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Lee Odden • 17 years ago

Great post Jen. Here's my own list of 25 blog marketing tips from last June.

One addition I would suggest is to make it easy for readers of the blog to share posts via social bookmark links. del.icio.us, digg, netscape and reddit are good for most blogs.

nakliyat rehberi • 16 years ago

In B2B it helps to think of it as a newsroom, pressroom or anything else businesslike

evden eve nakliyat • 16 years ago

Here's a thought for B2B. Just because you are using blogging software and techniques, doesn't mean you have to call it a "blog". In B2B it helps to think of it as a newsroom, pressroom or anything else businesslike and make the user feel s/he is looking at something suitably "professional". If you are doing that though.

evden eve nakliyat • 16 years ago

These are great tips. Articles like this always create lengthy "to-do" lists for me, but they are always worth it in the long run

evden eve nakliyat • 16 years ago

You can also create a mobile widget for the sidebar of your blog. Users enter their phone number and start receiving text message alerts on their phone with a short synopsis every time you update your blog

web tasarım • 16 years ago

thank you very much

evden eve nakliyat • 17 years ago

Great Thanks for this.

evden eve nakliyat • 17 years ago

evden eve nakliyat

evden eve nakliyat • 17 years ago

very nice information thanks...

Santhros ibn Shinu • 17 years ago

What an article you have written! It compiles (in an effective way) the most valuable techniques for high ranking the page.

I have a question, though I'm sure that it's a bit out of context. If you can help me, I'll be foreve grateful. How long does it take for Google to show to calculate the PR of a new site? The fact is that I have 2 blogs, the first one was opened as a blogspot.com blog (personal journal) in June, 2006 and it's currently ranked PR3. The latter, It was opened in February, 2007 and though it has more posts and more inbound links, it stills shows PR0. Do you know of a way to "ping" Google as to calculate the PR of my new site?

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

vglass • 17 years ago

Great post. I would also be interested in some of the tools bloggers are using to track the popularity of their blogs. Anyone have any specific tools that they can recommend?

Rob O. • 17 years ago

I've read that adding TITLE attribute tags to your hyperlinks can improve your search engine likability.

Without a doubt, this little extra bit of info about your links can be boost your accessibility - especially handy if you know that your routine visitors are older, less-adventuresome, or visually-impaired computer users.

blips • 17 years ago

Another tip is not to force users to sign up at thousand services on the web. Use captcha if you really have no other way to prevent spam.

JTPratt Media • 17 years ago

These are great tips. Articles like this always create lengthy "to-do" lists for me, but they are always worth it in the long run. If you just implement a tip of two each day, you can dramatically change your SERP listsings in no time.

Great article, I'm passing the information on to my readers at Search Optimization School. I wrote about your blog optimization article here...

Don • 17 years ago

Great tips! Seems like every once in a while I need to be reminded of tips like this.

One of the most important tips, at least IMHO, is having descriptive Titles. It really turns me off to see the same boring titles on everyone's blog. Since most of us skip over the text, you need something to make a surfer stop and say "Whoa, that sounds interesting!"


DavidO • 17 years ago

Great Post!

Interesting, this is the third post I've read today that's advocating linking out (#17). I’m glad to see that, for so long linking was dictated by pagerank, webmasters were petrified to link to any site that had a lower pr then their own. Good to see that people are realizing that a good site is a good site regardless of what the google toolbar thinks.

cd • 17 years ago

Great article and good comments above. One additional thing - re: #25: "Use great categories". Do you think people actually browse through categories? I believe that users scan the homepage, read feeds in their reader software, or search. But rarely do they browse the sections on a blog.

pittfall • 17 years ago

Well put!

Don't forget - creating a buzz about/around you blog is still a very important aspect of blogging and a website, you can do this by sharing with your friends. Don't be ashamed to market yourself to others.

Danny Sullivan • 17 years ago

> I love this list, but there is one thing that you mention that you don't seem to be implementing. 24) Use a Good URL Structure

Ah, well Jen and I might disagree on the value of having terms in a name. I think it definitely is worth doing if you can, but it's not crucial.

We don't use them here because Movable Type doesn't export them well. Instead, we use a day/time combination that I know allows me to move entries into any blogging system or into a new setup without having to do a lot of redirections.

For more on this, see this on my personal blog, Movable Type & Rebuild Safe URLs

Kristen • 17 years ago

Awesome post. And I agree with Dixon: 'blog' can be a scary word in many areas of the business world, so I've suggested 'newsroom' or 'corporate information center'

You also make a good point about design. With the right design scheme, a blog doesn't have to look like a blogger page.

rick huey • 17 years ago

I am just starting out(3 months ago) and have purchased a domain name and had it forwarded to my blog. I should have started the other way around, but didn't. My question is, is this harmful for the success of the blog going forward? I notice that no traffic data can be pulled from new domain name. Any suggestions?

Mephisto • 17 years ago

Another tip:

Participate in the comments on your own blog. Eg when you ask your readers to leave good tips (and have them create content for you) like in this post, but don't seem to care about the users themselves (like ignoring a question as the one from Jennifer Apple). Especially when noted that your own practice is different from what you claim people should do in your post. How trustworthy is the article then? Do you really care about helping people?

Internet Strategy Blog • 17 years ago

Helpful post, thanks. I second Barry Welford's tip about participating in comments sections. Douglas Karr recently discovered that 26.13% of visitors to his blog came from sites where he had commented: http://www.douglaskarr.com/2007/01/10/the-long-tail-of-commenting-never-blog-alone. Keep your comments interesting and positive, and folks will click.

Kalena • 17 years ago

I've been waiting for an article like this to come out as I've been waaaay too lazy to research and write one myself. Of course, now you've added another 20 tasks for my To Do list. But seriously, great stuff Jen!

Barry Welford • 17 years ago

Well of course another tip is to comment on other blog posts where you think they've brought out some useful insights. Thanks for doing this. :)

kolya3 • 17 years ago

You can also create a mobile widget for the sidebar of your blog. Users enter their phone number and start receiving text message alerts on their phone with a short synopsis every time you update your blog. It keeps your readers coming back - great tool. You can make these widgets for free here: open.4info.net


Jennifer Apple • 17 years ago

I love this list, but there is one thing that you mention that you don't seem to be implementing.

24) Use a Good URL Structure
Don’t use “permalinks

Matt Martone • 17 years ago

Wow. Great post. Thanks for this.

Matt Martone, JobSearchMarketing.com

Receptional • 17 years ago

Very helpful Jen.

Here's a thought for B2B. Just because you are using blogging software and techniques, doesn't mean you have to call it a "blog". In B2B it helps to think of it as a newsroom, pressroom or anything else businesslike and make the user feel s/he is looking at something suitably "professional". If you are doing that though.


Gaya • 17 years ago

Great post!

I use WordPress and in most of the WP themes,
post titles are set to h4. You can easily change it to h1 by modifying theloop.php file.

adverlicious • 17 years ago

Great post. I would also suggest 2 other tactics:

1. Registering your blog on Technorati and ensuring it gets pinged with new posts. It's the leading search engine for blogs and can drive a substantial amount of traffic. It also serves as a scoreboard of sorts by tracking how many blogs have "voted" for you with a link.

2. Managing your blogroll strategically. You'll need to link to major blogs to be credible, but it's acceptable to broker link-for-link trades with smaller ones (assuming they're relevant and useful to your readers). Use Technorati to find the "small fish" and drop them an email.

Good luck!

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