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ArmyChick • 10 years ago

I see nothing wrong with this and I wish people would stop saying that it will destroy the institution of marriage and that it is against the Bible.

I guess they forgot this country is not a theocracy and others are also entitled to pursue happiness as they see fit as long as they don't trample on other people's rights.

I was raised in a religious household and used to be against gay marriage until I realized what 2 consenting adults decide to do with their lives as a couple is none of my business...

Guest • 10 years ago

Exactly... why does anyone want the government involved in their marriage? Time to end all government involvement.. including tax incentives and licenses. Let people be free to do as they please.

David Reece • 10 years ago

Because marriage is a legal contract.

Guest • 10 years ago

So? Why does the government have to be involved to get married? Contracts are made all the time without the government being involved.

David Reece • 10 years ago

All contracts are governed by law.

zjm555 • 10 years ago

Right. That's exactly why any contract that is allowed or forbidden based purely on sexual orientation is nothing but government-sanctioned bigotry.

10101010 • 10 years ago

Wrong. You guys need to stop drawing parallels between racial and sexual orientation. YOU DO NOT CHOOSE TO LOOK OR BE BLACK. Most gays that I have met have serious mental scars that may have contributed to their hate of members of the opposite sex.

Guard Brian • 10 years ago

you may have met 'most gays' that you have met having mental scars, but there is no clinical evidence to support the idea that something awful must have happened to MAKE someone gay. That's just another old rumor that has been proven false in studies. Fact is, I bet I know a heck of a lot more gay people that you do, and they have no greater incidence of 'hating the opposite sex' than the straight population rate of 'hating the same sex'.

Guest • 10 years ago

Oh yeah? Well, i know thousands of gay people! Millions even! Way more than you! So there.

jimkon • 10 years ago

What are the 'issues' that Conservatives are upset about?

1. Flag burning
2. Gay marriage
3. Union workers have better jobs than non-union workers. They should have crappy jobs like the rest of us.
4. Democrats have not yet paid off the huge national debt that Republicans have created.
5. Democrats have not yet stopped all the wars that Republicans started.
6. The poor have too much money
7. The rich do not have enough money
8. All Americans will soon have access to medical care
9. The First Lady encouraged kids to eat their vegetables
10. The President will not admit that he was born in Kenya
11. The President will not admit that Death Panels are being set up by the Federal Government.

So, in order to solve these terrible problems, Conservatives go to the polls and vote for lower wages for themselves, lack of education for their kids, and taxcuts for the wealthy.

Conservatism: They don't call it 'The Big Con' for nothing.

LeVonDanE • 10 years ago

I'm all for gay marriage and I love the idea of getting the government out of our personal lives. I believe it is every Americans right to live the life they choose (as long as it's not imposing on somebody elses rights).

That being said, my beliefs about government are conservative, and I believe it should play a very small part of our lives. I think your comment is an example of how most Americans are viewing politics now days, as being on opposing sides. And you are by no means the only person who thinks this way. Most republicans I meet are the same way. I believe that this is responsible for most of our problems politically these days. Something needs to change were we can all work together and compromise our beliefs more efficiently.

Bipartisanism was supposed to enhance our lives and make sure that all views were expressed. Lately though, I feel as if it is tearing our country apart. I don't know what we need to do to fix this, but something needs to be done.

This is just a rant, but I just don't like how each side is pointing fingers at each other, and your comment was a platform for me to speak out a bit.

Let's all work together to make this country great!

TheWineDon • 10 years ago

Conservatism is a lie. It is a desire to sanctify the past; at the expense of the present and or future.

stevec5375 • 10 years ago

There is a lot of suffering created when people want to cling to the past. Living in the present moment is the true way to happiness.

10101010 • 10 years ago

Burning an old flag is the proper way to dispose of the flag. Wow, are you an American? You do not know this?

Cindy Koehn • 10 years ago

Republicans are not against flag burning as the proper means of disposal. Republicans are against flag burning as a form of protest. Wow, are you an American? You do not know this?

sawtooth354 • 10 years ago

I sure wish I was wealthy, so I could get a tax cut

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

Who cares about flag burning? Only liberals and conservatives who fought for this country. Many are dead now so I guess you think they don't count.

The definition of marriage existed long before SCOTUS and the Bible.

"The poor have too much money"
No, the "poor" you Democrats care about are professional voters who vote Democrat only. The Democrats keep our money flowing to them without any expectation of them ever working to improve their lives.

"All Americans will soon have access to medical care."
I guess you get all of your news from MSNBC. No, fewer Americans will get health care now and it will cost more for those who can. Big drug companies win again. Try to keep up.
The comments of yours I didn't address are too stupid to address.

zjm555 • 10 years ago

"The definition of marriage existed long before SCOTUS and the Bible." By far the most common form of marriage throughout history has been polygyny, so...

Malty17 • 10 years ago

1) some are
2) some are
3) most union jobs aren't better.... non-union workers can make much more money than union worker.... My brother-in-law and his father were a non-union welders and made much more (and got more hours) than the union guys.
4) democrats put policies in place that created much of the debt (as did republicans). Obama and Reid are growing the debt like crazy.
5) democrats voted to go to war. Obama has kept troops in wars.
6) troll comment that is obviously false.
7) troll comment
8) actually, ALL Americans still will not have access to healthcare. Also, insurance premiums have doubled because of obamacare.... and healthcare costs have increase (Affordable? what a joke).
9) she's not the first. I'm all for healthy kids. I'm not for forcing health on free citizens.
10) troll comment.
11) there aren't actual death panels, but as you saw two weeks ago, unelected government employees have the say whether you get an organ or not..... If it wasn't for the judge, that girl would have died even though a lung was available.

Until liberals will be honest, I'd have to say that they are the big con.

AJT • 10 years ago

You need to work on your comebacks. 2 out of 10

Danny Roberts • 10 years ago

Read of the teleprompter like a true FOXITE

Liz • 10 years ago

This is the BEST!

Zorf • 10 years ago

Conservatives fight like hell to make sure that people they don't like can't get a marriage license, but they couldn't care less who buys an assault rifle.

Because every good tea billy knows that guns don't kill people, marriage kills people.

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

" i know thousands of gay people! Millions even!"

LGBT only represent 3.4% of the population. You must live in San Francisco or think TV shows are real.

Louise • 10 years ago

millions huh, really lol.

Marriage = Man and Woman • 10 years ago

I don't need a clinical evidence, I have talked to many gays as well, and many of them have turned gay after bad experiences with the opposite sex, thus I find that many gays have lied about what is really going to get thier own agenda pushed through.

MarkInPDX • 10 years ago

Not being attracted to members of the opposite sex does not, in any way, translate into hatred of them. Using that same logic, all straight men should hate all other straight men. And whether homosexuality is a choice or not is completely irrelevant. How I became gay is of no importance. The point is that I should be able to choose any legally consenting adult as my partner, without interference or discrimination and with the expectation that my marriage will be seen as equal in the eyes of the law. And apparently, the Supreme Court agrees with me. So sad for you.

paris • 10 years ago

Then you don't understand gay. It isn't of their choosing any more than black swans "choose" their homosexual relationships. It's part of nature just as heterosexuality is. When did you choose to be "straight"?

Marriage = Man and Woman • 10 years ago

Thats stupid, You choose to be gay, no one is born gay, it is a choice and if people choose to be gay then so be it. But don't tell us lies that any rational agent could see through.

Cindy Koehn • 10 years ago

You know, you can keep repeating and repeating and repeating it, but it doesn't make it true.

Persicato • 10 years ago

Your theory is too shallow.

Darren Hellwege • 10 years ago

Nobody chooses sexual orientation, and the hoary old myth that gay people become gay because of "mental scars" was debunked decades ago. The claim they "hate members of the opposite sex" is as completely preposterous as claiming straight people hate members of the same sex, including themselves. These parallels will NOT stop being drawn, because the comparison is appropriate. Homophobia is just as vile and just as destructive as racism.

stevec5375 • 10 years ago

Why is it so many conservatives are uninformed, uneducated, and easily manipulated?

Erick • 10 years ago


I don't even...

You trollin' breh.

Zorf • 10 years ago

Does this mean that Michelle Bachman's husband can finally come out of the closet?


Danny Roberts • 10 years ago

Along with Lindsey Graham

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

Gay men are on the forefront of the "war against women".

Guest • 10 years ago
DigFerkel • 10 years ago

LOL! You believe that opposing abortion is destroying a women's right? Hype much?

Cindy Koehn • 10 years ago

Wrong. It's Republican legislators, both on the federal and state levels, who are writing and passing laws to limit choice, defund health care, and force women to have unwanted and unnecessary medical procedures. The vast majority of which legislators are straight.

Denhunter • 10 years ago

true dat. Why is that? Are they angry at them for having vajayjays when they don't?

Kurt Knittle • 10 years ago

Likely the dumbest thing ever posted.

wahoosam • 10 years ago

Where did you get your psychology degree?

beertoast • 10 years ago

Dumbo, same sex attraction has nothing to do with hatred for the opposite sex. Are people who are attracted to the opposite sex hate people of their own sex? Christ you Christians have sheet for brains.

kjfuller7 • 10 years ago

You need to find some better gays... they're out there. K!

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

Everyone knows it's a form of mental illness that affects only 3.4% of the population. Just shows how the rich minority interest groups rule this country today.

Zorf • 10 years ago

Conservatism is definitely a mental illness.

Good point.

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

When I look at the management of Detroit and Chicago I think of tangible insanity. Your opinion is wishful thinking without reality.

Michael Andro • 10 years ago

Huh. Who would've thought that people are capable of caring about people aside from themselves, and fighting for the justice of their fellow human being?

DigFerkel • 10 years ago

So you want to protect humans? Does that include the ones that haven't been born?