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Viktor • 10 years ago

The recent actions of China will cause an arms race in the south-east Asian region.Our country,the Philippines is now united in upgrading our armed forces.We just need to maintain our economic growth rate of 7.8% for the next 15 years and together with our allies,the ASEAN bloc,Japan and India.We will contain Imperial China.There will come a point when China's divide and conquer policy will fail.Even if China is mighty in terms of population and total number of war machines.Her armies don't have actual combat experience.We will modernize our forces and defenses and defend our country to the last drop of Filipino.Even if China will overwhelm us with numbers,we will give them a fight which will make them renounce war forever.

Lapu Lapu • 10 years ago

True. Plus, there are millions of Filipinos abroad. Hence, even if China nukes the Philippines, the Filipino race will never die. And we neither forget nor forgive.

Alice • 9 years ago

come on. are you kidding me? if there is no US, there is no noise today. CHINESE people are peaceful. better focus on economy development. this is only political game between giants.

Patrick Sullivan • 9 years ago

Sorry, Chinese people, and their conquered provinces, are led by fascist leaders who will resort to nukes if they think they will win.

Sam • 7 years ago

Sorry, US, made this world full of blood and war, which led by real fascist leaders. If China not strengthen their military power, US would claim Shanghai as its territory.

Teddy • 6 years ago

your dreaming right wake up lol

Patrick Sullivan • 7 years ago

Shanghai will be!

Shao_Dong • 8 years ago

The good news is that MAD still holds true and the Chinese know it.

Shao_Dong • 8 years ago

So, your theory is that everyone should follow Chinese directives from now on? Here's a what-if scenario: Your favorite newspaper is repeatedly attacked by Chinese hackers working for the Chinese government when an article appears that they don't like for whatever reason. You are now subject to their normative (backwards communist) views, which just that - their views. So now, out of fear, we can not have free exchange of ideas unless they approve of it. Now we are slaves to a totalitarian society - fuck that and fuck them!

You don't read much about international geo-politics do you?

Can you say the phrase"Totalitarian Society"? One that believes the means justifies the end no matter what those means are? You are kidding me ... the Chinese as a loving people? This is a joke! If you are not a blood relative, they will kill you for a few yuan or a slight increase in "face". If you are a blood relative, they will kill you with the death of a thousand-cuts - because they really really like you. Beating a person is sign of true affection from the average Chinese - it shows they care ha ha ha. If they scold you, they are affectionate, but the beating is where the true love is. I have seen a strong undercurrent of sadism in most Chinese I've met. The are smart enough to know it is asinine, so they do their best to hide it. This is not to say that this behavior doesn't exist everywhere else, but they are specialists in sadism.

Remember the little girl run-down by a truck the year before, and the dozen or so loving Chinese that walked by not doing a single thing to help a mortally crushed child withering in pain on the road? This is horrifying, yet represents the average Chinese approach to caring about others - WARNING - THIS IS A HEART BREAKING VIDEO - VERY GRAPHIC - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED:


This is the true mindset of your average (and educated) Chinese. Such a peaceful and kind-hearted group of humanitarians ... not really, they are often morally filthy-bastards.

What I've learned from personal experience is that the typical Chinese will screw anyone, and everyone, if they can seize even a slight advantage in any way in their dealings - morality rarely comes into play, unless it is their twisted version of it. They all know that this is true and they are proud of it. They are very careful not to advertise this philosophy, since they know it is viewed as proof of the underdeveloped nature of their cultural attitude, or stupidity. This is equivalent to the absolute lowest "trash" in other countries, but it's the common approach in China.

Another thing that ties to this article is a childish mischief or prank they use which will have serious consequences in the South China Sea:

they have this moronic approach to getting their own way, which is based on the idea that if they claim an idea, or thing, is true long enough, everyone will forget, in fact, it is not true ... yeah, true brainiacs at work, or just simple-minded yaks?

So they declare bullshit as fact then they repeat it ad nauseum and then they wait for people to buy into their bullshit declaration. There is an element of threat in this lame approach designed to convince a rational audience "that they had better go along to get-along". Absolutely screw them!

If you have a differing opinion, they will silence you if they can - they do it every day of the week by beating innocent people into confessions, so they can claim a 99.9% conviction rate. Lame, lame, lame - they even admit the beating-driven confession-oriented "proofs" that drives conviction rates is wrong, BUT, they will justify it in the same sentence without guilt, and with a smile.

So, if they beat you to within an inch of your life, and you "confess" to stop them beating you, they get an automatic conviction. The rest of the world views confessions based on beatings as unreliable for the same reason just given. i.e. beating is violent coercion, which rarely produces a true representation of any fact. You will say, "well, Americans did the same thing at Guantanamo". Yes, and it was equally despicable and without rational justification.

They are claiming they own the South China Sea and they keep repeating it over and over again, while building military bases far from their mainland, and well beyond all international norms as they claim as fact that they own it. It is not a fact.

When they are challenged, the offer mindless explanations that do not rest on any reasonable or rational logic - pure simpleton stuff is offered as justification - come on, join the rest of the world and demonstrate a bit of class in your dealings. Another favorite tactic is to simple not say a word when they know their position is indefensible - silence is a form of hiding in this context. They will hide when the questions require an answer that makes them look like assholes as a function of the truth. Wow, what a great strategy to show the world you deserve any form of leadership anywhere. The fact is, they do virtually nothing to help anyone suffering people when money is at risk - is their true character - I guess have a skewed perspective - I was fucked by a big bunch of these shitheads.

Now, the Chinese are ramping-up to claim ownership of the nautical transit and overflight routes. This is a problem and virtually no one will listen them. When they start shooting, they will be shut down. I will not ask for Chinese permission to take a shit on a public sidewalk in China (they all do it if they need to), and I won't ask permission to fly over the South China Sea when beyond the normative 200-mile territorial limit from the physical land/sea border of China's coastline, just as I won't for any other country.

In summary, I believe that most of the Chinese actions related to military build-up are keyed on the fact that they were humiliated by Japan and others. They want payback.

I was told by an "average" Chinese that Chinese as a whole, believe they own Tiawan and that if they have to kill every Taiwanese to get it back, it is "worth it". The vast majority of Taiwanese are from China, so it raise the question of why it would be acceptable to kill Taiwanese? It's a lame Chinese mind-set. Is it "worth having 90 million mainland Chinese killed along the way"? How many millions of Chinese killed would an acceptable loss-rate in fighting over the ownership of the South China Sea - 200 or 1,290 million Chinese? So many questions, but do not expect any clear answer from them - they lie and hide the truth as often as they are honest and forthcoming.

Cedrik Thibert • 8 years ago

NOpe, everyone will gang up against China.
Which is normal since those are not Chinese waters, they are interneational waters.

Boojie Lewis • 7 years ago

hear hear!

Col C • 8 years ago

Wow, you really got messed with, but you are right, and unfortunately we are loosing our value of life as a nation, too. They have never had it as a culture, of course that is not true for all Chinese people, I'm sure there are those that are outraged.

Josh • 9 years ago

No they're not kidding.. But they have the intelligence of 5 year olds.. Lol!

corners • 9 years ago

did you even read the article? Chinese had major land and water disputes with all its neighbors.

Sinugba • 9 years ago

You must be kidding! Or you do not know what is going on!

wfraser11 • 8 years ago

Thanks Alice. Thats why the Chinese built bomber bases in the Philippines EEZ 800 miles from China, INVADED Korea in 1950 to support the genocidal dictator in N Korea and actively SUPPORTED the invasion of South VietNam. The sea Vietnamese and Filipino soldiers who lost their lives when China invaded the Paracels and the Spratlys are also happy to hear how "peaceful" China is. What is it like to be so incredibly obtuse. Do't answer that.

Teddy • 6 years ago


Richard Vaux • 7 years ago

perhaps the people are but its the government taking and laying claim to vast amounts of islands in the region...islands that the world court disputed their claims.....the south china sea is one of the most important shipping routes in the world....freedom of navagation would be at risk if china controlled the whole area

Hoang Gia • 9 years ago

agree, but we shouldn't say "China", "Chinese goverment" is better cuz it does not contain chinese people. I dun hate chinese people anyway

Peter J Piaseckyj • 9 years ago

The Han are the government of China.

Tsang Wong • 8 years ago

Not true, There are lot of minority in Chinese Gov't.

Patrick Sullivan • 9 years ago

and ONLY Han rule! This will end soon enough!

NotAmerican • 10 years ago

Don't worry. Once Korea gets reunited by either side, China will get a powerfull, determined and militarised neighbour. Since Koreans will never accept Chinese as masters and Chinese will keep poking them it will be only a matter of time before Korean master race marches through Manchuria towards Beijing. Make sure to be able to help Korea when that happens.

Eric • 10 years ago

Unlikely. Koreans have barely 1 child per family, and in a few decades the Korean economy will be crippled by the burden of caring for the elderly majority of the population. There won't be money or manpower for foreign military action.

Shao_Dong • 8 years ago

Agreed - yet the Chinese are facing the same burden, but when Chinese bump into each other on the street, or train, boners and babies result. Natural resources will factor into the equation soon enough.

corners • 9 years ago

thats an asian and western world problem

Patrick Sullivan • 9 years ago

ditto China

陈天龙 • 8 years ago

Plz grow a brain before you comment here. Imperial China... hahaha what a joke.

qian • 9 years ago

you philipinos are just dogs of your master usa, peoples liberation army can crush your pathetic "armed forces" within an hour

Rich Trinca Jr • 8 years ago

Remember the Fukushima earthquake and the resulting tidal wave and destruction. Now imagine a magnitude 10 earthquake off the coast of China and a 70 foot tall wall of water smashing into the Chinese coast and sweeping away the disputed man-made military islands. It is better to settle the dispute amicably than to let God settle it!

KopyKatKiller • 7 years ago

Wuz jus thinking about that the other day... But it would not have to be a Japan destroying wave. remember, those islands are "made in China". Maybe a magnitude 4 and a half meter high wave would be all that is needed. LOL

Peter J Piaseckyj • 9 years ago

qian, you are xenophobic Chinese monster!

Shao_Dong • 8 years ago

Peter, qian is sitting at his school typing his best 12-year-old girly-man shite.

He/she has never had a determined enemy stomp a dirt hole in his/her pie-hole. Long-live dirt-holes ha ha ha

jim okay • 9 years ago

The Philippines has no basis to claim any islands/islets in the South China Sea. The map of the Philippines was negotiated by the US with Spain (1898 & 1900) and Britain (1930). The final version was agreed by three international treaties.The map handed to the Philippines when it became an independent country in 1946 by the US did not include any islands/islets now claimed by the Philippines. The Filipino president Marco annexed those islands/islets (a total of 9) back in the 1970s by the so called presidential decree. The Philippines stole the islands/islets from China. The Chinese will not let the Philippines to steal their land.

Don't talk trash. Read up. Hide your ignorance from this intellectual world. The The map of the Philippines was negotiated by the US with Spain and Britain. The Philippines absolutely has no business in the SCS.

v j • 9 years ago

Well JO - ke 1946 General Mac Arthur under US authority who conquered the Japanese who had conquered all the lands of the scs, dispersed the lands and left the island to be owned by who was closest to them. Meaning China has no claim period!

wei • 9 years ago

Them, how could explain east china, since distance between 100 miles from china, and almost 1000 miles 4 Japanese islands, even island current use by US is 400 miles away.

v j • 9 years ago

Let China try to build a oil rig in the West, North, All over around is Philippine sea, they will never see it produce a drop of oil before it blows up, Philippines has stealth drone subs China can't see or detect... lol

Eray D • 8 years ago

So is China, and China has advance radar to detect ur old subs.

v j • 8 years ago

The old one yes, but Not the stealth ones kept secret from public eyes... eat that china pinkos

wei • 9 years ago

East??? I hope you not example of Philippines people.

Peter J Piaseckyj • 9 years ago

wie, you are a Chinese Red Army Toll!

egay • 9 years ago

all those islands/islets in the west philippine sea are all properties of the Philippines not by the chinese , look at the map idiot ,use you common sense, wake up !!!!!

Viv • 7 years ago

so if an island is closer to Philippines it must belongs to Philippines? what if i say north Ireland is Ireland's, cuz it's closer to Ireland than to UK? Or Hawaii also doesn't belong to the US because back then UK annexed this area?

HAHA • 7 years ago

look at the map idiot ,use you common sense, Philippines is obvious near China, as ur words, the Philippines MUST BE belong to China!!!!

wei • 9 years ago

What about Vietnam, since their claim as big as china?

KopyKatKiller • 7 years ago

I like the Map of China from 1900. I think we should go back and use that to settle China's claims.

ALREDO ESTRADA • 8 years ago


GwaPogi • 8 years ago

only a brain consisting of shit thinks the way you do! chinese eunuch!

Peter J Piaseckyj • 9 years ago

jim okay, Chinese Army Troll!

Sam • 7 years ago

Grow up and be realistic man, look at your economy now.