the govt can monitor legal citizens phone and email. Then the DOJ under Holder just dismisses it as an error and they deleted all of the data.
There was data mining and IRS intimidation to those who challenge the agenda of Obama. And the press looks the other way.

Sam Wicks Jr • 10 years ago

Holder is ASLEEP at the helm. Just like obamy. They are both probably off at the golf course.....

Guest • 10 years ago

Gloating over their imagined success.

James Holloway • 10 years ago

Neither are asleep and both are doing exactly as they please with no repercussions or fear of reprisals. They follow their play book to the T and can put their game face on every day. So what is the real solution beside gab and gripe?

No_BlahBlah • 10 years ago

Well apparently the chain of command goes through the IRS, so you can't blame them if the IRS wasn't tracking the Tsar brothers

Guest • 10 years ago

And all the post 9/11 machinations were to enable all the various agencies to communicate more clearly and efficiently with one another. If this is more efficient then I shudder to think what it was like before 9/11. Just cannot get over the spin the TSA and Homeland Insecurity put on why they were unaware that the older brother had left the country--the spelling of his name was different???!!!

Sam Wicks Jr • 10 years ago

Share information? These agencies have too much duplication and NO communication. Intelligence is NOT in their dictionary.....

NoRightToNotBeOffended • 10 years ago

It makes perfect sense to do nothing. This leads to fear of the people, and fear leads to more government control of the sheep.

Guest • 10 years ago

The little "o" entitlement crowd is most likely unaware of anything, there are those who just don't care, there are those who don't believe this could happen in America, there are those that hold onto their fear, some their illusions, and those willing to do whatever it takes to preserve our great nation for future generations.
Are we so timid and spoiled we can't muster a proper retaliation for the wrongs committed against the nation and her people?
Have we become incapable of safe guarding our country? When you think of the alternatives, we have no choice.
Picture your children and grand children & the depravity of the malice coming @ us every day. The answer is clear. Pray often, regularly and hard. Stand tall to defend our great heritage by whatever possible means at your disposal. The prayers are a great start. I pray for bravery and clear thoughts.
The transgressions are so numerous, the consequences of in-action so great, the head begins to spin, the heart begins to race and the blood begins to boil.

grumpyank • 10 years ago

They also had intel from the Russians, but they didn't consider Tsarnaev a threat.

Sam Wicks Jr • 10 years ago

Wonder if they didn't TRUST the Russians. MUD on their faces. Should have acted SOONER!

Guest • 10 years ago

Perhaps they weren't all that keen on doing anything in the first place. Who knows anything anymore? It's all turned inside out and upside down. They won't stop until we make 'em.

Guest • 10 years ago

Hit the nail on the head with that one. They currently have no reason to discontinue their ugly business. Laughing their butts off.

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

Can we be retroactive in that concept with him? ha.

No_BlahBlah • 10 years ago

As soon as you get your time machine working!

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

I'm working on it as fast as I can. Can't get a loan in this economy. Ha.

teddie77 • 10 years ago

AZ Dem's proved of fraud in '08 primaries. Hillary won there, then they found the #'s were exchanged when they landed in Washington which made it look like BO won, he did not. The story was told on Fox in '09 once. Not even MSM would interveiw.
I tell this b/c it might shed light on why he continues to re elected, so to speak. He is evil

patriot1212 • 10 years ago

DemocRATS have used the likes of ACORN and other subversive groups to run massive voter fraud operations. The dead can vote, students vote at college and their hometowns, and the dems want zero voter ID laws. All because they are the benefactor of the voter fraud.

Guest • 10 years ago

I cannot imagine the mind of any individual who has a desire to destroy another country by the measures these individuals have undertaken. They attempt to undermine and decimate a country's sworn, worthy and life-giving documents by which the country has been guided for several hundred years. Jealousy perhaps. An illness, no doubt. Reason and logic escape me as I think of the minds of history's tyrants and usurpers. Perhaps, reason and logic do not enter the picture @ all. Base, callous unrestricted actions based solely on the illness of greed, power and heck , what else is there, Greed and power. Sick puppies all of them.

My power comes from the Lord, the All Mighty. Our power as a nation stems from him - the very foundation of our great country. Our power is greater. Depend on yourself, be aware, ,use your voice, hound your representatives relentlessly, educate yourself and stand tall. We are, after all American with a new awareness of how patriotism FEELS. .. what it really means. I remember this feeling as a kid when my friends were having to go to "Nam, then later still wearing my POW bracelet until "my" soldier came home. I felt a strong bond between my country, our armed forces and their dedication to duty/however wrong and horrible the reason and lack of meaning for the interminable fray. I felt a need to be outspoken then also.
Sometimes you have to have someone want to take away or destroy what yours until it is truly appreciated.
We have children and grand children depending on us to preserve our nation and everything she stands for. It'll take whatever it'll take, but this is America and we will not become just another sad story in a history book, a grand experiment that lasted over 200 years until greed, social disassociation, immorality, avarice, etc. ad nauseum eroded the work ethic, patriotism and spirituality that defined a once great nation. Apathetic, gimme mentality, ignorant, selfish, LAZY& about the fattest nation on earth. I digress. Thanks for your time. I needed to vent, that boy in the white house gettin' just a little too big for his britches.
I am currently listening for drones and expecting to be hauled before a firing squad for being subversive. Give me Liberty or give me Death. I can see what the revolutionaries were so fired up about. This continuing scandal madness with Congress kind of sitting around going whaaa?a?a?, gotta vote for more illegals first....geez it's madness, I tell you simply madness...
In the end, we old fashioned American Patriots will get 'er done and be better off for it. God helps those who help themselves.
Thanks again, just skip over my rantings....

Leah Keever • 10 years ago

99.8% of them are idiots like McCain...and worse.

We need term limits for all elected offices!

No_BlahBlah • 10 years ago

We do, but Thornton 1995 SCOTUS ruled that states can not impose stricter standards upon congressional members than the Constitution.

We need a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the 17th Amendment and a new Amendment for term limits of Congress.

The states were trying,..

Realist4U • 10 years ago

Is the job that incredible, or has John become unable to understand when "he's worn out his welcome?"

Guest • 10 years ago

And shorter terms for the certifiably demented, like McLame.

Peeter Gruner • 10 years ago

But we do have term limits - every two years we can terminate any and all politicians we the people don't like. It is "we the people" who are not exercising our full rights to fire, turn out of office those that have disappointed us. Apparently, there are too many of "we the people" who like it the way it is, so that two million people who voted our way four years ago didn't bother to move their arses to vote against BO. It's always: why dont "they" do something about it. My dear fellow conservatives - the job to be vigilant, vote "the rascals out" and install the kind of government that is responsive to what we want and need. If everybody did their duty on election day, we don't need to talk about term limits.

Kevin52 • 10 years ago

It is only 2 years for House Reps. Senate terms are longer.

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

I am sitting here in Az. about 2 miles from the McCain ranch. My family that lives here does not have any respect for him and strongly wish for a different senator. Voted against him every election.

McCain is more of a ''LIBERAL'' than a conservative. While I respect his service in the military, he has ridden that horse long enough to get re-elected.

thatsitivehadenough • 10 years ago

You should write that up in a letter and send it to your local newspaper. Try to talk some sense into your neighbours.

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

McCain has built a very strong ally base. Hard to displace him. Hopefully he will not be the senator that claims to be the
''MAVERICK.'' Maverick is code for duplicity. I might suggest the letter to the newspaper. Thanks

Realist4U • 10 years ago

Maverick? More like "Silver's back end."

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

Good one. Democrat in sheep's clothing. TV whore.

jon riatmon • 10 years ago

He votes conservative 70% of the time - when he is not in Syria aiding the enemies.

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

Good Point. If that 70% is correct, it is on issues that are not that important. Ha. When he is not in Syria, he is on TV. I was offended when he came out so strong AGAINST the ''young guns.'' If he didn't support what they did, JUST SHUT UP. Don't give the DNC ammunition to attack the GOP. He likes the attention he gets by going against his own party.

Guest • 10 years ago
Realist4U • 10 years ago

Ahhh! To go for the "Low Info Voter," eh?

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

He should. One thing I hate is being disingenuous.

Kevin52 • 10 years ago

The guy has made it obvious many times over he hates conservatives and conservatism with Christians being high on his list. I loved how the moderate/liberals of the GOP claimed Palin hurt his run for the Presidency. What a joke! Without her he would have lost by double digits because he is such a dud. He didn't want to bring up Obama's character because he felt that wasn't important. Character should be at the top of the list when we vote. Today we are seeing first hand just how much character DID matter as Obama violates one law after another while low-character people like McCain stand by and do nothing.

Sam Wicks Jr • 10 years ago

Isn't aiding the enemy a Federal offense? Shouldn't he be in JAIL!?

patriot1212 • 10 years ago

I am also an AZ voter/citizen and am doing all I can to support any conservative who can unseat McCain and Jeff Flake. The discussion among many AZ citizens who are like minded like us is that several good challengers will dilute the vote and McCain and Flake are gone.
If the National GOP supports these guys, the GOP better just close shop as they will be done.

Therealpatriot2013jrd • 10 years ago

His ''maverick'' concept only plays to the DNC. It doesn't help the GOP. Good luck.

Kevin52 • 10 years ago

You know full well the RNC will support McCain. The GOP is controlled by McCain clones, just like the GOP of before Reagan that failed to control Congress for 40 straight years.

Guest • 10 years ago

John McCain no longer has standing to advise anyone of anything. McCain abdicated his responsibility to his party to campaign effectively in 2008. He is de facto retired and should publicly announce such and go home.

teddie77 • 10 years ago

And here I've always believed he took a dive. I know he took a dive

Realist4U • 10 years ago

I agree, he showed no interest in winning that election.