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vaquero70 • 10 years ago

Well Weinstein is doing it again... Weinstein should be kissing the boots or at least shaking the hands of the "infidels and kafirs" for the freedom that he has to express his views. Those that are complaining to him are more than likely a Sodomite! My father is a Vietnam vet and I am his care taker. He has told me MANY MANY times that he feels that the Lord had protected him. (This is coming from a Catholic that speaks in tongues!)

To wear "infidels and kafirs" should be a badge of honor! Yes! There is no way to please the Jihadist and the terrorist in the middle east. Would Weinstein be yelling out aloud for "JESUS" or "YESHUA" or "YHWH" (since he is Jewish) if one of the Islamist-Jihadist-Terrorist is cutting him and munching on him like a "Walker" from the "Walking Dead?" More than likely "YES!"

But the religion of believing in nothing really makes no sense and really is not a true religion. An atheist believes in something... Even if its in himself.\
Be bless,

sandraleesmith46 • 10 years ago

Great post, and statement. Please thank your father for his service to our nation.

d.miller • 10 years ago

About time, God bless the true defenders of freedom. The gov. and military are stripping us of our cultural/religious heritage. Sometimes you have to take it back by force.
About the crusades... They were few and far apart,(as much as 50 years seperated them),and many of them ended in failure. For the Muslims, and the radical left to hold these up as an example of our abuse of the Muslim people is stupid. We were only trying to take back the holy lands,which they invaded in the first place.
Why,oh why, Lord do the Jews not know and cherish their beautiful history?
instead they have joined the legions of self hating far left who seem to bemoan their own existence.........

Seema Sophia Kapoor • 10 years ago


dapreach.1@comcast.net • 10 years ago

I believe the time for civil disobedience has come! Obama is intent on stripping our military of every effective tool that they have. He wants no more or less than to facilitate an islamic caliphate in the USA! We must fight back! Our government is corrupt and Obama is an enemy of the state, intent on taking away our last semblance of honor and civility! To continue to allow him to bring his diabolical CHANGE to America will surely destroy everything that our soldiers have fought and died for!

Joudicca • 10 years ago

Actually, it's not much of a 'compliment' to call oneself a Crusader. The Crusaders massacred nearly every Jewish community as they galloped through Europe on their way to the middle east. But that wasn't enough for them, as they also massacred east European Christians of the Orthodox Church which the Catholics hated almost as much as Jews and Moslems. In the Holy Land, they drove Moslem civilians into Mosques and Jews into synagogues and set them alight burning all alive - men, women, young and
old. For 200 years, the Crusaders ruled the Holy Land from Jerusalem and although some Moslem civilians were allowed to live in Jerusalem, basically Jews were forbidden to. Only after Salah al-Din (who was a Moslem Kurd, not an Arab) defeated the Crusaders (and gentlemanly allowed Christian survivors to return to Europe) were Jews allowed to return to what had been their capital city from the reign of King David until the Roman destruction of Judea, Jerusalem and the Temple in the 1st century AD. Still, the 'Crusader' tattoo may put the fear of death into Islamist-Jihadist breasts which might be a good American-military move...!

ricsands • 10 years ago

Funny how a fire who's thirst is never quenched will eventually reignite. Though I think it was once said that verily I say to you that there is one who comes before me who cleanses with water where as I come to cleanse with fire.

Andy Bendzin • 10 years ago

Isn't Weinstein Jewish? Such a crying shame. Some of the worst are the enemies within, Jews who hate Jews.

T2NDC • 10 years ago

Unfortunately, throughout history a great many Jewish intellects, in the misguided belief that by siding with the perpetrators of genocide, they would somehow protect their self interests. They are no different to those weak minded minions that stand behind schoolyard bullies, in a belief they're not going to be the victim. Truth is, bullies always turn on these weasels! In the meantime, tyrants benefit from these individuals, and future victims fall for their so-called intellectual reasoning. History repeats itself and we are destined to repeat its mistakes. Trust no man; only trust King Yeshua.

Andy Bendzin • 10 years ago


Andy Bendzin • 10 years ago

Actually, I just sent an e-mail to this Weinstein. Here's the text. It's under Americans United and his name is prominent like it is his paper or something.

Dear Sirs,

I am not sure how your magazine is connected to Mr. Weinstein. But, as a Gentile German it makes me sad to see him going against Christians as well as Jews. As a committed listener to Israel National Radio, the term self hating Jew pops up over and over again especially amongst those in American Jewry who go against their own and those who stand by their side as is the case, or at least still is with many evangelical Christians who support and love Israel. All I can say is shame. Hasn't enough happened in Nazi Germany, not only against Jews but Christians that followed the dictate of God rather than that of a crazy lunatic one Hitler? Very, very sad indeed.


Andy Bendzin

Reminds me of the Kapo. They did the dirty work for the Nazis only to live another four month, ultimately ending up in the gas chamber. Makes me sick.

sumsrent • 10 years ago

Are these "Pro-Infidel" warriors/people becoming 'cult' like in their endeavors?

Islamic prophecy speaks about how the Islamic Ummah [muslim world] will be persecuted in a period of chaos just before the return of the satanic Islamic antichrist Caliphate/Mahdi...

Looking back over the years... I spoke about how the current world's chaos was intentionally manufactured to give the appearance of fulfilling Islamic prophecy. No doubt, since the evidence clearly shows this to be true...

Now... I look at all this rising up as a precursor of persecution... and... I wonder how well were now feeding into their beliefs which in turns feeds our very own destruction.

Is it actually "Kill or be Killed"?

I'm afraid... I don't have that answer... beyond Christ Jesus' return.

See... as a Cub Scout... many years ago.. we were told that we were NOT permitted to sew unapproved items unto our uniforms. I thought it was that way with the military too?
So... with some thought... since the Luciferian Globalists intentionally manufactured chaos to feed the beliefs of the muslims... are they actually now permitting these "Pro-Infidel" warriors to feed the chaos? I think so...
Get this... the muslim world has been motivated into killing ever since 9/11/2001...
Are they intentionally feeding into an uprising against Islam?
I'm reminded of Albert Pike's fake letter to Mazzini... intentionally dividing the masses...
But remember this one thing... in the "Divide & Conquer" scheme... someone is being conquered while the other is the conqueror!
And knowing Holy Biblical Scripture... I believe these Pro-Infidel warriors are setting themselves up along with thousands of other innocent victims... to be conquered. <<< [For a season]

sumsrent • 10 years ago

Two... VERY GOOD comments in this article...

1) As an atheist, shouldn’t Weinstein be defending soldiers who engage in such behavior?

2) When U.S. troops identify themselves outwardly in a way that the Muslims they are fighting also identify them – as pork-eating apes, pigs, monkeys, infidels and kafirs – it is offensive to Muslims.
Both comments equal = The satanic Luciferian and satanic Islamic way of handling things!
Twisted up and Backazzwards!
In fact... it's hard to describe these actions in words.

mat2125 • 10 years ago

May the ranks of American Warrior 'Infidels' grow like a major tsunami. How dare the Commander-in-Chief and pentagon parasites, allow a moronic atheist to freely decapitate Christianity through-out the ranks and posts including the closure of chapels and all things Christian. How dare they! If 17 again, it would be an impossibility to enlist again and wear an American military uniform; particularly with an Islamic socialist non-American at the helm. My alternative would be to join the ranks of the Israel's army and sport a weapon for this holy land and people. The American electorate has spoken and have demonstrated themselves as global fools for empowering the greatest fool in US history.

sandraleesmith46 • 10 years ago

History shows it was the Muslims who brought those crusaders down upon themselves in centuries past, and their actions could well lead to a similar backlash again in the modern world. I, for one, am a follower of the Way, and have NO intentions of converting, or being "subservient" to an intolerant group of adult children who refuse to grow up or learn healthier ways of dealing with others.

Guest • 10 years ago

"...extremely dangerous Islamophobia, inextricably intertwined into the very fabric of the US armed forces, has reached such a dire level of toxicity"
Tell that Weinstein, to the families of 11-Sept, tell that to the family of Ambassador Stevens and the 4 brave security personnel that went down with him...the list goes on.
We MUST stop apologizing, even trying to explain & defend our culture and beliefs to these tree-huggers...by that meaning, there is always an empty seat on some air carrier flying out of the USA...Chicken or Pasta?

Al • 6 years ago

Those that don't believe in God, know this. God believes in you.