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ThePurpleCrab • 11 years ago

Instead of an audit we need the gold assayed.

Tungsten blanks and all.

Mike • 11 years ago

they did assay it and found that the gold was higher in quality than originally thought, increasing the total value

the_locust • 11 years ago

An unnamed source claimed that someone did something.
That's not the same as an independent assay, especially when the gold is suspiciously described as worth more than expected.

ThePurpleCrab • 11 years ago

I'm in agreement with you.

I don't trust these bastards an inch, the rumors of Clinton era tungsten blanks is too viable.

The cost of doing and independent assay of each individual bar is so minuscule compared to what this country wastes each day in the military and the value that assay would have on demonstrating to the U.S. taxpayers and the rest of the world that we have what we claim we have, it would be well worth it.

boone1 • 11 years ago

We have no gold it's all gone it all went to China to pay down or debt and now Germany wants their gold back that the U.S. took in WW11 we don't have that gold either it went to China also for our debt in the words of a great man we are f**king broke.

Steve P • 11 years ago

The joke is why anyone would care. The total value is what, $23 billion? Is that really important to run a $16 trillion economy? If they sold it, would you really stop going to work, or buying food, starbucks coffee, dinner at a restaurant etc... of course not.

Apple has enough cash to buy 6 times the value of all the gold. We should make the currency backed by Apple stock, it would be worth 20 times more than some yellow rock

Alameen Brendan Templeton • 11 years ago


rollsthepaul • 11 years ago

Ooo ooo ooo, shiny objects; me like the pretty.

Counterspy • 11 years ago

What a joke. The only gold in Ft. Knox is a couple of pallets of bars made from coin melt. Over the years I've known two different people who worked inside the vault. They were sworn to secrecy but they blabbed anyway. The bottom line is that the US has no gold reserves to speak of. It's all been stolen by the Federal Reserve.

dannyjoelamaster • 11 years ago

Everybody knows most of the gold was used to film Austin Powers goldmember.

Alameen Brendan Templeton • 11 years ago

Ius possessionis and ius possessiditis. These are the two forms of ownership under Roman-Dutch law. The first refers to a real right, the second to a personal right. An example: a man buys a house and then rents it to someone else. The man has ius possessionis, he is the title deed owner; the tenant has ius possessiditis, he has the right to the use of the house. If under GAAP or whatever accounting regime you use, the definition of "possession" doesn't differentiate between these two types, then you can have serious consequences. The gold in the Fed remains on its books, but the Fed's ability to make use of the gold could be non-existent because the gold could have been leased out in a 99-year (maybe a thousand-year) lease. In a time of crisis, the gold could remain in the Fed's vaults, but the right of ius possessiditis could vest in privately owned bullion banks who have created 10 times the gold value in loans. The nice thing about this is, the bullion banks don't have to bother with paying for the costs of guarding the gold - the taxpayers can do that. So the gold can remain in the vaults, but effectively it's use remains in private hands. So you won't find the answers in accounting and physical audits, but in the legal agreements in other files beyond the reach of accountants and assayers.

Steven • 11 years ago

The Fed, like all corporations, release a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report every year. To say they are not audited, or
have never been audited is clearly patriot myth, http://realitybloger.wordpr....

Pegasus0 • 11 years ago

That is not an audit if they did not count the bars and test them to see if they were gold. Taking a representative sample is how you do that with hard assets. What you are talking about is what is done for corporations that only do paper audits on soft assets, so its a major big difference. Are you a believer in the Federal reserve and International banking and NWO? If so then, your comment is understandable, if not, then your ignorance is showing and you know what our forefathers said about that "A nation that expects to be ignorant and free, expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson