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catmom • 10 years ago

Yup, and Republicans also predicted that President Obama would be a one term President. And, that was after they predicted he would never win the Presidency.

DRJJ • 10 years ago

Latest poll: under 40% approval and 29 states voted red.. Obamacare: too many regulations (25,000+), incentive for folks to make less to qualify for gov subsidy (counter productive), lots of new government to manage( try downsizing government later), bad timing with 75 million boomers aging/spiking healthcare(double the population of Canada) and young folks that would normally self insure like we all did will now will spend $300 month +/- ea for care they don't need and this will be missing from the economy (could of been a car payment). You know what they say about good intentions. When government calls winners and losers, we all loose in the long run.

Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

Where have you been for the last ten years?
The demographics of this country are changing rapidly. Those red states are becoming purple (as Virginia has) and soon will be blue even with the right wing gerrymandering.
Are you trying to tell us that 50,000,000 people were already self-insured?

Guest • 10 years ago
Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

If the trends continue and the tea party is still in existence there will be no red states.
You right wingers have succeeded in disenfranchising democrats, moderate republicans, women , young people, blacks, Hispanics, and the elderly.
All you have left is some old white men who despise their own government. Sorry, that's not a winning position

Guest • 10 years ago
Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

Be honest, it wouldn't matter. You have one of the smartest, most middle class oriented, Christian, hard working, articulate, well educated family man as our President now.
What we need is another Harry Truman who doesn't feel his hands are tied (as the President does) when it comes to telling it like it is about the right wing republicans.
He's the guy who gave you the name "do nothings"

catmom • 10 years ago

To do what? OMG This is a man with no political experience and you want him to be President, Why? He says things about black people that some whites want to say but cant? Republicans tried that with Herman Cain, Allan West and it didn't work. Michael Steele did fantastic things for Republicans but Republicans didn't need him any more so they opted for Reince Priebus who has done absolutely nothing for them. Good luck with Dr. Carson. He may be a fantastic brain surgeon but President? Get real!

DRJJ • 10 years ago

You can always tell a socialist, you just can't tell them anything.

Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

God, I always know when I'm winning a debate with a right winger.
They have nothing to offer so they call you a socialist as a last attempt to win. They use "socialist" because its a big word like little kids try to use when they are frustrated.

DRJJ • 10 years ago

Legend in your own mind.

Ouridiocracy • 10 years ago

Polls about something that people admittedly don't understand are useless.

DRJJ • 10 years ago

Ask any 5th grader for clarity.

Victor Oropeza • 10 years ago

I hate to break it to you catmom, but nothing that obama has done, has benefitted the american people. He lied to win the first election, he lied to win the second and here you are still praising a non-president who has harmed our country beyond recognition. You're either stupid, black or both. End of story.

Vincent Arlene Carter • 10 years ago

So No Facts Victor. Your comment has to be about racism and anti American.

wea975@yahoo.com • 10 years ago

Why not bring up Racism the President uses it on a daily basis as race baiting.If you dont like this president you're a racist

Vincent Arlene Carter • 10 years ago

Your either with us or against us. Do you remember that line?

Ray Fischer • 10 years ago

Victor is, of course, a bald-faced liar. Probably racist as well.
Stock morakets more than doubled
Deficit cut in half
Job losses turned into job gains
Health insurance corporations no longer allowed to deny people coverage
and more

Victor Oropeza • 10 years ago

Ray, if you haven't noticed, people are paying double for less coverage, thanks to your bro obamie! Oh yeah, and millions of others lost their coverage. But hey, you don't know any of that, do you?!?! lol. Didn't think so!
And thanks for playing the race card. It fits your idiots, because that's all you have!

Ray Fischer • 10 years ago

Victor, you're just faring fact-free propaganda. Do you know how to think for yourself?

don • 10 years ago

Nice Spin Ray.......I can run up 20 million in debt this year and then 10 million next year and claim I cut the deficit in half, yet I still owe 30 million more..........Obama only cut what he spent in half this year, the remainder of the years he spent like a kid in a candy store......which is twice the annual debt of George Bush, who I think spent like a petulant child also.

don • 10 years ago

Also Ray, the stocks markets have not doubled. When Obama took over I believe the stock market was at about 13,500, now it is a 15,500 maybe, that is not doubling........and the only reason that happened was because the FED is allowed or directed to print $85 billion a month to prop it up while devaluating the dollar........

Second, There are no job gains, in fact there are 11 million people today that are not even counted against unemployment because they have dropped of the rolls.

Third, In the 45 days or so that Obamacare has been enrolling only ~50K more people have been enrolled with insurance but another 4.2 have had their policies dropped because of Obamacare.....And they can't sign up because their only option is a defunct website......Sounds like people were denied coverage by Obamacare to me.......

But keep the spin coming, that is what a Libatard does.

Ray Fischer • 10 years ago

Wow. the level of ignorance and dishonesty is astonishing.

Nick Atkins • 10 years ago

You've been duped Ray. Please go look up your statistics because I can guarantee you that they are wrong.

40acre • 10 years ago

Could you describe all that harm that has made our country unrecognizable?

RC_Ellistom3 • 10 years ago

Damn that Obama! He doubled the stock market and now I'll be forced to pay 15% tax on my gains when I realize them 10 or 20 years from now. What a dictator! It would have been so much better if he had done nothing to save the economy.

catmom • 10 years ago

OMG!!! You can not be serious! There is NOTHING that President Obama has done that has benefitted the American people, really? I won't even begin to educate you because you have obviously chosen to not acknowledge what our President has done for this country. But, we all know that this country is 100% better off now under President Obama's leadership than it was when he took office. It is sad that there are 45 other people who have chosen to ignore the reality of what has been happening in our country. Your denials do not make the President's accomplishments go away. You all will be in for a rude awakening when you realize that history will paint President Obama quite successful despite all out efforts to destroy him and his Presidency.

Lib-world • 10 years ago

Republicans predicted and were wrong. Obama promised and was wrong. Hmmm. Seems those evil republicans have been nearly 100% right about the problems with Obamacare and the caring, compassionate and loving libs have been nearly 100% wrong. Such a conundrum. Even Ted Cruz is looking like the hero who tried so hard but couldn't get anyone to listen. Certainly when Feinstein and Clinton sell you out you KNOW things are going bad!

trillion1 • 10 years ago

LOL. You LOST and just can't live with it. And you're going to keep losing!

Lib-world • 10 years ago

impressive retort.

1956cyndi • 10 years ago

with this administration, we ALL lost

rahul01 • 10 years ago

Obama was not wrong, he was willfully and deliberately lying. I hope more Americans learn the difference.

RC_Ellistom3 • 10 years ago

Yes, it's terrible, I know.
All those people who bought individual health insurance policies to cover them for a short period while changing jobs, and who never planned to renew once they got that new job, why they're just devastated.
Because they'll never be able to renew that policy that they don't need.

Lib-world • 10 years ago

ok that's 10 people. What about the other 43 million? You know self employed, semi retired-- your lack of knowledge is precisely why this train wreck is occurring. Bunch of guessing and little facts.

don • 10 years ago

The only reason Clinton threw Obama under the bus was because he is trying to distance himself from failed Obama policies and by caveat distance his wife for her 2016 run.......By separating himself and Hilary, they hope not to be pinned to Obamacare, which will continue to be a farce and failure for the shrinking middle class. (Which is what Obama intended it to do. He wants everyone on the government payroll or entitlements so he can control everything and everyone.......Sounds like a dictatorship?)

Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

Boehner has a great track record doesn't he, he predicted a grand bargain that didn't happen, he predicted no government shutdown which did happen.
He told the moderate republicans to trust him, then let them swing in the wind over the shutdown.
This guy can't control 30 or 40 tea party republicans in the House, how the hell is he an authority on anything.

Vincent Arlene Carter • 10 years ago

He also walked away from making a deficit reduction deal with Obama.

Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

John Boehner is the weakest Speaker of the House in our history.
Negotiating anything with him is just p-------------------- into the wind

don • 10 years ago

I believe Pelosi is just as bad or even worse with her "you gotta pass to find out what is in it" comment

Tom Ferretti • 10 years ago

At least Nancy Pelosi can deliver the democrats on any bargain she reaches. Maybe she should loan Boehner some testosterone

Dirk Baeuerle • 10 years ago

fornutely he cannot get re-elected a 3rd term! Thank God!

Petra • 10 years ago

“There are all types of health insurance policies out there based on
your financial circumstances and how much risk you’re willing to take,
and so the idea that the federal government should come in and create a
one size fits all for the entire country never was going to work.” Boehner.

Clearly Boehner has not read the bill. There are many types of insurance available, not 'one size fits all'. He's lying.

choppyseas • 10 years ago

How many types are out there? Remember, there is only 1 ins company in WV and i in NH. There are only 2 companies in most of rural America. NYC has like 16 companies. Same company, same policy...do you think that policy is cheaper in NYC or WV? There are 10 major components that MUST be in each policy. Anyway, tell us how many different policies are out there. I'm certain the 60-year old males would be interested in knowing how to drop their mandated maternity coverage.

Petra • 10 years ago

"Anyway, tell us how many different policies are out there. "

For heaven's sake - quit feigning ignorance. If you don't know the different levels and degrees of coverage available, you haven't been paying enough attention to comment coherently on anything to do with the issue.

choppyseas • 10 years ago

Thanks. So you don't really know. Sounded at first like you were a Navigator full of info. Since the website is not working, thought we might get some inside info. But, you are correct about one thing...I certainly have not wasted my time by TRYING to look.

Petra • 10 years ago

"So you don't really know. "

Of course I know - and so does anybody who professes to be following this issue. You're either feigning ignorance, or you really are ignorant, neither of which is very appealing.

choppyseas • 10 years ago

Male. 27 years old. Single. Lives in NYC. Income of $250,000. What is his premium? What are the deductibles? Same situation but he lives in WV. Premium? Deductible? You pick the best plan but apply it to both states. Not sure you really know.

RC_Ellistom3 • 10 years ago

I just spent a whole minute, 60 seconds, of my time on the Heathcare website. In that brief time I found a plan comparable to my current employer provided plan, offered by the same insurer, and got an estimate of the premium. See - it's difficult only if you don't try.

choppyseas • 10 years ago

Good for you. Did you sign the dotted line?

Ray Sossamon • 10 years ago

Too bad then use Obamacare--Do you wanna tell me it isn't better than what is out there for regular people? This is ridiculous