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Daniel Olson • 10 years ago

Sorry, old man you still come off as crazy. I agree with the fishing license thing: you cant force someone to purchase a fishing license to feed themselves. If your going to fight the system and lose (and you will) at least try to make the system look crazier than you are.

HempShare • 9 years ago

Dan when you become Conscious & Aware you too will realize how ignorant your post is. Not speaking out is Treason.

Daniel Olson • 9 years ago

Thanks for assuming i'm not conscious or aware. I didnt say dont speak out.. although i dont understand the rhetoric: "not speaking out is treason" (Treason against who or what?) There is a way to fight the system, but it requires guts/activism AND finesse/ reason. This man did not present well or respect the court..
Furthermore, while i believe in legalization of pot, I'm unlikely to find much common ground with someone who uses a marijuana leaf for an avatar. You and I think on completely different wave lengths. I'm about solutions...

HempShare • 9 years ago

Treason against Rights. When one does not say: "I have a right to forage for food", they are subject to the laws of the Policy Enforcer. It is really quite simple. Laws that violate Human Rights are an International Violation, and in many cases Unconstitutional. Here he has a Constitutional Right of Social Justice, and a Human Right to Food. For him to sit idle and be incarcerated he commits Treason against His 'Self', and is convicted in a Court of Their Laws. One must be Conscious & Aware of Reality to comprehend the concept of 'Self' which is where Natural, Universal, & Inalienable Rights come from.

Daniel Olson • 9 years ago

Agreed.. but speaking out and speaking out effectively are not the same thing. If the goal was to win his argument... I'm not so sure he fared well. I don't know if reason would have worked in the court... some judges are too close minded. But the same scenario with representation of someone who is versed in law and recognized by the court could have had a better outcome for him.
I see this as a bigger constitutional issue. Requiring hunting licenses or fishing licenses should only be required if someone is "harvesting" for profit. If the laws effectively say you cannot provide for yourself without paying the fee, thats a problem anyone should recognize.

jwhitehawke • 10 years ago

He should be on food subsidies and welfare.... living in govt housing. Screw him and his 'natural right' to forage for food. I HATE these idiots that think they can be independent of government. Next think you know he'll be exposing himself in the woods taking a piss.

HempShare • 9 years ago

Sir you are an Idiot.

Daniel Olson • 9 years ago

I think that was supposed to be satire

HempShare • 9 years ago

97% of American Voters RE-elected the Democrat/Republican Criminal Syndicate in November. They will do so again this year. I don't think we have so much time for fcking around with satire. I mean I do, I can re-create life, and have done so once already.

Ryan Delaney • 10 years ago
Mr Ghue • 10 years ago

The New York Times reports that cases involving so-called
sovereign citizens pose "a challenge to law enforcement officers and
court officials" in connection with the filing of false notices of liens
-- a tactic sometimes called "paper terrorism." Anyone can file a
notice of lien against property such as real estate, vehicles, or other assets of another under the Uniform Commercial Code
and other laws. In most states of the United States, the validity of
liens is not investigated or inquired into at the time of filing.
Notices of liens (whether legally valid or not) are a cloud on the title of the property and may affect the person's credit rating.
Notices of releases of liens generally must be filed before property
may be transferred. The validity of a lien is determined by further
legal procedures. Clearing up fraudulent
notices of liens may be expensive and time consuming. Filing fraudulent
notices of liens or documents is both a crime and a civil offense, a

Mr Ghue • 10 years ago

From the wiki link...

Mr Ghue • 10 years ago

Sovereign citizen terrorist member...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sover...

JefferyHaas • 10 years ago

Are you kidding me? This is Ted Kaczynski's cousin.
This is one of the nutjob "sovereign citizens", and I guarantee you this won't end with a dispute over a fishing license, it will end with a few dead cops because these idiots don't recognize any nation whatsoever.

Robert • 10 years ago

No, you are doing a fine job of that all on your own.

Kidding yourself, that is.

Richard L. Ghue • 10 years ago

If he were your neighbor, you would see. The sovereigns have a record of harassing anyone near them, taking what they want and filing bogus harassing litigation when they don't get it. You might come home one day and find "no trespassing" signs on your own front door. They are nutjobs.

HempShare • 9 years ago

Look in the mirror.

heinrich6666 • 10 years ago

The idea that this is guy is significantly more insane than anybody else is a joke.

HempShare • 9 years ago

Thank you.

The Zombifried in America seem to confuse "employed" with Sanity. Funny part is they CANNOT give up their Inalienable Rights...even if they want to. Nor can they be taken away. The Judge & Bailiff are aware of this because IT IS THEIR BUSINESS TO KNOW THE LAW.

Zombifried comments here from from Armchair Soccer Moms & Dads who get their: Sports Traffic & Weather from the former "News Actors".

Robert • 10 years ago

The only people I see and read about doing that which you are describing are the Statists.

I have seen and read about Statists taking private property from people, putting people to death who were innocent, storming peoples homes, killing their pets and then apologizing because they had the wrong house.

I have heard the Statists claim tasers are non lethal devices and yet over a thousand people have been killed with them over the pass 8 years. The Statists are not discriminatory with their use of them I will give them that, seeing how they have killed the elderly, the young, the mentally handicapped and every race of people with their new found non lethal toys.

I have witnessed Slaves to the State call Crime Stoppers on people who had never committed a crime, save maybe having upset the caller at some point who didn't like the way the person dressed or music they listened to.

I have seen judges (the Statists gods) get busted with narcotics and walk away free, while people of no judiciary connection to the State do 10 years for possession of the same amount of narcotics and it being the same substance.

I have seen and read about Law Enforcement Officers abusing their authority to the point of taking human life with ZERO accountability and or punishment for having done so.

I have witnessed sovereign country after sovereign country be bombed into oblivion by the ever revered State and the Slaves to it cheer them on all in the name of Statism.

But I have yet to see “sovereigns” put No Trespassing signs on someone’s private property.

The "nut jobs" Mr. Ghue are the ones who willing give up their freedom to become Slaves to the State.

Mr Ghue • 10 years ago
Mr Ghue • 10 years ago

Here, i took the liberties for you...http://news.yahoo.com/little-known...

Mr Ghue • 10 years ago

Google "sovereign citizens"...

Jeana • 10 years ago

I have to say I agree ..

Leslie • 10 years ago

If we had not hunting laws, we would have eradicated the buffalo (as we nearly did) and many other species that are hunted into oblivion.

Robert • 10 years ago

Contrary to the "Story" you have been told about the buffalo, the ultimate "savior" of the buffalo was not the government, but the free market before government made it a Not So Free Market.

Furthermore, the North American bison herd was already falling below replacement levels before "evil "white hunters arrived.

May I suggest you do some reading on the topic before making such a statement and do a little research on the time-period of which you are posting about?

Like for instance, how the Plains Indians were already slaughtering an estimated 450,000 bison a year and how they didn’t actually “use” every part of the bison or research how they would “Box Burn” the herds and the infamously known, “Jumping” method they used.

Historians and Archeologists have supported this data for over three decades now.

Now, one could argue and they rightly do, it was the expansion of the European settlers that caused this because contrary to popular myth, the Plains Indians desired Trading with the settlers and their over hunting of the bison was their answer to doing that which they did, Mass Slaughterings.

Up to that point they were mostly gatherers and not so much hunters, save for the deer and small game they sought for clothing and protein to supplement their nut supplies.

The Free Market saved the bison because inevitably those Europeans no longer desired bison fur or meat and the Plains Indians stopped the mass hunting techniques as they were no longer needed.

Also, you have to remember The Union Federal Army slaughtered untold amounts of Native Indians, which contributed to the decline of the slaughtering of the bison as well.

The Great Dust Bowl was also another “Gift” from FedGov because they paid people to go out west to farm the land, had they not done that we would still have those beautiful fields of wild grain.

Critically Think, instead of thinking about it in a circle.

Doug Bo • 10 years ago

Why should she actually do some reading, and study up on the topic? The National Geographic channel, Discovery Planet and The History Channel tell her all she needs to know and they're not even remotely biased, not at all!
*sarcasm drips*

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

"Tales told by pioneers concerning the immense numbers of buffalo seen on the plains were a severe tax upon one's powers of belief. A Col. Dodge described a herd 50 miles wide that required five days to pass a given point. Gen. Phil Sheridan (1831-1888) traveled for 120 miles through a continuous herd, packed so densely that the earth was black, and the train was compelled to stop several times.

The next spring a train on the same track was delayed at a point between Fort Marker and Fort Hayes, Kans., for eight hours, while an immense herd crossed the track. “As far as the vision could carry, the level prairie was black with the surging mass of affrighted buffaloes rushing onward to the south.”

With buffaloes existing on the plains in such incredible numbers in the 1860s, their utter disappearance from the southern plains in the 1870s, and from the more northern region in the early 1880s, was truly an amazing circumstance. It was due in the main to the activities of the hide hunters who left their trail of desiccating carcasses and bleaching bones throughout the whole vast region roamed by the buffalo millions." From http://deltafarmpress.com/l... I don't know where you got your information but you are painting a very damaging image of the Native Americans who did kill great numbers of buffalo, but not nearly on the scale of the white Europeans.

Doug Bo • 10 years ago

That's a very well-written, descriptive passage. One problem- Buffalo roamed in herds, regardless of their population numbers. Ergo, even with thinning (that's a present tense word) numbers, there would still be massive herds to be seen. That large herds were witnessed is only proof that in those specific places, at that specific time, THAT herd still existed. The sighting of one large herd does not prove, or disprove the existence of other large herds. You can't say that because you saw one large herd, the earth was still full of them, or that their numbers weren't declining.
If you're going to try to make an argument, at least use ones that aren't debunked in ten seconds with the smallest effort of critical thinking skills. A few of us still have those. Just saying.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

If you had bothered to read it all the way through to the end it clearly says "From....and giving the url for the site I found it on. Not my words, someone else's and is merely referencing first hand accounts of the early settlers. So good luck debunking what so many have said actually happened, like you were there.

Doug Bo • 10 years ago

passage: noun "a portion or section of a written work; a paragraph, verse, etc.: a passage of Scripture"
To wit, my saying "That's a very well-written, descriptive passage
I swear, I waste far too much time trying to give elementary English lessons when I'm trying to have discussions. Seriously, don't you people pay any attention in grade school?

Doug Bo • 10 years ago

I did read it through to the end, and I was well aware that they weren't your words. This is why I referred to is as a "passage." Google can give you the definition of that word, since you seem not to know it.
However, even if I had misunderstood the author, that doesn't negate the argument I've made.
There exists no need for there to be thousands of buffalo for someone to witness a herd of fifty buffalo. There only needs to be a herd of fifty buffalo for someone to witness a herd of fifty buffalo. The point I'm trying to make here (which really isn't that hard to grasp, I don't know why you're struggling with it) is that evidence of one herd is not evidence of a non-declining population so I don't need to "debunk" what so many have said actually happened. In fact, I believe they saw these herds. But herds themselves are not proof of a healthy population. Until there's only one buffalo, they will roam in herds... and people will see them doing so. But seeing ONE herd is NOT proof that their population wasn't already declining.
Gah, this is NOT that difficult to understand. :-/

Daniel Olson • 10 years ago

Obviously the herds are diminishing right before our very eyes.. we went from at least several herds covering at least several square miles (each) to your 1 herd of 50. Interesting that you wouldnt use a herd numbered in the thousands to make your opinion seem valid. The thought process which recognizes that observing 1 herd must consider the possibility that it may be the ONLY one, must also recognize that seeing 1, 5, or even 500 herds must allow for the possibility that there could be more. Using that as an argument to support either view is invalid. If you saw only 1 herd of 50 in your entire lifetime that might tend to support your view better. But we can reference the records of personal accounts whether by laymen or researchers. Assuming there were far more avg citizens observing these creatures, en mass, throughout much of the territories, than say "official buffalo bean counters", its hard to comprehend that the entire national population of buffalo were dwindling primarily from the Native Americans who hunted them out of necessity. It is FULLY believable that certain pockets of the species might be decimated due to over-hunting, when coupled with other natural enemies or disasters.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

Bit of a superiority complex I see. Seems to be pandemic in the male population.

Doug Bo • 10 years ago

...to accuse me of having a superiority complex with a comment that's dripping with a sexist (if not blatantly feminist) undertone is ironic, at best. Especially since 'superiority' is the base for any 'ism'. Hi Pot, my name's Kettle. It's nice to meet you.
(okay, I lied, it really isn't nice. It's rather boring, actually.)

Robert • 10 years ago

The Myth of the Plains Indians is just that and unless you have a source better than the one cited, I will stick to what archeologists and historians have to "say" on the subject and the myths.

(Added Note: While it is true that during the carbon dating process much of the carbon is obliterated and dating isn't an exact science I am still inclined to go with what they are revealing than that of eye witness accounts because we now know eye witness accounts are not exactly accurate and people tend to embellish on that which they supposedly witnessed)

I was clear about WHY the Plains Indians possibly did what they did, nonetheless.

This notion Indians were a peaceful people is so distorted I cannot begin to explain to you to what degree it has been perpetuated.

They were a Warrior People. They invaded other tribes and murdered and took slaves just like every other nomadic tribal warrior people throughout man kinds existence on this planet.

Were there tribes that weren't as aggressive as other tribes, absolutely but the notion they were all Peace Loving Campfire Hippies is not only absurd, it is flat out a lie.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

I'm not saying they were not warlike, that would be unrealistic. What I am saying is that they were more in tune with their surroundings and knew better than to exploit their resources because they depended on them for their very existence.

Robert • 10 years ago

That is the point Ms. Lett, they did do JUST that because they too wanted to be apart of the Trade that was happening around them, contrary to popular myth.

And to that point, it was the federal government that put an end to their nomadic ways.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

Invading any country is tantamount to rape. It is a very invasive and brutal thing.

Robert • 10 years ago

So, do you feel the same way about all races of people who have invaded other people and their "land" or just White Europeans?

If so, you just lost any cred in knowing anything about how man kind came to live in the regions on this planet where they did.

It was how man kind came to rule over the people, CENTRALIZED CONTROL, which is the whole basis of the articles original content and my argument against CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT and its artificial construct via The Legal Fiction.

Do you think for one moment that any of that conquering would have happened had people been free to govern themselves and not forced by the more powerful Centralized Control of the Artificial Construct?

If so, please do tell.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

Yes, but this was only AFTER the arrival of the white Europeans. To say the incursion of the Europeans to this country did not have a detrimental affect is irresponsible in the extreme.

Robert • 10 years ago

Ms. Lett, I never put the devastation of the American Bison solely on the Plains Indians.

I simply stated, it was a combination of multiple factors and the decline of the bison's population happened prior to the Pacific Railroad being completed and eye witness accounts are not the "End All or Be All" of accurate history and it was the Free Market, before FedGov made it not so free that saved the bison's hides, literally.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

Well of course any time one race invades the country of another it is going to have a catastrophic affect on the native population regardless of which race it is or what country. I am fully aware that these events had to happen, it was inevitable. But to blame the near extinction of the buffalo on one factor only is ludicrous. As you said there were multiple factors involved.

Robert • 10 years ago

Truly Ms. Lett, I mean you know disrespect but the fact you can clearly state that which I have stated about it being a Joint Effort and then "go on" in the manner in which you are, is beyond me and quite honestly a bit suspect.

I am not here to shed or expose your White Guilt, you can wear it proudly on your sleeve if it makes you feel better and you are certainly free to do so.

I am here to try and articulate to those who are willing Slaves to Centralized Government, the devastating consequences of their actions and what that truly means to man kind.

History is clear on what happens when Centralized Government and Centralized Banks become the Way of life.

My only hope is for people to understand that if man kind is going to survive as a free people, repeating the history of allowing Government to rule over us is not the way it is going to happen.

Free People Choose, Slaves Obey and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

I don't know how this diverted from the subject at hand to an anti government rant but as for my "White guilt" I have nothing of the kind as I am part Native American. As for you anti government sentiments I would have to say I agree with you on this. Our own government is a prime example of what happens when a government is allowed too much power with a population that has become too ingrained with the idea they are going to take care of them. Nothing could be further from the truth. We mean nothing to them, except for what we earn them. We are worker ants, nothing more. We are expendable. We continue to feed the monster, which gets fatter as we grow thinner. Unfortunately, people have become too apathetic, lazy and out of touch to care much anymore. Which will be our downfall.

Robert • 10 years ago

It wasn't a rant it was stating fact and the White Guilt comment came about because of the suspicion I was having for you not grasping what I had stated, even though you clearly must have because you refrenced my comment, that clearly stated it was a combination of many things.

What you never openly admit is what archeologists have discovered, the Plains Indians were already decimating the bison herds way before the Pacific Railroad was completed.

As for your Native American Heritage I can personally make no apologize for what the Union Federal Army did to your ancestors, I will leave that for the Statist Pigs in FedGov to do, for those atrocities are theirs and theirs alone.

Your ancestors do have my deepest felt condolences but condolences hardly matter at this point I would suspect.

To the point of 'how this became an anti-government thing', Freedom has ALWAYS been under attack by government.

So I am not understanding how you have come to the conclusion it was anything but an anti-governmental thing?

Gale Lett • 10 years ago

I don't understand why you continue to want to turn this into an argument. I said I agreed with your anti government statements. Let's just leave it at that.

Robert • 10 years ago

I was replying to your comment Ms. Lett, there is a difference.

I wasn't trying to turn this into an argument, as I need to make no argument.

The Plains Indians were already decimating the bison herd before the Pacific Railroad was complete and FedGov's Centralized Army decimated the Plains Indians.

Case closed.

robert • 10 years ago

the people of this country should NOT have to have a license to catch kill or obtain wild food its just another way for the govt to make money and CONTROL WHAT YOU DO

Logic • 10 years ago

Its simple.

Hunting and fishing permits have a practical purpose. That purpose is to stop the people of a given area from killing all the animals in a given area. You have a right to hunt and you have a right to fish, no one is denying you that. But unlimited hunting and fishing could very easily lead to OVER hunting and fishing.

And the other people who live in a local area have the right to not see their local ecosystem killed by a minoirty of hunters.

Do governments sometimes charge high fees for these permits in an effort to raise revenue? Yes.

Is that the case in this situation? No. The permit this guy didnt want to pay for costs $8. Thats not extortion. Thats beyond reasonable. He's a bum.

This isnt about a controlling or abusive government. This is a good example of what government is actually good for. You have to get it through your head that you live in a SOCIETY and other peoples concerns and rights come into play.