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LarrySG • 11 years ago

We should recall the entire Congress! This is really breaking a promise.

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

which promise? the promise to---- CUT CUT CUT?? HELLO???

Trout52 • 11 years ago

I don't think Republicans want to cut military benefits. That's a demoquack thing.

MikeCInMaine • 11 years ago

Baloney. Show me some evidence of this statement. Repubs agreed to this, as did the Dems for the sequester cuts to social programs

Guest • 11 years ago

did you read the entire article? republican senator Inhofe and democrat senator Hagan are Together introducing a bill to Stop this from happening.

MikeCInMaine • 11 years ago

Of course I did. i was replying to Doug.. not the article.

concernsme • 11 years ago

The sequester is an across the board cut, everybody has to cut back, no picking and choosing.

OtherMainah • 11 years ago

And, Congress will see its pay and benefits cut, too, I suppose? What, no hair salon or barber shop on premises? Heaven forfend!

concernsme • 11 years ago

Back when they were talking shutdown last year, it was reported that the constitution forbids tinkering with Congress' pay.

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

well they voted for CUT CUTS CUTS specifically for military --maybe they didn't read the bill??

They knew exactly what they were voting for and NOW they are feeling the heat.

They have had a year and half almost 2 years to come up with a better plan They didn't. ... Going on vacation and not working was more important to them then serving America. Falling on the DEBT sword ( for tea and libertarian votes) was more important then ....benefits for veterans.They are playing a dangerous game of chicken... and they are LOOSING!!!

Guest • 11 years ago

Lets not forget, the USA spends more than all of the next 12 countries COMBINED, on defense. That includes China, Russia, N. Korea, Canada, England, France, Israel, Iran....

LarrySG • 11 years ago

Ought to recall him too; he hasn't done much either.

Hesagoodboy • 11 years ago

No just recall the obstructionist blocking Obama's wonderful plans haha

redheaded_stepchild • 11 years ago

Way to go OBAMA !!!
What a bully.

Guest • 11 years ago

This administration blows my mind....let over 2,000 illegal alien criminals out of jail to roam the streets of America, and give them welfare, healthcare, TUITION ASSISTANCE....and cut it from those who serve our nation. Unbelievable!

thewizardswife • 11 years ago

I agree with you 100%. Mr obama could make sure the veterans were taken care of, but oh NO, he wanted to make sure the "cuts were as visible as possible". It's a sad day in this country when our President cares more about immigration reform and the illegals that have been let loose in this country than he cares about Americans! His priorities should be to the people who PAY him, not just the people who VOTE for him.

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

Who is the party of CUT CUT CUT? who voted FOR the sequester? .THE Rs Who supported them ? YOU..You didn't t hink there would be REAL LIVE consequences for the CUTS ?? Wait til you see the consequences of Lepage's cuts.

somewhrinmaine • 11 years ago

you clearly forgot to include that there is another party the spend, spend, spend and spend Party. :)

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

SPENDING that the PEOPLE want and approved and PAY for ... YES there is one SMALL( but loud) segment of our society that disagrees. LOOK at the POLLS.... you are a minority..

OBAMA the LYING FOOL • 11 years ago

You all ways forget this part in your rants --it was -written by the whitehouse, Passed by the Ds in senate, signed by Pres.

MikeCInMaine • 11 years ago

Funny how you leave out "Passed by Rs in the House". Doublespeak much?

OBAMA the LYING FOOL • 11 years ago

no kidding -I didn't leave it out, had all ready been said, you didn't read the thread

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

you need to start getting better sources. It was the R"s who decided that MOST important thing in this recession was to talk about and deal with DEBT???.REALLY?? NOT jobs but DEBT???.REALLY .

The sequester was the solution ALL parties agreed to avaid a government shut down ,wall street pulmetting and a SEVERE drop in our BOND rating.

R's were playing an unnecessary dangerous badly time game of chicken to try to win the white house . The POLITICAL strategy failed. .And that is what it was an irresponsible POLITICAL ploy . NOW the chickens have come home to rooste and they don't want to take responsibility for THEIR irresponsible behavior so they do what they always do--- "blame others"

2008 CRASH ..because of their cries for DEREGULATION of the financial sector ----FREE Market AYN Rand John Gault and all CRASH BOOM BANG --- No apologies, NO personal responsibility .No "gee , i guess we were wrong "

OBAMA the LYING FOOL • 11 years ago

Wrong in so ways --the deal was "raise taxes first" -and we did- "then we talk cuts later " taxes were raised - then He said there is no spending problem so "no cut" now he wants more tax raises my source- B. Obama own mouth- I watched the speech

bradygirl2 • 11 years ago

Yup, when he signed it, he did it under the assumption that the republican party was full of sane people. His mistake on that, agreed.

thewizardswife • 11 years ago

The whole sequester situation was obama's idea in case you missed it. So I guess cut, cut, cut was the President's idea!

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

that is what the rtight is peddling anyhow . Guess who actually voted for it ...CONGRESS ,with an R majority, at the time !!!

OBAMA the LYING FOOL • 11 years ago

I live within my means. do you? and so should the USA.

thewizardswife • 11 years ago

Good comment and I live within my means also.

OBAMA the LYING FOOL • 11 years ago

wow 8 negs for paying my bills thanks all of you ppls on the dole

Guest • 11 years ago

Suggest you read the article. There are currently two Rep. senators who presented a bill to Stop this from happening, yesterday.

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

DID they vote for the sequester??

Guest • 11 years ago

the two senators are a republican and a democrat. The bill they are introducing if passed would prevent this from happening. this is common sense working on common ground. glad these senators see the light and are attempting to stop this from happening.

bigchuckie • 11 years ago

Keep drinkin the Kool aid The sequester is Obama's doing

prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

That is what the R damage control machine is peddling,anyhow...right along side their highly edited videos.

The R's majority voted for it and can't move away from it and responsibility for it fast enough.The party of not of just NO but " NOT me" , too. Do they take responsibility for ANYTHING !!

thewizardswife • 11 years ago

Does obama take responsibility for anything? NO! Case in point the WH closure that was his idea. Now it was the secret services fault. Maybe GB's fault? Yeah lets go with that one.

bradygirl2 • 11 years ago

There is one party that has spent the last 4+ year saying that the most important thing ever is to cut government spending. They are the party that just came out with another budget proposal this week that includes NOTHING but more spending cuts. The only thing the republican party has to offer is tax cuts on the rich and cutting government spending. This is what you have been asking for.

tkwayne • 11 years ago


No one has proposed real "cuts" in government spending! The budgets that both the senate and the house of representatives have proposed differ only in the RATE OF INCREASE in spending!

I believe Paul Ryan's budget (in the republican controlled House of Representatives) proposes an INCREASE in spending of 3.4% each year resulting in a balanced budget in ten years. Murray's budget (in the democrat controlled senate) proposes an INCREASE in spending of 5% each year resulting in more trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

Only in "Washington speak" would an INCREASE in spending be called a "CUT!"

MikeCInMaine • 11 years ago

so.. Obama's doing.. cutting back on government spending.. and you disagree with that how?

tkwayne • 11 years ago


mike spaulding • 11 years ago

Obama proposed the sequester law. Deal with it.

somewhrinmaine • 11 years ago

if the people are voting for him then they are paying him unless you are insinuating that there is fraud out there.

Denis Smyth • 11 years ago

Yet we're still GIVING the middle east BILLION$ to attack US with.

Trout52 • 11 years ago

If this country can't keep its promises to the men and women in uniform they ought to walk off the job. I so regret voting for Obama. The way I feel right now is I will never vote for another demoquack.

concernsme • 11 years ago

How do you know it was Obama that made those cuts? He is the commander in chief, but it says the Army announced. Seems like the Pentagon made those decisions. Just like with the white house tours, the secret service needed to make cuts, and they decided that the best way to do that without compromising security was to not have to add staff to covery the tours. But Obama gets the blame.

Guest • 11 years ago

Kind of a weird comment. He's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces but the pentagon made the decision without the commander signing off ?

concernsme • 11 years ago

Meaning I don't think he makes all the decisions for every program the sequester effects. He is only one man, you know.

QuestionLife • 11 years ago

At least one person woke up.

MikeCInMaine • 11 years ago
prettyfoolish • 11 years ago

I don't believe for a second you voted for Obama