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atillared • 8 years ago

The old grey lady ain't what she used to be. Today it's Mexican owned. Who knows what is next bedsides more agenda/agenda and little of the truth.

morefreedom • 8 years ago

"Fox News is not viewed solely by conservatives, but by a great and broad
group of Americans who are tired of being lied to and sneered at by the
competition — a competition from which Barack Obama himself learned to

The difference between government and the free market, is you get to choose with whom you do business every time. With government, once a politician is in office, he has no competition, and will force you to do business with him. Fortunately, the rags like the NYT continually need a 1%er to bail them out which they typically do to buy favors from politicians, but it's becoming more expensive for them as they lose readership and income. And their propagandists will eventually suffer as well. Consider how low level employees of NBC think of management continuing to pay Brian Williams.

I'm thankful we still have a relatively free market in the media, even as government continues to restrict our freedom and markets.

theatlmac • 8 years ago

President Obama has used his time in office to divide the country and demonize those with whom he does not agree. We are not only a less prosperous, militarily weaker nation because of Barack Obama, we are also a more hateful, bitter, and polarized society That is by far the most damaging consequence of his time in office.

elevenoclock • 8 years ago

Wasn't the New York Times the rag that had a black reporter who consistently make up stories that were in the paper? The reporter would copy other reporters stories and change some of the wording as well as sit in his office and just plain make up the details. Affirmative action at work. As a born and bred New Yorker who has chosen the south as home for 40 years I can say there isn't anything about the northern states that would ever make me go back, especially New York Silly.

uplateagain • 8 years ago

Gotta give Barry credit. His quote is accurate. The NYT's and Fox News' facts are different. It's just a shame that the NYT's different facts are different because they are fabricated (either by the NYT itself or published as valid when someone else makes up 'facts'), heavily slanted to the left, or all too often just plain wrong or inaccurately reported.

remalimo • 8 years ago

I use to have good use for the NYT but I have indoor plumbing now and it does nothing but stop it up.

docdave88 • 8 years ago

As near as I can tell the Boy King has only spoken the truth three times in his entire life.

1. Electricity rates will, necessarily, skyrocket under my plan.
2. We need to fundamentally change America.

Okay, make that two times.

emptypockets • 8 years ago

“If you watch Fox News you inhabit a completely different world, with different facts than if you read (the) New York Times.”

And yet again, Barry speaks truth...just as he often does, by meaning something entirely different than what rational, logical, sane people think it means. This one is more blatantly apparent, but it's his signature disingenuousness.

His minions, his true believers will hear it and know he means it just as they will take it. The rest of us (those who say..."well, yeah...duh! NYT LIES, Fox reports and corrects errors")...just don't matter. We will be made completely irrelevant soon enough...the most troublesome will be given heaps of trouble personalized for them.

larenzo • 8 years ago

Finally I think we got the real Erick back.

stevenf • 8 years ago

Barack Obama, giving an interview on the West Coast recently, said,
“If you watch Fox News you inhabit a completely different world, with
different facts than if you read (the) New York Times.”

That statement is not inherently wrong. Which source conforms to reality is where we differ.

irishgirl • 8 years ago

Obama demonstrates the head-scratching habit of uttering ridiculous claims out loud and believing by saying them aloud will make said ridiculous claims true. It's simply too easy to debunk that Fox news is watched by just a certain group of people when you look at their very real ratings. I don't watch Fox news myself, but I must admit there is a great divide between the type who are still reading the NYT and the rest of those of us who don't.

civil truth • 8 years ago

For the left, facts have no objective or independent existence, but instead derive from the Narrative. They hijack and exploit this legacy authority of "fact" (based upon its historic claims to objectivity and truth) in order to buttress the authority of the Narrative. The Narrative, of course, is always subject to revision or even reversal - and at each twisting, the "facts" are remolded to fit the new demands of the Narrative.

Various consequences result, including the vigilant revising or memory-holing of history and facts that contradict the current Narrative, the silencing of dissidents, and the control of language to force thought into directions that confirm and reinforce the Narrative.

indylawyer • 8 years ago

I disagree with the President's assessment of which is real and which is concocted, but he's absolutely right about liberals and conservatives increasingly inhabiting different worlds, and it goes far deeper than media bias. I first noticed it during law school when I'd go home to visit my parents and attend Bible studies at their church. Even though the people at law school and at church were both nearly all white, middle-to upper class, highly educated midwesterners, conversations in the two groups quickly revealed radically different worldviews so that facts were regarded as unquestionable in one group were regarded as absurd by the other.

mikeymike143 • 8 years ago

The rag that made an affirmative action hire of a totally unqualified journalist named Jayson Blair would appeal to Obozo and his brainless followers.

Uselogic • 8 years ago

Love the sentiment, mikeymike but unfortunately, that actor is a big Obama supporter. Guess he'll serve himself those fries.

joliphant • 8 years ago

Well for at least the past 30 years the NYT has been the land of bird poop, and lately the birds have started to complain, so a different place strikes me as a good change.

Edit: I am not certain, but for the President to make such a ridiculous statement seems to imply we are winning or at least giving him one heck of a migraine.

warrior06 • 8 years ago

Maybe Fox explains the President's continued smoking habit. May he not suffer lung cancer or a stroke from that vile habit.

mattse001 • 8 years ago

The NYT is staffed with habitual liars and political hacks. They are the biggest reason the MSM is dying. The only thing the NYT is useful for is throwing back in the face of leftists when they're proven wrong.

gunner305 • 8 years ago

Obama is correct; Fox News present a different view which Obama hates. He only wants the NYT et al opining for his cause and covering up his mess. Fox News would mostly not do that and for that fact, I am grateful for this "different" network.

eva_galley • 8 years ago

The NYT is the appropriate medium for the 'city that never thinks'.