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sandsgrandmother • 7 years ago

Make a law for the following. An individual receiving an immunization then suffers any emotional or physical illness, trauma or a deformity, the State(meaning all citizens of
that State) will be financially responsible for all bills related to that person's care for the rest of their lives. Or, the individual can receive a one time agreed upon settlement from laboratories where the immunization came from, hospital /physician office and staffing of medical facility and the State as a whole (meaning all its citizens) for the support needed to live as comfortable possible for the rest of their lives.

Also, parents to be compensated for all cost incurred for the care of the child that is now suffering in any manner from the immunization /s’ and their personal trauma by having the child immunized.

Sally Smith • 7 years ago

With regard to Meruvax II, Live Wistar RA 27/3 strain, I contacted the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event reporting system ) after I was given one dose after delivering my son, in the hospital, would not be discharged, was essentially bullied into getting the vaccine because my titers were low. I was given several doses as a child of MMR and boosters, still no immunity to rubella. I immediately developed bruising within 2 weeks and severe arthritis, platelets dropped to 1,000. I pulled my labs after child birth, and before the injection was given, platelets 220,000. Thrombocytopenia I learned is a common reaction, and these risks should be evaluated. I waited to start the recommended government schedule for my son (since I had an adverse reaction) and approached with caution. Our dr told us this reaction is rare, however, he began to develop thrombocytopenia after his first injection of Dtap. I discontinued. He is now 19 and healthy. I read the black box warnings on FDA.GOV site and "other buffer and media ingredients" are on this specific vaccine. It also lists no preservatives, so i'm not sure what the "other buffer and media" ingredients are. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm just fact checking because of what happened to me.

FallsAngel • 7 years ago

This just in from the AAP: http://pediatrics.aappublic...

kfunk937 • 7 years ago

Thanks, Sonja.

I was a bit disappointed that the piece was silent on the issue of some (thankfully, few) physicians essentially selling bogus medical exemptions in clear conflict of ethics and standards of care. But I'll take what's available.

FallsAngel • 7 years ago

Maybe that will come in a different position paper. The AAP has been pretty ballsy on IZs compared to the rest of the AMA.

Mike Stevens • 7 years ago


Ron Roy • 7 years ago

When you guys talk to each other do you do it through your computers or do you just look over or around the partitions separating yourselves?

Mike Stevens • 7 years ago

Why don't you read the article she posted about vaccine exemptions.
You might learn something.
God knows there is plenty of unused capacity.

FallsAngel • 7 years ago


Note the wording of the non-medical exemption.

Ben William • 7 years ago


The 'important' story that is getting left out by the alt media is that big pharma has targeted Colorado as their 'test bed' state for the 'national' vaccine 'tracking system'

We (in Colorado) fought HB 1164

HB 1164 is important to know because before HB 1164 passed, the state of Colorado was 'illegally' giving children's immunization information to the corrupt CDPHE.

By law, Colorado children's immunization information was ONLY to be given to the child's school, and the school BY LAW (via the Family Educational 'Rights and Privacy Act' FERPA) were NOT allowed to share immunization information with third parties (big pharma lobbying groups.) a.k.a. the vaccine 'tracking system'

So, in affect, Colorado was violating it's own laws by sending parent's children's immunization information to the CDPHE. HB 1164 is the 'end around' of the FERPA that protects our child's information from anyone that wants the info.

What we did WIN in Colorado, was to OPT-OUT of the vaccine tracking system altogether, which makes the 'guilt form' null and void because, if you turn the form into the school (public or private) the school MUST follow the FERPA laws and can NOT share your child's information with ANY outside parties.

I just found out today that many parents might not even know that their pediatrician OPTED THEIR CHILDREN INTO THE TRACKING SYSTEM WITHOUT THE PARENTS EVEN KNOWING IT. Our pediatrician office workers who looked like a kid caught in the cookie jar when they had to give us the form which YOU MUST SIGHN to have the office 'submit' the opt 'OUT' for our child. To be completely out of the tracking system.

Colorado parents please read and know your rights and your child's rights concerning immunization forms and your child's PRIVATE immunization information..

ireAmerica • 7 years ago

For (only) the sake of argument in raising an under-discussed issue, let's assume;
a) vaccine legislation is enacted with regard to least risk and best outcome.
b) vaccination theory has been validated, it's now settled science.
c) vaccine producers have tested, pure formulations.

Every high-volume production effort is subject to quality-control failures. As a producer, you want zero, but even if you spend a literal fortune, you'll end up with a couple of percent DEFECTIVE PRODUCT.

These quality-control failures will incorporate everything-that-can-go-wrong. In the case of vaccines; poisons, allergens, "other" contaminants and life-forms. Yeah, life-forms.

So even with the most benign of intentions, and the greatest care in production, you have at least one or two chances in a hundred of being injected with something unintended. Now consider that a) or b) or c) might NOT ALWAYS be true. Hmm.

FallsAngel • 7 years ago

Hmm yourself. Give us an example of this happening (other than the Cutter Incident). You have no idea how this works.

ireAmerica • 7 years ago

Refer to the documentary film "Vaxxed" with excellent statistics about contemporary issues in MMR vaccines - country after country - including America.

Known issues, alarming numbers of injured patients and evident CRIMINAL activity in CDC studies including realtime coverups that protected producers while consumers were being injured.

Don't tell us that pharm-chem firms have no lobbying pull in our agencies, or that they have no interest in pushing mandatory vaccination. Because that would identify your interests right now.

Mike Stevens below admits to "0.00002%" QC failures in vaccine production - a complete fantasy to any QC professional - but let's take his word. That would give us 20 bad doses per 100Million.

The problem is that those - let's say 20 - BAD doses are irreversibly injected, to the detriment of the consumer, you? Or your child, your young child who is most likely to be damaged.

Yet there you sit a medical service professional, uneducated about how production professionals struggle with quality control, unaware of QC failure distributions, PUSHING the narrative that vaccines are "safe and effective" which is NOT 100% true as INJECTED.

Justthefacts • 7 years ago

Vaxxed? The nonsense video made by a fraud that contains ZERO evidence of anything? You must have confuse all those pandering scenes of autism children for evidence.....

By the way, 20 out of 100 million makes vaccines one of the safest human activities ever invented and about 5000 times safer that use your own bathroom.

You suck at numbers.

FallsAngel • 7 years ago


The crapumentary? Seriously?

In 45 years of giving vaccines, I never saw what you described. There you sit at a keyboard, ignorant enough to find "Vaxxed" profound (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) calling out ME? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

Hey good news Vaxxed on Amazon is rated a 4.5 out of a possible 5 out of 1850 votes and is now the best selling documentary and the 27th best all time selling movie! And this is the movie you all make fun of. LOL

Bored Now • 7 years ago

Amazon votes are pretty easy to manipulate.

the 27th best all time selling movie

Are you really so ignorant that you need someone to explain Amazon sales ranks to you? They represent relative (roughly hourly) sales not all time sales. If it was all time sales the list would rarely change. Yes, when a movie - even a movie that is less intelligent than Avatar - gets released people buy it more than other things that have been out a long time.

I will point out that apparently Angry Birds is selling better (in blu-ray no less) than Vaxxed (which has dropped to #29) which I guess shows it's relative importance.

Acleron • 7 years ago

Votes on amazon are often made to attract attention and not mark the item of interest. Ron has obviously not read these reviews.

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

Yes I have. Have you? Pisses you off that Vaxxed is becoming more and more popular doesn't it.

Acleron • 7 years ago

It just depresses me that fraudsters like Wakefield are still ripping you off.

Incidentally those positive reviews often use exactly the same phraseology, I wonder why that could be.

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

''often use exactly the same phraseology, I wonder why that could be.'' I've often asked the same question concerning the phraseology ( sound bites ) used by vaccine / poison promoters.

Acleron • 7 years ago

Sound bites like 'vaccine/poison promoters'?

I think you find only one phrase repeatedly used.

Where's the evidence?

It's repeated because none is ever forthcoming.

Bored Now • 7 years ago

Also there is some evidence to suggest that values can be manipulated positively. Such as when people tried to negatively review Mark Mccutcheon's "The Final Theory".


Technicallysane • 7 years ago

You are truly pathetic and obviously have a mental deficiency when it comes to knowledge about vaccines. Just looking at your post is proof positive that your brain is not running on all cylinders!
Oh and by the way.....you are nowhere near being a Sonja Henie, so get your head out of the clouds! She was a true professional and extremely talented, which obviously you are not.

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

I see all that aluminum in vaccines has caught up to you. Sad very sad. Now roll over and go back to sleep. Poor girl laughing in her sleep again.

Justthefacts • 7 years ago

So you didn't know you get more Aluminum in the air, water and food than you ever get in vaccines.

Aluminum didn't make you ignorant, You were born that way and work hard to stay that way.

How's that tin foil hat fitting these days, Ron?

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

From the CDC's own website, scroll down and read the list of ingredients and then spout off about other people being ignorant. You are another pathetic individual who languishes in his ignorance.
Let's see now for starters here's a basic list of vaccine ingredients:-
Aluminum....A known neuro toxin.
Egg protein
Formaldehyde...(The FDA stated that formaldehyde is a possible carcinogen.....meaning it's cancer causing!!!!)
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Thimerosal....a mercury (which btw, drug companies stated they were removing this from vaccines after they received negative backlash. It's still in there however! Mercury is another known neuro toxin!)

These by no means are the sole ingredients of vaccines.
There are all kinds of other chemicals and cell material goes into them, cells from monkey's kidneys, also fetal cells and a host of other mixtures to the brew.
So you can spout off to your heart's content but it won't wash with anyone who has the verified information!
Now go home and soothe your wounded ego, moron.

Shill? Any Evidence? • 7 years ago

The chemical being present is not enough. You need evidence that they met the toxic threshold.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

Which clown came up with that BS? It's the dumbest explanation I've read in years!
Pay attention.....ANY chemical that is NOT natural to the human body, nor found in the body naturally is automatically going to create toxicity when injected into it. This applies even more so when MULTIPLE shots are given at one time......which is done ALL the time because of these idiots who promote the practice.
Besides, any chemical considered under the toxic threshold is questionable because it has everything to do with a person's immune response to it. Therefore, those children....or adults.... who suffer adverse reactions are experiencing a compromised immune system response!!!! There's NO way to tell how ANY individual's system is going to respond and that's precisely why it's like playing Russian Roulette with a person's body. It's downright evil when it's a case of treating infants and children who have no say-so over their own bodies like cattle and pumping them full of toxic vaccines. Even new born infants are injected with vaccines mere hours after birth. No wonder the perpetrators refer to it as "HERD" immunity.....that's because they view everyone as part of a herd of cattle. You may as well hold a gun to your head and hope it isn't loaded when you pull the trigger! Besides, "herd immunity" is a complete fallacy.....one used to coerce people into taking them and to increase profits. If vaccines are so viable, then those persons who partake of them have no need to worry about herd immunity because if they've had their shots, then they sure can't catch anything from the unvaccinated crowd, can they? Remember, you believe in the protection of the vaccines, so you are safe from the diseases, right.....otherwise why the heck are you taking them???
Well you may as well give up because you are NOT convincing me that these assaults on the human body with unnatural toxic ingredients is good for the human race. Get real !!!
Over and out.

VikingAPRNCNP • 7 years ago

Background: Investigation into the absorption, distribution and elimination of aluminium in rat after subcutaneous aluminium adjuvant formulation administration using ICP-MS is described. Method & results: Assays were verified under the principles of a tiered approach. There was no evidence of systemic exposure of aluminium, in brain or in kidney. "
Bio Analysis
March 2016 ,Vol. 8, No. 6, Pages 547-556 , DOI 10.4155/bio.16.10
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported License
Analysis of aluminium in rat following administration of allergen immunotherapy using either aluminium or microcrystalline-tyrosine-based adjuvants
Stuart A McDougall*,1, Matthew D Heath2, Matthias F Kramer3 & Murray A Skinner2
*Author for correspondence: stuart.mcdougall@arcinova.uk

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

A pathetic description of a miserable attempt to justify pumping poisons into the human body and actually believing it does some good. I repeat, it is total BS and a despicable practice on dumb animals to attempt to prove a bunch of blatant lies!!!
If a person is he]] bent on proving a statement, that person will conjure up all kinds of idiotic explanations to prove their point on the uneducated masses. Sadly the only thing they prove is that they are a bunch of charlatans, moronic imbeciles and sadistic monsters masquerading as humanitarians.

VikingAPRNCNP • 7 years ago

The point was that in a rat study there was no transfer from an injection site to either brain or kidney tissue. It tends to invalidate one of the arguments that your lot uses to oppose vaccination.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

I guess you are content to live in your ignorance. Well....as the saying goes; "when ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise."
You just don't get it do you? My arguments are NOT invalid!!! If you'd do your due diligence and find out some of the facts, you just might get an education about vaccines!!!
You have no clue about the dangers because you have a closed mind and refuse to be open to question the whole issue of safety when it comes to vaccines.
Well I guess you'll live your life in a fog until it hits close to home and then you'll be shaking your head wondering how you could possibly have missed so many facts that are self evident.
Try doing your homework for a change and become informed. There are so many poisons connected to vaccines it's enough to make a person's head spin.....but apparently not yours! Furthermore, no one has touched on the issue of conditions in the factories where pharmaceuticals are manufactured. It might interest you to know that some of these factories are in deplorable condition regarding cleanliness. Items are dropped on the dirty floor, become tainted, yet just picked up and used as is. This comes from whistle blowers who have reported about it...but nothing is done to make sure pharmaceuticals are not contaminated. That's just one small area of the issue of safety....but of course no one bothers to talk about that. After all, a little contamination here and there I suppose is okay....so carry on...nothing to see here!
Now go do your homework and read the report below, it's from a reputable source!

VikingAPRNCNP • 7 years ago

First principle of toxicology is "the dose makes the poison." I personally lose no sleep at all about the safety of gelatin, normal saline or any of the ingredients in vaccine formulations. Today's vaccine use fewer antigens than those used in the 80s.


Vaccine refusal: issues for the primary care physician.
Lyren A, Leonard E
Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2006;45(5):399.

Department of Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Addressing parents' concerns: do multiple vaccines overwhelm or weaken the infant's immune system?
Offit PA, Quarles J, Gerber MA, Hackett CJ, Marcuse EK, Kollman TR, Gellin BG, Landry S
Pediatrics. 2002;109(1):124.

Increasing exposure to antibody-stimulating proteins and polysaccharides in vaccines is not associated with risk of autism.
DeStefano F, Price CS, Weintraub ES
J Pediatr. 2013;163(2):561.

Number of antigens in early childhood vaccines and neuropsychological outcomes at age 7-10 years.
Iqbal S, Barile JP, Thompson WW, DeStefano F
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2013;22(12):1263.

In any event the biggest hole in the Samsel/Seneff argument is that Roundup is used ubiquitously in agriculture. The likelihood of a single minuscule exposure in a vaccination as the magic bullet in a pathophysiological cascade is doubtful to say the least given the wide use in the environment at large.

Taking the advice of a computer scientist about public health is akin to seeing a podiatrist to diagnose a shoulder problem.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

Keep talking/writing.....you may convince yourself! You are certainly NOT convincing me because my response to your post is that your summation is utter HOGWASH!!
Anyone who has any semblance of information from a myriad of sources knows what is good for the human body and what isn't. So for you to state that a single minuscule toxic exposure in a vaccination is apparently okay proves how naive you really are. Your lack of real knowledge about the issue of poisons in vaccines shows that you've bought into the lie.
The sad thing is, you take the word of the very people who stand to gain from peddling those vaccines.

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

Evidence! How about all the babies who are damaged by these toxins through vaccines. I still can't understand how people like you can sleep at night. You and your partners in crime are the epitome of greed, masochism. Josef Mengele would have been proud of having you as children.

VikingAPRNCNP • 7 years ago


Bored Now • 7 years ago
How about all the babies who are damaged by these toxins through vaccines.

In case someone needed an example of someone begging the question . Ron Roy is always here to help.

Again when you look at the data from VDI there are no deaths due to vaccination.

You and your partners in crime are the epitome of greed, masochism.

We take our comfort in knowledge and you take yours in ignorance.

Ron Roy • 7 years ago

No deaths due to vaccinations? I'll pass that info on to the local people I know who have lost love ones because of vaccines.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

Just to remind you Ron....the idiots who claim there are no deaths due to vaccines are a bunch of hacks working for the pharmaceutical industry. Their comments speak volumes.

Acleron • 7 years ago

So to bolster your lie about the frequency of injury by vaccines, you have to lie about everybody else's motivation. Typical.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

I don't need to lie about everybody else's motivation....the evidence speaks for itself. You, on the other hand are living in total denial! Maybe you're afraid of what you will find out if you delve too deeply. You're obviously too afraid to read the article from the link I posted above.....which also has a video. It's scientific evidence....just so you know and from a scientist who is at least more knowledgeable than you'll ever pretend to be.

Acleron • 7 years ago

Lol, without any evidence you sling accusations around like confetti.

As to your link there are no papers I can see published in peer reviewed reputable journals. The data presented is frankly awful. Apart from the numbers being in the parts per billion, the clue to how awful the data is can be found in the table labelled page 5 that shows this clueless idiot was playing around in the baseline noise of the assay. It is impossible to say if glyophosphate is present at all.

I wouldn't have employed him as a supervised technician, let alone a research scientist.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

It must be deflating to your ego when you are proven wrong, so all you can do is lash out at a scientist who knows exactly what he's talking about. Too bad you don't have the credentials he has or the knowledge to intelligently debate the issue.
Well, keep living in your dream world if that brings you satisfaction. Maybe it will mask the guilt ridden feelings that you have to live with each time a child's life is taken or injured because of the vaccines that you promote.
I wonder how people like you sleep at night!
Over and out.....I'm done with this discussion. Go argue with someone else! People like you disgust me!

Acleron • 7 years ago

As I have little interest in the fallacious argument from authority I analyse the data produced. I doubt you can understand the significance of the data your pet hero produced in the page 5 table but then it does take the experience of actually developing such tests and not a Google search for anything that might agree with your own ideas.

Bored Now • 7 years ago

In terms of infants, which is what we are discussing. The data is pretty clear. Virtually no deaths.

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

You are WRONG to make such a statement.....shame on you!!! Given the FACT that numbers of children and/or INFANTS who have died as a result of vaccines, that's all the evidence that's needed. You have no conscience making up such false statements to everyone out there who has lost a child due to vaccine injury.
Even the CDC has statistics on the injuries and deaths brought about by vaccines.

Now go peddle your poisons somewhere else because it isn't going to be accepted by people who have the facts.


Shill? Any Evidence? • 7 years ago

There aren't toxins in vaccines, that's pertussis infection and diphtheria infection hence why deaths started dropping after the ANTI-toxin invention for Diphtheria.

"Babies damaged" would indeed be evidence if you had evidence that was the case - do you have any logically sound and valid arguments?

Or you could do this, in a table:

Chemical/Toxic Dose/Dose in vaccine.

Get on with it!

Technicallysane • 7 years ago

Idiot!!! Read my post above to the clown who is living in ga-ga land.
Btw...Your screen name fits you well.

Marj0120 • 7 years ago

Ever heard of a "hot" patch, no of course not.