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Matt • 10 years ago

Shut it down...and keep it shut down!

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

what good do you think that will accomplish? the GOP has lost every battle on obamacare. they lost the election, get over it.

Bill Henderson • 10 years ago

So that means we should just do nothing to a law that the People do not want?

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

it's funny you say that, but people reelected obama and his affordable healthcare act. they did not want the romney/ryan platform. both houses voted for the law. it is the law of the land. instead of whining and moaning, work on making it work. it is going to have problems and kinks, just like medicare did. but after 5 years medicare was totally accepted and so will obamacare be. why wouldn't you want millions, MILLIONS of uninsured americans have health insurance?

Anthony • 10 years ago

Reaganmay have raised the debt ceiling several times and it may not v been the right thing to do but....today we as a country are much more in debt than we were 30 years ago and the dollar is worth substantially less. Why? Well...we live in a different world where entitlement goes above reasoning. The
fact is that we CANNOT afford the "NOT SO AFFORDABLE" healthcare act because it's COSTS money. This political mess is the fault of both parties and because of emotional, not LOGICAL reasoning we have come to this point. If people are sooooo interested in health care coverage, they can purchase it for the same price or LESS pre-ObamaCare and DO NOT need the government to decide for them whether it's best to have medical coverage. Let the government shut down so that people can finally understand that our spending is OUTRAGEOUS and needs to be stopped at the level it's at. Work with what we HAVE(budget) an STOP spending tax dollars like they come from grandma's piggy bank, as if there's endless amounts if money...let's see if we can take YOUR money and tell you how to spend it best. We shall see how long you accept that....it's what OUR CONGRESS is doing. This re-distribution of wealth crap is legal robbery. Congress passes all kinds of ridiculous social programs it cannot afford with MY money and doesn't CARE whether I agree with it.

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

>>>Congress passes all kinds of ridiculous social programs it cannot afford <<<

which ridiculous ones? headstart? meals-on-wheels? cancer studies? preventative health care measures for women? let me know which ones of those you want to get rid of.

Bill Henderson • 10 years ago

LOL, you know Medicare is broke too right? And MILLIONS will still be without health insurance but can still got to an ER and never pay just like before. ACA despite it's name does NOTHING to curb costs.

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

people going to an ER still costs us money. more in insurance. more in hospital costs. ACA will curb costs. one can't go to an ER because one feels a lump in a breast and needs a mammogram. or a needle biopsy. one can't go to an ER to be treated for breast cancer - chemo, radiation. how is ER going to treat those things? referrals? those cost lost of money. i can't afford my radiation treatment for breast cancer on my own. thank the government for medicare. the ACA is not health care but health insurance. the ER is good for emergency CARE. it is not good because you have a case of the common flue that a PA at your primary care doctor can treat - but it costs $100 to go see her. that's enough to pay for a month of ACA insurance. the ER is not gong to help you get into a cancer research program.
>>millions of people have been denied care or have had their insurance coverage rescinded, denied, or altered by insurance companies due to pre-existing conditions, policy loopholes, and various other reasons.<< people have died because of lack of insurance that guaranteed them medical treatment. read the harvard study. i agree that medicare needs overhauling. but not to the extent it eliminates people from its rolls.

Bill Henderson • 10 years ago

I will not hold my breath for my savings.

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

LOL! i hope you are are wrong. :-)

Nichole Meeker • 10 years ago

because some people cant afford their bills AND expensive health insurance!

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

nichole, don't worry. there will be help with that. go see someone and get honest quotes based on your personal situation.

Nichole Meeker • 10 years ago

even child support is like whatever to one of my kids fathers cuz he left state... so it makes it tough on that part as well...

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

i understand, i do. go see someone at an exchange who can explain to you about subsidies to help cover the cost of the insurance. you are not locked into one set cost.

Nichole Meeker • 10 years ago

we have insurance for the time being

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

then what the heck are you griping about and why would you deny insurance to others. what do you have, medicaid or private insurance?

Nichole Meeker • 10 years ago

im not denying nobody insurance but dont force people to get it im sure theres a reason why they dont have it already...

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

you didn't answer my question whether or not you were on medicaid or had private insurance?

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

ok, one more time. not everyone can afford personal health insurance. if i didn't have medicare, i wouldn't be able to. many people are denied coverage from insurance companies because they have a pre-existing coverage. the ACA will prevent that. the loops people have to jump through to get treatment will be eliminated. if there was a way to put links on here i could direct you to web sites that point this out. but you have to be able to ask google the questions and get your own answers, and not ones that are told by liars like sean hannity on fox news. people are simply uniformed.

jimmy kimmel sent people out on the street to ask people which is better obamacare or the affordable care act. one lady said the affordable care act because — obamacare - "I just think there are a lot of holes in it, and it needs to be revamped." she didn't even have the basic understanding that obamacare and the affordable care act are one and the same. people are put off by the name "obama" in the current description of the law. several people said the same thing. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! read several different web sites. quit watching fox news.

Nichole Meeker • 10 years ago

People was stupid to believe his BS... both parties would of hurt but obama is really screwing us over..

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

please post the facts you have that obama is really scrooowing us over. facts only please.

Anthony • 10 years ago

Lara....I can understand your concern that all have health care. However, mathematically it's just NOT possible. People, with all due respect, including yourself seem to be looking at ObamaCare from a strictly party(democrat/republican) point of view and are not doing basic math which would answer the issues we are currently facing with the U.S. Government being shut down. I will not speak on behalf of either party at this point. Fact: the U.S. government is in A LOT of debt. Fact: the moral imperative behind wanting all to have medical coverage because no person wants to see another not covered when they need medical attention is well understood by me and I'm sure many others. Even as such, the U.S. CANNOT afford the NOT so affordable health care act. Here's what's going to happen if the ObamaCare plan continues to be implemented. Your insurance premiums will skyrocket as a result of Obama forcing all insurance companies to cover someone for example who has had 7 heart attacks, diabetes, etc. OR the insurance companies if they do not make up the cost of having to cover a person in extremely poor health will go under, making the troubled medical system we have in this country even worse than it already is and A LOT worse. Your eme either will absorb the costs of the MANDATORY medical coverage for it's employees or it will pass the cost onto you. Even worse, your employer may cut back on hiring, lay people off or force YOU to pay any new additional medical costs covered under ObamaCare. People out of work, a collapsed medical system, and a continued Issue of the U.S. System being financially broken is NOT a good thing not is it worth it to put ObamaCare into place, which will cause the above issues to arise. We live in a country where FREEDOM is key. If the U.S. Government, more particularly Obama, says we are FORCED to have medical insurance or pay a penalty....it's something called

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

anthony, i have to say i am starting to look more carefully at the ACA points you described. i am pretty confused of the different points of view. some refute everything you say, and some agree. i am just, well, confused.

but that said, the shut down of the government hurting hundreds of thousands of people by tying it to the ACA does not confuse me at all. it's wrong. it's time for boehner to bring a CR to a vote, which will pass in the house. the president has said he will work with members of congress on fixing certain parts of the ACA bill, but not be held hostage by rogue politicians. that would set a governing precedent we can never back away from, ever. ....... can you image the minoirty party threatening to shut down the government every time they didn't like a bill that had already passed before passing a budget? or an amendment? that is totally antithetical to everything the founding fathers stood for..... time to open the government and govern and not threaten....gotta say though, i am waiting to see what happens with the ACA before judging. not convinced it is going to work. thank you!

Guest • 10 years ago

Obamacare is great if you are an "obama baby", for the rest of us it's less more expensive insurance to pay for the "obama babies".

Dawn Borden • 10 years ago

If it is SO wonderful, then WHY are the Congress, Senate, and all the step and fetches EXEMPT? Good enough for US BUT not THEM.....Enjoy that CAKE!

Kimmie • 10 years ago

I'd like to see us balance the budget first by firing every non-producing and non-essential government official, cut all special healthcare and retirement for ALL government officials-making them all use SS or a personal retirement account, cut all secret service protection for officials retired for 5 years or more, make all public service and government employees save for retirement the same way we all do. Then I'd like to see us start working on making college (at least basic) affordable for all our own citizens and start improving our country before we try to solve everyone else's problems.

LaraH2 • 10 years ago

that sounds way too logical kimmie. excellent suggestions!

Guest • 10 years ago

The sad thing is we won't be able to tell the difference, these idiots don't do any worth while except take our money.

Annette Paler • 10 years ago

Obama will ruin this country yet and people were stupid enough to reelect the jerk, he wants to destroy the USA and is doing a great job at that

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

You nay sayers has been saying Obama is going to ruin the country for 6 years now...still waiting

Guest • 10 years ago

It's ruined already unless you are an "obama baby", which you obviously are someone that has to be hand fed and taken care of.

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

I pay roughly 105k in taxes every year.......who's taking care of who?

Guest • 10 years ago

You have a bad tax guy then.

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

I proved you didn't know much about taxes earlier, what do you know about tax guys?

Guest • 10 years ago

You have not proved anything,

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

Don't remember when I proved that you didn't know that a flat tax would make more people pay taxes?

What about how I proved that you didn't know their were colleges in Nigeria?

Guest • 10 years ago

You did not prove a thing. Your ego is bigger than your brain.

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

My ego doesn't keep homemaking post about things that I have no idea about, like yours. I'm one of the educated.

Guest • 10 years ago

I seriously doubt that. You think so highly of yourself and yet you are such a little man.

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

You're the one with the list of things you don't know about.

Guest • 10 years ago

OK obama your right and the rest of the world is wrong. Are you happy now

Guest • 10 years ago

In the "information age," ignorance is a CHOICE!

When you LOOT the future to bribe the present,
as barry obumbler has done,
...pretty soon you run out of the future!

Keep sucking down the barry obozo kool-aide, the eminent "Fall of Rome" (AKA- America as we knew it) is right around the corner. With no spending cuts to entitlements, the nation can't survive much longer! A "no negotiation" stance from the retarded liberals is just what we need! Way to govern responsibly!

M2000 • 10 years ago

And the odd thing is when he ran when he was a Senator he said the exact opposite what he's doing.

Guest • 10 years ago

I just finished teaching a unit on the Roman Empire; rise and fall. Every year I think to myself that the parallels are unbelievable. However, this year is the absolute worst in terms of recognizing that we're moving closer toward the reality of it all, and it's becoming more scary by the minute.

Joe • 10 years ago

Buy your gold and silver now, Cheri ......

Guest • 10 years ago

I sure would if i could, Joe, thanks for the suggestion. :)

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

We are seeing the last moments of the Republican Party. They know they can't stop Obama care, so they're making noise on a spending bill.

I don't benefit from democrats being in charge, since my income is over 400k, but if I had my way, I would create a flat tax and tax for the number of children one has, not allow deductions for dependents as is the law.
The poor would have more reason to get out of poverty since they would know they can make more money and pay the sme tax rate and also lower the amount of children they have, thereby making their ascension out if poverty easier.

We can't keep letting generation after generation live on government aid. There has to be a terminal limit. I made it and so can others. You just gave to work hard. Government aid does not encourage hard work for ones own good

firstlast • 10 years ago

I go along with a flat tax, but a graduated flat tax For example 15% would be a hard ship for someone making 15k/year

disqus_5mzWKSTg3O • 10 years ago

More reason for them to get out and earn more, go to school, etc .

Bill Henderson • 10 years ago

A flat tax that is graduated is not a flat tax, it is what we have now.