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Adam Wright • 11 years ago

That page-length diagram is truly adorable. My compliments to the designer.

Jessica K. • 9 years ago

Love your dry humor

Fucking Asshole • 8 years ago

I think his humor is really wet in this case.

Matthew Parsons • 11 years ago

I'll add that Atlassian's "SourceTree" supports gitflow as well. (http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/)

Marco Troisi • 9 years ago

but it's not available for Linux, which is ridicolous.

xuedi • 9 years ago

smartgit did implement gitflow, this is the closest you can get to SourceTree

Marco Troisi • 9 years ago

ya, but it's not free unfortunately...

edorgeville • 9 years ago

Free for non-commercial use.

Аристархъ • 8 years ago

You could use GitKraken for Linux. It has GIT Flow support (https://www.gitkraken.com/)

Hender Rivera • 5 years ago

It's 2019 now and Visual Studio has incorporated as a plugin even in linux.

Giggaflop • 10 years ago

And windows!

canadiancreed • 9 years ago

have a more recent link? This one is pulling up a 404

Techmonkey • 9 years ago

(Looks like my original post had an ) in the URL


Mohammed Abuelezz • 10 years ago

Amazing and very clear explanation, I understand git-flow with 10 mins, thank you

Luke • 10 years ago

in the phrase: "Tags the release with it's name", it should be "its" (without the apostrophe). I'm sorry to nit-pick, and good work on the extension!

danielkummer • 10 years ago

Noted and corrected, thanks!

Fabien Weyh • 10 years ago

Thanks !

Süleyman Melikoğlu • 11 years ago

It's excellent, I really like the visual explanations. Thanks.

Konrad • 10 years ago

after doing git flow release finish RELEASE one should push the tag "git push --tags"

nhaskel • 8 years ago

or add -p(ush) git flow release finish RELEASE -p

Duane • 10 years ago

A couple of points about tags.
- git flow tags the (temp) release branch, not the master branch. This allows the tag to be visible with git describe from both the develop and the master branch (I don't know if that is the intention).
- git push --tags is usually not a good idea. This pushes all of your tags. I use temporary or personal tags that I don't really want pushed. You should push just the tag that has been created. git push origin <tag>.

Steven T Habel • 9 years ago

Words can't even justify how clean this is. So thankful people like you exist to give us tools like this.

Simon Hartcher • 9 years ago

Hi there

Windows users can install git-flow using Scoop: http://scoop.sh/

It's as easy as `scoop install git-flow`

Sander H. • 10 years ago

Great, visualisation! this will help our colleagues big-time!

The command 'git flow feature pull' will be deprecated per version 2.0.0. Use 'git flow feature track' instead.

Henk • 8 years ago

How to push the finished feature into the master branch?

Marcel • 8 years ago

Love it!

Anoop • 8 years ago

This is one heck of a tool! Thanks!

Pablo Henrique Silva • 8 years ago

Best cheatsheet EVER!

Gimbo • 8 years ago

very clear explanation and easy to understand, thank you.

desrever • 9 years ago

wish I could print this as a pdf

Scott Godin • 8 years ago

https://chrome.google.com/w... this comes in handy ;)

Nasso • 10 years ago

Are you 100% sure that "git flow feature pull" tracks the remote?
Check out this discussion:

The fact that git flow has git flow feature pull/track/checkout is very confusing... And the documentation is very bad.

danielkummer • 10 years ago

I rechecked and you're right, the "feature pull" command doesn't automatically track the remote, you have to do a separate "feature track". I've updated the cheatsheet - thanks!

juppie7 • 9 years ago

yea works great until someone else tries to join you. SourceTree prevents you from

pulling a feature branch without merging, rebasing, etc, and fucking up the entire workflow. It's impossible to pull a feature branch right where it's at, and work on it. Thing fucking sucks.

danielkummer • 9 years ago

Really? We have several guys using Sourcetree and don't seem to be having this problem (on OSX)

We're constantly collaborating on feature branches....
Of course, you have to merge the remote feature branches into your local ones...

juppie7 • 8 years ago

I've since come to find workarounds, or should I say, proper translation of GUI elements into command line executions, and haven't had any problems since.
Originally my main beef with the software was the massive CPU intensive lag that would choke the PC, but they fixed that many revisions ago. And I'm quite happy as a user of the product.
I pay for Atlassian hosted software yearly, so though I feel I had a moral standing to comment on their product, I have to admit, I was wrong about it. Pretty happy with it to be honest.

Tactic Rayan Iandrisoa • 2 years ago

Good explaination, thanks

D_ • 2 years ago

when you have pull request policies in the branches, how do you work with git flow

Frode Halvorsen • 2 years ago

When doing gitflow hotfix finish yyy, the process closes the pending PR's to the hotfix, and deletes the hotfix-branch.
But I would want the pending pr's to be auto-redirected to the new hotfix-branch created with the gitflow hotfix start xxx.
Problem is that since the old hotfix-branch is deleted, there is no way of reopening the pending PR (that was closed) and change base to new hotfix, without first restoring the old hotfix-branch, then reopen PR, change base, and then re-delete the old hotfix-branch.

This seem like something there would be an easier way to achieve ?

AhmadElBullock • 3 years ago

Is there a way to delete a feature before finishing it ??

Polyterative • 6 years ago

Great cheatsheet, poor font

David Edson • 7 years ago

Wonderful git flow intro, I've gone from skeptic to evangelist in one single evening.

Brian Nipper • 7 years ago

Very helpful visual aid. Along with all the others, just wanted to say thank you.

numediaweb • 7 years ago

There's something mising here: What if i want to create a pull request? If I start a feature and then close it.. It merges it into develop which makes the team lead not able to review my code.
I can also just push the commits and create a pull request on Github but then i have to manually delete the feature branch... Am I missing something here?

Alfredo Barron • 7 years ago

Thank for you collaboration my friend !!

Himank Barve • 7 years ago

"Git-flow is a merge based solution. It doesn't rebase feature branches."

so how should I pull new changes from develop branch to old feature branch

Maggy • 7 years ago

Thanks! :)

Seb • 7 years ago

Cool design !

Saritha Bhandarkar • 7 years ago

This is great. We are switching to git flow for our release process. I have a question though. In our process, we release to QA environment first before sending to prod. So, when we release to QA, we make a release branch from develop and release that to QA. Any bug fixes will go on the release branch. In the mean time (before release is finished), suppose we have a hotfix on master. I make the hotfix branch (from master) but if I release that to QA environment, it will replace what was in the QA environment from release branch. How do we make both Release and Hotfix into QA environment so that both get tested? Also when hotfix is finished, it is merged to develop and master. If the release branch was made before the hotfix, then it doesnt get into release branch. Is this a problem thta anyone else has been through? Love to hear feedback.