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Guest • 10 years ago

Stock manipulation anyone? Ridiculous.

RandomAnonymousBlackmail • 10 years ago

And not even shy about it, expect him to dump when it hits $500

JoeStecco • 10 years ago

Apple has not released a single new innovative thing since Jobs passed away. They are losing market share to Google Android market. Apple is headed for you know where and Icahn is trying to push the stock up before he sells. This is like dejavu all over again when Jobs was kicked to the curb many years ago. Apple ended up in the toilet. Well, Icahn just pressed the toilet lever and the water rises before it falls.

iBod • 10 years ago

Deja Vu, indeed. Apple without Jobs...We already know how this story ends -- except, this time, Jobs is dead. With Tim Cook at the helm, at least, Apple may be, too.

Folks, if you want to buy stock -- buy Tesla ASAP!

johnathankannalives • 10 years ago

Tesla will probably still hit $200 next year. Which means that yes, its still a good deal now even when everyone knows about it.

iBod • 10 years ago

Yeah, but long term, I am thinking Tesla could top $500 or more. Once they get their middle class model out there on the market -- Boom! Those who buy their stock now [or even those who did when it was at $20] certainly won't be regretting that decision. I see a decline with Apple for now. I think they could be back up to $700, but I think before that happens, they could hit as low as $100. Simple fact is they just aren't doing as well since Jobs died, and with Jobs gone, it seems they are just inflating the stock beyond its true value. They could crash -- especially if the expected iWatch is a total bust -- but it could be for the better. All speculation, certainly, but I guess we'll soon find out lol.

johnathankannalives • 10 years ago

In my opinion Apple is done. They hit their apex. 1. its way tougher to continue to grab market share 2. android is a better product and more people are starting to realize it 3. iwatch will fail imo. people only buy watches now for fashion; their phones tell them what time it is already. so why have a watch that does everything the phone does BUT function as a phone? I just dont see this one. Seems like a gimmick.

Steve • 10 years ago

You know what they say about history and how it tends to repeat itself

mark • 10 years ago

But it's ok when buffet does it?

Guest • 10 years ago

Where do you get that I'm OK with ANYONE doing it? Stop being presumptive.

Wait • 10 years ago

Lol the guy with a lot of shares of Apple says "it's undervalued" and not back it up with any factual data. Everyone goes nuts and buy it up to the price he wants to sell his shares at :)

truthb4allelse • 10 years ago

Sell now or lose big time. Icahn is a joke. He got a few suckers but won't get my money!!!

Hank Luke • 10 years ago

Average Joe investors like us have very little impact on the prices of large cap companies. Its the institutional investors that are in the drivers seat. So the "suckers" that he got are other fund managers with billions under management.

Stephanie Boyes • 10 years ago

Apple is not investor stock. Idiots go long on Apple.

truthb4allelse • 10 years ago

True but individual investors think he is right and jump in without understanding how a great white shark works first. We need to protect individual investors from making horrible mistakes like this one to join Icahn. They should turn and run away while they can.

wisconsin101 • 10 years ago

Do we average Joes get to meet Cook and discuss future plans. No we don't so this amounts to insider trading, unless Icahn is done buying and even then I would think it breaks some sort of law by forcing an expanded buyback where Icahn sells his shares at a much higher price.

seanickson • 10 years ago

carl did an extreme disservice to apple stockholders. Apple was already buying back plenty of shares, now they just have to do it at a higher price.

IndependentVoter • 10 years ago

I don't think Mr Icahn is in this pump and dump for service to Apple stockholders.

Sacto_Joe • 10 years ago

I'm up-voting you because you are at least aware of the power behind Apple's buyback scheme, unlike the vast majority of posters on this thread. But I don't think it's an extreme disservice; more like a moderate disservice. Clearly, you "get it" that Apple is woefully, unbelievably oversold, but by the same token it's been that way for literally years now. Even buying back a share of AAPL at fair value (say, at a P/E of 20) would still be a decent use of Apple's cash stash, since they are still growing and will be for years to come.

Hope you bought in at the low. Those that didn't missed a golden opportunity.

pg318 • 10 years ago

And many of those shares being bought back at higher prices belong to Icahn...

Sacto_Joe • 10 years ago

Yeah, like you'd know....

Jackoff Lantern • 10 years ago

Another proof that the super rich is the king of everything.

Exex4242 • 10 years ago

Carl is to Wall Street what Hitler was to Germany! Leading down a path to destruction.

Fecal Matter • 10 years ago

Wonder if he'll ruin this company like he did TWA...

buddyruff777 • 10 years ago

Ichan Apple's latest and only innovation.

Jamaica Queens Bobsled Team • 10 years ago

Wonder if he'll try to ruin Apple like he did TWA.

Jeff Catlett • 10 years ago

or how Bill Ackman ran JC Pennys.

Shane • 10 years ago

Finally its time to get out of this ****

Cataccord • 10 years ago

Time to sell the pop.

Jeff Catlett • 10 years ago

I sold my last year at 686.00:) Google is another one that needs to be dumped. Way over value.

copanut • 10 years ago

Icahn = iCon.

Cori M • 10 years ago

Icahn: " If you want a friend, go buy a dog." This is Icahn's motto folks.

RandomAnonymousBlackmail • 10 years ago

Funny how stock is dropping after hours.

Mark • 10 years ago

Yea that's hilarious

Doug Oswald • 10 years ago


I understand they discussed the new iTrade product. The "i" standing for insider information.

Or are we to believe that his meeting with Tim Cook was to discuss publicly available information?

Surely neither Carl nor Tim stood to benefit from manipulating the stock price.

Condolences to anyone that bought Apple stock today at $500+. Greed has its consequences.

Guest • 10 years ago


robertsgt40 • 10 years ago

Yup. Pump/Dump

Kris Wolf • 10 years ago

Classic pump and dump. its fine to battle it out with the likes of Ackerman but the retail public is on to this stuff my friend. Start to find it folks.

n8r0n • 10 years ago

That such a thing as "psychologically important levels" exist at all is pretty much a dead giveaway that stock trading is wholly unscientific, and many of the people who do it (professionally) are completely full of bat guano.

Nick • 10 years ago

So, an investor takes a large stake in a corporation, then goes on to say that it's "undervalued" without any supporting evidence.

Who wants to guess that he dumps stock right after he artificially inflates the price to line his own pockets?

The over/under line is $550. Any takers on the action?

pachy • 10 years ago

Was just on a "conference" call with Carl, Tim Cook, Warren Buffett and Tim Armstrong.

RIM's market cap is 5.79 billion.
Apple's market cap is 452.86 billion.

Apple has 146.6 billion cash
Apple's profit last quarter was 6.9 billion

So for less than one quarter's profit, and less than 4% of its cash, it is planning to buy RIM - not to shut it down, but to keep it going as an example of how not to do business.

amartin315 • 10 years ago

I don't think apple has any more to offer the world. When they invested the aluminum body laptop, I think that was about it. Just keep the machines pumping out new laptops and leave the chips to IBM.

mark • 10 years ago

These posts are great...the Envy Party is alive and well

padresj • 10 years ago

Very closely related to the "they MUST be envious of us" party.

Sacto_Joe • 10 years ago

Too bad Carl Icahn blew the whistle. Apple was making a serious dent in the number of outstanding shares at those fire sale prices. That'll slow some now since they'll be getting less bang for the buck.

But oh my, a LOT of big investment funds just got left at the starting gate by Carl and Apple. The only way back in the game now is to pay more for less.

My heart bleeds for all those firms that were so eager to dumb Apple in the first place.... /s

StockGaming DotCom • 10 years ago

The inverted head and shoulders is definitely taking shape.

Nixon's Ghost • 10 years ago

Icahn says all they need to do is put a shortcut to Netscape on the iPhone and everything will be right as rain.

Loyal to the end • 10 years ago

This brand died with Steve Jobs. I liked it before it was cool, loved while it was cool and dumped it. 0% innovation and barely any hype. What a manipulation.

Kris Wolf • 10 years ago

Better start selling now brota.

Kris Wolf • 10 years ago

AAPL is a great company, but this is a classic pump and dump by dbags like Icahn. It's fine when he he goes up against similars like Akermanbut the public is getting to smart for this crap.