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jackryan • 8 years ago

Ann, I'd like to marry you. But before circling back to that, Jim Martin is well known for blocking anyone who dares to decry homosexuality in the clergy. Has been going on for a long time. The sad truth is that obviously homosexually-inclined men like him repel heterosexual men from the priesthood, en masse.

antigon • 8 years ago

Hey, Jack, get in line!

alan • 8 years ago

LOL!! Marry her? And get one of these polemics when you leave your dirty underwear on the bathroom floor?!

No thanks. Ann is a great person, but I'd rather just go have beers with her.

MSApis • 8 years ago

Ha ha! There used to be a time when psychological surveys showed that a 'nagging wife' was actually good for the man in that she pushed him to be more goal-oriented and productive. It is recognised historically that as Catholicism took hold in Europe it was the women who influenced men to behave in a more refined and civilised way: gentlemanly bahaviour, good manners, etiquette and so on. Surely the result of honouring Our Lady.

Richard • 8 years ago

Nagging wives is why golf was invented.

antigon • 8 years ago

Upvote, but meantime - get your dirty underwear in the flooking hamper buddy!

BillyHW (fuck/you) • 8 years ago

We need to start asking, "Father, are you a homosexual?"

Example: "Father Rosica, are you a homosexual?"

Example: "Cardinal Wuerl, are you a homosexual?"

Example: "Pope Francis, are you a homosexual?"

Keep repeating it until you have enough practice that you won't get weak-kneed if the opportunity ever arises to ask the question.

Ann Barnhardt • 8 years ago

I agree with this 100%. These people need to be aggressively confronted and called out. Publicly. Loudly. "Archbishop Blasé, are you a homosexual?"

And remember, since homosexuality is a sin that cries out to heaven for God's vengeance, ANY evasion or coyness in answering the question is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. If you asked me, "Ann Barnhardt, are you a child-raping cannibal?", what would you think if I replied, "That is none of your business", or, "I don't discuss my personal habits", or some such? You would rightly think that there is something very, very, very wrong with me. The answer is, "No! Of course not!" in exactly the same way that the answer to the question, "Ann Barnhardt, are you a lesbian?" is, "No! Of course not!"

Rosey Theranter • 8 years ago

"Archbishop Blasé, are you a homosexual?"
That's like asking if the Pope is Cath...
Oh never mind!

CatholicCrusader • 8 years ago

Ann, we're forming a middle-class oriented organization with a focus on white middle-class Catholics, the #1 oppressed group in the U.S. We'll be looking at a purely Catholic political/church spin-off, too. Hope you can contribute.

LionelAndrades • 8 years ago

He also needs to be confronted (with reference to the video you posted) and told that all non Catholics are on the path to Hell according to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) since they do not have 'faith and salvation'. He also needs to be told, and so do the other Jesuits, that we do not and cannot know people saved without 'faith and baptism'. If there are any such cases they would be known only to God.So LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 are not explicit for us. They cannot be explicit for us. So there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to AG 7, LG 14 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation). There are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).
Ann, when are you going to say this? That is Vatican Council II is in agreement with the rigorist intepretation of EENS?

fdasfds • 8 years ago

Mmmmm.... no, sorry. Lumen Gentium says muslims and every other people whose religion believes "in the one true god" are also saved.

LionelAndrades • 8 years ago

If a Muslim is saved in his religion, it means he is a Catholic in Heaven, since there are only Catholics in Heaven according to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II AG 7, LG 14 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation).
Secondly this person would be a theoretical case for you, me and Ann. We do not, and cannot know any such person in 2015. So this hypothetical case would not be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) or Vatican Council II.
So we have Vatican Council II affirming the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS all need faith and baptism- AG 7) and there are no exceptions; there cannot be any exceptions in Vatican Council II, to the dogma
Muslims believe in the one God but they do not have faith and baptism. So they are all oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II.

antigon • 8 years ago

In pursuit of this excellent goal, t'would perhaps be more effective to start with this arguably more discomfiting question:
'Your Eminence, leaving aside specific cases, in light of the many 'Coming Out Day' programs being sponsored at Catholic universities, do you hold generally with these that it's more merciful for people who consider themselves gay to be open and public about that, or do you think it more merciful - again generally - that they should keep this disposition essentially private or in the closet as the saying goes?'
That question - perfectly legitimate on sheer social cum political grounds - is unlikely to get a direct answer, but precisely due to Coming Out Days at purportedly RC colleges it can be repeatedly asked without so easily being dismissed or even being considered hostile. And of course if ever the question does get answered, a keep-it-private one would surely provoke a cascade of denunciation such as would likely cause the prelate to change that view. Whereupon the be-open answer, then or at any point, leads naturally to the detached & not even necessarily hostile follow-up: Eminence, what about you then? Do you consider yourself gay?'

Woody • 8 years ago

I don't know if it felt good for you to get that off your chest but it sure felt good to me. Thanks. I feel a lot better.

Radical Catholic • 8 years ago

Fr. James Martin and America Magazine push sodomy almost as hard as Salon pushes pedophilia. Almost.

Two2trees • 8 years ago


Guest • 8 years ago
StukaPilot • 8 years ago

you forgot to mention the Pentagon: Sec. of the Army is a public flamer, and the sodomite networking of the higher ranks in all services has been underway for some time. In the army there are now lesbian and sodomite 2-star Generals

Barbara • 8 years ago

Endure my dear fellow Catholic, endure. This is your purgatory, at least in part. There are many, many of us who have to endure, especially with children and other family heading to hell unless Our Lady intervenes. Let's pray for all of us - The New Purgatorians!

Lynne • 8 years ago

Please come. It's a wonderful chapel but get there early because it fills up fast. I too am the only practicing Catholic in my family, both sides (mine and my husband's).

Two2trees • 8 years ago

Very difficult.

rkat1 • 8 years ago

You have an SSPX chapel 20 minutes from your house? You're lucky! That's a no brainer. Go there.

Netmilsmom • 8 years ago

Pope Francis opened up the SSPX for the Year of Mercy. Go. I know I am. Our SSPX chapel just bought a new building and moved a half an hour closer to me. I'm seeing it as a sign from God.

Thank you, Ann, for selecting THAT particular video. It's a perfect specimen of queer "theology." Utter indifferentism in matters of faith leads to utter indifferentism in matters of morals.

MSApis • 8 years ago

Exactly! I would give you more up votes if I could. And not only to utter indifferentism in matters of morals but to a mealy-mouthed, bland and insipid personality, which is ultimately boring.

rkat1 • 8 years ago

I can't speak to whether this guy is a practicing sodomite, but his scorn for fellow Catholics as expressed on Twitter and this video clip is rock solid proof that he's a creep with zero self-awareness who shouldn't be anywhere near the priesthood. He's not even clever at insulting people, just clumsy and gauche ... I thought the essjays were supposed to be molto smart.

standtall909 • 8 years ago

As some have said, I wonder HOW they even allowed him to make his first Communion??? A total disgusting disgrace to the Priesthood.

Barbara • 8 years ago

That's unjust. At 6 or 7 this man was an innocent. The days of debauchery and affirmation in sin were years ahead. Our Lady grieves to see one of her sons forget those graces he received on First Communion day.

Guest • 8 years ago

This is AWESOME!
I am all for just discrimination against these individuals who want to corrupt my children and take down the Church. I want them out of OUR Church. The Church founded by Christ upon the rock does NOT need to be the safe haven of the buttsecks crowd.

standtall909 • 8 years ago

AMEN!!! They need to get OUT OF OUR CHURCH!!

Two2trees • 8 years ago

It might not be "our church" but it most certainly is not theirs.

Guest • 8 years ago
Cannonkat • 8 years ago


Mark Matis • 8 years ago

The Third Commandment might have something to do with that...

SD • 8 years ago

He is one of many. They should all be called out. Let the truth shine.

Guest • 8 years ago
Near Doowhaler • 8 years ago

Oh my gosh....don't you know the real reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah......it wasn't because they were a bunch of pansy pick up that bar of soap predatory butt pirates.....it was because of their refusal to dialogue in an ecumenical way.....and, of course, the repeated mis-placement of salad forks at their dinner settings......if that doesn't bring on the Wrath, nothing will!!!

HRpuffinstuff • 8 years ago

Oh my . . . This left me speechless. Truth is sometimes harsh. But I cannot help but utter a hearty "Amen". God have mercy on us all that we have sunk to the point that Ann would need to even write such a thing about a priest (whom I believe is representative of many). But it's the truth.

Denis Saint Paris • 8 years ago

Ann, essjay?
Don't you mean ethjay?
You're tho thilly.

tm9 • 8 years ago


Cannonkat • 8 years ago

AND i thought "buttsecks" were "buttsucks" or as we called them in boarding school, "Suckbutts." Maybe its because I'm Canadian. Hmmm, so is Ann, hmmm Get in Line, all of you: Ann is mine!

Bill Russell • 8 years ago

Cardinal Dolan praises him and does public events with him. The man's effeminacy is distasteful.

Mark Matis • 8 years ago

That should tell you something about the esteemed cardinal...

Netmilsmom • 8 years ago

She said it all.

Andy • 8 years ago

Just read the newsest translation of the book of Gamorrah, Liber Gamorrhianus, written by SAINT Peter Damian in the late 11th century. You might as well have written the foreword to his book. He particularly rails against sodomy in "the rear." Totally opposes priests offering the Holy sacrifice of the Mass by these priests. Very good book and short read.

VeilOfTiers • 8 years ago

I was just going to post the same thing!

Are you speaking of the translation by Matthew Cullinan Hoffman? About half of the book consists of a history of those times. The rest of the book is in the saint's words. Good infor in the footnotes, too.

There are some great quotes by St. Peter Damian that can be presented to those who claim that God/the bible/the Church were never against homosexual activity. It's also interesting to see what other activities those actions were classed with.

Nicandro • 8 years ago

There have been and are gays and closet transgenders running seminaries for years. Now it looks like we have gay bishops and cardinals. Bella Dodd, as far as I know, never actually specified the weapon they the communists, would use to infiltrate and bring the Church to this sorry state but we now see the devil has attacked with his basest and most diabolical weapon- lust and not just that sodomite lust. We still have a big problem as these people are running the Pope Francis show. Poor Fr Matthew Despard in Scotland uncovered how big the problem was and faced their wrath. He has been banished for writing all in a book. Priesthood in Crisis: One Priest's Experience. You cannot download or read it because Amazon took it down at the request of the Church. He tried from within for years and got absolutely nowhere not a peep back from the Papal Nuncio. We don't know for sure why Cardinal OBrien was removed into banishment but we can guess he must have covered up for years or maybe as some have suggested more.

The intro states:
"How, then, can I remain silent when for years I have been aware of a growing corruption in the priesthood which I love and to which I have devoted my life? How can I remain silent when I have many times been made aware of the loss of good young men to the priesthood because of an evil that pervades even our very seminaries?"

His father actually prevented him from going to Seminary as a boy because on meeting the chancellor he saw the dangers:

"I do remember that my father took me away that evening and told me that he had some concerns about the whole business. “Forget about the priesthood for the time being,” he told me. “Wait until you’re older and have a better understanding of what you’re doing.”
As far as I was concerned at that time, that was that. I just got on with my life, went to school, played football with my friends. What I did not know, and was not to discover until many years later, was that my father discerned the type of man the chancellor was and would not allow him to have any access to me. It was later to transpire that this priest was openly homosexual and had been a practicing homosexual all through his ministry. In fact, when this priest retired, it was reported to me that “…he took off his wig, declared himself openly and practicing homosexual, and that the priests he supports in Motherwell diocese and elsewhere in Scotland are all practicing homosexuals.”

Eventually joining the Seminary in Scotland from Ireland, where he had been with the Alexian Brothers, Fr Despard was soon to discover that not only were the seminarians corrupt sexually they were secularised and had contempt for traditional practices and even mocked his practice of late night private prayer in the chapel.

I'm sure your readers know all this. Try to get hold of a copy. Read it. Share it. Maybe preventing the established high level sneaky and perverted gay mafia running the Church from banishing good priests, will help us to banish them. Failing that some Old Testament pillar of salt treatment might be required if it get's any worse. Meanwhile as far as we know Fr Despard languishes in solitary prayer until he withdraws his claims that have scandalised the Church. The nerve!

VeilOfTiers • 8 years ago

Amazon is apparently offering a Kindle version of the book:

One reviewer (from 2013) claimed he/she could not download it. I was able to download a sample, so I assume if you pay for it you will be able to read the whole thing. Perhaps it is not available in the UK?

I enjoy reading the reviews. Very polarized!

BVMOPN • 8 years ago

How does a vow of celibacy have any meaning for a man whose disordered appetites demand that he be celibate anyway? How is that vow sacrifical in any way? Similarly, how is the promise never to take a wife meaningful or sacrificial for a man who has zero interest in doing so anyway? The whole notion of a sodomite receiving orders doesn't make sense.